Episode 31

June 18, 2023


Cosmic Circle Ep. 31: 'The Flash' Movie Discussion (Spoilers!)

Cosmic Circle Ep. 31: 'The Flash' Movie Discussion (Spoilers!)
Cosmic Circus Podcasts
Cosmic Circle Ep. 31: 'The Flash' Movie Discussion (Spoilers!)

Jun 18 2023 | 00:57:13


Show Notes

After a decade since it was first announced, The DCEU's The Flash has finally arrived in theaters. It's been a long journey to bring Barry Allen and his powers of lightning speed to the silver screen, but fans of the witty speedster are excited to finally see the final product. With the arrival of The Flash, the beginning of the end has begun for the DECU, with just two more films left to close out the chapter. So in honor of this new DC film, we couldn't wait to break it all down in our The Flash discussion.

Join host Brian Kitson, along with fellow writers Drew Reed and Wiktor Reinfuss as they break down the highs and lows from The Flash. Listen as they tell you their favorite parts, what didn't work for them, and just what cameo in the film is their favorite. They also speculate about the future of the DC films and how the DCEU can reach a proper swan song. All this and more can be heard in this newest exciting episode of The Cosmic Circle!

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Podcast credits and show notes

    • Brian Kitson
    • Drew Reed
    • Wiktor Reinfuss
Executive Producer/Editor
    • Lizzie Hill

Recorded on 06/17/23

Superhero theme by HumanoideVFX on Pixabay.

Full article available at: The Cosmic Circus

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 <silence> Speaker 1 00:00:16 Welcome back listeners to another episode of the Cosmic Circle, the official podcast of the Cosmic Circus, where we discuss all things nerdy. On today's episode, we will be breaking down the DC film, the Flash. My name is Brian Kitson, head writer at The Cosmic Circus, and joining me today are Vic and Drew Reed. How are we doing today? Speaker 2 00:00:37 Doing pretty good. Hey guys, it's, uh, it's Drew right here at the Cosmic Circus, and, uh, I'm ready to talk about the flesh. Speaker 3 00:00:46 Hello, this is Fans Vic here. I hope you like our talk and let's go. Speaker 1 00:00:52 Yeah, I'm really excited because I think we have a good group here. Uh, we have our super fan, Vic, who has been the flash extraordinaire since he's been here. Um, and I feel like Drew, you've been, you've been pretty into the, the DC stuff, um, and I'm a Marvel guy, so I feel like this is a very nice mix of things here, and we're gonna see how we feel about this film. Um, so off the bat, I'm just wondering, when did the two of you see this film? Because I saw it like almost a month ago, and, uh, I know that it wasn't the final film, but because it didn't have the ending, but I'm guessing when, when did you two see it? We'll start with you, Vic. Speaker 2 00:01:29 Thursday I saw it Speaker 3 00:01:30 <laugh>, uh, I mean, it was not long ago because yesterday it was a second time that I've seen the movies. Oh, Speaker 1 00:01:38 Okay. Speaker 3 00:01:39 So it was, uh, first time was the day before mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and the second time was yesterday. My experience was similar to the Thursday screening, so it wasn't that bad, but I mean, if I had time, I'd gone today, I'd gone tomorrow, on Monday, on Tuesday, et cetera. It was, Speaker 1 00:02:00 Am I, am I shocked? No. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:02:02 Yeah, <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:02:04 Um, okay. That being said, then, seeing we, it seems like Vic has seen it quite a few times and plans to seeing it more, um, and everybody has seen the film, which is good. Um, the D C E U up to this point has been a pretty mixed bag. You know, some people like certain movies over others, some of them are complete messes. Um, and we're actually nearing the end of this universe. Um, so where does this film, where does the flash rank for you with the rest of the d dc de D C E U films? Speaker 2 00:02:32 Um, man, this is, it's hard because it's like, you know, ever feel like everybody's D C E U rankings are so controversial. Every film is has is so controversial in ranking. I mean, people, you know, like, people like the Snyder films, you know, you have James Gun that came in and did Suicide Squad, you know, people, some people really like Shazam, and some people really don't like Shazam. Some people feel certain ways about Aquaman, but I think the Flash is like, uh, a little bit higher than the middle of the pack. Um, Speaker 1 00:03:01 Makes sense. Speaker 2 00:03:02 Yeah. So, you know, personally, me, um, my, one of my favorite movies of all time, and I'm gonna catch some Heat, but one of my favorite movies of all time is, uh, man Steel. Um, yes, it was, uh, I remember being like, the movie came out when I was 13, and I just remember coming outta that movie just like being totally like in awe of what I just saw. Like, I know some for, for a lot of people, it hasn't aged very well, but, um, I just, you know, that's still one of my favorite movies of all time. And I just love, like, you know, Henry Caval and, um, I love Zod. And so it's, it's nice to see Michael Shannon back in this movie. Um, I would say the Flash probably comes in like fourth or fifth place. I, I think I put Manna Steel, um, Snyder cut James Gunn Suicide Squad. Um, yeah, I think, I think The Flash might go and forth. I, I think I like it more than I liked it more than Opera Man. Um, I liked it more than probably I liked it more than Batman versus Superman. And, uh, just actually, you know, wonder Woman might, the first one, a woman might beat out this movie. It's like really close between the Flash and Wonder Woman. I think those are, uh, close for me. There's just personal rankings for me. I know Vic is shaking right now, but, Speaker 3 00:04:22 Uh, yeah. Yeah, man, I, I'm hearing Wonder Woman is a good movie and I'm just getting triggered. Speaker 2 00:04:27 The first I really liked First Wonder Woman movie, I thought it was great. I mean, I don't know what happened with the second one, but I really loved the first one. I think maybe just because I like war movies, so that one really resonated with me. But, uh, yeah, it's probably, it's probably the fourth or fifth, somewhere in the middle, middle of the pack. Speaker 1 00:04:43 Okay. Vic, where is it for you? <laugh> Speaker 3 00:04:46 No surprises there, but I mean, after those two screenings, it's still on the first place. But I mean, before, uh, the Flash release Snake, snake Snyder's just Stick was on the first place. So, I mean, I think it'll change after some time. Maybe after, I don't know, two, three months maybe after I see it in home, uh, when it's on H B O Max. Yes, still H b o Max in Europe for, for two, three years. Two, three more years. So, <laugh>. But yeah, I mean, my H t C top is like, it's different than, uh, than other people, than others people. I mean, in my top three, the Flash is like Snyder's just Dick and, uh, Batman v Superman. So it's like Snyder, Snyder trilogy more or less, Speaker 1 00:05:42 You know, I think, I think that that, I mean, I think you can't go wrong, you know, everybody has their own, um, favorites. I will say that for me, the Flash was one of my top ones. I was, I was shocked at how well it was compared to some of the other films I had seen. Um, I know this is gonna catch a lot of heat. I did not like James Gun's Suicide Squad, and I've never made it through Peacemaker, but Man of Steel's always been one of my favorite. That's been like the shining example of a DC film. And it's kind of interesting