Episode 39

August 27, 2023


Ahsoka Series Discussion (Spoilers)

Hosted by

Uday Kataria Brian Kitson Anthony Flagg Ayla Ruby
Ahsoka Series Discussion (Spoilers)
The Cosmic Circle
Ahsoka Series Discussion (Spoilers)

Aug 27 2023 | 00:59:28


Show Notes

While Ahsoka may have lived a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, you don't have to jump into your X-Wing and fly off to Tatooine to see what she's up to, because Ahsoka, the new Star Wars series has arrived on Disney+! The series stars Rosario Dawson as the ex-Jedi knight as she and Sabine (Natasha Liu Bordizzo) search the galaxy for Grand Admiral Thrawn (Lars Mikkelsen) and Ezra Bridger (Eman Esfandi). So our writers couldn't wait to get together and break it all down in our Ahsoka Discussion!

Join head writer Brian Kitson, along with fellow writers Drew Reed and Emily Maack as they talk about all the exciting scenes from Disney+'s Ahsoka! What did they like? What would they have changed? Why is Sabine the best? All that and more you can find in this exciting discussion about all things Ahsoka and Star Wars as a whole!

Podcast credits and show notes


Brian Kitson

Drew Reed

Emily Maack

Executive Producer/Editor

Lizzie Hill

Recorded on 08/26/23

Superhero theme by HumanoideVFX on Pixabay.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 <silence> Speaker 1 00:00:16 Welcome back listeners to another episode of the Cosmic Circle, the official podcast of the Cosmic Circus. On today's episode, we are excited to talk about Asoka the newest entry into the Star Wars world. My name is Brian Kitson, head writer at The Cosmic Circus, and joining me today are Drew Reed and Emily Mack. How are we doing? Speaker 2 00:00:35 Good. Speaker 3 00:00:36 Doing pretty good. What's up guys? I'm Drew. Speaker 1 00:00:39 Great to have you both on here. You're both our Star Wars aficionados here, so yeah, it made perfect sense to have the two of you on here. Um, and Drew, I hope you don't mind, I'm gonna start with Emily 'cause she is Star Wars as far as we're concerned here. Speaker 3 00:00:52 I'm good. Don't worry. I, Speaker 1 00:00:54 So, Emily, I wanna know, what is your impression of these first two episodes? 'cause a lot happened and, and it's setting up a lot to go forward. What do you feel like, like how do you feel about 'em? Speaker 2 00:01:10 I really loved these two episodes. They, I felt very good because Dave Filoni, he created a Soka and he's put you, I can already tell he's put so much time and effort and just so much care into this character and just how we're seeing her as she gets older and stuff. Because we've seen her, like, as a teenager young, and then she's had to endure so much between like leaving the Jedi order and what happened on Manalo with Ma and helping them. And then surviving order 66, joining the Rebellion in her own way, being a secret. And then coming into being with our rebels, like her and Sabine and seeing this older, more patient version of her is just, it's a change. And I think it's hard for some people to see, but you have to remember that she's an adult now and she's learned from her mistakes and like taken everything that Anakin and Obiwan has taught her. And you can see that in Dave's writing and his creation of her and his vision for her. Speaker 1 00:02:14 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Absolutely. Before we go further, sorry, spoiler warning, everybody, we are gonna talk about things. Nothing that you said there was spoiler, but just in case we get there. Um, but I do love what you said, 'cause that is true. Like this, we've seen this character grow from a, essentially a child, a teenager, to an adult now, and it's been quite the journey and she is quite different. And that is something that hopefully we can, we can touch on later. Um, drew, what are your thoughts on this? Speaker 3 00:02:41 Um, I thought I felt really polished. I think that's a word that I keep. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, it keeps coming back to me is the series. It feels really polished. Um, you know, in terms of, uh, writing cinematography, V F X, production design, costume design, I think everything feels really complete, uh, really put together. I think you can, there's a lot of times where you can't tell they're on the volume, which has been a reoccurring issue, I think, in Hollywood in general. Um, in terms of like the show itself, I'm really enjoying it. I, I mean, I, I mentioned earlier to you, Brian, I, I watched it three times to speak. I watched both, both episodes three times, um, in the first time just to enjoy it, just to like, you know, to reintroduction to Rebels, which has been gone for five years. And I think, um, you know, I just wanted to, at first I just wanted to watch it and enjoy it without kind of being overly analytical about it. And then I went back, um, a second time, probably about a day or later, and I kind of like, you know, ran through everything in my head about what I liked and what I didn't like. And I overall, I mean, I feel like the quality, it just feels, I mean, it's on like a different level. It feels like a movie, you know, like, so that's what I've really enjoyed about it so far. It's just the, the how polished and how and how high quality it feels. Speaker 1 00:03:57 Yeah, I think that's a great point is that it did feel much more cinematic than I feel like, even like the last season of Mando, which I love, I love Mando, don't get me wrong, but this had that very, I guess like prequels feel to me of like how the first three were kind of shot and like how like the transitions and everything about it felt very, you know, yeah. 2000 Star Wars. Speaker 3 00:04:20 Yeah, totally. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And there was multiple transitions. Like, um, there was one transition that sticks out. It was, uh, like when, when Asoka first arrives back on the ship of Hara and they're going to like that meeting in the meeting room where they first, where they're taking, they're looking at the hologram of, of Bain and Shin. And, um, there's a transition like to the meeting room where it's like, it makes like the same, it's the same transition as the Lego Star Wars games. Speaker 2 00:04:43 It's just like a slide across the Speaker 3 00:04:44 Screen. Yes. That slide with that, with that noise. I was like, oh my God. Like, so just like that little detail was like, oh man, that, that brought me back. Like, that was such a, like, Speaker 2 00:04:52 We're back so we back. Speaker 3 00:04:54 Yeah. It was such like a flashback and like, I just haven't seen anything like that. So like, that's just like a little details like that that they put in there that make it feel like, like it, it, it just feels great. And like, and especially like LA Fall looks really good too. Like, like the city, the highway, like being on the highway was super cool. 'cause I, I guess it's called The Highway, right? Like, yeah. I dunno really what you called. We can call it Speaker 2 00:05:13 The highway. Speaker 3 00:05:14 Yeah. I don't really know what you'd call it, but like, it just, because that was like in the first episode of Rebels and Mike, it just feels like such a mm-hmm. <affirmative> such a callback, you know, like, so Speaker 1 00:05:23 I, I think part of that too has to do with the fact that like the, the, the, the original trilogy, which is fantastic. And like the newer trilogy had a very, like, dystopian feel, but the first one felt so like, you saw these, like the cities and things were thriving. And this one you kind of got that feel again of like, things are thriving because we, we weren't all in deserts, you know, like, um, and really cool, you know, some of the, the effects that made it feel like we were in space again and we weren't just in the middle of a sandstorm in the middle of nowhere. Um, Speaker 2 00:05:54 It's nice to have a break from the desert. I'm so sick of going back to the desert as much as I love tattooing and I feel like Mando has just taken place there, like, far too much. Yeah. And like those empty places like Navarro. So being back in like these familiar places like Elia and like everywhere else and seeing it like, be built back up and be like a true city Yeah. Is so nice. Speaker 3 00:06:16 It felt grand. Like, it felt like, um, you know, like we said, Navarro kind of feels practical. Like not, not like, uh, you know, like I prefer practical, but it feels almost like, you can tell you're, they're on, they're on a set. Like, it kind of felt like that at sometimes in season three and didn't really feel like a believable location sometimes. And this, I mean the, like, you know, for example, like Car looked great. I mean, like, you know, we saw it in Solo and I think it looked really like similar, like that it just, it felt cinematic. I mean, that's gonna be a word that probably I'll used. It did feel, it felt a lot more cinematic than, than a lot of like, stuff we've seen in like Mando and Boba Fed. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I think a part of that, like you said, is that we're not going back to tattooing. 'cause it's like, that just feels so oversaturated. Like, we've seen so much of tattooing and like desert planets and mm-hmm. <affirmative> as much as like, that's like super iconic to Star Wars, I think going to these new places is gonna kind of introduce, introduce the, the whole series is gonna introduce us to new places, I think. Speaker 2 00:07:14 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, Speaker 1 00:07:16 I think that's interesting too. 'cause you know, I think you're right. While it felt cinematic and stuff, I, in my head I was thinking like, that's almost what I wanted Obi-Wan to feel like was cinematic. And I felt like we got a lot of the desert feel, you know? Um, so this does feel like it's kind of back on top. Um, with that being said, I know there's so much that we seem to like, but what was like the part that like we liked the most? Um, what, what was just like, uh, this is what I love about this series, Emily, again, I'm gonna start with you. Speaker 2 00:07:44 Oh gosh. Uh, I think I have like two things. Um, okay. Mainly 'cause since this is like sort of a continuation of Rebels, I really liked seeing Chopper back. Yes. And he's voiced by Dave Filone and Drew and I talked about that. It was weird that we could tell what he was saying. 'cause usually like, you can't, but like, sometimes there were moments in Rebels where you could, but like, this time you could fully, like, it was Dave Filone talking and they warped it. But I just liked seeing Chopper because he's like insane. And people who've never met Chopper before, like, this is just like a first like, taste. Like, I hope there's more, more of him to come because he's a crazy asteroid. He has killed so many people. He's blown up ships, he's stolen things. He does not care. Like he is, he is my favorite. Speaker 2 00:08:32 Um, the other thing I really liked about this is the parallels between Sabine and Canaan and Ezra because mm-hmm. <affirmative> Canaan was like her dad and Ezra's like her brother. And he even said it, we saw it in the message that, you know, they grew up together, which I think is a lot of things, uh, something that people when watching Rebels kind of confused, like their relationship. They, like, it was either a ship or it was like brother and sister, and I always saw it as a brother sister thing. I never saw them in like a romantic relationship. Um, so just like the parallels like of her living, like in the, in the comms tower, like he did the, her like, racing down the highway in that first episode like Ezra did, trying to get away from Canaan and then like down to like the knife movements when she cut her hair like Kaan did in, um mm-hmm. <affirmative>. The, his like, final episode. Speaker 1 00:09:28 It really felt, when, when I saw her living in like the tower, I, it felt like almost someone who was like, stuck in their mourning. Like, when you like mm-hmm. <affirmative> lose like a sibling or like a family member. And so I was really glad too when he said, you're like, you know, you're like a sister. Because I never got the feeling of the, the vibes in Rebels that they were romantic, but like, this is definitely like losing, you know, Canaan was like a father to these people, or like a older brother. And like Ezra was so important because he was a family. They were a found family. Yeah. And so, like, that was a really cool dynamic to have there. What about you, drew? What do you, what do you love about this show? Speaker 3 00:10:00 I mentioned it a little earlier, what really struck me, like, man, I'm, I'm a, I'm a cinematography guy. Like, I love the, I love the good visual. Um, I thought it was visually like, uh, visually, you know, I, I'm gonna reiterate it's, it was visually a step above anything else. We've seen Star Wars. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, Disney Plus Wise, you know, like, it's, it's up there with like the Last Jedi in terms of like, you know, just how visually great it looked on top of that, the score, the music was great. I mean, that really, uh, added so much depth to a lot of scenes. The first episode had a lot of, um, there was some kind of stagnant moments. It was a little slow at first, which I didn't mind. I liked to spend time with these characters. But there were moments, obviously where it was a little bit slow. Speaker 3 00:10:43 Um, and, and then you just get such a great score that that kind of adds, you know, when, when, when a score adds depth to a scene, that that kind of mm-hmm. <affirmative> just puts everything together. And I think a lot of the times that isn't the case in movies, and sometimes we don't even notice music, but when you're able to notice music in a scene, it adds so much to the scene. And I think that, you know, they really nailed that. The, the, you know, the visuals and, and the music. I think that that's such a huge part of Star Wars. You know, obviously the characters. I love the characters and I'll, I'll get into that eventually. But such a huge part of Star Wars is just the landscape and, and the music. And I think that's a part of like, what really made Star Wars. Star Wars, you know. So, Speaker 1 00:11:22 Going off something you said there, and I, this is something that I'd like to give both of your opinions on. You know, it w it was a, a tadd slow. I will agree in the beginning, but I didn't mind that because I already knew these characters. Do you think that our desire for that, or like being okay with that is dictated because we know these characters and that people who didn't would probably have found the first episode maybe a little slow to the point of if it was aired by itself, it would've maybe not have gone on to have people watch number two. Does that make sense? Like, Speaker 2 00:11:51 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:11:52 Yeah. I don't know if it, like, would've been like, uh, like somebody would turn it off, but like, yeah. It's like, so man, uh, you know, Asoka is such a hard thing that I've been thinking about all week. Is, is, uh, is Rosario Dawson's portrayal of the character? Is it Dave Lon that's telling her? Or is this kind of what she's, how she wants to portray the character? Because it's very, like, she's almost like a monk. Like, she's very like, monotone, kind of like, I, I don't mean this in a bad way, but she's kind of rigid, you know? Like she, she, her, her line delivery has been very monotone. And I think that's because Dave kind of wants her to be like a, you know, almost like a Jedi, like a Jedi monk kind of like, uh, you know, she's found like inner peace and stuff like that. Speaker 3 00:12:37 And, um, but I think that's been really off-putting to people. I've seen a lot of people say, you know, like Rosaro Dawson's portrayal has been a little bit like, you know, one dimensional. And, and I think a lot of that, I think it, I think, 'cause Rick Rosaro doesn't, has so much like, I, I mean, I've seen her in like, interviews and stuff. She has so much like, you know, energy and emotion that I don't think it's, I don't think it's her doing that. I think it's more so the direction that she's been given by Dave Fallon. And I think a lot of people aren't kind of seeing that. And they're kind of, they're kind of saying that she's like, you know, being little one dimensional. But I think that's more so the direction than it's her acting. Speaker 2 00:13:15 I think it's the direction too. I think once we see her more with Sabine and more with like people and inter and like the, as these interactions go on, I think in a way, like she's gonna have like more life like breathed into her and she'll like get that feeling of being with like another person again and being so close with them and having her own Pat Padawan in a way. Yeah. And like, she was with Anakin, like, she was like a ruly, she was like a snippy little teenager and he was trying to control basically himself. And now she's doing the same thing. So I think she'll have the life, like breathe back into her once this continues on. Speaker 3 00:13:57 I hope so. Yeah. I mean, I, I definitely think that it's like part of our overall arc most likely. And, and Sabine kind of brings a lot of life to like the show. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I think that's why people kind of are like, you know, favoring Sabine more in the show because she kind of brings a lot of the energy, the emotion, the life to the show. And, um, I think she's been the standout so far. I mean, Rosario, I think she's done like exactly what she's supposed to do with the direction she's been given. Um, I think it's just people just gravitates to towards Sabine. 