March 22, 2023


Interview with Jared Gerritzen and Sophia Leader from Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed

Interview with Jared Gerritzen and Sophia Leader from Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed
Cosmic Circus Podcasts
Interview with Jared Gerritzen and Sophia Leader from Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed

Mar 22 2023 | 00:29:33


Show Notes

Ayla Ruby of interviews Jared Gerrizen and Sophia Leader of Illfonic about the Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed game.

Cosmic Cafe credits: Host: Ayla Ruby Theme: “Coffee and You” by Vladislav Kurnikov via Pixabay.

Recorded 2/15

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 <silence> Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Cosmic Cafe, the companion podcast for the cosmic I'm ala Ruby, and we have a fun episode for you. Today. We're talking with the team behind Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed, and we have two special guests for you. We have Jared Garretson and Sophia Leader. They were a joy to speak with. So without further ado, here's our interview. Enjoy. Speaker 2 00:00:34 So, hi, I'm Myla Ruby. I'm a writer for the Cosmic Circus, and I have, uh, Jared Garson and, uh, Sophia leader from Ionic here with me today. And we're here to talk about Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed. Um, can you guys tell me a little bit about yourselves? Speaker 3 00:00:49 Uh, yeah, of course. Uh, hi Arla. Thanks for having us. My name's Sophia. I am the audio lead at Ionic. Um, I've been here for coming up to about three years. And, um, yeah, we just kind of look after everything, audio based, you know, sound design, dialogue, music, everything like that. So, yeah. Speaker 4 00:01:08 Oh, come on, Sophia. You're being, you're being modest before that, <laugh>, you've worked on a ton of stuff. You could talk about that a little bit. Speaker 2 00:01:16 And you nominated before, Speaker 3 00:01:18 Before I used to work at Pinewood Studios and I worked on, um, a bunch of films. I came from, originally from film background and moving into, um, games. I just love the idea of working in games 'cause it's so much more fun from a Amazon perspective. And I love playing games as well. So, um, always wanted to get into the game side of things and, uh, yeah, worked on some, some big titles. Was very lucky to work on some nice fun big titles before working at El Phonic as well. But yeah. Speaker 4 00:01:48 And then I'm Jared Garretson. I'm the Chief Creative. Uh, been at Ill phonic for, uh, quite a few years, joined, uh, when we were, uh, when, when F 13 was finishing up and worked on Predator and, uh, arcade to get in and Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed. But I've been in the industry for about almost 25 years now, and, uh, worked on quite a few games in the Seattle area. Speaker 2 00:02:12 Okay. Well, I have so many questions for both of you and about Ghostbusters, but I'm gonna kind of jump into Ghostbusters, first of all. So, you know, Ghostbuster Spirits Unleash, this is like a beloved ip. You know, there've been a lot of games beforehand. Can you talk about, um, can you talk, and this is for either of you, can you talk about like adapting, you know, IP to, to this unique new game to make it enjoyable and what that process was like and kind of, um, even just how the process started, how you came upon it? Speaker 4 00:02:44 Yeah. Uh, so when I joined El Phonic, um, I still remember the first night that we all met up and, and hung out and we were talking about games and, and, you know, could we do this, uh, uh, i p asymmetrical thing? 'cause F 13 was, was just out asymmetrical. Games weren't very common yet, and we were just throwing out game ideas and, and, and ips and, um, predator and Ghostbusters were the first two that really kind of like, well, of course, like, this makes sense. And so we started the, the long road of talking to the IP holders and pitching 'em and, and doing all that. And Predator was the first one that we, we got the traction with. Um, but as Predator started, we started talking to the Ghostbusters guys and we, we kind of moved it forward as, as slow as we could so we could keep the excitement going, but we worked on it without starting it for, you know, I think it was like our first photo was in 2018 of, of the Ecto one on the lot. Speaker 4 00:03:46 And so, oh wow. It was, it was one of those things where my, you know, me being the, the chief creative that gets to, you know, kind of high level design the games and pitch the games and kind of create a lot of the, the different elements of the creative, um, it was, uh, it was a, a very important IP to myself because I saw the film in the theater when I was like, uh, just, I wanna say like nine or 10 or something like that. Um, and it was so important to me that we, we did it. And so as we were working on Predator, I was constantly thinking about like how to make the game and how to make the game better based off of F 13 and Predator, and how we can polish it and how we could do different elements. And really, the thing that kicked in about three weeks before we launched, when the game was done, and we were playing it, and it wasn't, you know, we were playing it for fun versus playing it for bugs was, it was