March 06, 2023


Cosmic Circle Ep. 22: The Mandalorian Season 3 Discussion

Hosted by

Uday Kataria Brian Kitson Anthony Flagg Ayla Ruby
Cosmic Circle Ep. 22: The Mandalorian Season 3 Discussion
The Cosmic Circle
Cosmic Circle Ep. 22: The Mandalorian Season 3 Discussion

Mar 06 2023 | 00:56:01


Show Notes

It's been over two years since the last season of The Mandalorian, but finally, Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) and Grogu are back. Join host Brian Kitson, along with fellow Cosmic Circus writers Anthony Flagg and Wiktor Reinfuss, as they break down the Mandalorian season 3 premiere and share their predictions for the rest of the season.

What are your thoughts on The Mandalorian season 3 premiere? Is there anything you liked? What would you have liked to see differently? Let us know on social media. And if you enjoy this podcast, please consider sharing it with friends and supporting it via The Cosmic Circus Patreon, following us on Twitter @cosmicpodcasts, or joining our Discord.

Recorded on 03/05/23

Superhero theme by HumanoideVFX on Pixabay.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 <silence> Speaker 1 00:00:17 Welcome back listeners to another episode of The Cosmic Circle, the official podcast of the Cosmic Circus. On today's episode, we will be discussing the Mandalorian season three. After such a long wait, it's finally returned, and we are so excited to talk about it. My name is Brian Kitson, head writer at The Cosmic Circus, and joining me today is Anthony Flagg. And for the first time ever on our podcast, we have Vic. And as everyone knows from hopefully what would be the previous episode with our questions, we are big fans of Vic in all of his theory, so we can't wait to talk with him. How are we doing guys? Speaker 2 00:00:53 Hey, thanks for inviting me. It's such a pleasure to finally talk with you guys, like face-to-face, and I'm really excited about Mandalorian, so I hope we're gonna have a great talk, Speaker 3 00:01:05 Vic, I'm so glad you're here today, man. We're gonna have a good time. And, uh, yeah, I love Mandalorian. I, I wrote up the series premiere, so I do have more thoughts that we're probably gonna get a good chance to embellish on. Speaker 1 00:01:19 Not only did you write it up, but you wrote it up in record time and I feel like people should know that you were a speed demon with that. We appreciate that. Um, so let's dive right in. We had a two year wait between the Mandalorian season two in season three, with the caveat of the book above a fe in the Middle, which we'll talk about later. But how did we feel about the premier after this long period of Waiting? Vic, let's start with you. Speaker 2 00:01:45 Okay. So basically those two years were really fast for me because when the Mandalorian ended with season two, I hoped we'll get a season three last year, but wow. They, they announced, uh, the book of Boba and I thought, okay, we're gonna have some pose on that. And, uh, the story will, you know, the story will be a little crazier next season, and we'll have time to, you know, they'll have time to get us hyped for it. But, you know, the Boba came out and it wasn't so good. We had some, um, we, we had to get some, some more Easter eggs about man and all that, but the premier was really good for me. 'cause, you know, all the man, the story, their past, their future, where it's all going. I think basically this premier is, um, I think one of the best for me. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. 'cause this beginning with, uh, man coming to rescue and all that, it's, it's really good. And, uh, the story, basically the story of this episode was so fast that I think one of the greatest examples when it comes to great story and telling Infa, 'cause this episode was around 30, 35 minutes. Speaker 3 00:03:15 Yeah, I think, Speaker 2 00:03:16 Yeah. So the story they told in this in such quick time was, wow. It was fantastic. I know some, uh, someone, uh, who told me that basically they wanted to, you know, to show us such a, such a small part of what's to come mm-hmm. <affirmative>, that they had to, you know, to put it in a 30, 30 minute episode. And I think, I think they did it gr great. Really great. So, so that was a really great premier for me. Speaker 3 00:03:51 Yeah. Uh, so your question was, how do I feel about the weight in between? Speaker 1 00:03:57 More thoughts on the Premier plus the weight? You know, kind of, it's a two part question. Speaker 3 00:04:01 Yeah. Well, I'm thinking of somebody in The Discord. I think it was the <inaudible> mentioned that last time we saw Mando in his own show was before any Marvel d plus show at aired. And I thought they were joking. And then I went and looked it up and nope, season two finale was in December or Feb or January. And then we finally got Wand Vission right after, and I was like, there's just no way that it's been this much time. So yeah, that's actually the case. It, it had been quite a, quite a long moment. Um, my first impressions of the Premier were solid. I'm glad to see Mando back doing what he does, taking out pirates, you know, visiting stuff, trying to get forgiven for his transgressions. But, um, it was kind of weird like in 30 minutes he almost had three plot lines running concurrently mm-hmm. Speaker 3 00:04:53 <affirmative>. And to me, it felt like in season one, like they spread out part of it throughout this season and this one they kind of just like, all right, we need to get everything set up episode one so that we can just unravel it. Which is fine. It just felt like a lot got shoved into a half hour opener of all things. I mean, they checked on all the boxes, big monster. We had that in season one, episode one, season two episode one, and did the same thing here. And then go back to Navarro, talk to Grief Cargo, get the droid going, that's another one. Then the Pirates, now he's got them badge. So I was just quite impressed that they put so much altogether and then rounded it out with him visiting Bo Katon and progressing himself like, Hey, if you are gonna go bathe yourself in the waters, here's the way to go. So like, that's a lot of setup in just an open, Speaker 1 00:05:48 You know, I think that first off, when you told, when you brought this to my attention that it was two years, I literally sat there just staring at my screen for a while and I was like, there's no way. And so I had to look on top of you looking because I was like, there's no way that it's been two years. And the fact that it's been that long is mind boggling. Um, and that I didn't feel like it was that long, but also felt like it's been forever since we've seen Mando. And I have to say, I was actually disappointed with the premier. I, I don't know what I was expecting, but I was expecting more. I, I feel like we had this, you know, we had this reprieve with Boba fat that was kind of like the, the, the prelude to what this chapter should have been. Speaker 1 00:06:27 And I just wanted more of it. I think there should have been a longer episode. I think there was so much in this that I just found myself tuning out. 