'cause she's the more energetic, you know, like brings out kind of, Speaker 2 00:14:27 She's brightly colored and like odd. But yeah, Speaker 3 00:14:29 She brings up the reaction of Speaker 2 00:14:30 She's there. Speaker 3 00:14:31 But overall I don't like, you know, if you've never seen Rebels, um, obviously my advice would be to, to watch it <laugh> watch Rebels. Yes. Yes. My advice would be to watch it, but at the same time don't kind of, you know, discount these characters just yet. You know, like Yeah, there's a lot of them. There's, there's so much dimension to all of these characters. And I, and it's, and it's the same person who wrote Rebels, so Right. I'm not necessarily worried that they're gonna lose that touch because Dave like, know, he knows these characters. Like, you know, like, they're like his kids, you know, like, so like, I'm not worried about that. So I think I would give the characters some more time. You know, a lot, a lot of people say the first episode was, was a little bit like, slow, you know, very like slow pace. And obviously I think it's gonna pick up. I think there's a lot <laugh>, there's a lot left in this series of like, stuff that we don't know, you know? Speaker 1 00:15:17 Mm. I think it p I think it definitely picked up by the second chapter. Uh, yeah. But you know, when, you know Emily, you talked about parallels and I think the one parallel that stuck out to me, 'cause as the psychologist, I'm always looking at the way people are and how we relate to them. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, is that Ashoka's personality and journey is very reminiscent to how we saw Luke Skywalker in the Last Jedi. He was kind of cold and off because he had been through so much hurt and pain. He's lost everybody. And Asoka also someone who has lost a ton of people. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I, I think that's really driven home in the, was it the seventh season that was released? Sentencing Plus of the Clone Wars? Yeah. I think you saw a lot of that in there of like, she's still this hero, but I think she's a little more guarded than the kid that you saw. 'cause she's not a kid anymore. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:16:03 Yeah. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, yeah, I think in Rebels you see a lot, a lot of like a, an evolution of the character too. You know, when Rosario Dawson first debuted as Asoka, it was in 2020, right. And I, I was actually in the middle of watching Clone Wars, so I had, I was watching the Mandalorian and I'm like, man, I just don't see this. Like, it just doesn't work for me. Like, because I'm watching like season four of like Clone Wars where she's, she's like 15, you know, like where she's like a kid having fun and stuff. And you get like, this older, like, like 30 years later you get a Soka who's kind of been through so much and like, I hadn't seen that yet. And then I got to Rebels and I was like, okay, I see it. Like, this portrayal is very much so based off of like Rebels and her journey and Rebels and what comes after Rebels. And I think that's very apparent. You know, like, so. Speaker 1 00:16:53 Absolutely. Mm. So with everything that we liked, is there anything that we didn't like? And I'll just say with, for me, the one was just a little bit of pacing in the first part, but there was not much. And usually I'm pretty critical of Star Wars 'cause I'm like a passive fan. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, I'm sorry I, the two of you to say that. <laugh>, I, I've watched everything. Star Wars besides the bad batch. I, Hey, it's okay. Speaker 3 00:17:13 <laugh>. Yeah, it's okay. Speaker 1 00:17:14 But there wasn't ano, there wasn't like nothing that I really had a problem with. I thought the villains were great. I thought mm-hmm. <affirmative> that the characters are great. Chopper was fantastic. I always loved Chopper. So I am very just not having anything wrong with this series yet, besides maybe a little bit of the pacing issues. Um, but Drew, what about you? Speaker 3 00:17:33 Yeah, I mean, I, I, I don't know. Um, <laugh>, this is just me being like a PRL fan. Like, I, I, I, I hold lightsaber, duals to a very high standard. I mean, it's, I know realistically you're never gonna top like Anakin versus Obi one on Mustaf far. But like, I think every time I see a lightsaber duel, I'm like hoping for that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So like, I have a little bit of like unrealistic like, expectations. Um, and that's just something I'm trying to work on. But like, every time I see a lightsaber duel and it doesn't come up to that standard, I'm like, oh, I don't know if I like this. But then it, like, after a while it, it kind of sinks in. But, um, yeah, I'm hoping for more kind of extended action sequences. Um, I really liked Sabine versus Shin in the first episode. Speaker 3 00:18:19 I thought that was really well done. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I, I was surprised that was like significantly better than like, everything else you've seen, like from the sequel trilogy. Like, um, so yeah, I think, but in the second episode, the, the fight between Asoka and Morro or Merrick, uh, Morro, I think that's how you pronounce it. But, um, that was a little bit short. So I'm just hoping for more detail in, in that. Um, other than that, yeah, just the pacing issue in the first episode, I think that everybody kind of agrees with that, but that didn't really take away, didn't really take away anything from the episode. Um, in my opinion, it was just slow. And if you love these characters, you're gonna be okay with that. If you're not, you know, if you're just being, you know, introduced to these characters, you're gonna be like, oh, this is a little bit slow. But, um, I don't think it's gonna be an issue throughout the series. Speaker 1 00:19:06 Agreed. Speaker 2 00:19:08 I'm sick of people getting, sorry, I'm sick of people getting stabbed and living. Listen, I could have accept, I can like, yeah, Guan, he died. Okay. He got stabbed. He's not coming back. Ma got cut in half. He came back. I accepted that. That was cool. The grand Inquisitor gets stabbed. I thought that was stupid. And it had no shock value to me. Sabine gets stabbed and she's still alive. There's zero shock value there for me. Speaker 3 00:19:31 There's no, they need to show with. That Speaker 2 00:19:33 Was so dumb. <laugh>. Yeah. I definitely need to, it's just taking, it's just taking away from I think like Gons death in a way. Because like, he got stabbed and he could, if he could've came back and then like in that last fight between Kylo Ren and Ray, like he got stabbed and she healed him and he lived <laugh>. Like Speaker 3 00:19:51 Yeah. There's been so many, Speaker 2 00:19:52 So many people are getting stabbed. Speaker 3 00:19:54 There's been a lot of stabbings, uh, Reva twice in ob. Yeah. And the grand inquisitor. Speaker 1 00:20:00 He, and then he got, you're throwing out those stabbings <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:20:02 Exactly. Oh my God, man. It's like, we just hold no hold, no vape, hold no weight anymore. Like no, I'm not expecting anybody to die from a lights saber stab die. Speaker 2 00:20:09 I know the Grand Inquisitor one, I think is the one that was like so stupid to me. 'cause it's like if you watched Rebels and like you, you know, he Speaker 3 00:20:16 Wasn't gonna, Speaker 2 00:20:16 People talk about it, you know, he wasn't gonna die. Speaker 3 00:20:18 That, that was Yeah. Um, I think, Speaker 2 00:20:21 But that was my only issue with my child. Speaker 3 00:20:22 There was lot of, uh, a lot of issues with, uh, so far Speaker 2 00:20:25 Is that sitting and getting stabbed <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:20:27 Yeah. But I agree with that. I I agree with the, the stabbing. That's something I actually completely forgot was the stabbing. Mm-hmm. I've seen a lot of discourse in that. Yeah, I agree. It's just like, they just gotta chill with that. I know that she was stabbed in her side. She wasn't stabbed in like a, Speaker 2 00:20:40 I know it probably missed something, Speaker 3 00:20:42 A metal medical perspective. Mm-hmm. Like, she was like stabbed through like her side. So like, it wasn't like, you know, know like she through like the heart, you know, like mm-hmm. But other than that I just, I just think it's just like, you know, it just takes away from the value of like the <crosstalk>. Speaker 2 00:20:55 It really does. Speaker 3 00:20:56 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:20:56 That means the last major debt that actually stuck was Harrison Ford as solo. Yeah. It was all, Speaker 3 00:21:02 Yes. Yeah. It was the last one. Apparently. Apparently Harrison Ford does not have the power out to withstand the lightsabers stabbing, but a Speaker 1 00:21:12 Lot of Speaker 3 00:21:13 Yeah, I know Right. Speaker 1 00:21:15 Expected more from him. So it sounds like that would've been something you, that you maybe would've changed is the stabbings. Yeah. We Speaker 2 00:21:21 Could've gotten in there some, some other way. Mm-hmm. We could've given Speaker 3 00:21:25 Her different injury little, a little slash or something, you know. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:21:30 Y you know, I think that part of it too is that they're trying to like, drive home the fact that like, these bad guys are like formidable, but Speaker 3 00:21:36 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:21:37 I like, so I think that like, it was almost, it was almost done better with Darth Vader and Rogue One when he was just like going through and just like demolishing people that were like, not important. That didn't matter. Yeah. And like, that's brutal, you know? Yeah, Speaker 3 00:21:49 Yeah, yeah. That, that, um, there's one other thing that I, and that I didn't like, and I don't wanna go on for too long about things I didn't like because I really did love the first episode. Yes. I think it's better than anything else that they've done so far. Um, the, the hallway fight scene with, with Ray Stevenson, um, Baylen in the first, uh, sequence when they're Speaker 2 00:22:08 Breaking, it looked very much like Luke and those trooper bots from um mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. It's just the end of Amanda season two. It Speaker 3 00:22:15 Was too stiff for me. It was too, it was too stiff for me though. It was, uh, if you, if you watch Darth Vader and Rogue One and then you watch that scene, there's just like a crazy difference in quality there. Like, you know, you have Darth Vader who's a robot who's just flinging the lights saber around mm-hmm. <affirmative> like crazy block and everything. And, and you have Bain who's just moving it around, like Speaker 2 00:22:36 Who's like, Speaker 3 00:22:37 Like yeah. It just like super stiff and like rigid and like, it just didn't, like that just didn't look good. That's something I would've changed, but that's such a minor detail. But like that I, I didn't love that. But other than that, I'm, I'm good with everything else. Speaker 1 00:22:48 What's funny is that I remember laughing at that scene and then I completely forgot about it because the rest of the show, I was just impressed with that. I completely blocked it out until you said that. Um, yeah. So how, then, how do we feel about this being, you know, a both a, a follow up to Rebels and a follow up to like the Mando verse? Do you think it fits one better than the other? I, I think I'm going towards Rebels. 'cause it, it, even though it's part of the Mando verse, it doesn't, it didn't have the same feel as it. But I guess what are your thoughts on how it fits for both of these? Speaker 2 00:23:18 I think it fits Rebels way better. 'cause it definitely does kind of feel like a Season five, just with a Soca more in the center of it. Because she was kind of in, she was very present in season two of Rebels. And then we lost her at the end. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:23:33 That was the only Season two was present. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:23:35 Like the end of season one, but then like this Yeah. Huge presence. And then she was gone for the rest of the time, uh, until like the end of season four. So it's picking up where that scene, that last scene had left off, um, in the finale, like truly. But it's just like, it's very much centered around her and Sabine. And I can see like, all these pieces, like for the Mando verse just kind of clicked for me the other night when I was writing out my review and, um, writing out the Throng Guide because like looking at like Air the Empire stuff and like reading all that through and then like kind of seeing how it, um, how Dave Lon is kind of making it his own thing in Canon with a Soka and the Rebels and stuff. I can see like Mando was just like, he's a way to bring us into like these stories. Like, because he's met so many people and including Asoka and now like, I think everybody we've kind of met is just kind of getting handed off into like their own separate like, corner of the galaxy and he's just gonna keep doing his thing until he's called on by friends again. Speaker 3 00:24:45 Yeah. I think after this season, I think the, as Soka and the Rebels are gonna be more of the focus of the Mandos mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, Jinja and Gregory's story I feel like is kind of over, not like over, but like, not Speaker 2 00:24:58 Over over, but we are gonna, Speaker 3 00:25:00 Their arc is kind of finished. Yeah. Like now they're kind of just around season four I would assume is gonna be like, folded into what would've been the Rangers of the New Republic. Um, yeah, Speaker 2 00:25:10 I had, what I, what did I say in, I think I put it in Theron guide where Skeleton, or was it a soka? I can't remember. I've written both of, I wrote both of those at like the same time. Like I finished them up around the same time. But I think, um, skeleton Crew and Asoka have kind of like split the ideas of Rangers of the New Republic in a way. Mm-hmm. Because exploring like that uncharted space stuff is skeleton crew and like that uncharted like spaces is where like the Chis are and that's th thrown and a whole other galaxy is what we're talking about in Asoka from a jump point in their galaxy to another. So that's where I thought it kind of got handed off. I don't know if I'm wrong there, but that's, it's just my guess. Speaker 3 00:25:52 Yeah. I mean, it's obviously a, you know, spoiler, but I think it's pretty clear we're heading somewhere else to a new galaxy in the second half of the Soca and Yeah. Um, there's already, you know, rumors out there that skeleton crew is gonna be heading to the same place. Um, I don't know if you guys mm-hmm. Had that already, but yeah, that's where the connection between like a Soca and skeleton crew is, is that they're both kind of headed to that new galaxy. Um, I feel like, and I, I really hope we don't see man Mando and Grove on this show. I really hope we don't <laugh>. I hope Speaker 2 00:26:24 So. I hope we don't either. I hope they're, Speaker 3 00:26:26 I love, I love them. But yeah, I just need a break. Speaker 2 00:26:28 I hope they're chilling on tomorrow and they're little house because Speaker 3 00:26:31 This is like, so focused. They're fine. This, this, this series is so focused that Yeah. Speaker 2 00:26:36 And I, sorry to cut you off. I think with Dave writing it and he's all, he's like, so whenever there was an Asoka episode, he was so focused on having her being the center of attention whenever she did show up, that I feel like with this, he wouldn't let anybody else kind of be a come in and take that attention away from her besides a familiar character like Sabine. Like they're sharing that in a way. So I don't think he'd let Mando come in and do that. Speaker 3 00:27:02 Yeah. I hope not. 'cause like, this just feels so much more, like I said, like focused it, it, it's com like composed and focused. It feels like a one story, you know, I've seen some people be like, oh, you know, after the first two episodes they're gonna go do side quests for three episodes before they get to the main story. And I'm like, no, don't Speaker 2 00:27:17 We have a, we have a straight here's Speaker 3 00:27:19 Not what Yeah. That's not what this is. Like, this is very much so an eight episode like movie. It's, it's, it's coherent, you know? And I think a lot of the cast have reiterated that too. And Yeah. You know, based off of like what's out there, there's not really based off of the information that's out there about the show, there's not a lot of room for filler. There's no, there's a lot to get to with six episodes left. So I feel like it's gonna be pretty coherent, pretty straightforward. Um, you know, rebels Season Five stuff, <laugh>, I mean, it's gonna be, I think it is pretty much Rebels season five. It, yeah. I'm actually writing an article right now, uh, where I call this season more of an event than a season one. Yeah. This is, yeah, this is an event series. Uh, they're kind of pulling everything together with, you know, Soko, the Rebels, throwing Ezra, you know, all this other stuff. And, and I think, uh, you know, I'll talk more about that in the article that I'm writing, but I think after this season they'll kind of split a little bit. Speaker 2 00:28:16 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, Speaker 1 00:28:17 It kind of reminds me of what you talked about Drew with the Walking Dead universe of how like we had this like main storyline and then now that it's ending, which Mando did not go 11 seasons, but like if stories kind of reach its conclusion, it's kind of splintering off into this. Like, we can do multiple areas of the universe. We don't all have to be centered around Mando. Yeah, yeah. Speaker 3 00:28:36 Pretty much Speaker 1 00:28:37 Boca, you know, uh, which I definitely enjoy. Speaker 3 00:28:41 You know, like I, that's what Walking and Jut is doing. And I think that's what Star Wars is doing right now, is you have this splinter in the story where they're all going to different areas, but it, what it what it is, is that all of these stories all lead back to one central story. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, like, I think you're gonna see, you have a Soki, you have the Rebels, you have Mando, Boca Tan, you know, you have Manalo now, and, and then you have Boba and you have all these kind of different areas and, and um, and I think, you know, you put all the pieces in place, uh, to kind of bring them all back together for obviously the movie that's, that he's gonna make in a couple years, you know mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So they'll have to, you know, how they wrap up this Disney plus this big Disney Plus story, I don't know. But it <laugh> you know, my thought it's Speaker 2 00:29:22 Gonna be one hell of a movie, that's for sure. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:29:24 My thoughts on the movie, man, I just don't know if it's a good idea, dude, it so quickly they've got such like, yeah, because <affirmative>, unless they continue beyond the movie, you're kind of wrapping up like five shows, you know, maybe even six shows. Mm. It's like you're just cooking all of your content at that point. So I wonder what the plan is there. And maybe that's more speculation for the future, but, Speaker 1 00:29:46 And you know, and perhaps it's gonna turn into something like a, this is a phase one or whatever this is, you know, they all, everybody wants the Marvel Cinematic Universe. So Speaker 2 00:29:53 <crosstalk>, I'm kind of still hoping that doesn't happen though, because like, my worst fear of like this day baloney movie is that it's like Luke and Asoka and Mando and Grego and like all these people and like Bo too, like, just kind of like having like an Avengers type Avenger Avengers moment walk up to like thro, like Speaker 3 00:30:11 Probably what it is. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:30:11 Huge flight and fight. Um, flight fight and stuff like that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I just, I don't know if I can stomach that one. Speaker 3 00:30:19 I think it is, I I'm, Speaker 2 00:30:20 It's surprising coming from me, but it, I have a feeling that's like Speaker 3 00:30:23 You said, I think, I think the press release release or something said that it was like the culmination of like everything. Speaker 2 00:30:28 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:30:28 And Amanda verse and I dunno. Anyways, that's way beyond what we're talking about right now. Speaker 2 00:30:33 Oh yeah. This is years away. Can't even, we got worry about it <laugh>. We have so much time. So, Speaker 1 00:30:39 So then I guess if we have this next six episodes that are coming out, um, where do we think the story's headed and where do we think the season's ending? Do we have any guesses on that? I, I'm letting you know, I'm, I don't know. I have no guesses on this. I'm just leaving this to my star work people. Speaker 2 00:30:56 My guess is like, they don't come home with Ezra. I have a strong feeling they don't find him. I don't know why. Oh, that hurts. I know that's gonna, because it's gonna be really disappointing 'cause Rebel's fans, like we've waited like five years to find out where the hell Ezra even is and to find out that he's possibly in another Galaxy withdrawn. And then to just have Sabine in a Soka not come home with him, I think would be like, so like distraught. Like, it, I would be so distraught and I think it would destroy Sabine in a way because I had made the kind of like connection. Like when Sabine cut her hair, it was, 'cause Canaan had his last, it was for Canaan's last stand. And in a way, like, it felt like this was Sabine's last stand. So it's like she either goes out there and she comes home with him or she doesn't come home at all, which is a scary thought because like, so many people have just met Sabine, why get rid of her? Speaker 3 00:31:53 I felt like it was a return to form for Sabine. Like, she let her hair out. Like, kind of like how, I mean, I don't know if you guys have seen Gam of Thrones, like John Snow, uh mm-hmm. <affirmative>, when he leaves Castle Black, he puts his hair up in like a, kind of like a, he's like a, puts his hair up to look more like professional I guess, or whatever. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> at the end of the series, when he goes back, he goes back to himself and he lets his hair back down. I feel like that's kind of what this was like. Speaker 2 00:32:18 I guess she, yeah. A return to, Speaker 3 00:32:20 She let her hair grow out because she's just not like who she was. And then this is like a return to form for her. So she's, you know, she put her Mandalorian armor back on. So that's kind of what I feel like, but where, in terms of, I think the series is heading, um, it feels kind of obvious where it's like, we're gonna be heading into this like new galaxy, this new land, and obviously thrown us there. And I'm sure Ezra's there too. And I don't, and this is where my, I, I differ from Emily. I don't think that they're gonna leave this series without some, you know, finding Ezra, whether they're able to come back from this new galaxy, whether Sabine, Ezra, and O Soka are stuck there. That's maybe, I don't know, that could be a possibility, but I think like, I, I just don't think that there's any chance, uh, that they don't find Ezra and Throng. I mean, I don't think they cast him on Iman fond, or I think that's how you pronounce it. I don't think that they cast him for just a hologram appearance in the first episode. Speaker 2 00:33:13 No way. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:33:15 So how much, like, this is just speculation how much time Ezra has in the series. I mean, it just depends on how quickly they get to this new galaxy and how quickly they find Ezra. Like that. That's where it kind of gets a little bit like foggy in terms of where it can go from there. Because once you find Ezra Andron, what happens next? Like, what, what's the next move? This, this kind of feels like, that's like the main objective of the series. So either it ends on them finding them or they find them before the end of the series and there's some sort of conflict, you know? So in terms of that, I'm not really sure. Um, I think we're also going to get <laugh>, there's a lot of like rumors. I'm not gonna talk about them, but of, uh, like, you know, Hayden Christensen, his appearance mm-hmm. <affirmative>, what's that gonna be? You know, what does that detail? Um, obviously probably gonna be some flashbacks. And when do we get that? You know, uh, Dave Filone, he, he's directing episode five. Uh, you know, like, uh, Speaker 2 00:34:14 I have a feeling it might be then, then Yeah. I was happy we didn't get them in the first two episodes. Speaker 3 00:34:18 Well, I'm looking, I was looking once the directors were released, I'm like, I don't think that they're gonna put Hayden Christensen appearing on screen for the first time with a soka in any episode that's not directed by Dave filling. Oh Speaker 2 00:34:28 No, he's, he probably called that immediately. Speaker 3 00:34:31 Yeah. So I kind of feel like it has to be, but at the same time, you know, who knows? Because like, if you even look in like Mandalorian, uh, anytime, like any, any of Dave's characters show up, he directs those episodes. Like mm-hmm. Sees two, episode five was like the first appearance Ofso, he directed that. I think he directed episode six of book above two. I I think, I don't know. I don't know for sure, but, um, Speaker 2 00:34:56 I, I feel like he didn't, Speaker 3 00:34:57 I just feel like anytime he has like an appearance or like a special, you know, event or something like that, that's his, like, that's his thing. So episode five, is that, does that continue the story? Does that go back to the flashbacks? Do we spend an entire episode in flashbacks? I dunno. You know, so going forward, if we Speaker 1 00:35:13 Have another episode showing us order 66, I'm gonna scream, Speaker 2 00:35:17 I'm gonna lose it. I'm going to lose it. How many times can you show this to me? I die inside every time. Please. The one in Obiwan, that was enough for me. That one was the worst one that hurt. And then Roku's point of view. Speaker 1 00:35:32 Yeah. I don't hurt anymore. Heartbreaking. Thank you. Thank you. Speaker 3 00:35:36 They definitely cooked their, like their, they've definitely over like extended their order 66 Speaker 2 00:35:42 Footage, Speaker 3 00:35:43 You know, and Speaker 2 00:35:43 We've seen Asoka in order 66. Like we know how she survived it. We don't need to see it like come from Yeah. I highly, we don't need it to see it come from animation until I've actually like shot for shot type thing. Mm-hmm. Speaker 3 00:35:55 You know, I, I highly doubt and like, I think it makes the most sense, like, you know, the world's Between Worlds has been teased a lot. Like with the logo is the World Between World, the World's Between world, I don't know. I guess it's World, world Between Speaker 1 00:36:10 Worlds. Speaker 3 00:36:11 Yes. <laugh>, it's a mouthful. Um, but I mean, it just makes sense. Like if they're gonna do a lot of flashbacks to do it, use that as the vessel for like flashbacks and stuff like that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> that just makes sense. I think that's kind of what the, the kind of conclusion that everybody's come to is that's kind of like how we're gonna see flashbacks. 