Episode 59

July 29, 2024


Deadpool & Wolverine Movie and Beyond Talk with Brian, Alex, and Anthony! | The Cosmic Circle Ep. 59

Deadpool & Wolverine Movie and Beyond Talk with Brian, Alex, and Anthony! | The Cosmic Circle Ep. 59
Cosmic Circus Podcasts
Deadpool & Wolverine Movie and Beyond Talk with Brian, Alex, and Anthony! | The Cosmic Circle Ep. 59

Jul 29 2024 | 00:57:56


Show Notes

Deadpool and Wolverine has finally arrived, and we're beyond excited about this film. Not only does it have the responsibility of furthering the story of the MCU, but it also serves as a closing chapter of the 20th Century Fox universe of Marvel characters. So naturally, we had to have a podcast about it! (Spoiler warning!)

Join host and head writer Brian Kitson and fellow writers Anthony Flagg and Alex Perez as they discuss every exciting detail of this newest Marvel Studios offering. Did they think Deadpool and Wolverine was a good movie? What were some of their favorite parts? And just where do they think we'll see these two mutants again in the MCU? This is definitely not a podcast you want to miss, as Alex Perez shares some juicy details about what's next for our favorite merch with the mouth and his newfound family. Enjoy!


Podcast credits and show notes

  • Brian Kitson
  • Anthony Flagg
  • Alex Perez
Executive Producer/Editor
  • Lizzie Hill

Recorded on 7/28/2024

Find the companion article to this podcast at https://thecosmiccircus.com

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Welcome back, listeners, to another episode of the Cosmic Circle, the official podcast of the cosmic circus. On today's episode, we're going to be discussing everybody's favorite merc with the mouth. That's right, Deadpool and Wolverine just came into theaters, and we are so excited to break it all down for you. My name is Brian Kitson, head writer at the cosmic circus. In joining me today, we have Alex Perez and Anthony Flagg. How we doing, boys? [00:00:24] Speaker B: Doing all right? [00:00:26] Speaker C: Doing great. [00:00:27] Speaker B: What do you guys think of Deadpool? [00:00:29] Speaker C: We're doing fantastic today, so let's just. [00:00:34] Speaker A: Get right into it. We have had quite a little bit of a break from Marvel. It's been since November. It feels like it's been forever, at least for someone like me. But we're back. First off, we're just going to give a spoiler warning. If you haven't seen Deadpool and Wolverine, what are you doing on this podcast? We don't want to spoil anything for you, but if you're going to spoil it for yourself, well, we're about to have a great episode. So, starting off strong, what is our general thoughts about this latest entry into the MCU? And I'm going to start with you, Alex, are Marvel extraordinaire. [00:01:11] Speaker C: Listen, I'm going to be very, very honest. Deadpool and Wolverine was a very thrilling experience. Personally, for me, I know a lot of people probably had their mixed feelings with it, which was not. I'm not gonna say surprising, because I know a lot of people were like. But to me, the film. The film could have gone in so many different directions and almost did, especially for someone who's been following this project along for about a year and a half, almost two years. So having the opportunity to kind of see how this project has progressed, what could have been, what could have not happened, and just what they were able to achieve on its own is really just. It really is something special. And. And I really think that this movie encapsulates it. Not only was loyal to keeping up a very good Marvel studio standard, but also was able to respect what came before, respecting the Fox legacy and just allowing Deadpool's DNA to just kind of dip in through, seep into, like, what. What the. What the Deadpool lore is and respecting that. And. And it felt like another Deadpool movie, but with that Marvel Studios approval. And it was just. It was great. I loved it. [00:02:42] Speaker A: It's shocking that Marvel will approve so many jokes against it, but it was absolutely apropos for Deadpool. Anthony, what about. What were your general thoughts of this. [00:02:53] Speaker B: Film, I thought it was pretty fun. It managed to do many things at once. I mean, obviously, it brought Deadpool forward and Wolverine. It spent a lot of time and a lot of fun with some Fox characters and some, some fun picks. I would say, you know, blade, Electra, Johnny Storm, and I just really like Cassandra Nova. So that was, that was a huge thing that made it a boon to me. So I really did, did enjoy it all, like, a lot of little aspects of it, you know, but we're going to get into more of it in a minute. [00:03:32] Speaker A: I think what's interesting for me and I, as both of you can attest, I am a ride or die Marvel bitch, and I love Marvel. To the end of time, I will defend it with its good and it's bad. I forgot that Deadpool was coming out, so much so that I did not buy tickets in advance. I didn't have plans to go see it until, like, I got out of work early, and I was like, hey, neffie, you want to go see this film? There it wasn't, which is weird, because I feel like I love the first two, but I also didn't, there was, like, this baggage from the Fox universe of just, like, I didn't run out to see a Fox film on the first day. And so I think that's really weird. And this kind of leads me into next question. There was this huge responsibility that Deadpool and Wolverine had of, like, quote, you know, quote unquote, ending the Fox Marvel universe, but also stepping into the MCU. And thats a heavy job because were in the middle of a really heavy phase. Were in the middle of a lot of highs, a lot of lows, depending on who you ask, do we think that it balanced that legacy that you kind of mentioned, Alix, as well as ushering in the new wave of the Marvel multiverse? [00:04:56] Speaker C: I it did, but it was very, very careful. See, because one of the things I remember that they were, that they were had, they had a lot of difficulty trying to figure out in terms of the story was how do we, how do we connect, not just like the X Men lore, but also like, the different Fox films that came before it and also other projects and kind of, like, just put it in there all together? Because if you followed the X Men films, as I have, and I'm not gonna lie, I I'm not gonna say that there's an X and X Men movie I don't like, and that includes dark Phoenix and last Dan, I recognize that, you know, they are, but there are things that, like, were enjoyable in some of these films, and you can kind of, like, enjoy it. Um, but they were trying to figure out, based on how messy, you know, the. The whole timeline is with these films and how, uh, how these films were affected, not just like, uh, with the previous trilogy and Days of Future, past and Wolverine, but there's also that mixture of, how does. How do we. Where do we recognize that? Which X Men do we recognize? Do we recognize the old one? Do we recognize the new one? And they simply just said, no, let's just recognize them both. But let's establish this new Earth. Earth 150 or 105. [00:06:35] Speaker A: I don't