this kind of weird epiphany that we just took the design of these, you know, goofy comedian's technology and turned it into a video game that the game is actually fun and it worked where it's not just, you know, laser beaming a a ghost intel, it explodes, you're, you're, you're catching the ghost and you're bringing it to the trap and the trap's captioning and it, and, and these mechanics that were essentially designed by, you know, Dan and, and, and Harold and, and all of the other guys and Ivan back in the eighties before video games were even really a, a thing where you had more, more than just like movement mechanics mm-hmm. Speaker 4 00:05:24 <affirmative>. And then there wasn't multiplayer, there wasn't three D games, there wasn't any of these things. And it, it, it was one of those scenarios where I thought back to when we were pitching it to Ivan, and at the end of the call, Ivan's like, I'm, I'm shocked that we haven't made this yet. And it, and it was just, all of these things just kind of hit together and it was just like, holy crap, we made a Ghostbusters game. So it's, for me, it's extremely, extremely important. Speaker 2 00:05:51 Now, Sophia, you've been on the project for the whole time, right? The, the whole duration. Can you, um, so what is your, like how did you come onto like your Ghostbusters fandom or your Ghostbusters, um, you know, what made you really excited to wanna do this project and to like be Yes, Ghostbusters? Speaker 3 00:06:10 Uh, I remember watching it as well when I was, um, a kid and I think I, I think I was looking for my, um, old v h s and I also had two D V d copies, which I dunno why I had two d v d copies, but obviously used to really love it to have two. Um, and just like, I just was so excited from like an audio point of view. And I know a lot of the different departments kind of had this like, with their own disciplines, but like from an audio point of view, like the humor drives it. So I knew the dialogue was gonna be like a really key thing. And the music is just amazing. But then there's also like those big sound design moments with the park thrower and like the PK meter and some of the ghosts, which people just know and recognize like instantly. Speaker 3 00:06:49 And just being able to kind of work, um, with the original sounds and like, make something a lot more that works in, in a video game. Because obviously things have to, you know, the, the mechanics of how things work are different when we put them in there. But the general idea is, is still the same and going back to the same kind of sound. And it was just so exciting for me to kind of get to bring that to life. And like Jared was saying, playing it when it's all come together at the end is just like, you kind of sit back for a moment, you're just like, wow, it's so cool that we actually managed to like build like an, an immersive world that we've watched as kids. Speaker 2 00:07:24 And I think, you know, you can kind of tell that, you know, you guys all really enjoy playing the game too. You know, you're super involved with the community, like you guys do dev streams and all this, and it seems like you're all having a lot of fun, which I think, you know, that comes through, um, you know, it comes through to the fans and comes through to the people who wanna play the game and like the game. Speaker 4 00:07:44 Yeah, it's extremely important. I mean, uh, multiplayer game, like this is the, the community, the fans, um, you know, making sure, I mean, honestly like when, when we <laugh> when we showed the game in New York for the first time to, uh, Ghostbusters where it's like, not only did we have Jason and and Gil come in, but like, uh, you know, we had some of the actors from the film come and we had a, like Ghostbusters, New York people come in and, and a bunch of podcasters around Ghostbusters came in and them playing it and going, this is the, the, you know, the coolest experience of Ghostbusters that you could do with multiplayer. And it was just like, ah, you know, thank God, you know, it was, it was one of those things where I'm a, I'm a massive Ghostbusters fan and I felt we were doing the right thing. Speaker 4 00:08:30 Um, but having, you know, the, the essential gray suits saying like, this is awesome, and, and being super excited and Jason and Gil pointing at things and going, oh my God, you did that and you did that. That's so cool that it was just that vindication of like, we, we actually, uh, we, we, we did it and we pulled it off. And, um, I didn't really think we weren't going to, but it was more just that matter of like, okay, I'm not crazy. We, we did something awesome. I mean, going to like what Sophie and the audio team did, like, we recorded live orchestra and we, we made, uh, sound alikes with, uh, all of the stuff so people could stream it. But also, you know, just bringing in, um, you know, all of these other people, uh, to, to make sure that the tone was so perfect was extremely huge. And, uh, I I feel like Sophie, you could easily talk about that. Speaker 3 00:09:23 Yeah, I mean, that's just like from, from a player's perspective, I, I think like obviously it's different, different making it and kind of having that like dev perspective, but from a player's perspective, I think being able to kind of hear those callbacks, especially with the music. So our composure music director Mark, just did like an amazing job with like, just kind of trying to integrate the old, um, like original score, but like keeping up to date. And then as well with like video games, we have to kind of split apart music and like stem it out so that it is like constantly interesting. That's like another challenge. But, um, yeah, like it's just did an awesome job with that. And, um, I think that's one of the main things that, that players really engage with, like from an audio point of view is the music. 