that the opening of the D C E U and then this film kind of bookends that, you know, granted we have two more films, but it's kind of the, the epilogue of that. And so we get these two very interesting stories, um, that tell that Before we jump in, though, I should say, spoiler warning, there will be spoilers from this film. Um, that's why you're here. That's what you wanna hear our opinions. Do you wanna hear what we think? So what did we like about this film? Because I know that Twitter's full of people who did not like this film or have very strong opinions about this film, but let's start with the Good, because that's what we're here for, to be Positive Lights for the Cosmic Circus. So, drew, what did, what did you like about this film? Speaker 2 00:06:51 Yeah, so, man, you know, it's hard When I first see a movie, it takes me a little while to process, uh, my feelings on a movie. I went into the Flash with a lot of really high expectations. I mean, when you're doing two flashes, you know, Michael Keaton Batman, you're introducing Super Girl, you're bringing back sod, you're doing a kind of multiverse kind of thing. It's like, you know, your, your expectations are high. You know, it's like, it's like no way home. You, you have really high expectations for what you're gonna see. For the most part. I, I, I did like this movie. Um, I really liked some of the action that we got. Um, I liked the desert, uh, you know, the, uh, I think a lot of people were, were not happy with it, the c g I and just how flat the desert looked. Speaker 2 00:07:31 But I, I really just, I really love when we get like these big action set pieces. That's, that's like my favorite thing. I think that's probably part of the reason why I like Managed Steel is 'cause you just get these big kind of crazy action set pieces. And so I, I did enjoy the, I enjoyed the third act. I enjoyed, um, I enjoyed the first, the opening, um, the chase between, you know, bat, uh, Ben Affleck, Batman, and, uh, you know, the, the, the car chase. You know, I thought that was like probably Ben Affleck, you know, that, that, that was up there with some of his best action as Batman. Um, you know, obviously I think a lot of people argue the Batman versus Superman warehouse fight scene's probably the best. Yeah. But, um, I think that was really cool. I, I really enjoyed that. Speaker 2 00:08:15 You don't really see, like, you never really see Batman in the daytime and like a big chase like that. And it just, I thought it was really cool. Um, I think it was a nice kind of like, wrap up for Ben Fl Batman. I think that was a really high point in the movie. Um, I liked a lot of the Siberia stuff too. Um, I liked the rescuing of Supergirl and, uh, I like when you, the first time you see Ben or, uh, Michael Keaton's Batman Swoop in there and, uh, fight a bunch of bad guys, I thought that was really kind of like, you know, it's gonna make a lot of people feel really nostalgic. So, um, yeah, the action set pieces and mixed with a lot of the, um, first act writing I thought was really good. The exposition, uh, there was a really, the exposition was really good in this movie. I, I enjoyed that. Speaker 3 00:09:03 Well, for me, I mean, the first thing that comes to my, that comes to my mind is the best thing about this movie is that it's not the one-to-one adaptation of the comic book, and that they removed that Christina Hudson removed all that stuff about Atlan and, uh, the Amazonian War and all the things that made the comic book and the animation. But yes, sorry for me, those, uh, this, those stories in the comic book and the animation, uh, are bad. I don't like them. And I think that's that by, by taking the, those most important elements, like Barry losing his powers, uh, meeting another Batman who's not our Barry's Bruce Wayne, uh, changing this history, uh, meeting, uh, meeting, uh, Barry Barry's parents and all that, I think, and story is one of the best things in this movie. And beside it, I don't know, I really like the suit. It looks better on the big screen. I'm, I'm really trying not to funboy over here and <laugh>, I'm trying to keep my emotions. But <laugh> Speaker 1 00:10:23 Have your emotions. Speaker 3 00:10:24 Yeah, but I can't say that there are bad things in this movie. I mean, I'm one of those people that don't care about c g I in in certain movies, and it's one of those movies, it's like, it's barely visible for me. I know I, I'm wearing glasses, but all but, but still, I didn't notice anything that was bad. Maybe those babies at the beginning, but Oh Speaker 1 00:10:54 Yeah, the babies, Speaker 2 00:10:56 That's gonna be a, Speaker 3 00:10:57 Yeah, they were really creepy. But Speaker 2 00:10:59 Yeah, <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:11:00 Yeah. But beside that, I mean, the speed force was meant to look like it, like this. So, so Speaker 1 00:11:08 You, you know, I have this, I have this down a little bit later, but you know, they said that the ideal is of, of course, this is the quote, the ideal of course is we are adding the perspective of the flash. Everything is distort in terms of light and textures. That feels like an excuse to have bad c g I, because yeah, when I saw it a month ago, and I've told, told a story in the, the writing group mm-hmm. <affirmative> my nephew, who does not have problems with C G I, he thinks that the Flash TV show was one of the best things that's ever happened. He looked at me and he goes, what was that? He's like, that C g I was really bad. And I think that like, it's one of those things like after it happens and people are saying this and all the reviews come out, all the fans are saying That was really bad. They're like, oh yeah, well, it's supposed to be that way. I feel like that was just like an afterthought. Speaker 3 00:11:52 Yeah. I mean, we can all agree that the speed force c g I is, I mean, they can say things like this and we can understand it, but anything outside the speed force is mm-hmm. <affirmative> discussable, yeah. Speaker 2 00:12:08 There, yeah. Uh, with the Chron Bowl, I mean, that's what it's called, right? The Chrono Bowl Speaker 1 00:12:13 Chronosphere, something like that, Speaker 3 00:12:15 Let's say multiverse or timeline <inaudible>, or Speaker 2 00:12:18 There was real, there was, there wasn't really any legit, so outside of the cameos, which we'll get into later, um, when he's looking into the past, you know, to at points to go back to, and you, you know, in a circle and you see all this stuff happening, I don't really see any logistical way for them to do that in live action. I think c g I was, in terms of like a logistic way of, of doing that, I think C g I makes sense for that. But obviously the c g I wasn't very, it wasn't touched up very well other than that, yeah. I mean, there were some rough sequences of mainly Barry running. Um, some stuff in the desert was pretty rough. Yeah. There, there, there was, uh, you know, funny enough, I think like, uh, I think the first, like the stuff with Ben Flx, Batman was most the most touched up in the beginning. I didn't really notice any bad c g I with that in the beginning. And like, there was like a decent amount of c g I like with Ben Athletics, Batman in that part, and mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, other than that, yeah, they're, they're, they're definitely, uh, gets a little rough in terms of, uh, visual effects. I mean, I, I, people are gonna complain about the Speed Force and, and the cameos and the Speed force, and uh, I'm sure we have, we have more to touch on that later. Mm-hmm. Speaker 3 00:13:26 <affirmative>. Yeah, definitely. Speaker 1 00:13:28 I will say that for things that I liked about this film, there was, there was a lot that I did like, 'cause as I said, this is my favorite, one of my favorite DC films. Um, I think that the Ben Affleck Batman stuff was probably the best Batman Bat Fleck that we've had to date. Like, it just was like pure, just adrenaline fun. He seemed like he was having fun with it, that he, like, there wasn't like a lot of influence by behind the scenes stuff. I thought that was fantastic. The c g i of the babies, yeah, that was questionable. But I liked that the beginning of the film felt like, like so much like, just like a fun berry story. 