April 20, 2023


Cosmic Circle Ep. 27: Journey to 'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3'

Cosmic Circle Ep. 27: Journey to 'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3'
Cosmic Circus Podcasts
Cosmic Circle Ep. 27: Journey to 'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3'

Apr 20 2023 | 01:09:51


Show Notes

Guardians of the Galaxy was one of the first entries in the MCU to take fans to the stars, bringing the cosmos into the spotlight. With humble beginnings as a rag-tag team of A-holes thrust together by fate and bad luck, the group grew into a family full of love and harassment. The Guardians have faced some tough moments together, but have always come out closer than ever though perhaps a bit battle-scarred. So with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 almost here, we couldn't wait to discuss the team's journey from Vol. 1 to their Holiday Special.

Host Brian Kitson, along with fellow writers Ayla Ruby and Anthony Flagg discuss some of their favorite memories from the previous Guardians of the Galaxy films as well as things they wish were a bit different from their journey through the MCU. Listen to see if listener's question gets answered, such as which scenes or songs are their favorites, or who their favorite Guardian is from across the many entries. And stay tuned, as a follow-up podcast reviewing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 will arrive alongside the release of the film in theaters in early May. Let us know your favorite Guardians moments on Twitter or in the Cosmic Circus discord!

Podcast credits and show notesContributors/Writers

Anthony Flagg

Ayla Ruby

Brian Kitson

Executive Producer/Editor

Lizzie Hill

Recorded on 04/16/23

Superhero theme by HumanoideVFX on Pixabay.

Full article available at: https://www.thecosmiccircus.com/cosmic-circle-ep-27-journey-to-guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-3/

