March 13, 2023


Cosmic Circle Ep. 23: Quantumania Q&A

Hosted by

Uday Kataria Brian Kitson Anthony Flagg Ayla Ruby
Cosmic Circle Ep. 23: Quantumania Q&A
The Cosmic Circle
Cosmic Circle Ep. 23: Quantumania Q&A

Mar 13 2023 | 00:45:12


Show Notes

In this episode, host Ayla Ruby, along with fellow podcasters Brian Kitson, and Anthony Flagg delve into everything from Jonathan Majors' Kang to our thoughts on Cassie Lang's future. And although he couldn't be on the podcast in person, cosmic writer Alex Perez answered some of those curious inquiries in writing.

(SPOILER warning for Ant-man and the Wasp: Quantumania)


00:20 Intros

01.10 Will we ever see Hope and Scott married with kids?

03:25 Will Cassie and Peter Parker ever meet and become friends?

05:35 Comments on audience response to MODOK

07:50 If Janet had those discs then why didn't she escape before?

11:25 Was Kang planned for way back when Ant-Man and the Wasp came out?

12:40 What are they planning ahead now?

13: 30 Alternate ways to defeat Kang and what is Kang without his suit?

16:00 Why does Scott act sort of immaturely? Why doesn't he tell people about his worries?

19:00 What did you think of Cassie Lang in this film?

24:44 Questions for Alex Perez

25:15 When will we see Kang next in the MCU?

28:50 Should Peyton Reed return for Ant-Man 4 or Secret Wars?

32:01  What was your favorite part of Quantumania?

33:20 What is the future of the Quantum Realm in the MCU? Was this a one off?

36:10 Will Kang always be the main antagonist when he shows up?

39:14 Will Scott and Hope mentor the Young Avengers in Ant-Man 4?

41:09 How many Kangs will we see as main characters? Will there be new MCU Kang variants?

42:40 What is the plan for Janet and Hope going forward? (this was briefly talked about by Alex in our previous Quantumania episode)