'cause you can look through time on there, you know, it's, maybe they can see, maybe Soka can look back on more than just Anakin. Maybe she can look back on moments with Rex or with, you know, like just any kind of moment that she's, you know, it, it's like they put that in place to perfectly do cameos, you know? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I know people are like, uh, cameos, everybody hates that word now, right? Like they're, they're just everybody's oversaturated cameos, but they've definitely committed, you know, with Hayden Christensen publicly appearing, I think they've committed to doing some cameo appearances. Speaker 2 00:37:03 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:37:04 And I think this kind of harkens back to the fact that a long time ago, Alex Perez of the Cosmic Circus wrote an article about how a Darth Vader series is imminent. I feel like it's leading towards something like that as Speaker 3 00:37:17 Well. Darth Vader series. Speaker 2 00:37:19 Yeah. Because we, I wouldn't complain about a Darth Vader series because he's got a lot, like, there's so much, there's like 30 years, like 20 years that we've seen, like we haven't seen for him. And he is got like a lot going on in the comics. And some of those comic stores are like really good. And I love seeing, Speaker 3 00:37:37 There's a lot of untouched, untouched story. I think it's like mm-hmm. You only do a da you only do a Darth Vader story if you can do like a half Darth Vader, half Anakin, like a kind of Speaker 2 00:37:48 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:37:49 Um, because James Joel Jones is retired, he's not doing Darth Vader anymore. Yeah. Um, so I feel like the use of Darth Vader is gonna be significantly less, um, unless they go through it. That's just a whole nother thing. Unless they start doing AI with I Speaker 2 00:38:02 Know. Which is, I Speaker 3 00:38:03 Think that, you know, like unless they start doing AI with, with his voice and, you know, that sort Speaker 2 00:38:07 Of thing. Didn't they use the AI voice for Kenobi? Speaker 3 00:38:10 Yes. No, I think that was the last time he did. That's, he said that was the last time he was gonna do Doth Vader was the Kenobi series. I think that was it for him. But Speaker 1 00:38:18 He also signed, I'm pretty sure he signed with them, that they're allowed to use his voice. Speaker 3 00:38:22 Yeah, he did with Speaker 2 00:38:23 Ai. But as long as they have his permission, yeah, they do. That's, that's all that matters to me. Speaker 3 00:38:28 That's just gonna be a rough subject, man. Like that's, I know, gonna be, if they do anything Darth Vader wise, that's gonna be a rough topic, you know? But, Speaker 1 00:38:34 Um, absolutely. So I guess l looking at the characters, while this sh series is called Asoka, there's definitely plenty of Rebels, you know, in here. This is definitely Rebel Seasons five. So who do you feel like the main character of this series actually is? Because based off the first two episodes and it discontinues, this definitely feels like a Sabine series that they just wanted to use a soca's name for, um, which I'm okay with, but mm-hmm. How do, how do we feel about this? Speaker 3 00:38:59 Yeah. Uh, I think it's a Master and Apprentice series. I think the first title, the episode one title kind of says it all. I think it's a, a Soka and Sabine series, you know, um, we'll probably have more moments that focus on Asoka and like your past and, and, and I would assume, you know, if you had to put a, I mean the, the show is titled Asoka, so I think if you had to put your finger on it, it would be Asoka, but I think it's probably more so like a Master and apprentice kind of thing. And Asoka and Sabine are the two leads. Um, I would say it's probably their show and, and their, their relationship is their show is is the show probably. Speaker 2 00:39:39 I agree with you there. I think like they share it, I, in a way, and there is gonna be more probably focused on a sokas like backstory and stuff. If there's gonna be flashbacks. I don't think we're getting any kind of flashback for Sabine. So I think it's, while we're on Sabine's journey, like it's a lot of asoka and I think her remembering Anakin and their ma and with, for her to train Sabine to have that master and apprentice relationship. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:40:12 I think if they're able to mirror that, like, you know, if you're gonna, if you're gonna do flashbacks, have them be meaningful. Have them show Yes. Like, you know, they kind of did that in Kenobi where it was like the flashback. It's, and, and, and Obiwan was kind of, it resonated with what was happening in the present. And Obiwan, I think if they need to do the same thing mm-hmm. There were, it's a lesson, you know, if they're, you know, you heard like in the, um, in one of the TV trailers you heard you, it was like, Speaker 2 00:40:36 Yeah. Oh, he's like, you'll face Christ. Yeah. You're face more than just droids in this war. And as your master, I believe you can do this as Soka. So Speaker 3 00:40:44 It's Speaker 2 00:40:45 Like's facing more. Speaker 3 00:40:46 Yeah. They kind of have to use that. If they're gonna do something like that, use that as like a way to kind of parallel to the current situation. That's like kind of the way you do flashbacks is make it resonate towards the story. So yeah, I'm hoping that they do that, but Speaker 1 00:41:00 Okay. That's fair. Then while we have these Master and Apprentice, and we've already talked about Asoka and her, you know, Rosaria Dustin's performance. Tell me why Sabina is so great, because she's so great. I Speaker 2 00:41:15 Wanna tell me. Yeah. Just is, Speaker 3 00:41:17 Yeah, I just think she's, I just think Natasha Bozo is a great, she's a great actress. I think she's just a, she captures like that essence really well. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, like better than anybody else that's kind of adapting a live action version or like an animated version. I think she kind of, she's done her homework, you know? Speaker 2 00:41:32 Yeah. They, she really has, like, she's got like how Rosa Dawson, when she first showed up in Mandalorian as a soka, I was like, I don't know how this is gonna go, but she had like a Soca's mannerisms down and to like her little, like hand gesture, like when she uses the force. So I think like Natasha had Sabine's mannerisms down. Like she really paid attention. She watched like this character, like, so much like where she was, like, I had noticed when she was fighting Shin, she had, she was holding the lightsaber the same way. Like Canaan had taught her how to like wield the dark saber and stuff. And she's got like the attitude down and everything. And she, but Sabine overall is just, she was one of those fun characters who was like so bright and like the life of the group in a way. And she was like, one of my, she was one of my favorites in Rebels, and she always had an attitude and she was like, think first. Figure it out later and mm-hmm. <affirmative>, let's just go for it. She was always with her family. She had the Rebels backs. Like, she was just, I love her <laugh>. I don't know what else to say about her. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:42:37 That's okay. I, I, I, I definitely agree. And like, yeah, I think it's just basically that she has like <laugh>, you know, Dave Lenni seems like such like a, a like a teacher, you know, like mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, I'm sure like <laugh>, you know, if you looked at their interviews at like celebrations, she said that like, you know, she, she watched Rebels and, and Mary Elizabeth Winsted watched like Rebels and Bad Batch for her and like really wanted to do like a deep dive on like, the character and stuff. And it's like, like that's what probably makes it so much easier to transition to like, an existing character from like a, instead of like a book to like, um, to like a movie. Like you have like an actual like show to watch, like mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, you have like that visual reference. And I think that's probably why, you know, a character like Sabine is so great because you have four seasons of like, just material and mannerisms and dialogue mm-hmm. <affirmative> and, and just to go off of. And I think that's probably why. And I, I mean that's just a great casting choice, you know? I think she's done, she's been like the standout of the show pretty much. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 1 00:43:38 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I think that that kind of answers the question that Lizzie asked in the discord of who is the biggest standout character aside from Asoka. And it really is, um, it's sine, but I mean, I loved Herra too. Herra, but like, yeah. All, all of them together are like one unit, so they all just kind of feel like there's Speaker 2 00:43:58 One little standout trio. Mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:44:01 Yes. While we had some great Rebels characters return, there was also some great villains specifically, um, oh, I'm gonna butcher, butcher the name, uh, shin. Is that, that's how you say it, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 3 00:44:14 Yep. That's it. Um, Speaker 1 00:44:15 Ivana, uh, I think Iana, it's, Speaker 3 00:44:19 It's Speaker 2 00:44:20 Ivan Sanko, I think. Speaker 3 00:44:21 Devon Sno. Sno Speaker 2 00:44:23 Sno. Okay. Speaker 1 00:44:24 She was fantastic. I loved her character. I thought she was fan, like, she reminded me of the complete like, antithesis of Sabine in that mm-hmm. <affirmative>, like, she was wild and crazy as well in a way. Like she had the energy, but she just u like, it's what Sabine could've, could've became if she would have turned evil after losing Ezra. And I loved the duality in the parallel to them, and I cannot wait to see more of, of her, that character. Yeah. What about, what about you? Speaker 3 00:44:53 I watched her interview at like, celebration and she actually like, um, she seemed like the person there who, who like, hadn't been most invested in their character, like, um, I believe that she said that, you know, like, um, she was really interested in exploring the like, kind of how, you know, the d the light side on the dark side isn't black and you know, it's not black and white. It, there's a kind of in-between in there. And that's kind of where her and Baylen sit and, and kind of just exploring both sides of that and how they get to that point and kind of like the, the spectrum that it's, that that kind of like the light and the dark side is on. And um, and I feel like you can just tell that like both her and Ray Stevenson have put in like, a lot of effort into, um, like research, um, 'cause they're kind of playing like this is something that we haven't really seen before, you know, like mm-hmm. <affirmative> Speaker 3 00:45:44 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, they've got the orange light zippers. It's like, are they red or are they not red? You know, are they, are they like Dark Jedi? Are they Gray Jedi? Are they je you know, like, it's like a lot, there's been a lot of discussion on like, you know, the putting an official title on who they are. And I think they just played that like mystery. They've like, they've acted out that mystery so well, and like, I mean, uh, the girl who, the, the woman who plays shin, she has like such crazy, like eye acting, like her, her, her eyes, man, like she just, she really, she's got it down, you know, like her and, and Ray Stevenson is just so good. Like, it's sucks that like, he won't be able to continue the character. Obviously he passed, but man, he's great. You know, like it's just, they just both, I think that's what a big part of like, what makes this show really good so far is, is the villains, they've just really nailed them. Speaker 3 00:46:33 You know? It's like you, you, you needed them for like, you know, action light saber sequences and stuff, but you've added so much kind of like, depth to them and, and, and I feel like there's gonna be more depth. You're gonna see probably more like, of their story, you know, I mean, obviously like, you can kind of assume that they're, you know, order 66 survivors. Like, I, I mean that's not confirmed yet, but like, you know, you saw Hu Yang say that, you know, Baylin was a Jedi he constructed his lights saer with Hu Yang and um, so obviously he was a Jedi, whether Shin, you know, whether she's probably too young to be like a, you know, order 66 that she was a youngling or what. But you know, I feel like there's probably more story to explore with them and I think they've been like a big portion of what has made the first episodes really good. Speaker 2 00:47:17 Yeah. I think if they do pick an order of 66 flashback, it'll probably be from his point of view, if it is Bain. And I am curious as to where like, he picked Chin up basically and was like, you, that's my practice. Be Speaker 3 00:47:30 Good. Yeah. Yeah. That could be a really good order. Six, six flashback actually. Um, you know, I know we, we said that we're tired of it, but I think, you know, now thinking about it, that could be a good Yeah. Speaker 2 00:47:40 Think it'll maybe, maybe what was your point of view there? Like where Yeah. Where'd you go? Mm-hmm. Um, yeah. Speaker 3 00:47:45 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:47:46 But, um, having Morgan Elsbeth back, I was happy to see her back because I really like didn't give her like, kind of more of a thought after a Sokas episode in Mandalorian season two. I was like, she's just gonna go off to like some new Republic prison and we're never gonna see this lady again. And then when the trailer came out and it was like, oh, she's back and she's the villain. And when she was like, oh, I'm a descendant of like the witches of Dottir, I was like, perfect. Speaker 3 00:48:17 We were like, oh, perfect. We were like, cool Clone War's reference. Yes. Speaker 2 00:48:23 I love this. Tell me more, Morgan, how did you find Thro? Because like for Clone Wars fans, we know, um, what's her face, mother Towen, like in that very odd charge. Jar Banks, um, three episode arc that just felt so long, like that last season, it was just like she died, like Mother Towsen died and then as, man, I forgot bubbles, like Dome was like barren. And we know like Venous died in, um, dark Disciple, which is a book that they took like unused episodes of Clone Wars and just had someone write that. But like, so we don't really know what happened to these witches and as far as we can kind of tell like between, um, Marin from the Jedi Survivor games, um, and Morgan, they're like the only ones we've really seen as survivors. Speaker 3 00:49:17 Yeah. Well yeah, that's what she says. You know, she's like, I'm a survivor. Um, and that's obviously a reference to like, when grievous kind of like they, they wiped out all the witches on dme, you know, like that, you know, callback to Clone Wars. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, clone Wars, you're not gonna get the reference there. But I got that right away. I was like, you know, she said she's a survivor and I got, because her entire race was, was, you know, was uh, kind of wiped out on death and man, it was like her and you know, a couple, probably a couple witches that survived And um, but yeah, I Speaker 1 00:49:46 Did, I do think it's interesting too that they named her Morgan. 'cause this, I right away thought of Marana from the art, you know, the Arthur Legends mm-hmm. <affirmative> and how that was always the antagonist. And so part of me thinking like she's gonna play such a bigger part in this is she ultimately set it up to be the big villain here, which I think would be really cool. Um, I also though the girl that played Shin, I totally thought that was Chloe, Chloe Grace Martiz for a while there. Speaker 3 00:50:14 They look, she looks Yeah. Speaker 2 00:50:16 Do kind of look like, yeah. Speaker 3 00:50:17 And especially like her from from Kick Ass, right? Like she's got the same Yes. Hairdo. Yeah. She looks so similar. It's funny. Speaker 1 00:50:24 And so before we wrap up, because we are running out of time, but let's talk about the effects real quick. I know Drew, you kind of touched on this, I thought the, the lightsaber fights looked pretty good. I thought that I wasn't pulled out of, you know, I, I'm going back to she Hawk. A lot of people were pulled out of the show with the way she hawk was presented. I don't think there was anything like that here. Other than that there was some wrinkles in, um, a Soca's, um, Speaker 2 00:50:49 Res Like on her ku Yes. Speaker 3 00:50:51 Her, her ku. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:50:52 It looked like, like sometimes when she moved it looked a little like plastic or like silicone and I was like mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Other than that, I, I thought it all looked really good. Speaker 3 00:51:01 Yeah. I think I, it might've been intentional. Like it's supposed to be like, like it looks like almost like rhino skin kind of like that kind of, I think that might've been intentional. Um, 'cause uh, like shockti back in like say prequels, I think I'd have to go look. 