remember the number as 1005. It's like 10,005, I think it is. [00:06:42] Speaker C: Yeah, 10,005. And they were like, let's acknowledge. Let's acknowledge that this is the earth that the Fox films are set in. Right? But let's just start fresh with this new Deadpool thing. And that's something that, as we go along, I will talk about it, because they introduced an interesting set of Marvel concepts, which I will talk about, like, later in the podcast. But they were essentially respecting the old stuff while also at the same time, trying to set up new things, which. Which to me, was very important, because if they're going to continue with this earth for the foreseeable future, which is currently now 3323 years, then it's important that, like, we kind of get our affairs in order and just start fresh, instead of just like, okay, let's acknowledge everything that's come before. And, like, and people have to do more homework. As Feige put it, homework fatigue will just immediately kill these films. [00:07:48] Speaker A: You know, something you mentioned about honoring the, you know, who do you bring back? And, you know, I think what's interesting about this film is that the only character it really brought back from the past films besides Wolverine and Deadpool was Pyro, who was essentially just like a secondary character in a lot of the original films. And then we have Gambit, who never actually made it onto screen as Channing Tatum, but who had signed that deal back how long ago. So it's really interesting how they celebrated those past films by completely just not bringing almost anyone back. And I think that's, again, the road ahead and the road behind, and we're firmly in that middle space. Anthony, how do you feel about the responsibility? Like, do you feel like it did? Well. [00:08:37] Speaker B: I don't know. The only reason why I wouldn't. It did a great job in what it did, but I don't know about it being the end of Fox, Marvel Universe. I mean, I think it was a nice touch to, to look back upon it, because, you know, without those X Men movies, we wouldn't even have Wolverine or Deadpool, you know, for sure. So giving them the chance touch back on all those things was neat, because it's funny, today in the background on my television, I was running all the old X Men films back and just seeing these characters back again and stuff, just, just kind of reflecting on, like, hey, I know a lot of people don't like some of them, but if it wasn't for them, we wouldn't, we wouldn't be here having this conversation, right? So, so there's just a respect out of it. And, and I like that they gave chances from a couple of franchises, not just X Men, but for them, for them to go back and touch upon Blade and Daredevil, Electra and Fantastic Four, even if it was, even if it was brief, I still just like that they did good on that. As far as moving forward into the MCU, I guess using the TVA is about the simplest and just more straightforward way to say, hey, we're a part of this now as well. It was having the fact that Wade went and asked specifically the Avengers to be a part of the team. [00:09:59] Speaker A: I was gonna say it felt very interesting how this was so, like, I know in our position, we know a lot of what happens prior to it happening, but, like, there was the tie to Loki. This literally felt like Loki chapter three, in a way, to me. Like, there was, this was such, like, a heavy, like, like, emphasis on the TVA and the void, which felt really cool to see it. Like, okay, we're seeing this television show on the cinematic screen. Like, but it felt like it was, like, the next chapter. And part of that, as well as telling the stories of these characters from the Fox universe, which I thought was really kind of interesting. [00:10:34] Speaker C: Is it weird to me that I disagree? [00:10:37] Speaker A: Okay, no problem. [00:10:38] Speaker C: I'm not gonna lie. Like, I'm not gonna lie to you. I felt like for, for some reason, I, I was, I was looking at this for the longest time, and especially when I, like, when I learned about, like, hunter b 15 coming back, I was like, oh, okay, this is neat. We're gonna get more Loki continuation yet. It feels to me, like, I don't know how far ahead these, like, the writers knew about how Loki ended or how, how it was progressing. The point where it was like, because it looks so different to me, particularly, like, the, the vibe I got from the TVA in Loki was so drastically different in Deadpool, I almost thought we were in a different TVA location. And it. But it was cool that we kind of, I mean, technically it's a rogue sec, but in like, you know, Hunter B 15, that's all we kind of get. But it's like, maybe not necessarily, like, low key wise, it's like, comparative to that or a continuation to that, but rather like an intermission. Because now we're going to get to see the TVA in a new light eventually. But again, spoilers for the next podcast. Let's just keep going. [00:11:54] Speaker A: No, I get what you're saying, though. I think that, like, I guess I meant, like, with these locations and these characters in this setting. You know, one of the most interesting things to me about Loki was the TVA. And they're like, future, you know, their retro futuristic feel and the fact that they had all this power, but they, like, what they were doing was interesting. And, like, now to see how they've progressed as, like, like, as a company is what coming to word. But, you know, like, as, like, this being this. There you go. It's progressed in a different way. And you start to see that there's other cracks in it too. That, like, paradox, who I think was probably one of the best villains that I've seen so far because he was just, not only was he funny and kind of flamboyant, but he was like, literally, like, fuck these people. [00:12:41] Speaker B: I don't give a damn. I will kill everyone. I really do not care. Yes. And that's why, like, his partnership with Cassandra was so interesting, because both them did not give a shit. They were just like, yes, get them. [00:12:53] Speaker A: In fact, my sister at one point was literally when she had seen it and she came to me and she was like, I liked that. And in the end too, he was literally, like, he was, like, scrambling to, like, it wasn't scrambling to like, I'm trying to kiss ass so that I don't die. It's scrambling because I'm just gonna do it again. I'm just gonna go and try to enact this again. And it's pissing him off that Deadpool Wolverine came back. So I thought this was like, wow, this finally there was this, like, really fun, but, like, actually sinister villain and not that Cassandra Nova isn't sinister. I think that Cassandra Nova is one of the, another one of the best villains that we've seen in the MCU as of recently because she is absolutely terrifying. [00:13:32] Speaker B: Yes. [00:13:34] Speaker A: Together they were great. They were probably my favorite part of this film. [00:13:38] Speaker C: Agreed. [00:13:39] Speaker B: Also, I really love the fact that they used the bald people pyro because he was also a traitor in the X Men movies. [00:13:45] Speaker A: Yes. Making those addict