'cause it's like everyone knows the, everyone knows a theme, which we obviously, we got the, the original theme, which is awesome that we can use that. But everyone knows that kind of spooky music and, and like being able to engage with that really helps you feel part of the like, universe of Ghostbusters. Speaker 2 00:10:24 Oh, absolutely. Speaker 3 00:10:25 Sorry, <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:10:26 No, you're, you're good. Yeah, absolutely. And I think some of the sounds are like so visceral with, with, you know, this game too, especially like the ghost sounds. And it's just like, I would love to know more about how, how kind of, um, you know, you brought that to life. Speaker 3 00:10:42 Um, yeah, so the ghosts were really fun actually. 'cause we love using like, um, voice actors and we're really lucky to have such a, you know, to be able to get such a great talent, um, of voice actors that can, so a lot of the voice, uh, sorry, lot of the ghost voice acting is, uh, mainly human. And then there's some processing, some additional kind of layers of other stuff in there. But I think, um, if you get good material initially with that stuff you're in, in a really good spot already. Um, and then just trying to keep it dynamic and split it up so that like, there's different sounds with there, different attacks which kind of keep you engaged when that stuff's happening in the game. Um, um, as well as kind of keeping it, you know, all the idling sounds when they're in the distance and that just like setting the tone and, and coming around corners, it gives that suspense, which, um, is really important as a player to kind of hear all of that stuff going on. And when you, when you are like hunting for them in the game, you've obviously using your PK and meter a lot of time and, and that is a good indication of where things are, especially if the ghost is hiding. But, uh, you're right, the ghost voices themselves is like a really good indicator as well of where stuff's going on. Speaker 2 00:11:55 Um, now, so I think Jared mentioned a little bit about the Predator game and kind of how you were doing some of the stuff, uh, some of the development work concurrently. Um, can you talk about, you know, anything you may have learned from working on Predator and stuff that you may have changed with, um, you know, working on Ghostbusters? Like what are some of the lessons that you took from that experience and applied to, um, to Ghostbusters? Speaker 4 00:12:18 Yeah, I mean, the <laugh>, the biggest the biggest heartbreak of Predator was we had, like, this was my first, like from the grand up of, of Ill phonic development game and mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I was a massive predator. I am a massive Predator fan. And so sitting on the, the, you know, the, the announce as long as we did, I was just like kind of just so excited for it. And I'd followed all of these Predator fan sites and, and, and, you know, not just kind watched from a distance. And when the game got announced, I saw a lot of them go, oh, they lost me at multiplayer. They lost me at multiplayer only. And it was just so heartbreaking for like me to have such a, a, a good connection and respect for all of these predator guys and them just like instantly shitting on it. Speaker 4 00:13:05 And it was just like, oh, that's so, that's so heartbreaking. So what we did with Ghostbusters, like, I understood why I understood that some people just don't play multiplayer period. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so with Ghostbusters, it was a, a, a massive mandate and evolution of the, the Predator game being, uh, just a multiplayer game. And, and, you know, we had a little bit of story, we were able to get Arnold into that, to, to do some audio tapes, but it was one of those things where for Ghostbusters the entire time, I'm like, we need to make it so you could play by yourself. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, we need to make it so you could play offline. We need to make it so if you're not a multiplayer person, you could play the game and it could still be fun for you. And hopefully as the game, uh, uh, becomes more of a second nature to the player, maybe they'll match make, maybe they'll bring in a friend and hunt a ghost, maybe they'll go and, and kind of mess around with the ghost. Speaker 4 00:14:05 But we, we did that and that was huge. That was a huge evolution, I feel, of asymmetrical games. But then when we, when we had Arnold, it was so awesome working with him, and it was, it was just kind of like, you know, little kid going like, oh my gosh, we're, we're working with Arnold Schwarzenegger that we're like, okay, if we're doing Ghostbusters, we have to bring mm-hmm. In whoever