'cause like her leg were super long in her, Speaker 2 00:51:19 Hers looked like so different in the prequels because it, like, you could tell like it ended like right here on her shoulder, like right by her shoulder. And it was like a line, like a harsh line, like had cut her off and then like you could tell it was just another piece that they attached to touch to the floor. Yeah. And I understand why they can't make a soak is like so long because they need it like practically like for when she's like jumping around and fighting and stuff and you can't always just c g i that just Right. Like, especially with the back of her head where like they had moved in animation and stuff. It's not, we're not gonna really get that same effect live action. But we didn't get that same effect with shock T Live action. Speaker 3 00:51:57 I think it's fine. I think her luck user are fine. Like yeah, they're just length as they were in like the end of Cl Wars, like season seven. Yeah. And Rebels is like really long <laugh>, you know, like, I don't know if, I don't know if that would look good in live action, you know, no <laugh>, you know, like that's the thing. It's like they want 'em really long, but like at the same time, like think Speaker 2 00:52:14 About it practically, they Speaker 3 00:52:16 Try to do a live, like a lightsaber fight with that, then they're just flying around everywhere. She's just gonna cut them off, you know, like a lightsaber <laugh>. But, um, visually, yeah, I mean everything is great. Like it, it was, uh, like I said, it looks better than anything I've seen on Disney Plus so far in terms of Marvel and Star Wars. Um, the only thing that I can really compare this to was the quality of like Guardians of the Galaxy Three. I think that's the best. CGI I Marvels had in phase four Mm. Asoka was very comparable to that. The ships, like in the beginning, the ships looked great. Like Asoka ship looks great. Um, nothing really feels like, you know, like I mentioned with the volume, there's not really any compositing issues where like, or com composition issu issues where like you're, you know, you, you can tell that they're staying in front of a green screen or something like that. I haven't really seen, um, anything that's stuck out like a sore thumb to me. Like I, I mean there's so many scenes in Marvel and some in, in like, you know, other Star Wars shows that just stick out like a tho sum or a, a sore thumb. I said it back <laugh>. Um, but yeah, like I, like I said, you know, everything, I'm, I'm really happy with how it visually looks. I think it looks really good. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:53:28 Like I just, I just think it looks great. I think it looks like I have no complaints. Like truly, I completely even forgot that they used the volume on this. And I know a lot of it, like, especially that temple that she was on it, they tried to be as practical. It was as it is. 'cause I think I get the feel from Dave Filone that he wants things to be as practical as they can be. Speaker 3 00:53:50 Yeah. I don't think there is too much. Yeah, it doesn't, there's too much volume on this one. Like, especially from like behind the scenes stuff, it didn't look like they used too much of the volume, but I don't know. I'm sure we'll see eventually. Speaker 1 00:54:01 Yeah, the Temple at the beginning I was really impressed with how it looked. 'cause I was worried it was gonna look like, you know, being Disney plus it was gonna look cheap, you know, Speaker 2 00:54:08 Too much. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:54:10 And it didn't, I was like, yeah, this is beautiful. Speaker 2 00:54:12 It looked fantastic. Like I loved it. Everyone Speaker 3 00:54:16 Was gorgeous, like with the big explosion and like her running it looked like shoes was actually like on location, you know, like mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I think it, it, it, it was good. Speaker 1 00:54:26 Um, we have one more question before we wrap up then. And this one's from Rodo, uh, or Anthony Flagg as you know him at the cosmic circles. Um, do you wish that they had a, or like do you think they should have had a refresher in the beginning of the show for those who didn't watch Clone Wars or Rebels? Or do you think it's gonna be okay? Um, Speaker 3 00:54:42 I think it's probably, um, Speaker 2 00:54:43 I think it's fine. Speaker 3 00:54:46 I don't know man. 'cause it's like, Speaker 2 00:54:48 I think like maybe in like the scroll they could have recapped like what happened with Ezra Andron and like that final fight for the Will fall like quickly. But like Clone Wars, I think there's so just too much to go over with a soka and stuff. And I think you're getting bits and pieces of it with the Mandalorian and like Boca Tan and stuff. But if you want like, deep details, like I think everyone should just watch the shows because they can't just dive into those details in a recap. Like it's much kinda much make no sense. There's just, yeah, there's so much. Speaker 3 00:55:25 I think all I mentioned, oh, go ahead. Speaker 1 00:55:28 I was gonna say, I also think that like the beauty of Star Wars with it's all of its expansive lore, is that the stuff you need for each show they provide to you when you don't need to know anymore than what's already provided. Like Yeah. If you needed to know everything. Like sometimes I know like Marvel stuff they want, they want you to watch everything small callback to the first movie. And like the Star Wars ha has been so expansive for so long that I think that they have a better system of handling that. Yeah. Like they'll show you what you need, you don't have to worry about the rest. Speaker 3 00:55:55 So I think that all you really, I mentioned this to Red 'cause he hadn't seen it Rid Ova. I call him Red. I think everybody kind of calls him red. Um, that all you really need to know is that Ezra Andron disappeared at the Battle of the Fall, which was the serious finale. And um, the end of episode two is the same ending as the final scene of Rebels. Um, like the funnels. Yeah. And, um, other than that just, you know, just need to know that Ezra lived on the fall and that's why Sabine lives on the fall. She lives, lives in the same place where Ezra lived. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, I don't know, we're gonna get, like right now you don't really need to know anything, but like, I feel like we're gonna get to like finding Ezra and finding Thra and you're gonna have the ghost and like, then you're gonna have like Jason Sin Doula and like, there's just gonna be some missing context, you know, like, ah, I, I really don't know. Speaker 2 00:56:46 And even if you did Speaker 3 00:56:47 My, my best advice would just be just, just binge it <laugh> as fast as you can. <laugh>. You know, Speaker 2 00:56:52 And even if you did want like those filler things like with like a so good and what happened with her, like Disney Plus has laid out like mm-hmm. If you go to the Star Wars tab, they've laid out like a Soca specific episodes that hey, you should probably watch, like you don't even have to go into Clone Wars. Like it's right there on the homepage for Star Wars, Speaker 3 00:57:11 Twilight of The Apprentice. Speaker 2 00:57:13 Yes. Um, Speaker 1 00:57:15 The uh, and that being said, you know, you mentioned that final scene and real quick was I the only one that was slightly bothered by the fact that a Soka did not look like her costume did not match what it was in the cartoon. She Speaker 3 00:57:26 Didn't the robe white, white robe. Yeah. So they bothered me intentionally because it's, I think that they did that intentionally. 'cause it's literally copying Gandalf. Speaker 2 00:57:35 Yeah. Like Speaker 3 00:57:36 It's literally like one, one for one copying Gandalf from going from a gray robe dying. Spoiler alert. Sorry for anybody that hasn't watched it coming back to life. That's take care Speaker 1 00:57:47 Of it. Don't worry. Speaker 3 00:57:48 Yes. <laugh> dying, coming back to life in a white robe with a white staff like that. That's a lot. That's a lot. That's a little bit too close there. Like they needed, you know, like, so that's why I'm like, okay, like, you know, maybe they needed to change that. So I'm okay with that. But at the same time we don't know that it's the same scene. I mean like it pretty much is the same scene. Like Yeah, almost like almost beat for beat. But like, uh, like, uh, I wouldn't be surprised if she shows up with the white robe eventually. Speaker 2 00:58:17 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:58:18 As she should <laugh>. Um, that being said, then we are running out of time. Uh, so thank you so much everybody for listening along and thank you so much Drew and Emily for joining me. Um, you're gonna check us [email protected] or find us on Twitter and other social medias at my Cosmic Circus and our Cosmic Circus podcast, Twitter at Cosmic podcasts. But before we go, the two of you, where can people find you? Speaker 3 00:58:44 Um, you can find me on Twitter. Uh, my username is Drew Reed 1 0 9 9 on Twitter. And uh, that's pretty much all, that's the, uh, only social media site I use pretty much. Speaker 2 00:58:56 Uh, you can find me on Twitter as well at Emily CD 11. Uh, that's all I really post to either <laugh> Speaker 1 00:59:03 And of course they can find you [email protected]. Yep. It's true. Uh, thank you again everyone, and can't wait for our next trip to the Cosmos. Bye.

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