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 <silence> Speaker 1 00:00:17 Welcome Speaker 2 00:00:17 Back listeners to another episode of The Cosmic Circle, the official podcast of the Cosmic Circus, where we discuss everything nerdy in the entire cosmos. On today's episode, we'll be discussing the journey to the Guardians of the Galaxy three. My name is Brian Kitson, head writer at The Cosmic Circus. And joining me today are I love Ruby and Anthony Flagg. How are we doing today? Speaker 3 00:00:39 Hi, I'm doing great. I'm ala Ruby and I'm so happy to be here. Speaker 1 00:00:44 Hey y'all, it's Anthony. I'm enjoying this beautiful weather and this beautiful time with my dear friends. Speaker 2 00:00:50 It's always a good time when the three of us can get together and talk. Um, all things Marvel. And so we're excited about this one because we do have a big movie coming up at the beginning of May. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> with Guardians Three, and it feels like it's been a long time coming. So I'm gonna start off with a very strong question from me and our friend Vic <laugh>, who is your favorite guardian? And yes, there is the right answer and you will get shame just a little bit if you don't pick the right answer. Not, not completely, but I'm gonna, I'm gonna tease you a bit. So you wanna head first with that one. Speaker 3 00:01:21 I wanna add on that Brian warned us about this question, and I feel like the pressure has been, you know, on us for the week to have the right answer ahead of this <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:01:30 It's been literally almost all week that I hinted at this question was coming, and that there have, you really had to think about, well, who was gonna be your favorite guardian. So, Speaker 1 00:01:39 So for a lot of these questions, I have an answer for the first movie and the second movie. So you'll have to, you know, embrace that. So for the first movie, Peter, hands Down, easy for the second movie, Groot. Speaker 2 00:01:52 Okay. Okay. Why Peter? And then why group? Speaker 1 00:01:56 Because the story always started with Peter. I mean, it's forming around him, what he's doing, his mission, uh, and, and the dance moves. Come on now, <laugh> and then in the second movie group because his attitude towards things was just funny to me. You know, like just typical kid, teenager stuff. And, uh, seeing him grow after the sacrifice made in the first one was like, really cool. So, I love group. Speaker 2 00:02:24 Okay, ILA, it's your turn. <laugh> Speaker 3 00:02:26 <laugh>. I'm gonna agree with Red and say that I, in the first movie I really liked Peter. Um, I think there's like a certain charm of the character and it's definitely, you know, the dancing helps and the soundtrack helps and it's hard not to, um, to root for him on his journey. Um, otherwise, I think I really like Nebula 'cause she's been through a lot of stuff. Um, and she's kind of very, dry isn't the right word, but like, very sarcastic and, um mm-hmm. <affirmative>, Speaker 2 00:02:58 She's, Speaker 3 00:02:59 She's a badass, which is also cool. So, yeah. Nebula. Brian, what about you? What's the right answer? Speaker 1 00:03:06 <laugh>? Wait, I have a question. Okay. Are we gonna also include the, the holiday special 'cause then for the holiday special, I also wanna add Mantis. Speaker 3 00:03:13 Yeah, because Speaker 1 00:03:14 That's kind of an easy one. But go ahead, Brian. Speaker 2 00:03:18 You know what's interesting was that my follow up question was does it change my from the film? But the two of you already answered that. Okay. <laugh>, the, the, the, the jig is done here. There is no right answer other than the fact that this is going in your files that I keep on each one of you, you have Notebook <laugh>, it's gonna be psychoanalyzed just a little bit. No, but I actually, um, agree with two of Red's. Now, I will say that group for number volume two and Mantis for Holiday special, I don't agree with can I guess the Speaker 1 00:03:47 First one can I guess? Sure, go ahead. Speaker 2 00:03:48 Go Speaker 1 00:03:49 Ahead. Gamora. Gamora. Oh, Speaker 2 00:03:51 Interesting. Interesting. Is it, Speaker 1 00:03:53 Am I right? Um, Speaker 2 00:03:55 No, no. It's gonna be Gru gonna be Gru Gru in the first movie. He is the, the best character because he's just so lovable and unexpectedly lovable in that film. And he just gets more lovable in every single project we see him in. I don't want a teenage kid, but I would take a teenage group any day. So, um, that unfortunately is the right answer from my book. But there's, you both passed the test for different reasons. I'll psychoanalyze this later, I promise. Well, Speaker 3 00:04:20 If you, I have a question about that, if you like Groot, did you watch the Groot shorts? Because I didn't see them. Speaker 1 00:04:26 He wrote the review. Remember Speaker 3 00:04:28 <laugh>? Oh no, I forgot. Speaker 1 00:04:30 It's been a while. That was last. Speaker 3 00:04:31 Things have happened since then, so I, I don't remember. Speaker 2 00:04:35 I watched them multiple times the first day and it's one of my nephew's favorite to watch my four year old nephew. So we wa we watch 'em frequently, um, because they're so funny. I'm so excited that there's gonna be more of them. Why? Mm-hmm. Why not? Absolutely. Okay. Yeah. I Season two is coming here. News Speaker 1 00:04:51 To me. Speaker 2 00:04:53 Well, well now, you know, Speaker 3 00:04:53 Has it been officially announced? Are we, are we announcing it here? That it's, Speaker 2 00:04:58 Uh, Speaker 3 00:04:58 We, we, we know things, Speaker 2 00:05:00 Uh, well, so onto volume one, we're gonna leave it at that. Um, so Guardians Volume one, as we are preemptive, you know, we're post, uh, movie calling it, because at the times there was just Guardians of the Galaxy. Um, it came out in 2014, which was the beginning of phase two or like the mid of phase two. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So my first question for you both about this is, is this the first venture into the cosmic Marvel cinematic universe? Or are we counting Thor? I kinda wanna know what you two think. So Ila, I'm gonna start with you. Is this the first cosmic M C U film? Or is Thor, does Thor count being what it's, I'm, Speaker 3 00:05:41 I'm gonna say Thor doesn't count because Thor early on feels very much. And I think, you know, with the, um, of the actors too, it feels like very like Shakespeare and like Periody, but you know, guardians of the Galaxy has space pirates and like that, that's a hallmark of really like, you know, the cosmic and the in in space thing. Like, it reminds me of, um, just like Star Trek, star Wars, all those cool things. Like it feels like it's in space and therefore cosmic, um, you can't go wrong with space pirates. I'm sorry. Speaker 2 00:06:20 No, it's, I do wanna say too that we had lower the Dark World, the second one before this film too. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I guess you could count that as a space one if you want to, though it does feel very earthbound besides Asgard. But Anthony, what about you? What you thinking? Speaker 1 00:06:33 Absolutely. It was the first cosmic one. It really was just thinking about it. 'cause you had planet hopping, you had all sorts of alien creatures, which yeah, you've had some like in the first Avengers, but you, they were just the cannon fodder for for mm-hmm. <affirmative>. For Loki. And you also got to explore like parts where, you know, Peter was interacting with other species and going onto the planets where there was other things. Like what really solidifies this answer for me is the introduction of the Nova Core in that movie. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like that right there was like, okay, we are in space, we're out there, we're doing the thing. And with the threat of being between this, you know, the Cree Thanos, it was out there, it was not Earthbound at all. Minus the first, what, five minutes before Peter takes off. Speaker 2 00:07:25 Right? No, I think totally fair. Speaker 3 00:07:27 Nowhere too, I think is another really like big hallmark of, of cosmic and, and space type movies, right? This place where like, you know, this kind of black market where you go to sell your stuff if you are a space pirate or Space Bounty Hunter mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and that just feels very cosmic to me. Um, and I Speaker 1 00:07:47 Think speaking of nowhere, like think about it, you have the Talking Dog and other stuff there, like Cosmos. Sorry. It, it, it was, it was always poised to be the first one. Speaker 3 00:07:56 Yeah, Speaker 2 00:07:58 Absolutely. Okay. So this film, when it came out, I will agree, was kind of the first venture into the cosmic M C U. Um, it was also a film that was pretty standard in the way it was presented. A rag, a ragtag team come together, try saying that five times fast. <laugh>, um, they're kind of like the Avengers, but they're, they're less functional. They're, they're more dysfunctional in the, you know, the fact that they all have very selfish motivations at first. Are you Speaker 1 00:08:24 Saying the Avengers are functional? Come on now. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:08:27 Yeah. They, they have their own Speaker 1 00:08:28 Back to that first movie. That was something, Speaker 2 00:08:31 Okay, I'll give you that. But <laugh>, they are not as dysfunctional I should say because they all, I guess don't have very selfish motivations and, uh, they're not meant to be nearly as funny, I guess is what I was looking for. Um, but why does this team work for you? Does it work for you or does it did, does it not start with you Red? Speaker 1 00:08:52 Okay. No, it works for me. 'cause there's variety. You, you, you know, I'm thinking of it as a video gamer's point of view. It's like you've got somebody who can do range stuff. You've got your assassin who can do closeup, and you got Peter that's got a variety of gadgets and, and ability to fight. Then you got your tank in the form of group who can just do all that and, and, and then drax to, to cap it off. <laugh>, you also have the genius in the form of Rocket who's building stuff and putting things together. Like, what are you doing? Well, I'm assembling a bomb real quick. Like you're doing what inside of an enclosed space? <laugh>. It makes it more interesting. Speaker 3 00:09:27 Drex kind of gives me some tank vibes too. I'm thinking of the scene where he is in the holiday special where the Hollywood cops are like just shooting at him and they're, he's just like saying it tickles. That seems very, very Tanish Speaker 2 00:09:40 <laugh>. No, absolutely. And I think when you think about it that way, you thought video games, my head goes to Dungeons and Dragons where you have all the different components of the team and they all are brought together, not usually, um, of the most honorable ways. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and, um, they end up being a functional team at the end. Speaker 3 00:10:00 Well, the Avengers, the Avengers are brought together with honorable ways. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, they all have, like, they, you know, they, Steve Rogers doesn't want to to get rich, right? Steve Rogers wants to take care of the world. They all have this sense of honor. So they don't have, they don't have to grow into that. Whereas the Guardians of the Galaxy all eventually have to grow to, um, grow to work together, grow to put aside some of their personal motivations and grow into this heroic role. They're not mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they don't, they don't initially come by being a hero, honestly. Speaker 2 00:10:37 Mm-hmm. Absolutely. So what about this film did you like and dislike? You know, 'cause there was a lot of things that went well. Honestly, like, it's been a while since I've watched it. I can't think of a thing that I, I really disliked about the film. I remember watching this obsessively when it first came out on Disc. Um, 'cause yes, I still collect them all on Disc <laugh>. And, um, it was so funny to me. And I think that it really was, it was really one of the first times that comedy was put forth in the M C U in like a, such a, um, purposeful way. Speaker 1 00:11:13 Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:11:13 <affirmative>. Um, so I liked that, that it was a very com I liked the, you know, everything about it, the Nova Core. I wish that they would still do more with that. I know that hopefully we're getting a Nova series or special sometimes soon. But what do we like and what do we not like about this film? Speaker 1 00:11:30 Well, I'll just tell you now. There's hardly anything I don't like about Guardians of the Galaxy Volume One. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know how you have like your comfort food, like a southern fried chicken with mashed potatoes and corn on the side. That's what Guardians of the Galaxy is to me. If I'm having like a eh day weather sucks and I, I need to cheer up. I put that movie on. I've watched it more than the other one I can think of. Um, and Speaker 2 00:11:53 That's high praise. That's high praise. Speaker 1 00:11:55 If, if you've ever looked on like, on the Discord in some of the rankings. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> Guardians always sits like in the top five for me. And I understand a lot of people don't like it 'cause of the characterization that they change with Peter, Dr. All that. But for me, since I went into it not knowing the characters, I fell in love immediately. And of course it's cheating. You have some of the best music soundtracks like I was in right from the beginning. You are right there. And then you, as you progress, you get other songs, which I know it's another question down the road, so I'm not gonna dwell on that. But I was sold and it was funny 'cause like, I'm like, James Gunn, why does that sound familiar? Scooby Do What mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And, and, and I walked outta that one and I was like, that's probably the most enjoyable film I've seen in, in in a while. It, everything hit for me. Speaker 3 00:12:43 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, Speaker 2 00:12:45 You know, it, Speaker 3 00:12:46 I totally agree with that. And especially the idea that it's comfort, um, like comfort food. There's like, I think in a, it does have a lot to do with the soundtrack, right? I, I bought the CD and when, you know, I listened to the CD in my car because I listened to CDs just 'cause it's so happy and just so catchy and, and all of that. Um, and I think the movie really, it's just got a lot of heart and I don't know how else to describe it. They just have, you know, there are a lot of moments that, um, like you, you just wanna, like the characters, you just wanna like help 'em. You just want 'em to do good. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and I really like, and I know like you said, that people have issues with it because characters are not exactly the same as they are in the comic books. But I mean, you run that risk with any adaptation, right? Like mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know mm-hmm. <affirmative> books or comic books are different than what you have on film. So I'm personally okay with that. Speaker 1 00:13:42 I thought of one tiny little thing I didn't like though, now that I, now that I'm sorry to cut you off, Brian, but you're good. It's, I I didn't have any, um, knowledge about the Cree beforehand mm-hmm. <affirmative> and they make him this threat threat, but they don't really ever elaborate on that. And they, that was like one thing that I, I walked outta there kind of confused with. I'm like, I don't understand why these guys are so bad. I understand they were like extremists, but like, they could have used an opportunity to elaborate a little bit and say why these guys are so bad and why these people are worried about 'em. That that's about the only gaff for me. Speaker 2 00:14:16 No, I was, I was honestly gonna agree and say that they, other than, um, oh my gosh, who's the guy with the hammer? Speaker 1 00:14:23 Ronan Speaker 3 00:14:24 Ronan Speaker 2 00:14:25 Ronan. Um, besides him, the rest of them are just, there's not a lot, they're not fleshed out. And even something in Captain Marble is that they're not super fleshed out. They're a little more fleshed out, but they're still left to be desired. And I think hopefully we're gonna get some of that as we go along. Um, mentioning about, you know, you said about buying the, the soundtrack Ila on cd, I think there was something Unif that was unifying about that album, um, at the time that, of the second film, which we're gonna talk about in a second. Um, my, my ex at the time, he, uh, bought it on vinyl and he did, it wasn't a Marvel guy, but he bought the, he was like, this is such a fantastic album. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, he bought the first one and the second one, I'm pretty sure together in like a pack. Speaker 2 00:15:10 And he listened to it all the time and Marvel was my thing. But that was something that, that music was reminiscent of. Like, you know, I grew up, I think we all grew up hearing those songs even though they were maybe before our time and stuff. And, um, they were just, I, it was very classic and it helps to paint that film in such like a nostalgic light with it being something so new. Um, and I think it helps to drive home the fact too about this film being about family, which the second one drives home even more. You know, like when gr um, dies in the first film. Spoiler alert someone before 2020 2014. Um, Speaker 3 00:15:49 It's been 11 years right now. Yeah. Yes. Speaker 2 00:15:51 9, 9, 9 Speaker 3 00:15:52 Years. Speaker 2 00:15:53 But still like, you know, it was all about, you know, we are group and we're a family. And so I think that like, it kind of re is very reminiscent of like that family-like, um, atmosphere together. So final question for volume one. This was the first one to really kind of showcase Thanos in a bigger capacity. He was kind of the, the man behind the curtain that we saw a few more times, especially with Ronan. Um, it wasn't, um, Josh Brolin from the rest of the films, um, at that time, I'm pretty sure, right. That was a different actor. Um, wasn't the right call to introduce him in this film. Did it feel like it was the connected tissue it needed to the rest of the M C U? Did it feel like, um, perhaps it should have been in a different film that was more connected to the overarching, um, storyline? What are we thinking? Speaker 1 00:16:41 Are we not counting the Avengers Post credits? Speaker 2 00:16:44 But that was one just like the, the post credit stinging. I was saying like this one was a bigger capacity 'cause he actually has a few scenes throughout the film. Speaker 1 00:16:50 No, you're right. You're right. That's why, that's why I asked. Yeah. No, I think it was great because, you know, it's always fun when you see like, oh, there's this big threat without knowing there's an even bigger threat that's bankroll it. Like Dan's handed him an Infinity Stone and said, all right here dude, I'm gonna help you, but you gotta help me. And to see like Ronan was terrifying and to know there was somebody that Ronan was, well not really, not really scared of, but should have been. That was a hell of a entrance like early on. 'cause we didn't really get to see Thanos more until, um, well, until he showed up in Infinity War, truly. So this was the, the moment, and it was very well capped off by how much effort it took to take out Ronan. They have to use an infinity stone to, to take him out. Mm-hmm. So how much of more of a threat Cat Thanos be if he's the one that supplied that? Speaker 3 00:17:43 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>? I think so. I think Thanos is in like two scenes in this movie, if I remember right. But I might be confused. Um, and I think, I think it's a testament to James Gunn's storytelling because like you said, like Ronan is the big bad of this movie, right? He's the guy that you know, that the guardians are up against essentially. And yet, you know, he, he's gonna destroy Xandr and all these other things, yet he's like, he's got these issues with Thanos and Thanos is the truly scary one. And I think it's, um, you know, if you sit and think about it and from storytelling, you know, he effectively created this like, sense of unease. So I think he did a good job with that. Speaker 2 00:18:26 Couldn't agree more. Um, okay. So Guardian to the, the Galaxy Volume two came out three years later. Um, at this point there we had just had Dr. Strange, and this was right before Spider-Man Homecoming. I had to look these up because I could not remember where they came out. And it was like mm-hmm. <affirmative> mental flashback, a little bit of like what this era was. Mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:18:49 <affirmative> Speaker 2 00:18:49 That was fun. Um, of, of this film. This, this story was a little more family centric. Um, at least I, that's how I kind of always view it. You know, we have Star Lord and Ego, star Lord and Yondu, Gamora, Nebula, g Gru, and Rocket of these relationships and these dynamics that we saw develop throughout this film. Which one did you like the best? Or, and also, I guess, which one didn't work for you? We'll start with you Ayla. Speaker 3 00:19:15 So I thought that I, I agree. This was definitely more family centered and I really liked, um, like the almost adoptive family aspect, right? 