'cause the flash is really fun. And, you know, while there's heavy parts, which Vic, I'm sure you can attest to this, sometimes the Flash, the TV show gets a little too heavy on that, uh, the, the heartfelt moments. Speaker 1 00:14:15 It did a good job of having that fun, Barry. I also think that this was Ezra Miller's best performance as Barry. I think that they did a really good job, um, with less of the social awkwardness that they had in the first, um, in the Justice League Justice League. So I really liked that. And I liked the, the Family story. Again, lash Point's a great story. I love that they took those adaptations and they, they kind of messed with it, kind of changed it up as, as Vic said, but there was some still, there was some stuff to be desired, kind of like, I guess the villains, I don't know how you guys felt, but I felt like there, the lack of villain or like the underplay of General Zod, um, until we got to Barry in the last couple of minutes, um, I feel like there was something missing from the film in that aspect of like, there needed something more. But I guess, you know, Vic, what did you think of it? Did you think that the villains were okay? Or did you think that maybe they needed a little more time to flesh them out? Speaker 3 00:15:13 I mean, I don't treat them as villains of this movie, because for me, the villain is Barry. Sure. And because, I mean, he's disrupting the timeline and his, I mean, our Barry from our air, from D C U is the main villain of this movie and the Hero. Mm-hmm. So it's like, I really love the idea of removing reverse flash from the equation. I mean, they probably, they would probably say that he was the one who killed Nora and all that, but I Speaker 2 00:15:41 Don't think so. Yeah, I think that, I think, um, I think Andy Machete or um, said that in a recent interview, actually, I think it might have been today or yesterday. It was today. Yeah. I think he said that it was the reverse flash, um, and they were gonna explore that story in a sequel if that ever happened. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:16:00 I mean, it can happen because you can be, uh, another word story. So, I mean, if the movie earns some money, I think they talked about 770 billion, billion million dollars or something like that. The box office closed to Butman returns. Speaker 2 00:16:19 Yeah. I mean, they'd be lucky to get to that. I, I, they, they said if they were gonna do the sequel, it would have to make as much as the Batman like Robert Pattinson's Batman. Um, well, it looks a little bit more like we're heading towards like 500 million probably. Yeah. I mean, ultimately, uh, in my personal opinion, I think that they're gonna do, I think James got is hard rebooting. I don't think there's any chance of, and I think Machete signing on to Brave In the Bold kind of closes the door on That makes Speaker 1 00:16:50 Sense. In a way. Speaker 3 00:16:51 I mean, there are always open, because maybe when they, when they want to do a crisis on Infinite Earths in like 15, 20 years, they, they will probably fill up some slots with outsource stories. So, so yeah. But I mean, this movie is the second best Flashpoint adaptation because for me, the first, the Flashpoint adaptation from the TV show is really good because we kinda see everything, uh, that happened before and after Barry close the Flashpoint. So, so there goes it, but this is the second best story because it's story about Barry, it focuses on Barry on his relation with, with himself. But, but we also see how he loves his mother, his father, and all that. And there's a lot of scream time focused on, uh, Barry, not on Batman, not on Cyborg, uh, in the adaptation in the animation and the comic book, of course. Speaker 3 00:17:55 So it's really good. And I think that decision to make it about Barry and only him, like 90% of screen time and focusing on him on, uh, his problems and his, I don't know how to say it mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but his emotions Oh yeah. His emotions about, uh, about what happened. So, yeah. And also about Affleck, I want to add, he's my favorite Batman. He was my favorite bat Batman since b v s. So yeah. So seeing him for the last time and this conversation with Barry, maybe we'll go grab a bite maybe next time. It's, it's like, you know, he's not Batman anymore and Speaker 2 00:18:38 It's so sad. Speaker 3 00:18:39 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:18:40 Mm-hmm. Yeah, I think they did him justice. I think they, uh, did Ben Aff like justice in this movie. Um, when you mentioned that this is a very Barry Allen centric movie. It is. I mean, as far as I can remember, there's only, I think there's only maybe a handful of scenes that it doesn't directly involve Barry. Even with the inclusion of Supergirl and, um, Batman, I was really surprised by how much, how, how very heavy the movie was, and that, I think that's a good thing. Mm-hmm. I think they kind of said that before movie coming out, people were worried that like, you know, you know, Keaton's coming in, they're, he is gonna take a lot of the screen time up and Supergirl and Zod and all this stuff. And, um, I was really surprised by how very heavy it was. And, um, like you said, the villain of this movie definitely is Barry. Speaker 2 00:19:26 There is a lack of villains. Barry is definitely the, uh, villain, the hero in the villain in this movie, I think. Uh, and I think, and it's kind of, you know, they, they went for kind of a poetic kind of thing. You know, you're, you're your own villain. And the Flash can actually manifest that into reality and become like, you know, the dark flash. Um, I thought Zod was a little bit wasted in this movie. Um, maybe that's just because Michael Shannon really wasn't feeling it. He kind of looked like he found it in a little bit. Um, <laugh>. Absolutely. Yeah. If you go watch Man Steele and then you watch this movie, Michael Shannon just like, does not wanna be there. He definitely, like, I've never seen an actor phone in a performance as heavy as Michael Shannon did in this movie. Um, you can tell that he really did not have a good time, and that, that's unfortunate. Speaker 2 00:20:16 You know, you kind of hope when you get somebody to sign on that they're gonna, they're gonna, um, you know, put some effort into it. And I, you know, I don't, I don't necessarily knock Michael Shannon 'cause Zod really doesn't have any substance in this movie. He's got nothing, no message, no kind of substance or anything. He's kind of just a plot device. So I get it. Um, but yeah, I think that was a little disappointing. I really love Zod as a villain. I think he's the best d c Eeu villain. He had a very limited amount of screen time and there was not a ton of effort in it. Speaker 1 00:20:45 You know, I definitely think that when there was so much of the, like the first part of the d c Eeu focused kind of on Zod, because we had him in, uh, you know, man of Steel and then his body was used for Doomsday and like mm-hmm. <affirmative>, there was like such a huge component of having Zod as this bad guy. I was really excited 'cause I loved him in, you know, man of Steel and it did feel very flat. And I was like, oh, like I knew he wasn't the villain, but I was like, I was expecting more 'cause like, this should have felt like something mm-hmm. <affirmative> and instead it kind of felt like a little bit like filler and then also Yeah. Really did. And then Dark Berry also didn't feel very fleshed out. Like, you know, I think the film, it felt like three distinct chapters of a story, which is fine. But then like the only thing tied together was the dark flash. And then he was only in it for like five, 10 minutes at the end. Speaker 2 00:21:33 Five minutes at most. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Um, I saw a lot of people arguing about that, um, that his kind of looming presence is his, like, it, I don't know how they would include him in the story. I've been trying to play that out in my head. I'm like, you know, do they put him in the desert and, and do they have the two berries fight him in the desert while Supergirl fights saw and Batman's doing whatever he is doing. And, um, I just don't know how that would work, because this dark flash wants them to keep going back in time and they, he wants them to keep doing this. Right? He wants Barry the second Barry to become that manifestation of himself. And it's like they kind of wrote themselves into a corner, you know, how do you include this dark flash in the film without him interfering in like, dark Flash only happens if Ezra, like, if, if Barry goes on, if goes on this journey where he gets kicked out of the timeline and does exactly what he does with the second, with the younger Barry. So, you know, trying to include the dark flash in that. I don't really know how they would write him into the movie, um, besides like, you know, he was in Barry's like dreams that one like scene and, and then obviously he was in the end. And, uh, beyond that, I just don't really know how else that would include him. I've been trying to think about it. I really have. Like, I just haven't been able to kind of put it together in my head, I guess. Speaker 3 00:22:54 Yeah. I mean, he was a substitute for reverse flash. So I mean, there was, I don't know if there was any other way to, to substitute Theone. It's like you can remove able the speed through from the story, but it's still, the outcome is the same. Barry has to understand that changing, uh, the history that saving his mother, which is a fixed point in time, is not the way to go. And by doing this, he's destroying the timeline and all that. And I saw that, um, some people are saying that this decision about, uh, destroying the timeline just because he saved his mother is, I don't know if it's, uh, it's an absurd or something, but I mean, they said it in the comic books and all that. Even kitten himself said that in this movie, that by changing thing, that's, that it's fixed. And also it's the reason why Barry became Flash. Speaker 3 00:24:04 You can't change it. 'cause then you'll make a mess and it'll destroy everything. And I mean, it's pretty obvious. So <laugh> and I also seen that, uh, the scene with, uh, the Tomatoes, it doesn't make sense for some people, but, uh, it, it also reminds, it also reminds not only me, but all the people that you can change big things, but you can change the smaller, the smaller ones. And like release releasing Barry's father from the prison is the way to go. If I remember correctly, uh, in many versions of the story, his father dies in prison. And I think that only in the show and in this movie they release. So it's really nice to, to see them reconnect once again, <laugh> maybe for the last time in this version. Speaker 1 00:24:57 I do think that it's, I loved the fact about the Can and Tomatoes being the reason with a lot of times the time travel stories and things like that messing with time. I think that sometimes things like that are over, are overlooked or brushed over. But one of my favorite films is The Butterfly Effects, uh, from the early two thousands. And that whole film is just about how one event changes everything and every time you try to change it, you know, like it is that simple butterfly effect that one thing could send you a trajectory. And he has to become the flash by having those tomatoes. It is just a, uh, it's a heartbreaking story, you know, especially for Barry. Speaker 2 00:25:33 Yeah. The, um, certainly the best aspect of the story is the relationship between Barry and his mom. Anytime, um, anytime Barry's mom is on screen, I feel like there's a lot of heart. That's where you feel a lot of the heart and emotion mm-hmm. <affirmative> of this film. And that's where it kind of lands the most. I think that's probably where a lot of people who are watching the movie, um, really felt something when watching this movie. 'cause a lot of the times with these big action movies, you kind of miss out on the heart. You know, having heart in these movies is really important. And I think making the main aspect of this story between Barry and his mom, um, and this whole kind of motivation for that, it puts a little bit of emotion behind this movie. You kind of, uh, in a way root for him because you, you kind of feel what he's going through. And, um, I think that it's probably one of the brighter points, you know, one of the, the, um, the best kind of plot points of this movie, I'd say. Mm-hmm. Speaker 3 00:26:33 <affirmative>. Yeah. I, I'm, each of us can identify with Barry at this point. 'cause who doesn't love his mother. It's like, yeah. Speaker 2 00:26:42 Yeah. She was great in this movie. Speaker 1 00:26:44 Um, oh yeah. Speaking of, I guess greatness of this, who, like, what, um, maybe did you feel was fantastic or stood out among the actors who maybe didn't get utilized as much as possible? I am, for 1:00 AM I loved that Ron Livingston took over the role of Henry Allen. I thought he did a great job. I wish there was a little more of him. Um, but I feel like, um, Kirsi Clemens was a little underutilized as Iris West. I wanted a little bit more of that. I wish we would've seen more of the Alt Iris West, um, because Iris Bus is so, you know, uh, integral to the story of Barry Allen. And I just wanted a little more of that. And she's so fantastic. And, and obviously, like I said, I think Asra Miller did a great job. I mean, I, who isn't great on this list though, Sasha Kelly as, uh, uh, Kara, she killed it. Michael Keaton as bat as Batman. I mean, the list goes on and on for this film personally for me. But who do we feel did a great job and who do we feel maybe didn't? Speaker 2 00:27:47 So Ryan Livingston and Billy Curl Up were like the same person, <laugh>, but like, he, he really couldn't tell a difference in this movie. Um, yeah, Ron, Ron Livingston was good in, in a lot of the scenes that he was in. Um, obviously Barry's mom, the actress who played Barry's mom, was probably one of the better actresses. She really kind of sold that. Like, I think I, you know, I just mentioned that she kind really sold it really well. Um, the relationship between Barry and his mom, SS Kai was, uh, man, they really underutilized her in this movie. She was, she had like, at most five to 10 minutes of screen time, probably more towards like 10 minutes of screen time. But she was in this movie less than like, you know, Andrew Garfield and Toman McGuire were in No Way Home, which was kind of disappointing. Speaker 2 00:28:32 Um, she was such a high point in this movie. I love her suit. Um, the, oh yeah, the Supergirl suit is so awesome. I just love the, uh, I love like the Red on the Shoulders. I, I think at first I was kind of like, eh, but it looked so good in this movie. I really liked her suit. And, um, I made a, I made a tweet. I was like, you know, James Gun, you gotta keep, you gotta keep her a super girl. 