'cause we were jumping storylines and we weren't, we weren't, didn't have a cohesive like thread, which was really important to seasons one and two. It was, there was like this cohesive story that was building even when there was one-off stories. And so I was, I was a tad disappointments one, though. I will give the fact that it did have a lot of action. I loved the alligator scene. At first, I wasn't sure what the hell we were doing with the alligator scene. Um, I I thought maybe it was in the past and I had that wrong. And I'm usually good at guessing stuff, so they got me on my toes there. Uh, but I wasn't as happy as I thought I was gonna be with this episode. Speaker 3 00:07:07 I still can't get over when the Mandalorians use their wrist tethers. And I'm like, that thing's gonna roll over on its belly. And that's exactly what happened right after. Speaker 1 00:07:16 Yeah. There was, there was no winning with, with the alligator that way. I thought the same thing. I was like, uh, what are we doing here? Speaker 3 00:07:22 There's a ca behind you retreat, you know? Speaker 1 00:07:26 But Is that in their code? Sorry, but go ahead. Speaker 2 00:07:30 Maybe. But, uh, you know, I think, I wonder why they didn't check the planet for those creatures. I mean, I guess they were hiding there for a while, so mm-hmm. <affirmative>, maybe they should send cows to check if there are any dangerous animals there and not put children in the water when something can just pop up and eat them. Speaker 3 00:07:55 Maybe that just highlights their arrogance. They're like, no, we can just kind of do whatever we need. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they lost their sense of, um, of care. Well, carefulness, I don't know the word here. 'cause once they expose themselves in season one there in Navarro, and then they got driven out, well, a bunch of them died. So like, at that point they're just like, eh, whatever. Yeah. They Speaker 2 00:08:15 Just don't care. Speaker 3 00:08:16 Yeah. Mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:08:18 <affirmative>. And I do think that, I think you're, you're onto something with the arrogance there, especially the armor has always been very arrogant. And I feel like when we had the, we had the armor against, um, you know, our mandalorian, there is this really, this is different of egos, and I think there's a better sign of, like, the armor is a better representation of what that sect is of. And so they are kind of cocky. They think that they're better than everyone. And I think that's reflected in the scene with Boca Tan, where she was like, you, your people kind of left everyone and like, you think that you're better and because you don't take off your masks. And now we're all kind of, you know, in a lot of trouble scatter. Yeah, yeah, Speaker 3 00:09:03 Yeah. No, that speech from her was probably like, like I was thinking, like you were saying as well, that probably the best performance was at the end there when she just had like that disgust and she was just fed up and, and even just her pose how she sat in the chair really gave off the body language saying mm-hmm. <affirmative> this point, I couldn't be bothered to care. Like, no one listens, no one wants to work together. This is why we're scattered across the galaxy and we lost our home world. You know, you've got the dark saber, just wave that thing around. Even the way she said it, it was just like, wave that thing around. They'll do whatever you say. She just can't be bothered anymore. Speaker 2 00:09:41 Yeah. Especially at this moment, you realize that when you watch the Clone War and, you know, she and some other Mandalorians fought for the planet and for its people. And I guess there weren't any those mandalorians from this cult there, so they just escaped it. So let's assume it was only Bocata and those other mandalorians from outside the cult that thought, you know, at this moment that she's serious that this speech is stronger. Because if you didn't watch this for, for episode A for story, story, a then you might not know that she really cares. She cares about the Spanish, she caress about its history, about her sister legacy especially. So, so, you know, it's, it's really, really strong speech for me because I know I love Mandalorians. I love this show. I love Star Wars. And when I saw how such an important character like Bo Catan says, I don't care anymore, it's, no, it's, it's a really heavy thing. That's when you see her again in the Rebels, you see how destroyed she is, how crushed her spirit is. And it's really, it's a really meaningful scene. Speaker 1 00:11:03 You know, I always think it back to, to Rebels too, because in that series, the Dark Saber comes up and is quite an important aspect of the Mandalorian and the Mandalorian war, that this eventually has to kind of clash with that storyline. And eventually there's going to be a fight to get that saber. And so I'm really interested, 'cause I think it's probably gonna play out this season, but I, I don't know how it's gonna play out, which is both exciting and terrifying. Um, so looking at this first episode, you know, it was kind of short 30 minutes. I, you know, I was thinking it was gonna be a little bit longer. Um, but what was your favorite part of this episode? 'cause I feel like there was a lot of good tidbits, like a lot of good looking forward parts. Um, a lot of Gro Gu, I love Baby Gro Gu, but what was your favorite part, Speaker 2 00:11:53 Anthony? We'll start with you. Speaker 3 00:11:54 I've got a couple, now that you mention it. I liked one, seeing the dynamics of the relationship between Roku and Den. Like, there's that scene where they're going through hyperspace and he's in the little asic pod, and then he slides out of there after he sees the perils, and then he goes and rests in, in Dens hands. Like, you know, he just kind of pops up. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and not just that, but how Respectful Den was when he like made it to Navarro was talking to grief and he is like, you've got that little creature, his name's <inaudible>, like, you know, like really establishing it. And then finally the way when he's with the Zel ands trying to get the IG 11 droid going and you know, he is like, gro no, don't squeeze him, leave him alone. Sorry, he's a little young. Like, that whole pit just got me mm-hmm. Speaker 3 00:12:40 <affirmative>. But it was nice. Like, he, he obviously, he's always really cared about him, but he's letting him grow a little bit and seen the, the relationship between him. And then probably my favorite part of the episode was the dog fight in space when he takes on all the pirates. 'cause that was just some slick maneuvering and it was nice seeing what he could do in a star fighter. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> not just as piloting abilities, but like the equipment itself. Like you would never be able to do that in a razor crest. You could do some damage, but like being able to hide out on the side. And it reminded me a lot of, um, of, uh, empire Strikes back. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> when Han and Leia had to like, hide off and they have that whole little excursion for a little bit. It just gave me like a little bit of sense of that. So it was nice. Almost callback to it. Sure. Speaker 2 00:13:26 What about you, Vic? Yeah, I mean, as I mentioned, Boan scene was really great. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but aside of it, I think, yeah. Who doesn't like Space War? Like, you know, fighting in space is, is awesome. Mm-hmm. It's always awesome. It doesn't matter if it's in prequels or it is just animated, animated stuff. It's really great. But, Hmm. When I come to think of it, I think, yeah, the Navarro, the Navarro stuff was really great. You know, the Pirates, you know, like G Cara is there, he's a big boss and Mando is acting like his personal security, like his personal personal guy. So, so, no, he's even though, even though he, even though he isn't his, um, security guy, but he's, he's, he's his friend. He helped him all the time. Sure. So, so why not, why not fight for, for, for his friend. But I wonder, uh, how they're going to repair I G L because he said, uh, there's this part there. There's always this one thing he must find in future episodes just to, just to fix this. Sure. And I wonder how they're going to play this out. I think, I know, I don't know if, if there is this thing on, on, on, on, on another planet, or maybe it's on Manor or maybe it was on Never All Along. Sure. I don't know. But, but, you know, but yeah. And the other stuff was really, really great. I think, Speaker 1 00:14:54 You know, I, I think, uh, both of you said it great. The space battles are awesome. In fact, when I was watching, um, attack of the Clones last night and when I was watching today, it reminded me of the scene where Obiwan is chasing after, um, Jingo and Boba. And it had that very similar feel. I was like, oh, this is Star Wars. You know? 'cause I think sometimes when the first two seasons, there was a few times where you're like, you almost forget, it felt like more Western than space. And this had that really good space feel. But the one scene that sticks out to me, and I don't know why specifically, but it's the scene where grief confronts the pirates at the school. And like, he tries to have this like diplomatic be nice moment. And then he just turn like he shifts. And you see this like, oh, there's still this side to you. Like, you can be peaceful, you can be diplomatic, but you also are not gonna take any shit from anybody. And so I really liked that scene. 'cause I think that puts into perspective a lot, um, about grief. And I think that Forden as well, and that whole scene, that whole scene was just really well, um, mapped out. Speaker 3 00:16:05 Another couple things I liked about this episode were the movie references. The way the IG 11 was crawling toward Mando when it came to life. I think that was like a Terminator reference. Sure. And then when he got taken out by the statue of Creeps Head and he said, that's using your head. That's a classic Bond one-liner. And I love Bond movies. So I was like, that's a nice little, uh, reference. I guess Speaker 1 00:16:29 I didn't catch that. So that apparently I need to watch more Bond movies 'cause that's awesome. Speaker 3 00:16:35 When Bond gets killed, he always has something slick to say on some of 'em. Okay. And so that he, he delivered it just like him too. Speaker 2 00:16:44 It's crazy. I I didn't notice it when I was watching it, but, but now, yeah. It's obvious Speaker 1 00:16:50 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:16:51 It's really funny. Now, Speaker 1 00:16:54 So while we have our favorite parts, what is maybe something you'd have liked to seen different or added or changed about this first episode? Um, especially now that this was kind of our reintroduction back to the Mandalorian world. Speaker 3 00:17:08 That one's too easy. And you already know what I'm gonna say. Speaker 1 00:17:12 Go ahead, say it. Speaker 3 00:17:13 <laugh> and the recap. When we start the episode, we didn't show anything about what happened in Book of Boba Fat. So people who didn't watch it aren't are gonna be very confused as to one why he has a new ship. And two Gro goes' back with him. Like they just mm-hmm. <affirmative>, come on. I've seen recaps that are super long. Why couldn't you just add that really quick and then remind people that pe Moto Ex exists? 'cause I'm almost certain he's headed to her next because he needs a joy part. But yeah, I just, that one really left a bad taste in my mouth. I'm like, you can't assume everybody watches everything. You, sometimes you, you gotta feed it to the audience. And that's what I would've changed and maybe made it a little bit longer of an episode. But that, that's about it. Speaker 1 00:17:57 No, that's totally fair. I feel like you need a little bit more of a recap for things like that. Especially with, as long as it's been, people don't watch every episode. If I didn't work for the Cosmic Circus, I probably would've skipped Boba Effect myself. Um, so I feel like that would've been really beneficial. Speaker 3 00:18:13 And they came out a year ago. Speaker 1 00:18:14 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:18:16 Not everybody's just gonna remember Speaker 2 00:18:20 Vic. Especially when, when there was obiwan between it. Yes. Ah, Speaker 1 00:18:24 So good. I loved Obiwan. Speaker 2 00:18:26 Yeah. Obiwan was very great. So Speaker 1 00:18:28 Me and or Speaker 2 00:18:30 Yeah, I forgot about and or yeah. So Speaker 1 00:18:33 I haven't watched it yet, but <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:18:35 You, you've got to choose between OB one under and Boba. So what would you choose, obviously OB one and under. Speaker 1 00:18:44 Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:18:47 So, but I wonder, yeah, I agree that it was too short episode. Uh, I made it longer. Like even the five, 10 minutes would be a really good idea. Just, you know, just to properly close it. But, Hmm. I wonder maybe, Hmm. Maybe the interaction with Mandalorians could be a great mm-hmm. <affirmative> like, you know, like Dean versus, uh, his name was Previs. Yeah. He was the descendant. Yeah, descendant. Okay. Vila. Okay. <laugh>. So the guy that he fought, uh, for s in, uh, Boba. So their interaction, I want to see it in the next episodes. I think we'll get it, but it's like 50 50. Okay. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So yeah, that's it. I think that's, it's a really solid episode, like six, seven out of 10 for, so Speaker 1 00:19:44 I definitely think that we should have seen more of the, the Mandalorians, but specifically I wish that they almost would've shown us more than just have Boca Tan tell us how everything happened. Because I think like that's always a better, um, image that sticks with people. If you see like, just destruction everywhere and people just have gone. Or you, you've, at the beginning, you start the episode with her forces leaving her, 'cause she mentioned that and she's just standing there all alone. I think something like that, some kind of image would've done a lot better than just having her angry sitting there, which I did love. I thought it was a great scene. I thought it was, she did a great job. Um, but showing it would've had that bigger impact than you would've been like, oh, the stakes have just gotten, like they've risen and now what do we do with that? Um, but maybe we'll see that in a future episode. And I do hope that we do. Speaker 2 00:20:34 Yeah. Guess there will be an episode when he and Boca Town are going to, you know, to look for them and he'll be like, oh, he's my direct saber. Follow me. Follow me. Yeah. Come on. We are going to save Manalo. Yeah. It's like, Speaker 1 00:20:50 Do you think that he gives it to her? Speaker 3 00:20:52 I don't think he gives it to her. Speaker 2 00:20:54 Yeah, me too. Speaker 1 00:20:55 Okay. The way you said that, <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:20:59 I think there will be a fight, but mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I'm not so sure about it. 'cause you know, this whole season is about Manor. It's focused on Manor and we knew about it, like until, you know, like we knew about it since 2021. Like mm-hmm. <affirmative>, like right when the season two ended, we knew it will be focused on Manor and its story on Dean's legacy, uh, on his story, on basically Phil Manalo. So I guess this fight is possible, but I don't know. We'll see it. Yeah. Okay. Speaker 1 00:21:37 No, an Anthony what do, what do you mean by that? Speaker 3 00:21:40 What I mean by that, I mean, there's gonna be a fight, but it won't be between Den and Boca. Speaker 1 00:21:46 You don't? Okay. I, that's what I thought it was gonna be between. Speaker 3 00:21:50 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:21:51 Okay. Speaker 3 00:21:53 But she's probably gonna wield the lightsaber this season. Speaker 1 00:21:56 Okay. Who are you thinking the fight's gonna be between? Speaker 3 00:21:59 I can't tell you that yet. You'll see it next week. Speaker 1 00:22:02 <laugh>. Okay. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:22:03 Spider <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:22:04 I promise you see, episode two will actually like answer what I'm thinking, what I'm mentioning now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, um, yeah, I think you're gonna be quite surprised and I think you'll actually, you'll enjoy how it plays out. Speaker 1 00:22:18 I think that's why they should have released the first two episodes together. I think it, that was the, I think a lot of the EPIs, the things that we had with Disney Plus would be better with a two episode premiere because it gives you a little more chunk of that story. This, this first part was a little slow. I don't want, I'm not gonna say boring 'cause it wasn't necessarily boring, it was a little slow. But if you had that second part where whatever happens apparently, 'cause I'm super excited now to find out what it is. I think that would've balanced out the two a lot better. Speaker 3 00:22:47 Absolutely. I think it's a little bit, they're playing it too close to the chest. 'cause they know all we have to say is Mando and people are gonna tune in at two in the morning easy. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, easy viewership, attendance. Like, okay, yeah, you can rest on those laurels, but don't get too comfortable. 'cause now people are gonna be like little, I, I don't wanna say bored, but not as interested. I promise you, if they would've done a two episode for me, the only conversation this week would be Mandalorian, next week discussion is gonna blow up. But if they would've done a double one, that's all people would've been talking about is Mando, Speaker 1 00:23:27 And correct me if I'm Oh, go ahead Vic. Speaker 2 00:23:29 Yeah, I just wanted to mention that that's why they did a three episode premiere with Under, because mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they knew people won't be as interested in it as they would with the one episode premiere or two episode premiere. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I think that's when Anthony said perfectly, it's if they release it week by week, not two episodes, uh, in one week. And people just won't focus on it until, you know, it'll end in April or May like right before this. The May 4th, I guess. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I think they just want to keep it up until May 4th and they'll announce something big. And this one week gap is, is really important for that for them, I guess. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So that's why they did this one episode premiere. Speaker 1 00:24:24 You know, part of me think back to not just, and or which had the three episode premiere, but Obiwan had a two episode premiere mm-hmm. <affirmative> and they released it early and they dropped it. And I remember watching the first one thinking if I had just watched the first one, I wouldn't have had such like, hope about it. But see, but episode two ended with Kenobi finding out that Darth Vader was still alive and Vader Awakens in the BTA tank. And like those two things set the tone and like it didn't stop from there. So I think like tone matters. So I think maybe they thought the ending of this episode was gonna have more of an impact than it it maybe did. Or, um, maybe it's just the calm before the storm. And I think from what, what I'm hearing, it's, there's definitely a calm before the storm happening here. I guess we'll have to see. Um, okay, so we have how many episodes this season? Is it nine, eight? I think Speaker 2 00:25:22 It's eight. Uh, okay. Speaker 1 00:25:24 So over eight episodes. Where do we think we're going with the season? I know Vic, you said it's gonna focus a lot more on Manalo, um mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but like, what do you, where do you think it's going besides that? Like where, what's the end goal here? Speaker 2 00:25:37 Yeah, I think it's a standard thing. Like, you know, uh, Jen Carto coming back. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, Manor story, Dean story. I think we'll see something about, yeah, it was in the trailer, uh, the order 66 again for the fourth time. This, this season, I guess this series. So that, that's something that they'll definitely explore. And I wonder who rescue him. Maybe it's Ma Window, who knows? Maybe he survived this, this jump. It's Speaker 1 00:26:14 About time we need him back. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:26:16 Yeah. I guess if they want to bring him back, they'll find some way to do it. But yeah, I think the series will definitely focus on, on model or it'll be like 80% of the series and the other stuff will be 20%. And I don't expect anything below the average stuff that we get in previous two seasons. Speaker 1 00:26:38 Okay. Speaker 2 00:26:40 I think for this season, Speaker 3 00:26:43 I agree with everything Vic said, you know, 80% Mandal or, but as apart from that, obviously a big plot line will probably be the Pirate King Go and Shard. You know, they're not just gonna show him for a little bit and then not come back to that. So strong feelings that he will have to go and protect Navarro in some capacity, which may include other mandalorians. I could see them kind of, um, showing up as extra muscle to help. 