to his brother. [00:13:49] Speaker C: He was addicted to his brother. [00:13:53] Speaker A: But there was just, there was this really cool, I liked that there was the looking forward, looking backwards. And I absolutely hope that we do see Mister Paradox and Cassandra Nova again, because they were top notch. And my theory at the end, we're going to talk about this. I don't think Cassandra's gone, and I'll explain why. [00:14:12] Speaker B: Um, so what were the most just incarcerated? Now that you think about it, 100%. [00:14:18] Speaker A: And what's going to happen when do you know? Secret wars happens and everything crashes down and Loki's not holding the branches anymore. Paradox is going to come out there and try to do everything he can. I'm telling you. What do we love about the story? What excited us about the story was the cameos, was it the villains, was it the humorous? And Anthony, I want to start with you. What did you like? [00:14:41] Speaker C: What? [00:14:41] Speaker A: You walk out of this film and just be like, I loved that. [00:14:44] Speaker B: Well, the villains, like, we just talked about. I love the motivations. I love how they transpired, everything. [00:14:52] Speaker A: Did you like the humor? [00:14:55] Speaker B: Half of it. [00:14:56] Speaker A: Half of it. [00:14:57] Speaker B: Half of it had me laughing so damn hard. And then half of it, I'm just like, this is like an SNL skit where they tell the same joke 15 times in a row to the point where it gets a little annoying. Like, I'll tell you the one thing. There's two things in particular that annoy the hell out of me, but they're not that bad. Is dog pool and nice pool. Like when he's holding him up and he's using him as a shield, that, that got old really quick. But then some of the other jokes were really fantastic. Like, right before that, he goes, the proposal. Like, just, just because he called them Van Milder, he's like, oh, I can do that too. I can do that too. And just, and just goes for like a really simple Ryan Reynolds one. [00:15:38] Speaker A: There was a lot. Again, I love the self referential. Like, when he turned, when Deadpool turned to Wolverine, was just like, you've joined the MCU. It's kind of at a low point. Like those, those moments made me laugh, but there was quite a few jokes. And I, when I saw it the second time, there was one joke, and for the life of me, I can't remember, but it was repeated so often, by the end of it, I think I did actually roll my eyes. I was like, okay, guys, that got old. [00:16:03] Speaker B: There was a couple of things of humor that really got me. I want to say, like, almost that whole time that they spent inside that bunker with the others was hilarious from, like, start to finish, right? I thought it was funny what Blade first said when he called him retired. I thought that was funny. But then there's, like, right after that, electra's kind of, like, kind of warming up to the idea, to these two idiots of helping them out, and then she goes, you know, I think Deadpool and Wolverine are, like, the chosen ones. And then it cuts to Hugh Jackman in the background gargling Jim beam like mouthwash, and I'm just like, that's. That's fantastic, because it was just so like that. But I really did enjoy the whole moment in that. In that bunker, because, you know, even, like, little Ben Affleck, you know, how's Daredell? Eh, it's fine. Like, yeah, just that. And then everything with Gambit. My God, gambit was great. I didn't know I was gonna. I knew I was gonna like it. I didn't know I was gonna love it so much. Cause he was so goddamn funny. He's like, are you ready? Yeah. Shout out my dad's dick. Ready? [00:17:07] Speaker A: What's funny about it is that from the rumors, which from. From someone out there, there are rumors that he's coming back. And I was like, really? Channing Tatum back? Like, but once I saw it, I was like, wait a second. The. He was one of the best parts of that film. And I was like, absolutely. I'm on board. He's fantastic. Alex, what did you. What did you like about, like, what excited you about this film? [00:17:32] Speaker C: To me, it's, like, different, because, as you said earlier, we kind of get to know some of these things in advance way beforehand. And I know that sometimes when you hear spoilers, like, it kind of alters the movie experience for some people. But for me, it's different because it's more like you, and you hear it and you read it, but then it's different when you envision it on screen. And that's like, for example, Gambit. Like, I knew Gambit was returning. Channing Tatum was going to portray Gambit a while back. And I remember I teased it on. On my twitter to the point where I, like, in the middle of March, I had put a profile picture of Gambit, and, like, I was just celebrating that, because I was, like, the moment I learned about Channing Tatum as Gambit. And I was. And I was kind of excited about the notion, but I had never seen his costume. All I had heard was, oh, he's going to look like. He's going to look like X Men 97. And I'm like, ooh, I'm intrigued. And then you see it in live action. It's like, oh, my God. Finally. At first, though, it's funny how, like, expectation kind of not, not ruins it, but kind of like, it kind of makes it funnier for me. Like, when they told me he was coming back, I thought, oh, is he going to do the accent from that he used in Kingsman? Like, when he. Yeah, when he, like, in Kingsman, he's like, very southern. And you're like, oh, my God, that accent, really good. If he does this for gambit, it's going to be funny. And then suddenly you just hear that accent and it's like, what in the hell is hedehethere? [00:19:11] Speaker B: That minions line was great. [00:19:13] Speaker C: No, the minions line was great. [00:19:14] Speaker A: No, but having gone to New Orleans, though, a few months ago, that is 100% that is accurate. There was times I had no idea what some individuals were saying. And I was like, can you repeat that? And then, like, at third time, I'm like, I'm so sorry. Can you, like, write it down? I. So when that happened to me, that was hilarious. I was like, that is exactly. That's like, people probably thought that was the fakest accent in the world, and it probably wasn't great, but, like, it's. It's accurate. [00:19:40] Speaker C: Yeah, I guess that's the closest thing. [00:19:42] Speaker B: To a 21 jump, or I guess, 22 jump street reference you're ever going to get is him doing a shitty accent. [00:19:50] Speaker C: But. But there were actually what we. I wanted to mention because we. You mentioned that the only one from the old X Men films that came back was Pyro and, and Tyler Main. You know, a saber tooth. You got Ray park as Toaddha. You got his. [00:20:05] Speaker A: I forgot. Yes. [00:20:07] Speaker C: Yeah, no, we got. We. There were a couple. There was one, though, that I. That the thing was, I knew that they had brought her in. The thing was, I didn't like. What? Pissed. Uh. I don't know if anyone noticed this, and I haven't seen anyone talk about this. [00:20:22] Speaker A: They replaced her? [00:20:24] Speaker C: No, no, not, not, uh, not lady