'cause I really enjoyed her performance. I think she, I thought she was one of the better points, the better characters in this movie. Michael Keaton was Michael Keaton. I, and you know what you're gonna get, you know, you watch Batman, you, you, you know who Michael Keaton is. You know what you're gonna get. It was great, you know, um, right. Speaker 2 00:29:09 He's awesome. It was Batman. Um, the character, only character I didn't really like was the younger Barry, uh, from the alternate timeline, I just thought he was overtly annoying on purpose because they were like, we need to make this a younger Barry who's inexperienced. And, and they just made him like unbearably annoying. Like I was mm-hmm. <affirmative>. There was just some scenes where I was just like, I really am not loving this character. Um, towards the end of the movie, he kind of matures, you know, once you see him get into the desert and into the Chronosphere Colonel Bowl when they, when he kind of sacrifices himself for our prime berry. I know that's a big spoiler, but, you know, hopefully everybody's seen the movie before watching this. But, um, yeah, I think the writing for him was kind of poor at some points. The younger Berry, um, a little bit of, a little bit unbe unbearably, uh, annoying. Speaker 2 00:30:01 But yeah, I think everybody gave really strong performances. Um, Ben Affleck just looked like he was having fun, and that's like really nice to see. 'cause you know, how much the past movies really affected him. Um, the 45 Second Wonder Woman cameo, it was nice to see them. Batman and Wonder Woman Interact like one last time. 'cause you feel like they had, they were almost bigger characters than Superman was in like mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, uh, justice League and stuff. So, um, I think everybody kind of, it, it was easy for everybody to give good performances in this movie. Speaker 3 00:30:36 Don't forget about Alfred. He was also in this movie <laugh> Speaker 2 00:30:41 For like 15 seconds. <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:30:44 Does it even count? Speaker 3 00:30:46 Yeah. I mean, hmm. For me, I especially, I'm not a fan of Albert or Julian Albert or whatever you want to call him. Uh, the, the person that, uh, Tom Felton played in, in the, in the TV show, uh, and party. I mean, they were like there to, to show that Barry's working with them and all that, and the changes, and he made time. And I, I'm not a big fan of their performance. Sure. Uh, wonder Woman's like, I mean, can we talk about, uh, what was in the previous versions of the movie or? Speaker 1 00:31:23 Sure. Absolutely. Go Speaker 3 00:31:24 Ahead. Okay. So I was a really big fan of the idea to bring the justice, the whole Justice League. At the beginning of the movie, we found Ray, of course, there was no talk about bringing Ray Fisher. Speaker 2 00:31:38 Yeah. I don't think Ray Fisher was ever in it. Speaker 3 00:31:41 Yeah. He was never in it maybe as archival footage. I don't know. I'm not sure. But I really love the idea of bringing Meerman Hunter because this movie is happening after Zach Nighters Justice League, and they're staying event, they're mentioning the events from this movie in this, in this one. And I really love it. So, uh, of course there was, uh, marshal Man, hunter Batman, uh, wonder Woman, and I think the Caval was supposed to be Caval footage was supposed to look like this one, uh, in the movie, but different, and also like the archival footage. But I feel like the scene should be longer. The whole in the beginning. Speaker 2 00:32:28 What, like the fir the first 15 minutes? Speaker 3 00:32:30 Yeah. Like the whole Justice League working together. Like, uh, there should be Barry and Batman and after two, three minutes the, the rest of the team should join. And Speaker 2 00:32:41 <crosstalk>. Yeah, there was a, there was another, there was the, uh, the original cut, I think before James Gun changed, before the new regime came in. I think the, the ending of the movie was, uh, I think the end of the movie was Keaton, uh, s ca and Caval and Wonder Woman. I think that was like the Yeah. Kind of Justice League that they were forming. I think Aqua too. Speaker 3 00:33:03 Uh, no, uh, there was, uh, pat Girl Shaza, uh, super Girl. Uh, ton. Speaker 2 00:33:10 Yeah. I don't, I don't know if they ever shot anything for the movie though, I think as far as No, no, Speaker 3 00:33:13 No, no. It was on the paper. It was just an idea. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 2 00:33:16 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:33:16 Yeah. I think they were supposed to shoot it, uh, after, but Girl was released. Speaker 2 00:33:21 Yeah. I think Cavel actually shot something. I think he, him and like Gal Dot and, uh, Jason Mo were the only ones who actually shot something for the end of the movie. Um, like that ending kind of Justice League thing. I mean, obviously we've seen a lot, we've seen like the Supergirl and, uh, the Batman. We've seen Keaton at the courthouse. We've seen Supergirl like those, those set pics from like two years ago. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:33:47 There's even the scene, uh, in the promo from the Yeah. Speaker 2 00:33:51 And the scene from, which was super odd. Yeah. Super weird. I mean, obviously they can't do that ending anymore. Yeah. They kind of had to do what they makeshift ending this time. Speaker 3 00:34:01 Yeah. I I mean, they can easily release it as an alternate ending on Blu-ray or something, but they do that in morning for it. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:34:10 You know, this film, while it had tons of cameos of our established D C E U uh, individuals superheroes, there's also lots of cameos once we got to the Speed Force in the end. What are some of your favorites from those? Speaker 2 00:34:25 So I have a very, I have a favorite and I have a very clear least favorite. Um, I'll talk about the, I'll talk about the least favorite first. Um, Christopher Reeves not a fan of that. Um, Speaker 1 00:34:38 Why can I ask? Speaker 2 00:34:40 Yeah. I just think that doing c g i, doing a C G I character, I think it just feels really lazy. They very easily could an arc archival footage, like footage that he actually shot. You know, like they're looking into these universes. There's no, like, we don't need to see them as c G I, you could just see them. You could just see him flying like in another uni. Like, you know, like in when, when you're peeking into that universe and through like, archival footage from the old Superman movies. And, um, that would've been just as fun. Like, um, I think that people make a lot of, uh, a lot of good points that it's a little bit disrespectful to put a dead actor in a new movie as a C G I character. I don't love that. I agree with a lot of those. Speaker 2 00:35:22 I agree. Um, I don't know if they had Christopher Reeve's family sign off on it. I don't know if there's any kind of story regarding that. I didn't love that. What I did love was, uh, Nick Cage Superman. I thought that was really cool. Um, that was awesome, especially seeing that concept art drawing come to life where he is fighting the big mechanical spider. I just thought it looked awesome. Like, it just, it, that was such a, that was