'cause in the trailer I went through and I got some screenshots and posted it in our Discord, but there was one where you can see them standing there by the square, like where the IG 11 statute was. You can see a bunch of mandalorians attacking pirates. So that's gonna come back for sure. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and then I, I totally forgot about Moff Gideon, but now that you mentioned it, yeah. Speaker 3 00:27:36 There's gonna, I wouldn't be surprised if he gets a whole prison breakout episode or just a whole episode dedicated to him getting out and moving him forward to make him an antagonist again. And then lastly, I could, I could see a flashback episode that'll uncover things about Man Mandalore that we didn't know. I, I have a feeling there is some huge secret that, you know, 'cause they put this big boogeyman sort of like cloth over mandalore, like you can't visit the surface. It's all poison, it's impossible, it's uninhabitable. Something tells me that the Empire went and made that lie up to keep Oh yeah. The mandalorians from coming back because they know, hey, if they come back here, reestablish themselves, start reforming and rebuild the whole planet, we're in trouble. You know? 'cause these guys are definitely a force. They've, they had a whole war with Jedi. Like, I wouldn't want to get involved with them. So I think there's more that hasn't been shown or seen or heard and it's gonna get uncovered this season. Speaker 1 00:28:46 You know, I think that's an excellent point. 'cause I was, I was thinking throughout the whole episode when they kept talking about Mandal or being too uninhabitable and I was like, Hmm, there's some red flags going off here. You don't, you don't keep dropping hints like that for us to not come back and find out that something's going on there. And I do wonder if we're gonna find Yeah. A huge secret, but I'm thinking it's gonna relate to the Empire even to the eventually like smoke and stuff. 'cause we know that that eventually will connect in some way. Um, I also think that we're, this season we're headed to, you know, we have a lot of shows coming. Star Wars this year. You know, we have the skeleton crew, we have Asoka. Um, acolytes not coming out this year, but it's coming out next year. Um, I think Speaker 3 00:29:34 It's, but that one's set might be this, but they can push it. Okay. But I wouldn't connect Acolyte just because it's set several hundred years before this, so. Speaker 1 00:29:42 Sure. But I mean, we definitely have a, a Soka coming out and I, we don't know when skeleton crews being set, but I think that we're gonna see some more of these connections. 'cause I think that they're really trying to build the Mandos up in a, in a big way. Because this is kind of what's carrying Star Wars right now. We haven't had a film, we haven't had a good film in a while. 'cause we're not counting Han Solo's film. Um, but don't gimme that side iic. But the solo film was not great. It was okay. Speaker 3 00:30:15 I enjoyed it. Speaker 1 00:30:16 It was okay, I think. But I think that we're gonna see some of those more connections as we build out a bigger story. 'cause I think it's all headed somewhere. Um, I'm thinking more like, kinda like the defenders verse of Netflix where we have these individual stories and eventually they're coming towards a huge crossover. Um, maybe I'm just being ambitious, but I think that's where we're kind of headed. Um, I do wonder about, you know, granted, I don't know what's gonna happen with the Saber part of me. When I was watching, I thought that eventually D's gonna give this up because he knows it's not what's best for Manalo. 'cause he doesn't want it and he wants someone that does. Um, but I like that we're focusing on Manor because they are kind of this forgotten group of people from, from the Star Wars verse. Most of the time that we saw them, they were just bounty hunters that were B-level bad guys. You know, it's time to invest some time into them. Speaker 3 00:31:10 Well, that makes me want to ask all the question, and I know we have other ones. Mm-hmm. But do you all think think Den would actually be a good ruler for landlord? Speaker 1 00:31:21 Yes, I do think he would be a good ruler. I don't think he wants to be a ruler. So therefore he Speaker 3 00:31:26 Would that nearly make him a good one if he didn't want it. Speaker 1 00:31:30 It makes me think back to Game of Thrones with, um, John Snow not wanting to be a ruler, but therefore he would be the good one. You know? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, he didn't want the power. I don't think that that Amanda wants the power, but I think that would make him the best ruler because he cares about the people. He shows that he caress about things such as a package of a child that he got. And he did, he bonded with this creature. Um, he, he has the compassion, he has the good, the good skills. He has knowledge. I think he'd be a great ruler. I think he'd be the best one for Mandal lawyer. Speaker 3 00:32:06 And I think so too, because looking back at him over the season developments, he's kind of changed his mind on things, you know? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, he broke guilt code by asking about Gro Gu and then went and rescued the kid. And then he did, he had a similar feeling towards droid's. Like, he's like, I, I will never work with him. And now we open up this season with him going out of his way on a quest to restore this one so he can work with it. And then a third one is like, I don't really want this dark saber. I'll give it up. But then he ended up keeping it and trying to learn how to use it. So mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I, I can see him being presented with it and being like, no. And then completely changing his mind when he realizes I can unite all the mandalorians together again. Because to him, what matters is the creed, the cult. Others, he caress about a lot of people more than he intends to show. And I think this could transcend and show how much he caress about Manalo by taking charge. Speaker 2 00:33:04 Yeah, I agree with you guys. But I think that he could be a good rule, but he can, he could easily fail. 