death strike. It's not lady Deathstrike. I think. I still think lady Deathstrike is, but I'm not sure because they. I didn't. I didn't focus on the credits. I was too busy. [00:20:35] Speaker A: Like, I'm talking about Olivia Munn's character. They replaced her. [00:20:40] Speaker C: Yes. That's the thing, though. Psylocke didn't really have any lines. [00:20:47] Speaker B: No. [00:20:48] Speaker C: I think that's why they didn't put Olivia Munn in it, because it was just like, there's no lines for Psylocke. And I kept talking to one of my sources, like, are you sure she's in this movie? And she's like, yep, positive. And then I see, like, the. The purplish hue, and I'm like, they sidelined her. [00:21:09] Speaker A: They. [00:21:10] Speaker C: I had noticed, deserves better. [00:21:12] Speaker A: I noticed that when I saw it both times, and I was like, that's not Olivia Munn. But, like, that is a hundred percent her character. [00:21:20] Speaker C: Yeah, I saw the. There was one character I, from last stand, who was. I don't remember her name, but it was one that had a lot of tattoos on her face, was there, too. And I was like, oh, that's cool. But again, no voice lines. It's like, what is going on? [00:21:38] Speaker A: Was it actually the same actress too, or was that also a replacement? [00:21:44] Speaker C: I think it was an actress. Yeah. I couldn't. Yeah. Callisto's her name, but I don't. I don't remember if it was. If it was actually her. I know 100%. Juggernaut was not the juggernaut. It was someone else. But it was. It was. I love how it's the one from X Men, the last stand. Not the one from Deadpool two. It's like, oh, dang. [00:22:07] Speaker B: Okay. [00:22:08] Speaker C: They also had the Punishers villain. They had the Russian. [00:22:11] Speaker B: Yep. So it was very nice juggernaut too. You know, just the random one, though. [00:22:19] Speaker C: The random one. So we're talking about how, like, it was the juggernaut they used was the one from X Men, the last stand. Not. Not the one from. But then. And then I was like. I was so confused as to why. Because, like, they were like, they already have a new one in these films. [00:22:33] Speaker A: Why use that one? [00:22:34] Speaker C: And it's like, but it's fine. For most of the party was. It was a great film. [00:22:42] Speaker A: I'm glad you pointed out, because I did notice that, Alex. The whole time I was thinking, I was like, that. I didn't. I had forgotten some of the other characters because a lot of them didn't have speaking parts. They were just there to be, like, they were sidelined because they weren't the main ones. And I was okay with that. It made sense for the movie. But, like, it did, I forgot, like, sabretooth who forgets saber tooth. His head fucking comes off. But that's the thing. [00:23:06] Speaker C: Though you only see saber tooth for like a minute. I feel bad for Tyler Main, but at the same time, I'm like, 100% sure he was, like, he was happy about that for sure. Yeah, no, but there was actually a thing I had a source of who came at me and sent me a picture. Do you remember when the first set pictures came in from, from like, deadpool that they had, like, when you, when they had Tyler mains head? Like, he, they were holding Tyler main head. Like Sabretooth said, if you look at the picture close enough and well enough, we were spoiled Johnny Storm way beforehand because he's, he's sitting on the floor in the picture. If you look at the picture, I'm gonna find it. I'm gonna send it later. But if you look at the set pictures, like when he, you know, when he's falling down and he hits his head and he, like, lands very awkwardly on the floor, the, the stunt double is there in the outfit. So no one noticed. [00:24:09] Speaker A: That's that. I mean, let. We're gonna get into the cameos 1 second, because I do want to go back real quick about the humor. [00:24:17] Speaker B: Oh, my God, I could totally see him right now. I just pulled up the photo. His legs and his arm. [00:24:23] Speaker A: You could see him and nobody noticed. [00:24:26] Speaker C: No one noticed. And someone sent me that and I was like, holy shit. That is a fair point. [00:24:32] Speaker B: Look at the top right legs right there. [00:24:35] Speaker A: Yeah, it was right there. [00:24:38] Speaker C: Yeah. It's the Twitter user. If you're listening to it, his name is Geo G underscore e, underscore o, underscore o, underscore o. So, geo, if you're listening to the podcast, thank you for sending me the picture. I know you're, like, in my message request, but I appreciate it. [00:24:59] Speaker A: Going back, though, real quick, about the humor. There was definitely some humor that I agree Anthony hit and some that didn't, but did either. I gotta ask both of you, did you think that Wolverine was incredibly more funny in this film? Because, like, I know he was more serious than the other role. [00:25:16] Speaker B: Oh, my God. [00:25:18] Speaker A: I loved seeing Hugh Jackman just have this comedic role where he just got to, like, swear all the time and just like, have fun and make jokes and, like, I thought that was the best part of this film, too. He was hilarious. [00:25:32] Speaker C: I think what I love about his portrayal this time around, at least from what I've been told, was he was told to kind of, like, it was probably his most difficult, it was the most difficult version of Wolverine he's ever had to play, not because of how long it's been, but because he's been playing the character a certain way for so long and he's been told that, oh, the character has to be serious and he has to be moody because of his past and all this stuff. And this time around, like, it was, there were hints of that, but it's like, just have fun with it, you know, let loose. And it was a very interesting portrayal that we've never kind of seen before. And I just, I love seeing that take off of the character. [00:26:17] Speaker A: Absolutely. And so before we jump into what we didn't like, we seem, we already talked ABout the cameos. We're going to jump in to a few more of those because we didn't talk about some of the most exciting ones. The first one being who. I mean, granted, we all knew this, but if we weren't fans, who would have guessed Henry Cavill being the cavalry? That was great. [00:26:44] Speaker C: I learned about it in March, and it was still like, it was, it wasn't going into my head because I kept thinking to myself, this kind of just doesn't make sense. Like, to see, like, Henry Cavill as Wolverine is, like, such a fan cast pipe dream that I think to myself, it's possible, but I don't think they'll do it. And, and then as more time passed on and more evidence was shown, I was like, well, I can't fucking deny it now. So it was insane. But I'm glad. I'm glad it happened because I think in my theater, that was probably, like, one of the most insane reactions I've ever heard since Endgame because everybody just collectively lost their shit. And my theater when in opening night was, I hadn't seen people be so hyped since Endgame, to the point where somebody actually threw their popcorn at one point, and I was like, oh, my