such a great like cameo and it sucks that, like you had the, you had the Christopher Reeve cameo right before that kind of like, brings it down a little bit. Um, but I thought that was just so cool. I really loved that. Um, that was my favorite cameo, Speaker 3 00:36:00 I think. Yeah, go Speaker 1 00:36:01 Ahead. I say going off what you said, I think that part of that also applies to George Reeves, especially when there was a lot of controversy surrounding that, and we won't necessarily go into that, but I think that like, that definitely left a lot of bad pe uh, taste of people's mouths about, um, bringing back c g i characters of individuals, and correct me if I'm wrong, I think that they actually said that, um, Nicholas Cage wasn't on set either, that was all C g I as well. Speaker 2 00:36:26 I mean, I think we're still waiting for more details regarding that because I think somebody, I think there was more information. So they said that Nick Cage and Helen Slater were both on set and they were in the sup the Superman suits. Speaker 1 00:36:36 Gotcha. Speaker 3 00:36:37 And decided. But, Speaker 2 00:36:38 But that's, I don't know if that's confirmed or not. There's a lot of information that flies around. There's some people who said that he wasn't on set at all. Some people who are saying that he was on set in the actual suit, I think I thought I read something that said that they actually used the, like, the actual suit that was made for the movie and they used it. Oh, that's awesome. That's, that's unconfirmed, so don't take it as as word. But, um, I read something, you heard it here about that <laugh>? Yeah. Yeah. I read something about that this morning. Um, <laugh> Nicholas Cage definitely looked, touched up with c d i, I mean, it wasn't just like, for sure straight up Nick Cage. It was definitely like a touched up Nick Cage, you know, there was mm-hmm. <affirmative>, there was definitely some CGI I in there. Speaker 1 00:37:15 Okay. Alright. Vic, who was your favorite? Speaker 3 00:37:17 Okay, drew already mentioned him. Nick Cage, I mean, dream come true. It was, uh, it was awesome. I high fived my, my friend who was with me on, on the screening where like, we are fanboying and screaming, uh, <laugh>. Oh my God. It was awesome. Also, remember that he was supposed to appear in the crisis on, on infant earths mm-hmm. <affirmative> almost three years ago. And Wow. But, but I'm really glad they did it Also, George Cooley, Speaker 1 00:37:49 You can't Right. I'm sorry, I forgot about that. That wasn't in my screening, that my film ended before that. Speaker 2 00:37:55 Yeah, that's so bizarre. It's like, what are they, I don't know why they, they had to keep that like such a huge secret. It's not going anywhere. They're not doing anything with it. Like James Gun, James Gunner already publicly said that they're not casting him in Brave In the Bold. Speaker 3 00:38:09 Yeah. But there is one movie coming this year that can you think Speaker 1 00:38:16 It's gonna be an Aquaman? Speaker 2 00:38:17 No, I don't think it'll be an Aquaman. Speaker 3 00:38:18 I mean, I think, and I heard something that he was initially in the, one of the versions from a few months ago, like two free, I don't know. I'm not so sure. But I mean, remember what they did to our flag, what they did to Kitten and Aquaman. So Speaker 2 00:38:36 Yeah. I, I don't, I think that they're probably not, I don't even think that they're gonna have a Batman in the movie, honestly, at Speaker 3 00:38:41 This point. Yeah. I mean, no Batman but Bruce Wayne, I mean mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 2 00:38:44 Well, yeah, like Bruce Wayne. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:38:46 But, um, I'm gonna say that, uh, you may not like Clooney Batman, but you must love his Bruce Wayne. I mean, he was okay. He was really lovely. Speaker 2 00:38:57 I think Clooney's, yeah, I think Clooney's a fine Bruce Moon fun Batman. I don't have any issue with him. His movie sucks, but I think he's good writing. I mean, Clooney's a great actor. I don't have any, I don't have any issue with Clooney. Um, it just feels like <laugh>, you know, Barry, uh, says at the end, you know, he says, who the f is this guy? And that's kind of how it feels. <laugh>, you know? Yeah. Watching that, I'm like, this just feels like, why are they doing this? You know? It's like, sure, I like cameos are fun, but yeah, I don't know. I, I didn't like, I didn't really love it. Speaker 3 00:39:31 Yeah. I'm not, I don't have any problem with cameos as long as they don't have any other role in the movie. Like, you have a cameo and then just all of a sudden it's really important for the story. Like, if this person didn't meet, uh, this person for this five seconds, the, the whole story would, would collapse or anything like, cameos are cameos. They don't have to, you know, to affect the story in any other way than just being there for fun or any or anything. But, uh, also remember there was, uh, Nicolai cost Valdo in this movie, and Andy Machete had a came, you know, they they had a Speaker 2 00:40:17 Came Yeah, that was so random. I like did a double take. I'm like, was that Jamie Lannister? Yeah. Speaker 3 00:40:23 I mean, I think they were playing the same character because Barry steals pizza. Speaker 2 00:40:29 Not it was Hot dog Speaker 3 00:40:31 In the second. No, first he steals, uh, the Barry two steals pizza from, uh, cost Auo. Yeah. Yeah. And then ar Barry Stills, uh, the hot dog from Speaker 2 00:40:41 Yeah. Hot. Yeah. Because he's trying to catch the pepperoni while he is running Chip. That was funny. That part was kind of funny. Like when, when he caused all that like, chaos in the city, I thought that was, uh, <laugh>. I thought that was definitely like one of the funnier, funnier parts of the movie. Speaker 3 00:40:58 Yeah. But to keep it short, I'm not a big fan of the, I think the Iris West was the cameo and Sure. Uh, and I mean, I also love that, but, and just to be completely clear, I mean, nothing wrong by that, but I don't have a problem with those cameos in the Chronosphere or anything like that. Sure. I know people have problems with it. I completely understand it, but this doesn't change anything for me. Speaker 1 00:41:28 Okay. So let me ask you, the, the two of you this, who else from the entire DC pantheon of films and television shows, would you have liked to see Cameo in this? If they were gonna show up instead? Maybe we're we replace Christopher Reese or something, but who do we wanna see show up? Speaker 2 00:41:45 It was a pretty easy answer is Grant Guston, I think he deserved to be in, I think he deserved to be in the movie. Um, it's a shame that he was cut, considering how long they were talking about a cameo from him. You know, I honestly, uh, like I I thought he could, we even had like a small Rome this movie and it would've been fun. I'm a, I'm a Caval guy. I like Ca Superman. It's just, it's just a Superman I grew up on. Um, I would've liked to see him in this movie. I mean, Supergirl's awesome. Uh, I really like her and I hope she continues. Um, cameo wise, I think, you know, this movie really fills a lot of cameos. I mean, Teddy Sears, that was such a random cameo and I'm reading that day. It wasn't even intentional. Like it wasn't supposed to be Teddy Sears or something, but like Speaker 3 00:42:29 Yeah. Otherwise it was supposed to be sheep. Speaker 2 00:42:31 Think it was supposed to be like Golden Age. Like Jay Garrick. Speaker 3 00:42:34 Yes. And, and you have John Sheep who plays the exact same Speaker 2 00:42:39 Character. Yeah. It just such a weird, that was such a bizarre, I'm like, Teddy Sears. I'm like, what? Why are they doing this? It was such a weird thing. Yeah. I think, you know, who else could you have had? They kind of really did everybody, you know, you could Speaker 1 00:42:51 Have I'm Welling. Come on. OG Superman. Speaker 2 00:42:55 Yeah, they did that in Crisis though. They did Tom Welling. They did, uh, you know, Brandon, how do you pronounce Brandon? Is it Speaker 3 00:43:01 Roof? Ralph Ross? I'm calling, I'm calling him Roof. 