'cause you know, sometimes if you are king or whatever, you can't make all pe every, every single person happy. Mm-hmm. You just can't. But I've got another question for you. Do you think that Dean will lose his faith? Because I think that all that happened from episode one is leading him to, you know, to just abandoning it and just saying, I don't care about it. You can be a Mandalorian without the religion, you know, you can just easily take off your helmet and be a Mandalorian. Just, you know, just, just like this. No, that's, Speaker 1 00:33:59 That's very interesting because I think that that's kind of where this has been headed because while, you know, this is the way I think he's finding a new way, and I, I think that he is finding like a lot of people who were, who maybe grow up in situations like that, and I'll leave it at that very open-ended there, you grow up to learn that maybe things aren't always the right way, even though that's what we were taught and we grew up in. And I think he's realizing that because of this child, he no longer believes in the oppressiveness of it. He wants to be Mandalorian, but he doesn't want to be, he doesn't, he doesn't want it this way anymore. And so he's gonna find, I think he's gonna find his own sect and I think that he's gonna have his own people because I think eventually we're gonna see Grill Group put on a Mandalorian mask. And I think that that's gonna be like his first follower. Um, but yeah, I think that he's definitely gonna ha you know, he's gonna give it up, Speaker 3 00:34:59 Vic, I'm gonna tell you right now. That's a great question. That is a very good question. Speaker 1 00:35:02 Fantastic. It's Speaker 3 00:35:03 Really, no, it's just like, yeah, that's, that is a question. He is gonna lose his faith. I think that's, well, arguably that's the core aspect of this character is that he lives and abides by the Creed, so mm-hmm. <affirmative>, if he doesn't, then who is he? He'd have to find himself again. But I think with the identity he's had of connecting with people outside of the Mandalorian sect, like grief cargo for example, and Pel Moto, and now, you know, clearly Roku, that it's just a strong chance where he decides, you know what? This, this isn't serving me anymore. I need to do something that's for the even greater good for, you know, up until my life from when I took the creed up until this moment, this is what I've lived by. But what has it really given him? He's an apostate as we stand now, he's an outcast, uh, amongst his own people. Speaker 3 00:35:49 I was actually surprised the armor let him in, you know? But of course, as soon as he walks in, she's like, what are you doing here? Like, you're not one of us anymore. And he is like, well, well, you know, I can go and try and get in the waters. And she's like, okay. But even then she wasn't that convinced. It was like, go for it. But I had this weird feeling that he's gonna go and do it, and even then he still won't be forgiven. And I could sell it by Brian's face that he was thinking the same thing. It's like, yeah, go, go throw yourself in the, in that lake and then see if he'll actually actually accept you after the fact. Speaker 1 00:36:24 I think that you, he's gonna realize really quickly that after he does it, there's nothing in the water that makes it magical. And like once he has that, that's kind of the idea of like, when you grow up and you realize that your parents aren't special, you know that they're just human just like you. And I think he's going to have that. And even though he wants them to forgive him, you're right. They're not gonna forgive him. There's gonna be something else. There's going to be another hurdle that they want him to do. They don't want him because they think that he's broken these rules. And so I think he's gonna turn his back in a really huge way. Speaker 3 00:36:53 I think also Boca ton's comments about them leaving will leave him like, well, why did they dip out before they could even start protected? I could see 'em losing the faith. I don't think it'll happen this season, but those first dominoes are happening for sure. And they're already happening as we're going actually. So I could see this leading to an even bigger result. Speaker 2 00:37:13 Yeah, it's a very important thing because, you know, who is Dean Jarre without his religion? Who is he? Like, that's the question, I guess, I guess in this season or in the next one, because we can say, we assume there will be a next one season, next season. Um, I think he'll have an identity, cri identity crisis. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Because, you know, just, just like you said, water doesn't make you special just because you fin it, you are not Mandalorian again. And it's a typical Disney stuff. 'cause like, you know, important thing, important things in your life are fa family, friends, like, you know, being a good person and all that stuff. So I think they play this like, like that. Maybe in final episode we'll see him losing this faith and, you know, moving on or just teasing us what he'll do. Speaker 1 00:38:09 Absolutely. Um, okay, so what are we hoping to, you know, we kind of to touched on this, but is there anything else that you were hoping to see this season? Um, or even in just the future of, uh, the Mandalorian? I think that this is a great example of one of the things I'd love to see. I'd love to see 'em kind of turn us back on the sec that turned their back on him. Uh, so, but is there anything else that perhaps the two of you would like to see? Speaker 3 00:38:33 I would like to see Gro Gu do a little more, you know? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, he trained with Luke for a while. He should have a little bit more force power in him, so mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I'm excited about that prospect of what the little one can do. Um, I'm hoping also for maybe a little backstory on Manalo, like, was it Book of Boba Effect where they showed the bombing? I don't remember. Or was it season two? But we know, we saw, we saw a little clip of it and how the empire kind of struck them and stuff. And so I'm excited the fact that we're actually gonna see Live Action Mandal, that's something that's been asked for for a long time. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I just hope it's not super brief. Like, if we're gonna go there, let's spend a little time there. Like, I don't want it to just be like, all right, check in and then out. Speaker 1 00:39:23 Sure. No, that makes a total sense. What about you Vic? Speaker 2 00:39:27 Yeah, I've got some things I want to see. Basically, just like Anthony said, Manor, we have to see it just since the Con Wars, we wanted to see it in live action. Like there wasn't a person that didn't want to, you know, just even see a glimpse of it. Like the, I think it was the, uh, I think it was the moon that were, uh, those rebels sort of re terrorists were, uh, the Night watch. Yes. The night watch where people want to see this kind of stuff. Yeah. Like, like we want to see the past and the, and the present and the future. Maybe even. So it's, that's one thing. Um, the second thing is I want s but like, you know, of those people that we've seen, like Timothy Olean for example mm-hmm. <affirmative>, we know that he's not dead. We know he's alive and I think he'll be, be back this season, but, but I'm not sure. And that's just, uh, I, I think it's an impossible thing. 'cause I want to see Cl Brown again, <laugh>, but as a Mandalorian who broke, uh, the code, like he, he's an upper state like Mando and he tells him he broke the code. He can even tell him he was on Manor and there was nothing like, I just want this one thing to, to see in this episode in the season. Sorry. So, so yeah. Just, I don't expect too much. I'm just a <laugh>. I'm just a basic fan. Wants to see a good things Speaker 1 00:41:07 Basic fan. I don't, I know you too well. You're not just a basic fan. Yeah. Not you Vic, sorry. You're a top grade fan. Yep. Speaker 2 00:41:14 Yeah. Okay. You got me. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:41:16 We say the most loving way possible. Of course. Speaker 1 00:41:19 I think that, um, definitely the, the crossover is with the animated series and stuff and building this world is really important. I think that's why people were so excited to see Asoka a live action because I mean, she's an awesome character. Ero Dawson does a great job. And like they're even doing more in her series. Um, and I did look it up just to go back and Skeleton Crew is interconnected with the Mandalorian in Asoka. That is confirmed. So they're definitely building out this time period. And I think that it's really exciting. Um, part of then hopes for the season. There's two, um, just I guess thoughts about what we could also hope to see. And one of them is, I wanna know, what's your wildest theories? Like, it could be completely off the book, never gonna happen. What is your wildest theories for Mando season three? Speaker 2 00:42:10 Hmm. I think Darth Mo can come back. <laugh>. Yes. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:42:16 That's Speaker 1 00:42:16 What I'm hoping for. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:42:18 Yeah. Because you know, in Rebels we see Wan killing him, but in Boba we see that even if someone's die, someone died, he can revive him. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So maybe there did all this, all that cyborg work again on him, on maybe his back. But, uh, there's another theory I have in mind. It's more not, uh, a serious story per se, but it's more an overall Star Wars thing. And I think that, um, in the future stuff like, I mean by the future, I mean everything that's happening after Return of The Jedi, we'll see this happy people, happy stories and all that, but in the past, stuff like Acolyte or maybe some High Republic stuff will see a more serious, serious actions, um mm-hmm. <affirmative> be serious, serious even, well, too much serious word. Uh, fantastic, uh, cyber fights or anything. 'cause I think that the future stuff for Disney is they're doing it for kids, mainly for kids and family and shows like Under and Acolyte will be for the like, I don't know, for teenagers, for, for all older people. And I think they want to separate it by making those, uh, shows for kids like fun and, you know, and colorful. But the, that past stuff for, for, you know, for people who want to see some serious drama and, and really, really, really good stories that couldn't happen, you know, without showing the drama. <laugh> <laugh>, Speaker 3 00:44:00 My wildest theory for this season is that the Empire was the one that came up with the rumor of man Lord being all screwed up so that they could be mm-hmm. The only ones to mind skar. And it's, I wouldn't say it's supported, but the reason for this theory is thinking back to the very beginning of the show, when they pulled out that Camp Tono full of Baskar, it had to come from somewhere. And then Bocata herself said, if you go underneath in the waters and all that, that's where we have, where we have my or ORs a best card. That's where, that's what it does. It just applies us with what we need for our things because they know if man lawyers got their hands on Skar, they'd be a force to be reckoned with. So for them to kind of undercut them and keep them from getting that is a very good side blow. And that would keep any uprising or any issues for them. So it's like, Hey, you guys can't Speaker 1 00:44:51 Like mm-hmm. Speaker 3 00:44:52 <affirmative>, basically you're, you're taking away their, their one of their strongest tools and, and it's that very specific metal that they have. Um, other wild theory, uh, grow G talks this season. Speaker 1 00:45:06 Ooh. Oh, okay. Okay. I'm, I've Speaker 2 00:45:10 Got a question for Speaker 3 00:45:10 You. You said wildest. Speaker 2 00:45:12 Do Speaker 1 00:45:12 You think Speaker 2 00:45:13 He'll speak normally or like Yoda? Oh, Speaker 3 00:45:19 I, uh, I wouldn't say normally, I'd say he'd say very little. He would talk pretty much like a baby where he could only say certain words. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:45:27 <affirmative>. Okay. So like basic two, three year old kid stuff Speaker 3 00:45:30 Pretty much mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. I don't see him speaking like Yoda. I know that Luke mentioned it in Book a boa it, but I think that was more Yoda's personality rather than just the way they speak now. I don't know anything about ya. I don't know. I never listened to her, so I couldn't tell you. Speaker 2 00:45:47 She spoke normally in mm-hmm. Jedi in Jedi tales. Yeah. So Speaker 3 00:45:51 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:45:52 This of Theta. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:45:54 You know, my wildest theory actually connects with the next question. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna say the question and then I'll, I'll say my theory is, and then I'll let let you go with it. Um, which Star, star Wars cameo is coming this season. And my wildest theory is that I think kind of hope that we're gonna see more of Luke Leia and Han Solo especially. 'cause you have, uh, Sebastian Stan right there looking like Han Solo. Why don't, why don't we cast him yet? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But I think that that's gonna be some of that real connected tissue because their story's continuing on from this point. You know, they're, they're around, we know this. We saw Luke at the end of season two. There should be more of them. But I also think that there should be more hints of what is coming next. We know that, um, the emperor returns and we know that there's clones, we know that there's smoke and we didn't get a lot of buildup of how it's happening. And I think that like, under all of this, if they built towards that, I would like that connected tissue. I'd like to know more about what's going on it. Maybe it doesn't have to come here, but I think that'd be my wildest, uh, my theory is we'll see more of the, the good, the the characters that we've already had, um, from Star Wars. Speaker 3 00:47:12 Uh, as far as cameos, I think because you, you, you kind of stole it from me. I know you didn't mean to, but I was gonna say Sno. I could see M Gideon having, I could see Snow being involved in getting Moof Gideon out and having him report to him like, Hey, what's the, the progress you made? Or it could just be the emperor himself, but, you know, through like, what's the word? Uh, a second veil. Like, it would just be somebody speaking to him and be like, you know, I need you to get that child. I need the Midians so that I can move forward in my progress. Because if you remember, was it Rise of the Skywalker that they had the, the like tanks that had all the different snow clones and stuff. They can't just leave that lying around. So I wanna say it's almost the same answer, but Likeno slash the Emperor could cameo through in holographic, uh, message. Speaker 2 00:48:07 Yeah, I think it's a good guess because in Battlefront two game story, there was a vessel kind of that, uh, had all the messages from Emperor in case he died and mm-hmm. <affirmative> during the operation sin, he just, you know, emperor died, em, empire lives like, so mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I guess we'll find, we'll see some story about it. Maybe, maybe we'll even get to see, you know, and I think it's season two when they were on Navarro, there was this empire base where, where they had tanks. Yeah. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. Yeah. So I think they'll connected it to somehow, 'cause we'll see Peric again. He's a <inaudible>. Yep. Um, Empire's. Mm-hmm. Capital was Kant, so, so maybe there's still something going on and I think just, you know, just, uh, cameos closer to the ground maybe. Yeah. Look, Skywork is, and Ascar pretty, pretty good guesses. I, but I think Boba will return with an accent because there was this poster, uh, I think, yeah, I think Lucas, uh, Lucas film shared it where there were different, different Mandalorian helmets and there was the Boba helmet, so mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I think they tease him. Speaker 3 00:49:23 That was from the Empire Magazine, I believe. Yes. Speaker 2 00:49:26 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Okay. So, so yeah, it's official empire. Um, and I think they'll somehow tease us how Mandalorians Aren are no more in this SQL era. 'cause I'm, I'm preparing this article now and I think that the more we go into the season, it'll connect with, uh, the sequel era and with the original trilogy. Because if you remember in Rebels Empire, empire created the weapon that could destroy Mandalorian armor. So I think Right. That's somehow connected with the first order and mm-hmm. <affirmative> how Mandalorian vanished. So. Okay. So we'll see <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:50:11 Okay. Final question, I promise. So with us finally having Mand, uh, the Mandalorian season three, what are your thoughts on the book of Bubba fp being required viewing? Is it or is it not? Because I'm gonna go with with, besides the few parts that we could have had in a recap, which maybe they didn't include in the recap to make you watch it. The book above isn't necessary for Mandalorian. Speaker 3 00:50:35 I strongly disagree. Sadly, I wanted to disagree, you know, or agree, but they just put too much. Like they, they had that whole episode where Amanda goes, he's doing his thing, he gets his new ship. I mean, that's kind of a big thing. I guess you could forgive it and just say, oh, he got a ship somewhere in between. And then, well, this is why I say no, mostly because I think that scene where Luke made grow gu choose between Yoda's lightsaber and the bests car armor was one of the most important decisions made. And for them to not put it in the actual Mandalorian show feels like a travesty because that right there showed how strong the connection is. And not just Rogo to D but then the other way as well, because d he tells us Soka, but I came all this way, you're telling me I can't see him. And then he gives up that armor, like that is such a strong part of their relationship that he, he cares about him. Like he gives up a spear that was his weapon to make armor for the kid, and then he wants to hand deliberate. And he even ties the, the little thing in the shape of gro who's head and face and ears like mm-hmm. <affirmative> that he cares about him so much. And to not put that in his show, because that's such a strong character development scene, it felt like an absolute miss. Speaker 2 00:52:02 Yeah, I agree. I think, I don't wanna say bad things about Boba because I enjoyed that show. It was, I mean, it had, it flows, but I really enjoyed the, the past of Boba, how he survived and all that. But I think the easiest way to make the, those two episodes a part of Mandalorian Sin Free was to make it a special presentation or something. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you could just easily make it a an hour long short movie, I guess. And it would work. Those two episodes are, I think, are so important to this story because if you didn't watch Boba, you kind of won't have an idea, won't have any idea how, uh, didn't got his shape, why Grog is with him. How did he get his little tiny armor? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> even I, I'm sometimes watching Commando and all Star Wars shows with my parents, so, so I know how my mom, who didn't watch Boba, had some problems with mm-hmm. <affirmative> how he returned and we had to watch Boba again just to show her, uh, how he did this. And she was like, okay, okay, can we now go back to man and just, yeah. It's pretty meaningful for this Sure. This series. So, so I guess, yeah. Yeah, it's a really important, those episodes are important. The rest isn't <laugh>, so. Speaker 1 00:53:36 Alright. So we can just watch those two episodes and get the rest. Yeah, yeah, Speaker 2 00:53:39 Yeah. I think for the person who even didn't watch previous episodes of Boba, you can easily understand it. Yeah. It's not a complicated show. Speaker 3 00:53:49 I do wanna add one thing, thinking about it now, is that I think they also made it kind of relevant. I have a feeling he's gonna call upon a favor from Boba to help or something like mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you didn't have Boba just come and take over this sector and become Damo for no reason. Like, he is gonna have money, he's gonna have troops, and I have a feeling, and after Mando helped him, he kind of owes him a favor so I could see them bringing Boba back. And isn't it kind of rumor that there's a second season working as well on this show? Speaker 2 00:54:21 Yeah. I, I think the, the poster for it licked some. Yeah. So some working on it. Uh, the same for O one. So, so I guess mm-hmm. Yeah. I mean it's Star Wars, you can never really expect it to be gone, like Sure Speaker 1 00:54:37 <laugh>. And with that, we are unfortunately running out of time. Uh, but we'd love to co continue the conversation with you listeners. So check us [email protected] or you can find us on Twitter or other social medias at my Cosmic Circus and our Cosmic Circus podcast, Twitter at cosmic podcasts. Thank you again so much for tuning into the Cosmic Circle. My name is Brian Kitson and you can find me on Twitter at kitson 3 0 1. Anthony Vick, thank you so much for joining me. Before we go, where can people find you? Speaker 2 00:55:07 You can find me on Twitter, on Eric Salka or whatever. You can, you can just, uh, find my articles on, on the cosmic circle and then, uh, and then just <laugh> go to my Twitter. So, so yeah, thanks for talking. I think it was a really, really good talk, Speaker 3 00:55:25 Vic, it was great having you around this time. Uh, we like to switch it up every once in a while and this is Anthony Flagg. You can find me at rodo on Twitter and you can find my [email protected]. Speaker 1 00:55:37 Thanks again. You too. And thanks again, listeners. Can't wait for our next trip through the cosmos. Speaker 3 00:55:42 May the force be with you. Speaker 2 00:55:43 Bye bye.

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