'cause there's Yondu and Peter and you're, you're kind of learning a little bit more about their relationship and eventually Yondu sacrifices himself for Peter. And I think that's very like a fatherly thing to do. And that's something that, um, that Peter's real father, the Celestial would never do. So I think I really liked that and I really liked seeing the, um, kind of the ebbs and flows of that relationship between Peter and Yondu. And then of course the scene at the end, um, or close to the end where, you know, yonder's funeral is there with all the ravager. Like how can you not cry at that? Because I know I did. It was beautiful Speaker 1 00:20:02 With the song Father and son playing you like. Speaker 3 00:20:05 Exactly. Speaker 2 00:20:07 How would you not? Yeah. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. What about you Anthony? Speaker 1 00:20:11 Um, I actually found more interesting the relationship between Peter and Gamora, but El since, because she instantly saw through the facade. Like she already kind of felt weird about the whole thing with ego. And she was even trying to warn him. And, and he says something to the effect of, I finally found my family. And she stops, like cocks her head a little bit to the side and looks at him like, I thought you already found your family. Like the, the, the, I don't wanna say disrespect, but the, the hurt or whatever you want to use for the word here of him saying that, declaring it in front of her after the ending to the first movie where, you know, we are group, we are a family. It, it was interesting because he had it for her, you know, instantly he, he, he liked her and through that movie, the same thing as well. So for him to make a comment like that in front and to her was, was something else. Because as we progressed in Infinity War Endgame, you can see how much Peter really loved Gamora. So for him to say that early on, that, that stayed with me for a long time. That's Speaker 2 00:21:23 A fantastic takeaway. I guess I, I needed to re-watch that film 'cause I don't think I remember that scene very well. But that, I think that showcases a lot about the Found family that Ila you were talking about. Mm-hmm. Speaker 3 00:21:36 <affirmative>, it's not about Blood with the Guardians. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:21:41 Right. Is there ones that we didn't like? Speaker 3 00:21:47 Hmm. Speaker 1 00:21:49 Uh, I didn't like Drax This's relationship with Mantis where he was being kind of a jerk. Speaker 2 00:21:54 Sure. Speaker 1 00:21:54 You know, but it, it, and then I wasn't like, oh my God, I can't believe this, but I'm like, this shtick is getting a little old of him calling her ugly and undesirable and stuff. Like, we don't need that in media. Speaker 3 00:22:08 I think they realize that too. 'cause I think Drs is, um, just how he approaches, uh, approaches Mantis is totally different in the holiday special. And I hope that they, in the new movie that that continues because it's just, you know, not, not such a, like, not such a sexist dynamic. It's like just, it's still funny. It's just, you know, not, not cruel. Speaker 1 00:22:32 It's just a jerk. Yeah. And like, it's, and it's overdone, I think is what I didn't like, like he kept doing it. Speaker 2 00:22:41 No, that's fair. That one definitely, um, can leave a bad taste in the mouth. I have to say that Star Lord and Ego was the one that really I didn't care for the most because as a psychologist, I can understand individuals who are looking for their family tend to, um, tend sacrifice a lot and forget a lot of things. But it was just so blatantly obvious that he was the villain. And I was like, you know, Peter, come on dude. Like <laugh> snap out of it. I have to say my favorite though was Gamora Nebula because I think that they had such an interesting dynamic of like the two sisters who, you know, one is loved and one isn't. And how that really played out in the, the cycles of abuse. They both had different ways by having such an abusive father. And how by the end of this film they're just like, we don't wanna fight anymore. Like, they were, they were tired. And like, that was really interesting for me. And so that one is one of my favorites of this film. Speaker 3 00:23:37 And it's such a believable relationship too, right? Like that that sibling relationship where like, there's one that's the favorite so-called, and then one that, um, is pitted against, you know, the other, it's kind of something that, um, I think had a lot of relatability in the movie. And I say this as an only child, so I, I assume that this, you know, had a lot of relatability. Speaker 2 00:24:00 Oh, absolutely. Speaker 1 00:24:01 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:24:02 Yeah. Absolutely. Um, okay. This film also had Baby Group, which was a big take from, uh, the big group we got in the first film. Um, and I think we already all declared that he's the best one. So I think that's enough said about Baby Group, unless there's anything you wanna say about him being adorable. Um, maybe the scene where he's pushing the button still to this day makes me laugh until I cry. Speaker 1 00:24:25 That one is good. Um, Speaker 3 00:24:26 I think Baby Groot had to have inspired, um, maybe Baby Yoda. Maybe Gro Gro. Yeah. Because, um, just like some, somebody in marketing maybe saw that and thought, just think of the merchandise Speaker 1 00:24:42 Easily. I also liked, um, when they were sending group to go find all the different, the eyeball and stuff, and he kept coming back with the most random stuff that I really liked that just, you know, like a little kid would do that you're like, Hey, bring me the screwdriver. And then they bring you, you know, like a Phillips and you're looking for a flat and like, bring me that, bring me a hammer instead. Like, you know, I could see that happening in real life too. Speaker 2 00:25:06 No, and that was what was so interesting too about like the rocket in the group is because Rocket is essentially his father, but he's like also just this like grumpy raccoon and he doesn't know how to be a father, but he's learning, he's learning patience by having this baby child run around mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so that makes it super interesting. Speaker 1 00:25:27 Can I just say that Rocket is one of the most relatable characters in real life? <laugh>, like, just and attitude wise, like, you know, oh, we're screwed. Like, oh, this is going, you know, like mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Mm-hmm. I've been around those people and I'm like, you remind me of Rocket <laugh>. Luckily you don't have guns. Speaker 2 00:25:43 Um, the props to Bradley Cooper for playing the Sassiest Raccoon in the Galaxy. Speaker 3 00:25:49 Has he ever showed up to a Marvel thing? I don't know if you guys know this offhand, like from a mirror or anything. 'cause I have to imagine the reception would be interesting. Speaker 2 00:25:59 I wanna say yes, but now I'm, I'm gonna, I'm gonna Google it. <laugh> Bradley Cooper Marvel premieres, because I wanna say Guardians of the Galaxy Volume two? No, he's at Endgame. Speaker 3 00:26:12 End game. Okay. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:26:13 At least. And he's at the first one. Speaker 3 00:26:15 Okay. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:26:17 So he shows up. I mean, I think that they're, they did very interesting things with him and with Groot. Like I know Vin Diesel actually wore like, stilts in the first film to record his lines, <laugh>. Oh. Like, and if you watch the behind the scenes on the disc, they actually show you and he's like 10 feet tall doing the Groot ones. Like they're Ja Again, I think this is part of James Gunn. James Gunn picks people that are very good at what they do, but he also picks, he also pushes people to be the best that they can be in these roles. Um, which is why we got things like Vin Diesel playing both Big Groot and Baby Groot, <laugh> and Rocket being the biggest awesomest raccoon ever. And I hope that he lives to the next one, which we'll talk about. We get there. Um, anything else about Guardian, the Volume two before we move on to Infinity Ward that stuck out to you? Like a, like a, a good memory, a bad memory of this film that you feel like, oh, I gotta talk about this. Speaker 1 00:27:12 I have one. I, I like the fact that they went back and showed Meredith, you know mm-hmm. <affirmative> Peter's mom mm-hmm. <affirmative> and, and, and kind of tied it back. 'cause like, how, how she died. It was an account of ego doing it because he was trying to move forward with this plan. I really like that. Speaker 3 00:27:27 There's one init, well, I guess seen from, uh, guardians the Galaxy too, that kind of sticks out. And that's, you know, I guess the planet with all the skeletons. Um, that's just creepy. And I, I enjoy that set design. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 2 00:27:42 Absolutely. Um, okay, so Infinity War was the first Guardian films not directed, well, I shouldn't say first Film of The Guardians, but the first film that had the Guardians in it that wasn't directed by James Gunn mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, though I was hoping that maybe one of you two knew if this was correct. I believe he wrote the lines for them in for the script, or like, he had some inputs in that. Um, I feel like I, I heard this somewhere. I could be completely making this up. And for that I do apologize. I see Ila typing away. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:28:13 <laugh>, sorry, I'm, I'm looking it up now. And Google, Speaker 2 00:28:18 I, I just feel like there was something about him having some kind of input or some say or working with the <inaudible> Brothers in some capacity. Um, but overall it was the first film that wasn't directed by James Gun that featured them, um, in any com in any capacity. So, Speaker 3 00:28:37 So I can confirm that he did write the lines for Infinity War for the Guardians, so you were correct on that. But he didn't write it for Thor, um, which we'll talk about later. Um, he had just consulted, but he did write Infinity War. Speaker 2 00:28:51 Okay. So I guess this maybe kind of answers the first question, but like, did you feel there was a difference to the Guardians or did they remain consistent? I thought they were pretty consistent, and I feel like that's why I knew James Gunn wrote them. 