God. Like, what happened here? From the shock? But, yeah, the, Henry Cavill was one of my favorite cameos, but he's what? He actually wasn't my favorite, though. [00:27:58] Speaker A: What was your favorite? [00:28:00] Speaker C: My favorite cameo in the, in the film, probably 100% blade. [00:28:07] Speaker A: Interesting. Okay. [00:28:09] Speaker C: And I'm going to explain why. Blade was one of the first Marvel movies I ever saw. And I, and I know the whole beef with, like, wet, like, Wesley Snipes and Ryan Reynolds, and I know that they did not like each other. I had heard about Blade recently, like, almost a month before the film came out, and, and I thought, oh, is it mahershala? That's immediately the first thing that came to my head. Oh, it's Mahershala. Right? Because they're gonna make it funny as though, oh, they're not doing the Blade movie. And the reason why it's taken so long is because it was sent to the void. And they're like, no, it's a. It's Wesley. And I was like, you're joking. There's no way this would happen. They hate each other. And just the fact that they were able to not only squash the beef, but actually make a working relationship that allowed them to have this amazing interaction in these films, honestly, it showed growth on both of their parts. And I'm just happy that this beef between them was able to be put to rest, to just honestly give us the day Walker one more time, and let's be honest, the scene where he's just going at it with the mutants. Oh, my God, that was. That was like. Yeah, that was insane. That made it. [00:29:24] Speaker A: Yeah. One more. One more time. One more time. Quote unquote air quotes here. [00:29:29] Speaker C: What. [00:29:33] Speaker A: I have to say, what's interesting is you mentioned that Blade was your favorite because it was, like, your first Marvel movie. And I felt that way with Chris Evans being back as Johnny Storm. That was probably one of my first Marvel movies ever. So even though I knew what's happening, and I don't remember the exact timestamp, but, Alex, when you told me, I think I literally freaked the fuck out. I was like, there's no way you're pulling my lap. [00:29:55] Speaker C: You told me to shut the fuck up. [00:29:56] Speaker A: I did. Because I was like, there's no. There's like, it's so funny, but, like, there's no way there. Like. And it was perfect. It was. And then, of course, the post credit scene was probably my favorite part, because just getting to see that was good. Chris Evans, just go fucking ham on. There was absolutely. I was crying so hard when he said the word cinnamon roll about, you know what? We're not gonna say it on, but, like, I just. I died. I thought it was. I was like, this is perfect. I. That was my favorite one by far. Anthony, do you have a favorite one? [00:30:32] Speaker B: Yeah. I'd have to say probably Chris Evans as well, just because what I really liked is just the introduction. They let him talk. They didn't show his face. And then when you had to stick his arm out, he had, like, these red and white bands that kind of gave that Captain America impression. And so then, you know, he pulls it off. Deadpool gets really excited. It's like, avengers is simple. And then he just goes, flame on. And you're like, oh, shit. And then takes off. That was. It was simple. It was quick, you know, and then. And then. And then Cassandra Nova gets her hands on them, and that's a different story. But I'd say out of all of them, I think Chris Evans was. Was my favorite. Yeah. Don't get me wrong. I liked all three of the other. Well, all four, including Daphne Keene. That popped up and then. Okay, so I do have one other one, but, like, I consider it, like, a separate one. The deadpool variant, of course. You know what I'm going to say. Look at what I'm wearing. [00:31:27] Speaker A: Matthew McConaughey. [00:31:29] Speaker B: McConaughey. I'm wearing a shirt that says professional texan, by the way, just. Just since y'all can't see me. [00:31:35] Speaker A: But that was so good. That was, like, I love. [00:31:38] Speaker B: And as a cowboy man, just, like, boots, hat, and it was great. Just. Perfect choice. [00:31:46] Speaker C: Yep. [00:31:47] Speaker A: The thing I love about this so much is, like, yeah, we've seen other variants, like, multiverse of madness. We've seen other variants, but this really drove home the point. The fact that, like, there's so many different variants, they don't all have to be Ryan Reynolds. A lot of them could be Ryan Reynolds. You know, a lot of them could be Wade Wilson looking like Ryan Reynolds. But there was so many versions that, like, you could have a Matthew McConaughey, and, like, I. In my head, I was like, I want Matthew McConaughey to come back in this role. I don't even have to see his face. He was just cowboy, you know, Deadpool. And I loved that. [00:32:19] Speaker B: One thing, though, that I. Maybe Alex can shed some light on it that I just found interesting. It's more of an observation, is that I think the only deadpool that, aside from nice pool literally doing it right. But, like, aside from that, none of the other deadpools broke the fourth wall in any capacity. Headpool did, like, when he flew by, he winked right at the camera. But I don't think any of the other ones did anything like that. Just more not. [00:32:45] Speaker A: Is that not a power that they all have? [00:32:47] Speaker B: No, it's kind of a recurring thing with them. [00:32:50] Speaker C: It's a recurring thing with most of them. You know, most of them can. It's not like some. It's. The point of Deadpool core is that they all. They all just kind of like each other. Like, I. There's a really cool article that kind of, like, encapsulates all that from Drew, which mentioned the Deadpool core coming into the it for Deadpool three. And it kind of like encapsulates what they are in the multiverse. And it's just there. It's just a bunch of them, like a bunch of waves going insane. And each one has their own quirks and variations, but they're all pretty, pretty much the same, you know, regenerative, power, badass assassin. Most of them break the fourth wall. So. Yeah, I don't. I'd say most like, even if they could. Even if they wouldn't, like, they. They definitely could. [00:33:40] Speaker A: Yeah, it does with that idea, though, with all these different variants and stuff like that. I have a question, and this might be for Alix as well. Before, we kind of talked about Nexus beings and Nexus beings being that they're the same in every universe, correct? [00:33:57] Speaker C: That is correct, yes. [00:33:59] Speaker A: So is Peter a Nexus being that they all had a Peter? [00:34:04] Speaker C: It is most likely he is based on the death movie. [00:34:09] Speaker A: That's all I needed to know. Love, Peter. I'm glad they brought him back. Everybody needs a Peter. [00:34:17] Speaker C: I love how I was gearing up for like, oh, can you talk to us about anchor beans? And I was literally about ready to pull out my whiteboard and just kind of go haywire on the drawings because the science in this movie is just like, as if the multiverse wasn't even more complicated. Let's just