'cause Speaker 2 00:43:05 He got a good role in, uh, crisis. I mean, it would've been cool to see him, you know, isn't he arguably Christopher Res, Superman, Speaker 3 00:43:12 <crosstalk>? I mean, canonically Can Canonically. It's the same Superman, but from Superman to Director Scott, not from the three and four. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:43:21 I mean, past Supermans would've been cool. Uh, I would've liked to see a Jack Nicholson joker, you know, from Oh, that would've been a good one from Keaton's Universe. That would've been really cool. Um, wow. Speaker 3 00:43:31 You got Cesar Romeros instead. Speaker 2 00:43:33 Cesar Romero. They could've done that too. But yeah, I think they, I think they had their fill of canons. I think they really like, they really, uh, they had that one big cameo montage and I think that was good. I think they, they did everything that they needed to do besides Grant Guston. Okay. That's how I feel about it. Speaker 3 00:43:50 Yeah. I mean, for me, easily, grant, they could have easily just show the, uh, the scene from crisis. Like Barry runs, like when Barry runs to the past, uh, for the first time, and we could just see the, the scene and he's like, oh, he, it is him and Grand and he's just passing by and that's it. Yeah. I'll be happy. But no, they had to destroy it for me. <laugh>. But, uh, from the other productions, I mean, Keanu would be nice. Would be nice. I mean, Ken Reve is Constantine not bad? Steven Amal spec. 'cause he is a multiverse of being now <laugh>. It's connected to the whole multiverse. Sure. But, but from the movies. Hmm. I'm not so sure. There's just like Ru said, there's a lot of communists. Just we could show, we could have shown ev every single superhero that have ever been in the live action. Speaker 1 00:44:50 My question is why didn't they bring in Linda Carter's Wonder Woman if they were doing all these old classic ones? Speaker 3 00:44:56 She was in the movie. They cut her. Speaker 2 00:44:59 Yeah, she was in the movie. They, they did cut her and uh, uh, they said, I can't remember who else they cut. Uh, I know it was Linda Carter, which is unfortunate 'cause it's like, you know, like you have like the original Batman, or not technically not the original Batman. You don't have Adam West in there. But, uh, you know, you had Linda Carter and Christopher Reeves and uh, or you, you would've had, you could've had Linda Carter and Christopher Reve. Speaker 3 00:45:21 They cut the first Batman also like the first first from the ninth. Speaker 1 00:45:26 You didn't have Adam West? Speaker 2 00:45:27 Nope. Speaker 1 00:45:28 I, I had Adam West. Speaker 3 00:45:30 I had Adam West also. Speaker 2 00:45:31 Maybe I did. And I just don't remember Speaker 3 00:45:33 Like the, it was the, I think so when Speaker 1 00:45:35 You, when you, when you heard the original TV Joker laughing. Yeah. You see Adam West running? Speaker 2 00:45:40 Yeah. Maybe <laugh>. It was such a, it was so fast that like, Speaker 3 00:45:44 I mean it was just like the Chronosphere, it was another error. Just like there were three errors and Yeah. Speaker 2 00:45:50 Yeah. Maybe they did have Adam, which Speaker 3 00:45:52 Was on the side. Speaker 2 00:45:53 I really couldn't remember to be honest. Speaker 1 00:45:55 That's okay. I think we're all in agreement that Grant Guston should have been in this film and he was robbed <laugh>. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:46:01 They did 'em dirty. Yeah, they Speaker 1 00:46:03 Did 'em dirty. Speaker 3 00:46:04 I'm gonna say it. Uh, James, if you won't hire Grant as the flash in the D C U, I'm gonna be mad <laugh>. Uh, Speaker 1 00:46:14 You could pass it on someone else. You could pass it on to someone else. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:46:18 I'm Speaker 3 00:46:18 The guy deserves to be, Speaker 2 00:46:19 I honestly don't even think they're gonna do the Flash for a little while in the D C U. I think they're gonna do some new characters. Speaker 3 00:46:24 Yeah. I mean, in the Team Up movie we can talk about, we can't talk about right now. But Speaker 2 00:46:32 Yeah, I mean New Frontier is the flash in New Frontier. Speaker 1 00:46:36 Uh, Speaker 3 00:46:37 Yeah. I'm mean all heroes are there. It it's like just League is has 100 to a hundred members and mm-hmm. <affirmative>, Speaker 1 00:46:46 Right? Yeah. Alright, so then looking past this, you know, technically this film isn't doing great in the box office right now. Um, it actually is making less money than they originally thought it was gonna do. Speaker 2 00:46:58 Underperforming. Yeah. Unfortunately. Speaker 1 00:47:00 Yeah. What do you think, um, you know, with the two films left at these D C U, do you, you think people are checking out from this like a dying franchise? Uh, what, what would you do with those last two films if it off to you? Speaker 2 00:47:14 Yeah, I don't know man. Blue Beetle looks fun, but like, I don't think it's gonna make a lot of money. I think maybe it'll make like 300, uh, Aquaman, we've all heard Aquaman is terrible. Uh, we've all heard Aquaman two is not a good movie. Uh, from a lot of test screenings. Been a lot of, a lot of rumbling that it is not a good movie unfortunately. Speaker 3 00:47:35 And it still is <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:47:37 Yeah. Um, I don't know. I don't think they're gonna do very well. James Gunn, I think right now at this point, James Gunn was hired, uh, with movies left on the slate. He probably wants to do his own thing. I mean, people think that there's gonna be some continuation and I, I very, uh, firmly believe that they're gonna do a hard reboot in a completely different universe. Um, all new characters, all new storylines. I don't think they're gonna take anybody from previous iterations of anything. Um, besides peacemaker obviously, you know? Yeah. Because that's Peacemaker and Suicide Squad. I think that's that, that's James Gunn's, you know, kind of characters and Right. And uh, and Waller. Yeah. Waller. Yeah. I mean they could take them maybe do elsewhere El else world stories since they're considering Pattinson's Batman as an else world story in the D C U. Speaker 2 00:48:29 I think they'll, maybe they'll do some d some else world stories, but I think at first they're gonna focus on that chapter one with all those characters. I think he's really got a nail Superman. I think he's probably really focused on Superman legacy, um, <affirmative>, um, SAS lab probably just wants James Gunn just to market these movies as best as he can. You know, make as much money as you can from these movies because I mean, this is it for the d c Eeu, you know, just, uh, this, this marketing push for the Flash was probably just to try and make as much money as they can, you know, from for outta this movie because they spent such a high budget on it. Yeah. I think people are probably checked out. I think after this movie people are gonna be checked out, uh, which sucks 'cause I'm sure Blue Beatles's fun and uh, Aman too, you know, we'll have to see how well that does. But, uh, Speaker 3 00:49:15 Yeah. But, but