we can get. And so we got Dan and Ernie and we, we couldn't just do audio tapes. Mm-hmm. So we, we, we did these cinematics and we did the story, and we, we, we didn't just kind of do like a, a little mini story, like now that the game's out, you know, Winston gets possessed by a ghost. And, um, there's all of this, you know, interesting banter in the levity there. And, and, you know, we, we had to make this game like funny. Speaker 4 00:14:55 And so, you know, that's why we, you know, we tapped into all of the voice actors that we knew, or friends that we knew that, you know, were, you know, we felt could be a part of the game and just tried to make it as as great as we could. And that was, you know, definitely the evolution of the company, but also just like the feedback of Predator. And then, you know, our next game will of course take all the feedback from Ghostbusters and bring it into the next game. But, you know, that's the really cool part about Ill phonic and, and the evolution is like, you know, uh, F 13 it was 20, 20, 30 guys, and then Predator was around 30 more people in the, you know, predator or Ghostbusters is, you know, roughly 50, 60. But like we brought in people like Sophia that was able to add this massive level of, of audio, you know, Polish and, and you know, working with all of the voice actors to get the best that we can out of them and, and just all of these great things. And, you know, that's, that's all because of the last game. Next game Will, will, will of course evolve even further with it. So it's, it's, uh, yeah, it's really been exciting and fun. Speaker 2 00:15:58 One of the neat things I think about, um, this Ghostbusters game is that, you know, uh, Dan Akroyd and Ernie Winston, you know, kind of shuffle, uh, you know, shuffle you into this new, um, into this world. They escort you into it and you're, you know, they're the first guys you meet and I think that's, you know, fantastic and so fun as a fan. Um, Sophia now, so, uh, Jared mentioned that he did like, there were cinematics with it. Did you, like what was recording with them? Like, you know, what was that process like? You know, can you talk about that? Speaker 3 00:16:28 Yeah, of course. I mean, they are just like, they're both amazing. Like, they're obviously just unbelievable and, um, I mean, Jared and Ira, James and Elise did such an amazing job on the script, honestly. It's like my favorite, probably one of my favorite part of the games is the storyline that goes with it. Um, and, uh, but then they gave the script to like Dan and Ernie, and then they just kind of just took it and made it their own characters. I mean, they've been these characters for like mm-hmm. <affirmative> the last, you know, four years or whatever. So they, they know these characters inside and out and they can just put their own little spin on it, which no one else would've been able to do. Um, and they're just like, I mean, as you would expect with people of their caliber of acting, they're just like professional to the tee. So like friendly to work with, just like, yeah, just brilliant. It was, it was a dream working with 'em, to be honest. <laugh> Speaker 2 00:17:18 No, you've, um, you've had experience in, in film before you mentioned that, I think, and I, um, and I'm curious what, you know, how is, how's working in film, how's working in that medium different than working in, in this video game space? Because I'm, I'm assuming there are difference in, Speaker 3 00:17:35 So the, for me, the main difference and the main thing which kind of pulled me towards, um, game Audio rather than film audio is it's so much more of a collaborative experience in film. It's very segregated. It's very, like, this is your discipline, you know, audio team is right at the end. You don't talk to anyone else. Like, you just get, right, here's the film, it's all done, do your work on it, send it like to be printed, and then it goes to the cinema kind of thing. Um, whereas, you know, I love in games that, you know, we're constantly all of the departments and especially Ionic, it's such a, you know, tight-knit group, that it's not just like leads talking to other leads. It's like anyone who needs to talk to someone about an idea or like something new that's going in the game or that it is just like such a community. We all talk to each other about everything going on and it spurs on new ideas, and it's just like a real insight into other departments and how they work. And it makes you think differently about how you can improve and help others improve. And yeah, it's just, that's for me is the main difference, which I think is why I love it comparatively. Speaker 2 00:18:36 Yeah, that makes sense. Um, so now, now the new D L C, it came out about two weeks ago and it was free, which, you know, if you play video games that you know, is, is very unusual. You know, we are in a world of microtransactions and, you know, deluxe, deluxe packs of games. So can you talk about that and you know why it's awesome, <laugh>? Uh, Speaker 4 00:19:00 It, it's, I mean, it's a little bit of a, you know, thumbing of the nose of of, of what's going on right now. I mean, we, what we did with Predator was, was, was rad. We, you know, we, we did free maps and we did free content, but then, you know, we, we brought in predators to kind of, you know, feed the machine. But, you know, when we were working on, on Ghostbusters, we wanted to make it, we, we aimed for a teen rating to allow mm-hmm. <affirmative> kids to be able to play. We, we made it non, you know, it Ghostbusters is not a violent film. They're not mm-hmm. <affirmative> getting killed or, or you, you don't worry about like, the hero is ever truly dying. You worried about them getting scared or a monster, you know, coming at them. But like, when you watch the film, you never think like, oh no, they're gonna die, and then what's gonna happen? Speaker 4 00:19:49 Um, it, it's so, it's so family friendly that from the ground up we're like, let's just make it so it's all about the base game. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, let's hope that people buy the base game and that's where a majority of the money will come, will come from. And then let's support the game, uh, for, for the time, make it better and make it better. And, and then, you know, hopefully it, it it grows a community that we can, you know, really just thrive off of people getting, you know, people to talk their friends into playing with them. And that's where a majority of game stuff comes from. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I think that like the, the way that the, the world's going is, is, you know, the way that companies are working, the, their p and ls and all that stuff. But when we worked on the game and we're like, you know, do we do micro trans? Speaker 4 00:20:34 Do we do D l C? Do we do X, Y and Z? It was like, this is Ghostbusters. Let's, let's keep that stuff out of it. Um, you know, will, will in the future. I don't think so, but like, you know, there's, there's things where it's like, like, let's support this for mm-hmm. <affirmative> these seasons and, and allow people to get into it to get deeper into it. And hopefully they'll, they'll talk their friends into plane with them and, uh, <laugh> like, there's a league that's forming out of it and like, that's growing. So that's really exciting. Um, the Ghostbusters community is, is beyond excited about the real Ghostbusters content. And I'm personally, like, that was like, as soon as we, uh, figured a way to make it so the shells could be replaced by other, other, uh, items, it was like, oh my gosh, this is so exciting. Speaker 4 00:21:18 I want real Ghostbusters now and I want the hair and I want all those deals. And we work really closely with Ghost course. So they actually, um, you know, we had to have multiple meetings like, Hey, this is in the, is this in, in the, you know, Jason Wrightman verse, and this is like based off of, you know, uh, afterlife time era and all that mm-hmm. <affirmative>, how does this make sense? It's like, well, you know, it's, it's tertiary cannon and, and they'll pick and choose what they want out of it. But like for us, you know, we see the Ghostbusters, uh, you know, as a whole, as a canon for us to use and, and try to pull into. So it's been, uh, it's been really fun. Like, we're not even close to being done. Like that's the best part is we're everyone's so excited about DLC one, we have other, other big drops that are coming that, that, you know, range in, in something like this. Speaker 4 00:22:06 But then we have some really, really cool evolutionary plans for the, the, the game as a whole, uh, that, that I'm very, very excited about. And that'll be coming on in the future as well. So it's, it's been a, a little bit crazy 'cause you would expect, oh, you know, so many people, I'll pay X for this D L C or I'll pay Y for these characters. It's like, Hey, let's just, uh, let's just do this for free and see if you guys are happy. And I feel like we've made a lot of people really happy. Speaker 2 00:22:34 Yeah. And I know there, you know, you mentioned the, the fan community, there's also, um, like there's a modern, I guess maybe modern isn't the right word, but people make, um, custom Ghostbusters. I saw, I think the back to the Future guys, they made custom, you know, custom folks for their team. And it's just so interesting what folks do. Um, and I know people are super interested in future D L C, um, especially, you know, the ghosts. I feel like you guys have probably been asked this before, but are the Sri brothers gonna be in, you know, future D L C? Can you talk about that? Or, Speaker 4 00:23:07 I cannot talk about that, Shannon. It'll kill me. Um, there will be more ghosts, there will be more maps, there will be more Ghostbusters things. Um, but there will be also big, big improvements and big additions to the, the game that are, are not, uh, currently in the game, that that's going to allow the game to become a lot bigger. Um, the ghosts that we're, that we're doing, um, you know, we chose to do a lot of our own stuff just to kind of mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, because it is one of those things where it's an active ip. So yeah, certain ghosts are, are in different places and they have different backstories and they have all this other stuff. And we're, we're, we're working really closely once again with, with, you know, Jason and Gil approve all of our stuff. Um, you know, Dan Arod approves all this stuff, you know, all of our stuff. Speaker 4 00:23:51 And, and so Ghost Corps is very deep