add anchor beans and time rippers, and it's like, oh, my God. [00:34:38] Speaker A: I guess that question, and maybe this is for the other podcast. If it is for the other podcast, you can tell me that, and that's fine. But if we're talking about anchor beings and the fact that they're dying, so when did our universe start dying? When Iron man passed away or that when Steve Roger dies? [00:34:55] Speaker C: The anchor being in the MCU has not died yet. [00:34:58] Speaker B: Yeah, isn't it Peter Parker? [00:35:02] Speaker C: It's complicated, Peter, as an anchor, being in the MCU is complicated. But the thing with the MCU is the anchor being has not necessarily died. Mainly because if we're supposed to go by the assumption that an anchor being is something that has existed in all of time and space, and the events of the sacred timeline, which is practically everything from Iron man to endgame, are supposed to happen, and Steve Rogers died, and Robert Downey Junior died, and Steve Rogers and Tony Stark are dead, and the universe still exists, then the anchor being can be assumed that he hasn't died yet, mainly because we're supposed to part off this premise that the sacred timeline is supposed to lead to the birth of he who remains, which eventually leads to the creation of the TVA and the circle continues. Right. So the anchor being in the MCU has not died yet, particularly because of it. It's not confirmed it's Spider man, although it most likely is. However, I think that what's interesting is at the end of the movie, actually, this part might be served better for the future. [00:36:21] Speaker A: Okay. [00:36:21] Speaker C: Like what? Like what? Like, not for the future of the MCU, but kind of like what Deadpool and Wolverine are up to next. So I'm just going to save that for, like, later. [00:36:29] Speaker A: Okay. [00:36:29] Speaker C: But yeah. [00:36:31] Speaker A: So then let's get into what we didn't love. And I want to start this one off. Um, there was the one aspect of this film that I wish that we would have had more of, and it is actually the characters that we see at the be getting that are his friends and his family, who felt incredibly sidelined for the story. And I get why that happened, but I would have loved to see, like, megasonic teenage warhead show up. Yukio, like, in the fight somewhere Colossus, you know, like, we had all of these really big characters that were prominent in the first film and the second film and some that didn't even show up cable, and we didn't have domino. It felt like that was the one thing I felt like, oh, all these characters are what made the first two films, and they weren't present besides the beginning and the end. I wish I had a little bit more of those. But what are we feeling that maybe we didn't. Didn't like for this film? And, Anthony, I'm gonna start again with you, because I think Alix, when we let him go on this one, he might. I have a feeling. So what did go ahead, and anything you would have wanted differently. [00:37:37] Speaker B: I'd like a little more clarity on some of the timelines in the ending more than anything. Just. I'm sure someone's going to be like, you weren't paying attention. Maybe I wasn't, but I'm. I'll say this. I said this in a discord server. I'll say it here. I never really threw much of a fuss when Fox's timelines were just spaghetti. So if DMC decides to do the same thing, I really don't care. [00:38:05] Speaker A: Okay. [00:38:06] Speaker B: I'm just personally confused by how some things ended, because, like, they go back to 2024, Logan happened in 2029, and now you have two X Wolverines, one that's about to die. It's a little confusing for me, but at the same time, this is one of those times where I'm just kind of like, kind of hang back and just like, movie was fun, crazy stuff happened, and I don't know that. I think that was just the hardest part to, like, walk away from and try to formulate and think about deeply. [00:38:45] Speaker A: Does Logan only happen in 2029? I thought it was farther than that. [00:38:50] Speaker C: Logan happens in 2029, and Charles Xavier has the seizure that kills everyone in 2028. So by the time that the film that Deadpool three takes place and ends, we're still four years out from Charles Xavier having a massive seizure and killing all the X Men. And right now, to kind of, like, answer your question, they answer your question by not even talking about it. It's kind of like how it's supposed to go, because what's happening is right now, it's an. They're literally just, Logan happened. Logan happened. But it's like, imagine, do you remember when Endgame, when, like the ancient one says, you remove one of the stones and that flow splits and there's like, two. Two branches of a timeline. That's sort of what's happening right now, particularly with. With what happened in one timeline where Logan. Where the events of Logan happen. And now there's a new timeline, which I'm going to explain a little bit later, which is some context that's provided by my source. And we'll kind of get into that a little bit later on in the end, because I did want to save that up for, like, what comes next with Depp and Wolverine. But, yeah, I'll just save that for later and. And at least. At least I'll give you the context that you need. [00:40:19] Speaker B: Okay, sounds good. [00:40:21] Speaker A: Fair enough. [00:40:21] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:40:22] Speaker A: Alex, what didn't you like about this? [00:40:25] Speaker C: Um, I'm not going to say that I didn't like anything. They're just. It was a really good movie, particularly what I did. It's not that I didn't want them to do it, but I understand why they didn't, and I still would have wanted it to, like, happen. Let me. Let me rephrase that for the podcast, because I feel like I just jumbled up a bunch of words, essentially. There was one thing that I didn't like, but I understand why they didn't do it, and that was not including the X Men cast into this film. And I'm not going to say that they weren't planned. They were. There were plans for them to show up, particularly when they're talking about when Logan's, like, kind of explaining his universe and what happened in his place. There were plans to kind of delve more into that visually speaking. But, you know, at the same time that those talks were happening, strikes happened, lots of stuff happened. And at the end of the day, when you think about it, if we would have had that, like, flashback scene where we would have seen Jean Grey and Beast and storm and Cyclops and Charles Xavier, which Charles, like, Patrick Stewart himself, confirmed that he was going to do something for the film, like, a while back, like, very, very early on, he said he was going to come back. Deadline and variety themselves said Charles Xavier was going to show up in this movie. He didn't, unless you count the mid credit scene as a. As an option. But the thing was, it was essentially just going to be showing what happened to the X Men of his universe. And I honestly am glad that they didn't go through with it, particularly because it wouldn't have made, like, why? Why