those seems like a movie designed for streaming only. And I think at first it was Badger and Bluebe that were supposed to release on H B O. Yeah. And then when I heard that Bad Girl Mad Be maybe sucked, they switched bluebe to cinemas. So I think Bluebe will be like five, maybe six out of 10, and it'll be like a mid movie and it'll be okay. It'll be like Chasm movie, like the same quality, and it'll not earn a lot of money. It'll be like 200, 300 million maybe. But Acumen, I'm glad they're not releasing the, I'm, I'm glad they're releasing Acumen at the end as the last movie of the d u that that will be happening on the, on the George Clooney Earth, on the Backman and Robin Earth as I like to call it. Because for me, Barry Very, and Acumen and all of the other heroes from the d c from the old DCU on the Surf and r and d Batman, Robin and I like, and I think that making this movie as the last movie of DCU is both good and bad. Good. Uh, as in, okay, it's the worst movie from the d u and it's the last. So like, nobody, nobody caress at this point and in bad, like, why the hell would you even release this movie? Why, why Speaker 1 00:50:43 Drop it on Max and just give yourself a, they need to give themselves a break. I think they need to get outta people's minds a little bit. Speaker 2 00:50:49 Yeah. I mean, they're gonna take a year break, year and a half break. I mean, the first movie's gonna be Legacy and, um, Speaker 3 00:50:54 2025 what? Speaker 2 00:50:55 July, 2025. Speaker 1 00:50:57 It's gotta be Good. Has to nail it. Speaker 2 00:50:59 I mean, like James Gunn is a good, he is a great movie maker and The Guardian's, the Galaxy Trilogy, one of the great comic book Trilogies of all time. Um, so I have a lot of confidence in him. I think Superman is a character with a lot of heart and emotion, and I think that James Gun knows how to write that kind of story. Um, you can see that James Gun is a huge comic book fan. He's got, you know, Tom King's kind of under his wing now helping him out and, you know, either doing a direct adaption of Woman of Tomorrow, which is Tom King's story. So you're gonna get writing Speaker 3 00:51:36 And I think Tom King is writing Green Lanterns also. So Speaker 2 00:51:39 Yeah, you're gonna get a lot of very accurate depictions. They're gonna bring a lot of that DC style that, that I think has been missing. Snyder, kind of Snyder took it more in like a fantasy kind of, I think he tried to do a little bit like Lord of the Rings kind of thing. Um, I think you're gonna get a lot more like classic DC style. You're gonna get like these, those bright suits and just those classic stories that you're gonna, I, I have a lot of confidence in, in Legacy. I, I haven't always been a huge James Gunn fan, um, but I, I have confidence in legacy. I think it'll be, I think it'll be good. We'll have to see. Speaker 3 00:52:16 Yeah, I mean, I, I wasn't always a big Superman fan, but when I saw Superman and Lo, it's like I love Superman now. Tyler, Tyler Hecklin is the best Superman, I don't think. James Gunn and the people he'll hire want create something better in the season, free of, of the show. But I really hope it'll be something different because just as you said, uh, Schneider created some sort of fantasy, but for me, he tried to create something different, something darker that we didn't see till now, because when you take a look at the previous superhero films, they were, they were really optimistic and they were heroes that were really happy. Sometimes were not counting, uh, Christopher Nolan's Batman religion, but that's, that's not the point in the story. And I think that mixing the classic stories and taking any look at the others is definitely the way to go, because that way you bring the old fans who really love to see and you bring the new fans who want to, you know, who want to join the, the Hive train. Speaker 1 00:53:29 Absolutely. So before we wrap up, any last thoughts, things you need to get off your chest about the flash before we put this to rest and let the d c eu Speaker 2 00:53:39 Die go? Speaker 1 00:53:40 Yes. Speaker 3 00:53:42 What <laugh>? Yeah. There, Speaker 2 00:53:44 There needed to be more Supergirl in the Flash. That was my biggest gripe. Um, he gets it, huh? Speaker 1 00:53:49 I said he gets it. You're absolutely right. Speaker 2 00:53:51 Yeah. Yeah. There needed to be more Supergirl. Uh, that was the most disappointing aspect. Um, I thought that the conflict between Zod and Supergirl was very short. Um, didn't really have a ton of meaning. Uh, that part was not very well written. I wish they would've done that a more justice, uh, no pun intended. Uh, you know, it's just a middle of the Pack DC movie. I didn't think it was the greatest thing ever. I didn't think it was on par with Dark Knight. I didn't think it was on par with, uh, you know, 1978 Superman. Uh, I saw a couple of people after the first screening were saying that, and I was like, you know, I just don't think anything's ever gonna reach that level. This was good. It, it was fun. I had a lot of, I had really high expectations. Um, it was fun. I had a good time with it. I'd probably give it like a, I mean, I don't know if we do ratings, but I give it a 7.5 or 7.75, something like that. Almost an eight, somewhere in that kind of range. Um, but yeah, it's just, it is barely just a movie that, you know, don't really think, don't, don't put too much thought into it. I would say Speaker 3 00:54:50 I have just two things to say, and the first one is, this movie should have been longer, like at least 20, 40 minutes longer. There's a lot of stuff to do, to add and mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I mean, even you kind of just make the whole final sequence longer and all that. But, and the second thing is Speaker 2 00:55:11 Probably would've made the exposition a little bit shorter. Honestly, that's, that's one more thing I want add is the first hour was a little long, the second hour was a little bit too quick. I think the pacing needed to be a little bit better, but, uh, anyways, Speaker 3 00:55:25 Yeah, if you want to say goodbye, Ben Nale, who was supposed to be at the second end, uh, in the second end credit scene, but no, they also removed him. Uh, I give him more, more screen time. And the second thing is I'd really love, I would really love to hear the Pink Floyd's time song that was promoting the movie and <laugh>. It was something that, that, that, that's missing for me. But that's it. Okay. I love it. 10, 10 out of 10 for now at least. Speaker 1 00:55:56 Uh, and with that, we are running out of time, so unfortunately, um, we're gonna have to continue this conversation over on Twitter and or the Cosmic Circus. Check us [email protected] or find us on Twitter and other social medias at my Cosmic Circus and our Cosmic Circus podcast, Twitter at cosmic podcasts. Thank you again so much for tuning into the Cosmic Circle. My name is Brian Kitson and you can find me on Twitter at Kitson three, one. Thank you so much Vic and Drew for joining me today. But before we go, can you tell the people where they can find you? Speaker 2 00:56:28 Hey guys, I'm Drew. You can find me on Twitter at, uh, drew Reed 10 99. That's 1 0 9 9 on Twitter. Speaker 3 00:56:36 Hi guys. It is Vic. You can find me at Eric Saki on, on Twitter. And there are some these articles coming that I think you'll be really hyped to see. So stay tuned. Speaker 1 00:56:49 We're looking forward to that. Thanks guys, and thanks again, listeners. We cannot wait for our next trip throughout the cosmos with you. Goodbye.

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