in their lore that they've built over the past year, you know, you know, <laugh> four decades. And so with, with with us coming in and trying to do what we're doing, uh, there's always back and forth. And so there's always things that we're trying to push for that are what people are, are expecting. But, you know, I would say like, you know, here's, here's a big one. Uh, don't expect to fight a state puff marshmallow man <laugh>, you know, for example. So, uh, you know, there's a lot of fan requests, but there's a lot of things that we just, um, aren't able to do because it doesn't make sense for the game. But there's also things that we're not able to do just because there's other plans for that stuff, or there's a, a a a, a history timeline that doesn't make sense for it to work in our, in our universe Speaker 2 00:24:37 Now. Um, you know, can you talk at all about, so we've talked about Ghostbusters. Can you talk about any future, um, games that you're working on outside of Ghostbusters? Or is that, you know, what's, man, Speaker 4 00:24:50 You sound like my devs <laugh> sound like, I mean, right now we're really focused on, um, arcade Den. Yeah. And we're still working on that, and we're focused on, on the evolution of, of Ghostbusters and, and, and bringing it to be a, a, a bigger thing. And, um, there <laugh> there are other games. There's like, uh, a secret document that myself and, and Chuck, the c e o have that we're banging out different ipss or different game ideas or different things. But right now, there, there, there really hasn't been much movement on what that next thing is because we really wanna make sure that Ghostbusters is in the best place. Uh, and we evolve that in arcade over the next year. So, um, there will definitely be another game. Um, and we'll definitely talk to you probably in a year or two <laugh>. Um, but right now it's, it's a big focus on Ghostbusters and, you know, me being such a big Ghostbusters fan, it's, it's kind of exciting to kind of, you know, make it better, uh, month after month. Speaker 2 00:25:53 Okay. My last question for both of you to kind of close out things. So when you guys play, do you play as a ghost or the Ghostbuster? Um, and if you play as the ghost, what type of ghost is your favorite? Speaker 3 00:26:07 I'll let you go. Sophia <laugh>, I really suck at playing as the ghost <laugh>, I'll be honest with you. I really suck at it. Some people are so clever, like they can just, and I've just not got that like, speed. So I play as a buster more regularly. Um, but if I do play as a ghost, then Gully is my favorite. I think he's really awesome. Speaker 4 00:26:25 Yeah. And it depends on my mood, honestly. <laugh>, um, usually when we play test, we, we, we inherently hit random, and it depends on who I'm playing with. If I'm playing with like, uh, my, my, my design director Jordan, I like to play as a ghost just because I like to beat up on him. Um, because it is just one, like, playing as a ghost is just so much to be just a jerk. And, and it's, and, and that's why I feel like this game, you know, just inherently worked so well with Ghostbusters is like all of the ghosts in the movie are, you know, mischievous and, and, you know, jerks and messing with things. They're not, you know, picking up a knife and trying to stab anyone. They're, they're just being jerks. And so that's, that's kind of the, the great part of, like, when we started working on the game, it's like, well, what are the ghost doing? Speaker 4 00:27:09 The ghosts are haunting the building. Well why? 'cause they wanna hunt the building. It's like, oh, okay. Why are the Ghostbusters there? Well, they need to trap the ghost. And it's just like, so cut and drive what you do. Um, but then as a ghostbuster, like as the Ghostbuster's technology and D l C that we're adding is, is evolving ghostbuster, it's always so fun to come back to the Ghostbuster and like, oh shit, I forgot about this. Or, you know, just plain dress up with my character, like, I'm gonna make it look like, you know, Marty McFly today. Or, or just different things like that. And, and so it is one of those things where it really depends on my mood of which, what, what I'm gonna do. But if, if we talk about like, what ghost I like to play as, I love playing as the Drake. 'cause he is just like this evil, you know, ghost dragon. And I, and I just love all his alts and, and he's super fun to play. But also I just, I, I just like the look of him. And then, you know, uh, as, as, as we get the other D l C, like there's a, there's, there's two other ghosts that I love. I love, love, love. Um, that'll be really awesome for people to, to play and check out. Speaker 2 00:28:13 Oh, people have to keep, uh, you know, keep their eyes peeled for it. Speaker 4 00:28:17 Oh, yeah. Speaker 2 00:28:18 Well, thank you both for being here. Um, you know, it's, it's been a pleasure and I really appreciate your time. Speaker 4 00:28:23 Yeah, thank you very much. Yeah, thanks Speaker 2 00:28:25 So much. Speaker 0 00:28:28 Thank you for listening. You can find the companion article for this podcast, along with all the other news for those who like superheroes, science fiction and fantasy films, TV shows, and other [email protected]. Have a great day.

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