show us this? We don't know who these X Men are. Yes, they're the faces of the X Men, characters that we've come to know and love from the original trilogy. But what good would it have been to have seen these characters who have practically no emotional connection to who we know them to be? Because they're just variants of the characters. They're not the actual characters from the actual timeline that we know and love. So what would have been the point of just seeing these variants show up and then immediately kill them? You know, like, it wouldn't have been a good use of resources. It wouldn't have really been something important to tell visually. And also the choice of just leaving that part out and just you. You leave that portion out of the film and you just hear, like, the sounds of, like, the humans coming in and killing those X Men. When, like, Cassandra's in her head and you hear the voices and the screams from his memories, it kind of allows the audience to kind of picture in their own head what exactly happened, you know? So to me, uh, that's probably, like, one of the things that, like, I enjoy. I I won't say I didn't like, I didn't like that it. We didn't see them, but I'm glad that they took them out or never really got the chance to go through with the scene to begin with. [00:43:53] Speaker A: Okay. I mean, I guess that makes sense. You know, it, especially when you talked about how things had to, things that Marvel were changing and if it wasn't a necessity, you know, there had to be cuts, those probably having the X Men show up, not only was that going to cut into the budget, that was going to cut into the story in ways that they didn't need. [00:44:15] Speaker C: Yeah. And it's like, you don't need them. Like, the X Men are still alive in earth 10,005. You're gonna see them eventually. It's not going to be something that's like, oh, we're gonna kill them here for a five second emotional value. It wouldn't really matter, because, like, in the case of Logan, for us, it's like, okay, this Wolverine that we see, we're getting an emotional connection to him now because we. We know the actor, and, like, it's a new Wolverine. It's not the wolverine that we. That we've come to know and love. It's a different variation, but there's love and connection to this character because we are seeing him through the. Throughout the movie with these X Men, showing them showing up and dying wouldn't have really done anything. There was also one thing I did want to mention, because I remember this was one of the ideas that one of my sources had mentioned, and it was they were talking about how they were gonna explain the X Men weren't there. And there's this storyline from the comics where I don't know if anyone kind of, like, remembers this. I don't remember the title of the comic, per se, but there was a comic where Mysterio had hypnotized or, like, cast an illusion over Wolverine where he thought he was fighting a bunch of villains at once. And I. And then when the illusion comes off, it was shown that Logan killed all the X Men in the X mansion. And I heard that they wanted to do that for the story in particular, and that's why they. They wanted him to be, like, the worst Wolverine in the entire multiverse, because he's the one who kills all the X Men. So I'm not sure if they're gonna, like, reveal that to eventually have been the case or in this case, just like, it's not. It's a. It's not going to happen. But. But honestly, I thought that would have been such a bold move, because how would you. And ultimately, if it's never addressed and they never go that route, that's perfectly fine, because, honestly, how do you redeem Wolverine after that? You know? Because killing all the X Men was like, you know. [00:46:21] Speaker A: You know what's crazy about that, though? That is from old man Logan. [00:46:25] Speaker C: And. Yeah, that's. That's what I was. That's what I was. I was like, is it old man Logan? But I was like, I don't. I don't. I didn't want to, like, step into the intake and say, like, oh, the wrong thing, because I have a. I have a wonderful combination of putting my foot where my mouth is. So, uh, it's. [00:46:45] Speaker A: It's okay. We. We love you for it. Um, before we talk about where the stores this story is going for Deadpool, Wolverine, really quickly, let's just touch, based on these special effects, I know that one of the things about the new planet marvel that was that they're slowing down to give more time for these special effects. What do we think of them? Because I was actually kind of impressed with how some of them looked. Especially, like, when you got to, like, gambit and his purple powers and stuff like that, it looked impressive. And I was like, wait a second. Was I missing something from some of these past projects? Maybe they weren't quite as tight as I. As I remember. Um, how did it. How did it. How do we think it went? [00:47:26] Speaker B: There's a couple things that stood out to me. One of them was when Cassandra would put her hand inside of somebody's face that looks so fluid the whole time. I really, really enjoyed that when she was sticking her hand, like, within pyro and paradox and stuff like that. Like, that just looked really fantastic for me. [00:47:44] Speaker C: There was. There. There were two sequences of. Well, there were a couple. First, like, the special effects of the void, the way the void looks so realistically, especially within Cassandra's, like, hideout. What I found interesting about that base was most of it was an actual stage that was built in Pinewood. Like, they built the actual. Not. Not the entire body of Scott, of course, but, like, the whole circle encircling, encirclement where, like, his arms are. And the gate that was built practically, right? And then the rest was. And then, like, the whole stage where everybody's standing and all of that was practical. And yet the. The. When you see the void, it's. It's all CG, but it was so fluid that you do, you wouldn't even like. It wouldn't jar you off and think, oh, my God, this is someplace else. Right. There was another moment that was really good for me, in particular with, like, the special effects. And that was. It's such a minor detail, but there's a moment when. Do you know when. What's his name? Nice. Pulls. Head blows up. [00:49:07] Speaker A: Yes. [00:49:08] Speaker C: Alright, so his head blows up and like, they're the. They're walking down the street and all that stuff. And, like, they put his body down and like, wade is wiping off the guts and the blood off his face. And, like, you can see the wetness in the texture of the mask. All of that is CG. And I was like, wait a minute. That is. That is incredibly well detailed, especially for, like, trying to get all that. All that detail, especially, like, in a shiny suit. And the texture, the way it looked very realistic. I was like, that's. That's very impressive. And probably my favorite in terms of coloring and, like, how pretty it looked. The last scene, you know, when they're, like, not the last scene, but, like, when they're fighting Cassandra and. And, like, inside the subway station and