'cause I was fact checking them. Uh, I was, I was, I was at the time thinking like, are they gonna feel different? We haven't seen them written by anyone else. And overall they kind of felt very, um, genuine to their characters. Um, Anthony, what do you think? Do you feel like they were genuine and consistent, or do you feel like they felt different than their past iterations? Speaker 1 00:29:21 No, it was absolutely spot on. Um, think about the introduction. How do we see them flying through space, listening to music, jamming, having a little ses there and together. And then guess what? Dinging, ding, ding, dinging, dinging alerts going off. And, and the first thing that comes to Peter's mind is like, Hey, we're gonna get paid, you know, <laugh>. And then everyone else has to be like, well, okay, okay. Like, yes, but we need to, you know, like, do the right thing. So just right there, I was like, we're starting off great. Um, and, and then as we progress, you know, he is spending time with Thor mm-hmm. <affirmative> and Thor shows up and, and it throws the balance because now the power dynamic has shifted away from Peter, who's the captain, even though he's arguing with Rocket about it the whole time. And, uh, and, and then the only thing that I felt a little off, but it, I understand for the sake of the story, it had to happen was them separating. Speaker 1 00:30:09 But even then in Gardens of the Galax Galaxy Volume two, they did the same thing. Rocket Mantis and Drax or whatever went and did something else. And, and Peter and Gamora, and I can't even remember at this point, but they, they were on ego's planet doing their thing. Um, and, and Peter Peter's arrogance and emotion, getting the best of him and, and allowing Anos to slip the gauntlet back on was insanely accurate for me. Of, of how he would've reacted, because it's not the first time we've seen grief overtake him. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, he, he did the exact same thing when he found out about his mom towards ego. And now when he found out Theos killed the love of his life, that was his own, that was Theo's daughter. That reaction was completely warranted. Was it dumb? Of course, he cost the, you know, the world, everything but in line with his actions, feelings, it was perfect. Speaker 3 00:31:08 It was totally in line with his character. And, you know, you mentioned it earlier, that scene between, um, him and Gaura, like he, he earned all of those feelings and earned that arc where, you know, where he, he was gonna like, let that happen. Um, I think the characters, I, I do think they're consistent with, with an, an Infinity war. I think, um, you can tell James Gunn, you know, wrote them and think there's a lot of thought in them. Um, I think that there are, I wanna say like the stakes are almost elevated though. 'cause they're playing like the, the Guardians are like these comedic characters with, you know, but with some serious moments. Whereas Thor and some of the other characters are, are just more serious characters with like, fewer comedic moments. And I think there's a scene that just sticks out to me where Thor and Rocket are, are chatting basically about everything that's happened. And Rocket is like, you know, are you, are you ready for this? Can you do this? Or, I think it's infinity. We're not, um, not the next one. Um, and Thor, you know, it's a dramatic moment for Thor, right? Thor has lost everything. And I just think that that is very, um, like that's very serious, like that, that moment compared to some of the other Guardians stuff. So I think, you know, I think, I think they are in some ways reacting to the seriousness of the situation and the movie that they're in. Speaker 2 00:32:35 Yeah. No, absolutely. They do feel very consistent. Um, one of the things that remains consistent from maybe the past films again, is this, this family dynamic. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, which we see the struggle between Peter and Gamora with having to kill her if it comes down to it. And he struggles with that. Um, and then Gamora Nebula with Thanos being their adoptive father, um, and one scene that always sticks out to me, every time I watch it, I still get goosebumps. I'm actually getting the mess. And we're talking about it is the scene where Gamora tries to be very strong against Thanos, and then they see Nebula. And the moment that Nebula starts getting tortured, she, she's, she, you know, she spills the beans and there's just this tortured look of, I've, you know, I've given up the, the, the universe for my sister, but I, I, I can't, nobody could expect me to do anything else. And that look that she has as she's watching Nebula just gets me every time because it's just, there's so much emotion and, and, um, and dynamics shoved into that small scene. Um, I don't know, that just always stuck out to me Speaker 3 00:33:46 For anyone who says a comic book movie, you know, doesn't have good acting, doesn't have good, um, storytelling. Like, look at that moment. Because even under the prosthetics, even under all the makeup, like they, they telegraphed this very human this, this feeling that had such an impact on you and on the audience. So I think, you know, just, you know, that's again a testament to how great it is. Speaker 2 00:34:11 Was there any, uh, guardian's moment from this film that stuck out to you specifically that may be, um, kind of like that for me, but was there anything about this film that really impacted you in a, in a, in a big way, or that like, was just so funny that it always sticks out in your, in your mind? Speaker 1 00:34:30 Are we talking the second one? Speaker 3 00:34:33 Infinity Speaker 1 00:34:33 War. Infinity War, sorry. Um, Speaker 2 00:34:37 The, who is Gaura? What is Gaura? Speaker 1 00:34:40 Nah, I did like the interaction between them and Dr. Strange and all that. When they're like, what master do you serve? Like, what am I supposed to say? Jesus Christ. Like, that part does make me laugh every time. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> just 'cause, you know, and they're like, I'm from Missouri. Yeah. That's on earth. Dip shit. And like mm-hmm. <affirmative> just, just Speaker 2 00:34:56 Peter's pretty Speaker 1 00:34:57 Fantastic. Blatantly dumb, but unintentionally. And then them interacting with other humans and, and I al this. Okay. I do have something that sticks out to me every time they're like, you know, Thor. Yeah. Tall guy, blonde, not that good looking. And Peter's like, like Pete, Peter Parker, sorry, let me specify. Spider-Man, <laugh>, she's kind of looks at Peter cool. And it's like, what, like strong reaction when he said not that good looking as if that was necessary. But it was great. Speaker 3 00:35:26 I think that for me, the scene or the moment where, um, we learn about Gun Moore's backstory where she's this little girl mm-hmm. <affirmative> and then a, you know, basically takes her under his wing after destroying her people and her family is, um, sticks out to me because that just is kind of, I think that really like shows what a bad dude that Zenoss is not, I mean, we've seen him destroy countless species and all of that too, but just like that very personal moment, like, wow, he sucks. Speaker 2 00:36:01 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, one moment that sticks out even to this day as well, is the moment in the end where GR gets dusted and he's crying out to Rocket. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> Speaker 2 00:36:16 And I cry every time and as Lizzie said the other week, but Brian, you always cry. And I said, that's true. But that scene is just so emotional. I think that it leads into a huge arc for both Rocket Nebula come End game because they've lost every part of their family. Everybody's either dead or dusted. Um, what did we like about the, their storylines and endgame and did we feel the hu the Nebula Nebula was very humanized by that point, um, especially in that opening scene with, um, Tony Stark. And the ship I think was a big moment for her. But what, what were our thoughts on their storylines and, and through endgame? Speaker 3 00:36:58 I wanna jump real quick back to what you Okay. Just said about Groot because I wanted to know if you had heard what that like last line is before he is dusted. If you had read about that. Speaker 2 00:37:08 Isn't he calling out father? Speaker 3 00:37:11 He's calling dad. Yeah. And that makes it like so much worse. Speaker 2 00:37:16 Yeah. The moment I heard that, that like that after the fact, I started crying. Like I wasn't even teeters and I just knew that that's what it was. And I was like, oh damn. That's, that's rough. Speaker 3 00:37:26 Yep. Speaker 1 00:37:28 I didn't know that. <laugh>, I'm experiencing all the motions of that at this moment and it's a little bit of a mess for me. Yeah. Oh my God. Speaker 2 00:37:37 Right. It hurts. Wow. Speaker 3 00:37:39 It does. Yep. Whew. And it was to rock it. And yeah, Speaker 2 00:37:46 I think that really shows, 'cause Rocket has a very interesting storyline, um, that's very different than Nebula. 'cause Nebula storyline is different 'cause she's playing the old and new Nebula mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But Rocket has the storyline of that. He's lost everything and he's never been so motivated in his life to get it all back. And I think that was such a change for Rocket because that's not a rocket we'd really seen up to that point. You know, rocket was kind of like this very lone wolf. I'm stuck with the guardians and I guess they're okay, but I should be the leader. Speaker 3 00:38:15 He wasn't really, he wasn't a hero before. Right. We talked about that earlier. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, he, he was, had still had some selfish motivations and he's, you know mm-hmm. <affirmative> now they're gone. Speaker 2 00:38:24 Yeah. Absolutely. So what do you guys think about the, their storylines story Speaker 3 00:38:30 Lines? It's been a while. I'm gonna be honest and say it's, it's been a while. Speaker 1 00:38:34 Watched in Game in a minute. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:38:36 I'm trying to, it's backs. So Nebula has the roles of playing old Nebula New, new Nebula and Old Nebula takes over new Nebula and Yeah. Betrays them. And then Nebula gets a new relationship with her old sister and they kind of save the world by killing her old her. Yeah. Her old self. Sorry. That's really confusing when you start to think about it. <laugh> and Rocket went with Thor and was kind of playing therapist to Thor about like, we've all lost something and we have a chance to get it back. So like, suck it up and like, let's do what we can because you're not the only one suffering here. Um, which to me they're both very impactful for different ways. But I think Rockets hit me a little bit harder because, um, Nebula was interesting 'cause you got the two dynamics of the different kinds, but you, part of her was just going back to being the, the old bad guy where Rocket was brand new from what we had seen him. So, um, Speaker 3 00:39:34 I liked in this movie, and this is not so much a storyline, but I liked, um, I liked seeing Rocket as an Avenger because I think he was an Avenger in this movie, not just The Guardian. Right. He was, he was on that little display with, um, with Captain Marvel, or not with Captain Marvel with um, black Widow. With Black Widow, yeah. Checking in on, on all the things across the, the Galaxy. And I liked how dismissive he was a Vant man. 'cause I just thought that was kind of funny. Um, I think that, I think that the old and new nebulous storyline was really effective and I think, um, it, it shows like how much the fact that they had trusted her shows how much her character had grown, that they, they like wouldn't even think that, um, there would be a situation where she could betray them. Speaker 3 00:40:33 And I think that's kind of a nice moment showing her growth, um, even though she betrays them 'cause she's the old Nebula. So I, I liked that as well. Um, I also liked that it wasn't Insta love for the new Gamo or the past Gaura and, you know, the mm-hmm. <affirmative>, the new, um, not the new the, the regular Peter, because Gaura and Peter had to earn that love, had to earn that relationship. And the, the old Gaura and Peter don't have that. And she's rightfully like, he's, he's creepy as hell, you know, get away from me. Um, and I think that gives a lot of moments for Peter to like suffer and, you know, it's no fun to see characters happy. It's always fun to see characters suffer. So I I like that <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:41:17 Oh, that's fair. Do you, how do you think then the, the rejection of the team and of Peter is gonna affect volume three? Speaker 3 00:41:27 That's a good question, but I'm gonna let Red answer. You know, the other question first, Speaker 1 00:41:35 Remind me what the question is. Speaker 2 00:41:37 <laugh>. Um, we kind of talked about it just about Rocket and Nebula story and just what our thoughts were and which one hit with us. Um, I know it was a long time ago, you know, endgame was, oh, 20 19, 4 years ago, Speaker 3 00:41:51 Pre pandemic times, Speaker 2 00:41:53 It was a different time. Um, but lemme ask you this. How do you think Amor rejecting the team is gonna affect volume three Speaker 3 00:42:02 <laugh>? Speaker 2 00:42:04 So when you enter the bus, Speaker 1 00:42:06 I think it'll inspire them further on. 'cause Okay, one way or another, she's gonna find out what she previously did. I mean that mm-hmm. <affirmative> exists, the fact that there's nowhere there that'll be a good one for them to talk about. Someone's gonna recognize there's what I'm thinking. They're gonna be like, Hey, weren't you part of the group that did the thing that helped us and, and move forward and everything? What I'm interested to know is how she's gonna react when she finds out that her other version got killed. Oh. Because I don't, I'm not sure if that ever got touched upon. Like, as far as she knows she's Gamora. It's not like she was looking around for another Gamora, you know, Nebula had the self cross mm-hmm. <affirmative>, whatever. But that didn't happen with Gaura. 'cause there wasn't one. So I, I'm curious to know how she felt about it. And, and, and my thoughts is maybe her finding out about the sacrifice she made, the things she told Peter about taking her out in case that she got captured mm-hmm. <affirmative> might help. I, I think it won't be as bad as we think. Speaker 2 00:43:08 Okay. Speaker 3 00:43:09 I wanna see. So as far as I'm concerned, the, the relationship between Peter and Gamora can be done. I, I, I was excited to see that little tease in the trailer for maybe, um, a Gamora and Peter relationship because it seems very messy and very fun. So I hope it happens. Um, it, it just feels very complicated and like, it could be great, especially if Gamora realizes that, um, if, if the old, the old Gamora realize, or I'm sorry, the new Gaura like suddenly has feelings for Peter. I just, I like a good love triangle Speaker 2 00:43:43 <laugh>. I do, I would say I'm okay with Peter and Gamora being done too. We can move past that. I feel like, especially with what's gonna happen potentially with this being the, the final goodbye as it keeps saying on the trailers that maybe we don't need them to fall in love again. Um, okay. So at the end of end game, the team is joined by Thor and then they fly off to Thor Love and Thunder. And this one is interesting in the fact that the, the team, in my opinion, looked very rough, especially Chris Pratt. He looked like he had not slept all the year <laugh>. Um, did the Guardians in in Love and Thunder make sense to you? Did you like it? I did not. I thought it was a very, uh, if, again, I think maybe I like, as you pointed this out, that it wasn't written by James Speaker 3 00:44:33 Gunn. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It was Tika. Speaker 2 00:44:35 Okay. It didn't, it didn't feel right. It didn't feel right to me. But what are we thinking Speaker 3 00:44:41 I could have done without them in the movie? I think there's a way to have written it just without them. Totally. And the movie would've maybe even been better, even though they weren't in it for that long. Speaker 2 00:44:51 Fair Speaker 1 00:44:52 <laugh>, I did not care for them in that movie. And it wasn't a consequence of their own. But let me preface this, and y'all know this, I did not like Door Love and Thunder. I watched it twice. That was more than enough times to watch it. Not even the fact that, oh, the guardians are in this makes me wanna watch it again. I I just don't, I don't care. I do not care at all. Speaker 3 00:45:12 And Speaker 1 00:45:12 It's just, am I glad to see them briefly? Sure. But if they were without it, it would've done a little less damage to how I feel about them. Speaker 3 00:45:23 Do you feel like this movie Tam, like how they appear, their roughness, all of this, um, kind of dampened your excitement for them in the holiday special? Like, did it make you less hyped for them? Speaker 1 00:45:36 No. No. The only thing was like, yes, I was happy to see The Guardians again 'cause they're like, you know, probably one of my favorites. But it was like, if they had not been in it, I wouldn't have been upset at all. Like, the only takeaway from that movie and then them that I really enjoyed was that it set up the play for the Future movie of, you know, how he re like that scene where he's talking about how much he caress about them and Thor gets in the way and everything. I hate that that got played for a joke because you could tell how much from the heart Peter was speaking and the way he was looking at them was like a look I hadn't seen from Peter since he'd seen his mom, or when Yondu passed away. Mm-hmm. Speaker 3 00:46:19 <affirmative>. Speaker 2 00:46:21 No, that's, that's totally fair. They didn't really fit this film. I think the film would've been better with them out of it, but it wasn't too terribly long before we got Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas special, which was really a, a mantis drag story. Um, more so than anything else. And, and I would even argue that this is Mantis story. Oh, yeah. Um, she was the main character emotional arc. I already thought that they were, her and, uh, Peter were known to be related. I apparently for, had forgotten that the deleted scene was from, it was a deleted scene. I was like, that was in the second film. I I knew that before it ever happened. My family was all confused. And I was like, why are we confused? We knew this people <laugh>, um, as the first holiday special besides the Halloween one. Um, was it a smart move to feature the Guardians of the Galaxy? I think it was, Speaker 1 00:47:12 I think it's good because it wept my appetite. Like I said, I wasn't happy with the whole Thor love and thunder. Mm-hmm. But when I watched the holiday special, I'm like, this, these are the guardians that I love mm-hmm. <affirmative> because it's it's heart and it's comedy. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and this one did it. And, and bringing him back to Earth was a very interesting choice of how they did that. Um, the motivation behind it, again, heart, they weren't doing it to do something stupid. They wanted to go and do something very thoughtful for Peter mm-hmm. <affirmative> because they could see how sad he was. Like, not only did they acknowledge and observe that he had issues, they were already acting upon it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And that just, that's family. That's family Speaker 2 00:47:57 Ag. Agreed. Speaker 3 00:47:58 Yeah. I think this move, uh, the holiday special made me so much more excited for volume three. Um, it, it's everything that I love about the Guardians of the Galaxy. And, you know, I think just from the songs to the choices they made, just, it was really cool and really fun and just really, really Speaker 1 00:48:21 Shout out Old 97. Speaker 3 00:48:22 Was that the band? Speaker 1 00:48:23 They're from, uh, Texas. Speaker 3 00:48:25 Oh, see, I wanted to look them up and I just kept forgetting, but they were freaking phenomenal. Um, and, you know, red Hill, I don't know if you got this vibe at all, but the, like, the place where they all were at, at the mo start of the movie, and that was decorated for Christmas. I'm forgetting what it was, but it gave me like nowhere, nowhere, nowhere. It gave me mega ton vibes. Um, yes, absolutely. And I just felt like Absolutely. Yeah. And that's from Fallout and I'm just like, wow, this is, this is cool. Um, so I really loved that. Um, I, I don't have enough words to describe how much I loved the holiday special. Speaker 2 00:49:00 I actually just watched this the other night. I wasn't quite ready to go to bed, but I wasn't ready for like a full movie. So I was like, I'm gonna just turn on Guardians of the Galax Reality special. It still holds up even though it's a Christmas mm-hmm. <affirmative> like film. I could watch a Christmas special, I could watch this all year. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I think it's made me very excited as well for volume three because it really get, once again put family at the center of this. Um, where in Thor Love and Thunder, it just felt like they couldn't wait to get rid of Thor too fast. And it didn't feel, they didn't feel right. This put them front and center. And I was like, oh, this is the Guardian's team. This is what I've been missing. Even with Alcam, it felt good. Speaker 3 00:49:36 Yeah. It, that feeling good I think is, is the, is like it's the best outcome from it. Right. It, it just was amazing. Speaker 2 00:49:45 Which I can't think of a single guardian's film that I didn't leave feeling good. Even with the und undos death. I should, that's the, sounded really <laugh> really rude for a second there. I felt good about that. Um, so next of course is volume three. What do we think is gonna happen in this film? What would you like to see? What are you feeling nervous about? What is it, what is Guardian of the Galaxy Three have in store for you? Maybe on a personal level, but also what are we hoping that it's gonna impact M C U? I just wanna know your thoughts on the general ideal volume three. Speaker 1 00:50:16 I'm excited to see Adam Morelock very much so. Yes, we open up that thread in the second movie. Of course, if this, you know, I shall call him Adam. And, and it's good to see that it's actually happening. Adam Morlock is a pretty huge character in the comics. I mean, if you go back and read the Infinity War, he's a big player in how they succeeded against Anos. I know a lot of people were very upset that we didn't get him before Infinity War and they were wondering how all this is gonna work, but I'm actually happy he didn't show up. It would've been kind of too sudden too soon if he would've just shown up, been the big player and, and, and, and won the thing. As we all know, the big emotional impact was at the end of the day that Tony Stark, the person who wouldn't make the personal play, was the one who did and saved the universe. So knowing that we're going to finally see what the Adam Morelocks about, um, get dive into Rocket's history because as he said what in the first movie, there's no thing like me except me. Well, yes and no <laugh> yes, you're probably the only rocket raccoon, but you're not the only one that got, um, experimented on. I, I'm very, I'm so excited to meet Lila 'cause I wanna see what her and Rocket went through. I wanna see what she's been up to and where she's at now. Speaker 3 00:51:30 I'm ex absolutely. Speaker 3 00:51:32 I'm excited about this movie because of what you just mentioned. I can't wait to see Counter Earth because from the trailers and from what we at the Cosmic Circus, um, translated and you should go check out, I think vin's post about it. Um, it looks really cool and trippy and I love bizarro world type things and it feels very bizarro world with all the anthrop, anthropomorphized animals walking around like rocket. Um, I also am excited, I mean excited and a little bit sad 'cause there's been a lot of hinting around that a main character would die in this, um, in this iteration of guardians. And I kind of want to see that happen. Um, and I wanna see who it's going to be. I have theories, but yeah, Speaker 2 00:52:18 I have to say that there's a, you hit the head on the nail of what I'm so excited about Isla. We spent so much time decoding all those pictures and coming up with a, like, breaking down the Speaker 1 00:52:28 Language. Oh my God. I remember that week. Speaker 2 00:52:30 Week. And we actually have two posts. Yeah. We, we have one by VIN and one that I wrote and deciphering different pictures and we were like, like clue masters. And so for <laugh>, I feel like, that was so exciting that like, it could not top almost anything else in this film. Just be like, we got most of those letters, <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:52:49 It also feels like such a long time ago at this point, you know, it's, Speaker 2 00:52:54 Well, yeah, it was almost a year ago. I, but the, the counter earth's gonna be really, really fun. Um, I like that we're finally getting some more of the personal stories of these other characters, but like, I feel like at this point almost everybody's back stories have been touched on in some capacity. So for us to finally get rockets is only a, a, uh, matter of time. I'm glad we didn't do it. Um, so we do have a question from one of our listeners, flutters 11 from our Discord asked if we can play a quick version of Die Survives or Leaves. Um, I am gonna just leave this open. I'm not gonna give you three people to choose like we usually do <laugh>. Um, who wants to go first? Or who one wants to go first? I will go first, but, um, all right. Anthony. Speaker 1 00:53:42 Okay. Dies. Drax survives, mantis leaves Peter. Speaker 2 00:53:51 Okay. Is is it just mantis surviving or, or are they all the surviving? Speaker 1 00:53:56 I'm sure most of 'em surviving, but I, I, the reason why my thinking behind it is because they had us so enamored with her and her relationship to Peter and the, the holiday, you know, episode mm-hmm. <affirmative>, that they could always do that thing where, oh, okay, we're gonna really get you in this character and they're ready to kill him. You know? 'cause that happens in media a lot. Like mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:54:15 <affirmative>, Speaker 1 00:54:16 Think of any sad movie where the wife and, you know, they always show that montage of her doing things. And then guess what? She's dead. Like, I feel like we were almost getting primed for that to happen with Mantis. Like, oh, she's not just some random chick. She's literally related to the main guy of the group. Don't do this to me. Don't do this to me. Kevin Pagie, Speaker 3 00:54:36 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:54:37 He would never, no <laugh>. Hopefully not, Speaker 3 00:54:40 Uh, Speaker 2 00:54:40 Uh, die survives or leaves. Speaker 3 00:54:43 This is hard. And I think, I hate this <laugh>, but I think I would like Gamora to die. Um, again, again, and just like, ha have the death be meaningful and, and count and stick. Even though I love the actress. Like she, you know, the character's gone have her be dead. Um, I guess I want directs to survive because I, I like Dave Batista and I would like to see the character evolve and grow. Um, 'cause I don't think he's had a lot of opportunity to do that. I'd like to see like an arc for him. Um, what was it? Die survives and Leaves, Speaker 2 00:55:27 Leaves, Speaker 3 00:55:28 Leaves. And Hmm. I would be okay with Rocket leaving, I guess. Okay. And, and going to stay as the ruler of Counter Earth. I, Speaker 2 00:55:41 I have to agree with you Anthony. I think Drax is dead. I think that like they put too much stock in the fact that he is dead. And I think that that rumor's been there for too long for not to be Drax that man Dave Petista has wanted to leave for a while. He does not want to be in great makeup anymore. Yeah. Well there's four And he got, go ahead. There's Speaker 3 00:55:58 Foreshadowing too in the holiday special, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I think Xi's character says that he hates when, when someone doesn't die or something like that in the movie. I don't remember the exact lines, but I felt when I heard them like, yep, he is gone. That's, Speaker 2 00:56:14 And he had one last meaningful journey with Mantis. And now this, I think that it could, you could easily see him leave. I, I think the sh bigger shock would, would be if nobody dies because everybody's Yeah. Someone's died in every film so far. Yep. Um, so I think that's my, my my shocking survive would be if they all make it out. And I think that with my leaves, I think there is a, there's a two part I think that Peter leaves and I would love for Kimora to come back and actually be like, his replacement, not of his team leader, but like of the more humanoid fighter. Speaker 1 00:56:47 Hmm. Hmm. Okay. Where Speaker 3 00:56:48 Does Peter go? Speaker 2 00:56:50 Um, that's a great Speaker 1 00:56:52 Question. Back, back home. Um, Speaker 2 00:56:56 So we have a few more questions. I'm gonna jump around 'cause I wanna get some of the really good ones. Um, so Berges from our Discord says, what other obscure Marvel characters or teams could become a household name in the hands of the right, uh, creator. I put creatures. Sorry about that. Um, and right off the bat, the two that came to mind for me were a force, which I hopefully more people know about, but I feel like a lot of people don't. And the Annihilators, which is another cosmic team that, that run along the Gardens of the Galaxy, tends to have like Silver Surfer in it. And Adam Morlock and um, star Hawk, or Star Hawk I think is his name. Yeah. And one of the Thors, I think it's beta, uh, beta Ray, bill, uh, even Drax is on this team. And he tends to have a, a human girl that he brings with him as like a surrogate daughter. Um, those are two, I think that in the right hands could become, uh, uh, household names. What about you guys? Speaker 1 00:57:52 I, I apologize, but I don't actually have an answer to this one. I don't know obscure ones enough to say I would like to see this, so I'll have to pass. Sorry. I guess I, Speaker 3 00:58:00 I guess that this is not really obscure 'cause I feel like people know about him, but I would like to see Howard the Duck and I think that Howard the Duck could be, you know, catapulted to, um, M C U, superhero, dumb mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, after, especially after that post credit scene. I just think it's Howard the Duck's Time. You know, Speaker 2 00:58:20 Howard the Duck Speaker 1 00:58:21 I 11. What if so? I mean, I don't see why it couldn't. Speaker 3 00:58:24 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:58:26 Um, so two more questions. One is the one that I've been saving for last because Anthony is a resident music guy. But real quick, do you see a new group of guardians for a future film? This is from Crooked Letter 90. Absolutely. I think this film sets it up. I think there's gonna be guardians. They're not gonna be the same. They've been saying that since day one and they haven't been quiet about it. James Gunn has said since coming back for this film after being let go, this iteration is gonna change. So I think we're gonna get a new team. But what do the you two think? Speaker 1 00:58:57 Absolutely. I think one of the beautiful things is that you don't have to stay with the static team. Look at the Avengers. They're, they're quite different from what the team we started off with 10 years ago, 11 years ago, Christ. Um, so I'm excited to see who ends up on it. I mean, we've, we've got Adam Warlock and Lila on the way. I'd love to see either one of them join. I haven't seen much of them, but we know how to, Morlock is a force to be reckoned with. So, yeah, I think we do. Speaker 3 00:59:22 I I think we are going to see New Guardians and I don't know if I'll care about them as much as I do the old Guardians, which I don't know. So, yeah, I don't know who would be on the team. I, I don't know if we've met them yet. Um mm-hmm. <affirmative> or like, like you guys mentioned, we'll meet them in this movie. So yeah, I definitely think there will be new ones. Another team. Speaker 2 00:59:44 Okay. And the final question, and this one is from both Vic and Joe Marvel from our Discord and Vic, of course we've had on the show before. And Ila, I hope you're okay, I'm gonna let our resident music guy answer this one first. Um, what is your favorite songs from the soundtrack? Um, Joe asked What were your favorite two? So you gimme one or two of your favorite songs from the soundtracks and hit me with them. Speaker 1 01:00:08 Okay. There was another question we got and it, it does include music. So I'm gonna answer that and then I'm gonna answer your question. One of them was, what is our favorite scene? And in the first movie, it's the Pina colada scene where Peter goes back and gets his Walkman. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I have been that guy that will risk life and limb to go and get my music. I've done it. Long story, but I almost got ran over by a car one time. Speaker 2 01:00:31 <laugh>, Speaker 1 01:00:31 I'm still here clearly. But to answer the question, first movie, favorite song, aint No Mountain High Enough. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 01:00:38 Oh, Speaker 1 01:00:38 That was so well played. And I mean, there's so many good ones, but like, the timing, the beginning of the movie and, and seeing not just the successes, but what the implications was were of the Guardian succeeding when you see, um, I can't remember his character's name. Um, oh my God. No, don't blank out now. Um, what's his face? Speaker 2 01:01:03 Describe him, describe him. Speaker 1 01:01:05 Uh, he's, he's part of the, the Novaco Christ, um, Speaker 2 01:01:09 Oh, John C Re's character. Thank Speaker 1 01:01:11 You John c Re's character. But seeing, because you're wondering why is this dude so like hell bent on it, but when you see him go back to his family, that would've been annihilated part of it. And the music just made the emotional impact so much stronger. And then the second one, bring it on home to me, the whole scene. And, and I talked about this earlier when I was mentioning how Peter was saying that he finally found this family right before that he had been having a little dance with Gomorrah to this song. And he goes, this is a song by one of the best voices of all time on planet earth. And god dammit, he was so correct. <laugh>. That was a talent. I love Sam Cook. Speaker 2 01:01:49 I love that you pulled out you for those who couldn't see. Not only did Anthony get very excited, he pulled out his notebook and started waving it around. And it was probably the best part of this whole podcast. So thank you for that, Anthony. Um, Speaker 1 01:02:03 Thank you for asking. 'cause I had to say it. Speaker 2 01:02:06 Aila, what, what are your choices? I, Speaker 3 01:02:09 So I think it's interesting too that like, you know, mountain High Enough is, um, is one of your favorites. 'cause for me, like it's, it's tied to the movie, remember The Titans, and I can't like, escape that, um, that connection. So I, I really liked it in Guardians, but I like, it's just permanently part of, remember the Titans? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> that soundtrack in my head. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, I, so I have two songs and one I really liked Hooked on a feeling. Um, you know, I, I had, you know, I have the CD in my car. I've listened to that so many times. I listened to that with my daughter so many times. So I really love that. Um, and I also really like the Pina Colada song. So that's, I agree with you on that. That's fantastic. Speaker 1 01:02:54 I have a very strong reason to why Pina Colada is, is so reminiscent to me. Similar to Peter, my mom is a strong influence in my music choices. And when we would always go on spring break to Costa Rica, we had this one CD inside of our Rav four Pina Colada song was always on it. Mm-hmm. And every time it came on, everybody in the car would sing it together. So for me, it's a fond memory. And then to see him fight over, to go through the effort to get it, because of how much I'm into him, I'm like, I am Peter <laugh>, you know? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, Speaker 2 01:03:23 Remind me later to send you a version of the Escape from the Manchester Orchestra, because it is the most haunting version of that song you'll ever hear. And it is my top film, like my, one of my top songs ever. Ooh. Um, so I actually had a really hard time picking just two. So I have a few, and two of them you named Escape the Pina Colada song, Eno Mount High Enough. Fantastic. But I feel like one that's really used well in and underrated is Fooled the and Fell in Love. Yes. In the first film. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, that one just, it slays me every time. It's just such a perfect example of how they use music so well. Um, the other one though, um, besides the, the three I just mentioned was not from any of the first two volumes, but it was from Infinity War and it was the song they're singing rubber. Um, and I love the scene because it's just so quintessential guardians flying, having a good time, they're just doing their thing. I just thought that that was like a really great moment. Um, and it always sticks out to me and I always sing that song, um, because I always sing it The Rambling Man for some reason, because I don't actually know some of the words. But, um, I, I feel like that one just sticks out as a really good guardian song. Speaker 3 01:04:48 Can we do an honorable mention too for here it is Christmas time from the old 90 sevens? 'cause that was amazing. Speaker 2 01:04:56 Of course. Shout out to the 97 Speaker 1 01:05:00 Old. 90 sevens Speaker 2 01:05:01 Old. 90 sevens. Speaker 1 01:05:02 Yeah. No, I'm glad they got 'em in full makeup and everything to do that. Um, <laugh> can do we have time for one more question? Speaker 2 01:05:09 We have time for one more Speaker 1 01:05:10 Question. It's, it's from me to y'all. Ooh. What's, what's one of your favorite quotes from Guardians? I have so many, but one that I'll throw out there and it's like a tossup, but one of them is we're the fricking guardians of the Galaxy <laugh>. Except he didn't say fricking. That one always gets me. And then the other one is, and you almost mentioned it, Brian, um, when you mentioned the fold round and fell love, that's when Gamora says to me, I'm not some starry I'd wave. You know, that's gonna fall for your pelvic sorcery. When I heard those words <laugh>, I was stunned. My jaw was here. And I'm like, I gotta use that somehow. Speaker 2 01:05:50 Um, that's a great question. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I think one that always stuck out to me, and I think it's from the first film, and I, if former of our listeners can correct me if it's not, but it's where like Drax is just like, he's like, wanted to say how thankful he is for everybody. And I'm like, how thankful he's for being friends. And he is like, Quill, you're my friend. And then he is like, this dumb tree is also my friend <laugh>. And then he refers to Gamora as a green. We'll bleep that word out. And it was just like such a, like a, I loved it, it was funny. I still laugh at it. Um, and I think that the, the scene where, um, GRU and, um, rocket are talking themselves through the buttons and he just, I am group and then he is like, yes, and you don't hit this button. I feel like that was just one of the top lines. I think I, my nephew and I quoted that one for years. So it has to be up there. Speaker 3 01:06:44 I'm gonna go with the easy way out and say, I am, I know what you're gonna say. My knew, knew is my favorite quote because I'm terrible with movie quotes, but also because it conveys so much and it it, it has done so much in the movies. Speaker 1 01:06:59 I have an honorable mention from Guardians of the Galaxy Volume two. Speaker 3 01:07:02 Okay. Speaker 1 01:07:03 I'm Mary Poppins. Y'all. Speaker 3 01:07:04 <laugh> Speaker 1 01:07:06 Is Mary Poppins. Cool. Yeah. Yeah, it's cool. Just that affirmation from from Peter to Yonder was great. Speaker 2 01:07:15 There was one from the holiday special that me and my sister quoted all of the time, and now it's going to wants me, um, ah, I can't think of it. And I'm gonna, I'm gonna think about this all night. I'm gonna have to re-watch it. Um, oh, I think it was, um, no. Speaker 1 01:07:40 Is it the one about dancing? You saved the town with dancing and once Pete saved the whole galaxy with dancing? Speaker 2 01:07:47 No, it was when Mantis Give, like the car flips over and she gives her Candy King. Um, Speaker 3 01:07:54 It's like we're even now or something like that. Or Speaker 2 01:07:57 Yeah. And Oh, it's gonna, it's gonna, it's gonna haunt me now. I'm gonna I'm gonna text you guys later, <laugh>. Um, but we are unfortunately running out of time. No. And we're in, we're way over time. <laugh>. I'm so sorry, Lizzie. Um, unfor. So we'd love to continue the conversation. So please check us [email protected] or you can find us on Twitter or other social medias at my Cosmic Circus and of course our Cosmic Circus podcast, Twitter at Cosmic podcasts. Thank you again for tuning into the Cosmic Circle. My name is Brian Kitson and you can find me on Twitter at kitson 3 0 1. Um, thank you so much for joining me, Anthony and Isla, before we go, uh, where can people find you and maybe even plug what you're working on for the site. Speaker 1 01:08:43 <laugh>. I'm Anthony Flag. You can find me at, at rodo. Um, Izzy don't, don't torture me, but I'm not working on anything right now. Speaker 2 01:08:53 Uh oh. No, I'm kidding. Uh oh. Ila, where can they find you? I'm Speaker 3 01:08:57 Ala Rub. You can find me on Twitter at t u l I n rights. Um, I'm working on something cool for Daredevil and I don't know, we're gonna see what we can cook up with some L l C information. Speaker 1 01:09:10 Hmm. Speaker 2 01:09:10 Ooh. And I think that is the perfect place to stop people. <laugh>, thank you again. Can't wait for our next trip throughout the cosmos. Um, we will be having a follow-up for a review of The Guardians of the Galaxy Volume three. So look out for that. And we got some Mando podcasts coming up as well. So again, we cannot wait to talk again and we can't wait to, for you guys to listen. Take care, everybody.

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