they're trying to beat the time Ripper. It had, like, I don't know if you all noticed, but, like, it had the similar effects of Guardians of the Galaxy when they're all holding the power star. I had that same vibe. [00:50:12] Speaker B: The power surge. [00:50:14] Speaker C: Yeah, with the power surge and, like, the energies of. The energies of the timelines, kind of, like, blowing through them. It was so pretty. And then, like, Cassandra blowing up was very pretty. So I kind of like that the. [00:50:27] Speaker A: Spaghetting of the timeline, too. Like, it looked really cool on the big screen. I was like, oh, that gave me chills. I was like, oh, yes. Okay, so where do we see Deadpool and Wolverine going from here? When we left them, they are back in Wade's world. We have x 23 staying with them now. We have a whole little family unit. Where are they going? Where are they showing up? I have ideas, and I hope that they come true, but where do we want? [00:50:59] Speaker C: I'll stay last. I'll stay last. You guys go ahead and answer first. [00:51:03] Speaker B: I'm just gonna go with the obvious hint, hint, wink, wink. They did in the movie is Avengers, because, you know, oh, I'm sure something will need to be avenged. Okay, got it. Cool. So that's my guess. I got nothing else. [00:51:21] Speaker A: Yeah, I was going to say the Avengers films make the most sense because they're right around the corner. We already have the next three films for next year set up, and then, boom, we're at Doomsday, and then we're at secret wars the year after. Like, makes sense that the next time we see them, it's going to be during the main events. Alex, go ahead, take it away. [00:51:47] Speaker C: All right, I'm gonna. I don't know. This was implicitly described. It's not something that was. If you notice, then fantastic. You know what's gonna happen. But I'm gonna confirm it here in the podcast for people who didn't notice when the whole point of the movie was, you know, Deadpool's universe, the Fox universe, is dying, and it's dying because it was missing an anchor beam. This anchor beam was Logan. Logan died at the end of Logan. We. We know this by the end of the movie, when they're using the time Ripper and the time Ripper explodes and everything that happened, the effects of that essentially made Deadpool and Wolverine the new anchor beings of Earth 10,005. That is going to be a very key and important detail moving forward for Secret wars and for doomsday, mainly because as they're. As these anchor beings, the anchor beings are going to play a lot into what the stories for secret wars are going to be. And also with the whole detail of incursions and the. And the fact that not only Deadpool officially becoming an anchor being of, you know, the Fox universe, but the fact that we have a logan from another universe who officially became the anchor being of another universe. Right, of the Fox universe. How does that affect him? How does that affect the whole process of, you know, incursions? Because we know incursions occur when one person steps from their universe into another one, and then the longer they stand there, the more chances of an incursion happen. So now that this Wolverine has become the anchor being of Earth 10,005, what's going to happen? Did this ultimately change the course of the earth, of the story of Earth 10,005? Now that this timeline occurred and we have a new anchor being will, does the story that it was planned out, particularly Logan, no longer happened? Did everything just change from here on out? And that's kind of like, why this movie was interesting and why I was saying earlier that, like, it's. It doesn't really matter what came before, because what's coming up now, this is a whole new thing we're dealing with, because those films, the Fox films, before, they had Logan as the Logan that's in Logan as the anger being. But now that it's different, now that we have a new angry being set in that universe, then everything from here on out is just. It's going to be new. And that ties in also to, like, how. How it connects to, for example, say, a certain Monica Rambeau, who's been missing in the multiverse, right. [00:54:52] Speaker A: Bomb. [00:54:53] Speaker C: And she's kind of there with Maria Rambo and. And beast at the bottom of the X mansion. How will that play out? Who knows? We'll find out. [00:55:08] Speaker A: That's a perfect way to leave off. We do have a few questions, though. Vic wanted to say, what happens to the ex family cameos like Cyclops and more. But we already talked about those timelines shifted when the pandemic. Not the pandemic, the strikes happened. Um, and then he wanted to know, is there any cameos we really wanted to see that weren't there? His was Nick Cage as ghost Rider. [00:55:34] Speaker C: Aziz. Mister Aziz from Spider man two. He was promised that was his pizzeria they were sitting in, and it never panned out. I'm angry. [00:55:49] Speaker A: You've heard it here. [00:55:51] Speaker C: No, but the thing is, I get it. I get why they didn't do it. Because then they would have said that essentially, the Spider man timeline would have been thrown into the void. And imagine all the rainy fanboys when they suddenly realized, oh, my God, Toby Maguire was pruned. [00:56:06] Speaker A: That's. That's valid. We don't want that. We don't want people to get upset because we want the Spider man's to come back. [00:56:14] Speaker C: That's correct. [00:56:15] Speaker A: Um, this is interesting because I didn't really think of what we didn't get. [00:56:20] Speaker B: No. I mean, magneto and Charles, but they got mentioned. I'm happy with that. And I was trying to think of others, but I'm like, no, they. They managed to get everything. Look, the one thing I was. I was hoping for, though, I guess, in a way, to pivot that question, but I know they would never touch it with 100 foot pole because Disney does not mess around with legal is either a gina carana joke or Jonathan major's joke. But that's like a no go. That's a no go zone. I understand that it would have been. [00:56:48] Speaker A: An easy way to just. If they could have pruned the kings right there and just ended that storyline very easily. But maybe that means that King dynasty will happen one day far, far down the road. Well, we are running out of time, so thank you so much for joining us. We'd love to continue the conversation, so follow [email protected]. or you can find us on Twitter or other social medias at my cosmic circus or our cosmic circus podcast, Twitter at cosmic podcasts. Thank you so much for tuning into the cosmic circle. My name is Brian Kitson, and you can find me on Twitter. It one Alex Anthony, thank you so much for being here. Before you go, can you let the people know where to find you? [00:57:33] Speaker C: Sure. So you guys can find me on Twitter x on Alex from CC. And you can also read all my [email protected]. [00:57:46] Speaker B: You can also read my [email protected]. dot. That's all I got for today. [00:57:52] Speaker A: Thank you so much, everybody. We can't wait for our next trip through the cosmos.

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