44:17 Outros

Podcast credits and show notes


  • Anthony Flagg
    Ayla Ruby
    Brian Kitson

Executive Producer/Editor

  • Lizzie Hill

Recorded on 03/05/23

Superhero theme by HumanoideVFX on Pixabay

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 <silence> Speaker 1 00:00:17 Hello and welcome to a very special Cosmic Circle podcast. I'm ala Ruby, and I've got here Brian Kitson and, uh, Anthony Flagg. Speaker 2 00:00:27 Hello. It's great to be here. This is Brian. Speaker 3 00:00:31 Hey, it's Anthony. I see some really good questions. Speaker 1 00:00:34 Yeah, so it, it's a very special podcast, and as Anthony said, this is a question and answer podcast. So we are gonna be talking all about Antman memories or Fading The Box Office is fading, sadly, as you've seen the drop off. But, you know, we're still obsessed with Quantum Mania. We've still got a lot of questions and I know you guys all have a lot of questions too, as we've seen in our discord and as we saw on Twitter. Now, the last podcast, we didn't have enough time to answer the question, so we wanted to give it a try today. So our very first question is from, um, it is from Vic, and Vic is a writer here at the Cosmic Circus. He writes a lot and he also has lots of questions. So Vic wanted to know, he wanted to know if we're gonna see Hope and Scott getting married in the future and having kids. And I'll just throw it to, to you guys, Brian and Anthony. Speaker 2 00:01:29 I definitely think that with the scenes that were cut, there's definitely the desire for them to have kids. I mean, as we know that there was an actor cast as Hope's Child, and we assume that's with, with Scott. Um, so I think it's there. I think that there's a very, very strong possibility that's where it's gonna go, especially as they get to the Young Avengers and they start to, um, phase out some of the other ones. But I guess it's hard to know at this point 'cause who knows what's gonna happen after Secret Wars. Speaker 3 00:02:00 I'm gonna go ahead and agree and say, yeah, it's, it's a strong possibility. And the main reason why I think so is, uh, like they had that alternate scene of her having kids. I could see her and, and Scott wanting some, and Scott getting a second chance at connecting with the kids since, you know, he kind of fumbled a little bit with Cassie. Speaker 1 00:02:19 Yeah, I, so I, my mind is blown a little bit because I did not realize there was a deleted scene or a cut scene where there were, um, where Hope had kids. And that's, you know, such an interesting possibility. Um, I really, I've said before that I really, really like when we have this moment, these moments where Scott is like in his family life, just living life and being, you know, Scott Lang, not necessarily Antman because we see what he's fighting for as, as Antman. And I think, you know, if we see him and hope get married, that would be really cool. And that would be really, um, some interesting stakes being raised, you know, going forward, especially if there's a, another child and you know, him getting a do over almost, Speaker 2 00:03:00 Especially with like, you know, the fact that this one, again, is a younger child and we saw how that was when he was starting out. But this would be he's already established as a hero, a target, and now you're adding in a small child that's some high, that's a lot of higher stakes. Speaker 1 00:03:16 Absolutely. Um, now a little bit along those lines, uh, Vic also had a question about Cassie. And you know, Cassie is, is Scott's only daughter, you know, there are a lot of opinions about her in the film. Um, and Vic wanted to know if Cassie and Peter Parker were going to become friends, um, at some point down the line in the M C U. What do you guys think? Speaker 2 00:03:39 Again, I think that this is a huge possibility. I know that there are the, the, the echoes of a good a deal coming where we're getting a Ss Spider-Man four and we're gonna get Secret Wars. And I can't imagine if he's in Secret Wars that we're not gonna see him and Casty interact because I think it's all heading towards the Young Avengers and who better than a young Spider-Man that nobody remembers to establish themselves with people like Cassie and Kate Bishop and potentially Iron Lad, whatever, however they go about it, um, that does fit right in. So I think that they will probably be, become friends. They both seem like they're geniuses too. So that's probably, uh, a good interaction that I'd love to see between the two of 'em. Speaker 3 00:04:24 My immediate answer is no, just because geographically, you know, she's on the West Coast and he is on the East Coast. That's fair. That's the first thing. Yeah. Yeah. But then you mentioned the thing about Secret War, I'm like, they could, they could bump into each other. Yeah. I mean, that's always a possibility. Anybody could be anywhere. Speaker 1 00:04:40 I totally Speaker 3 00:04:41 Just, Speaker 1 00:04:43 I wanna see our West Coast Spider-Man. I don't know, like, I think that would be fun. Speaker 2 00:04:49 Is that a thing? A West Coast spider-Man? Speaker 1 00:04:51 It should be there. There's gotta be, I, you know, I, my comic history is not as deep, but I, I feel like, you know, other members of the Cosmic Circus writers could tell us there's, there has to be a West Coast. Like, Speaker 3 00:05:04 I feel like it'd be really ineffective and not a whole lot of tall buildings like New York. Speaker 2 00:05:09 Sure. Speaker 3 00:05:10 That's, that's the one thing about New York is you can get around Matt Murdoch a problem when he lived in San Francisco. He is like, this is really troublesome. I cannot just fly around. Like before Speaker 2 00:05:20 <laugh> Speaker 1 00:05:21 <laugh>, Speaker 3 00:05:23 He was relieved when he got back to New York. He's like, yes. Speaker 1 00:05:28 Okay, so Vic has another question. Um, so he wants to know, and this is verbatim, what did they do to my boy Mr. Electric from Shark Boy and Lava Girl? And he says that every single person at his screening laughed when he took his mask off. What's, you know, let's talk about Modoc <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:05:45 The thing about Modoc is interesting. 'cause the first time I saw that film, everybody laughed. And then the second time I saw that film, uh, the following two days later, nobody laughed. And it was much more of a serious take. I mean, I get the, I get the comparison to Mr. Electric. How do you not make someone like Modoc look funny? He's just like a, he's structured funny. He has the baby legs, he has the tiny arms, and he has the big ass head. Like, what are you gonna do about that? Like, at least they, at least they tried. And, um, I'm glad that we got, uh, a George Lopez impression in, um, the M C U Speaker 1 00:06:24 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:06:28 Was it the, was it the big ass head? I'm sorry. <laugh> Speaker 1 00:06:33 Modoc is just so weird. I mean, I, I don't know what else to say besides that. I, I don't, I'm not team Modoc. You, Speaker 2 00:06:42 You can't make him look serious. You can't, there's not a no, there's no reality where he looks serious. Speaker 3 00:06:48 No, but my, my my thinking is behind what you were saying, like you had one showing where one left and another one where everyone was more serious. Maybe they just didn't know it was Darren. Like they didn't get that shock value and it was just like, oh look big ass head. But I don't know, Speaker 1 00:07:03 I wonder if it was more diehards at the first screening who like have to see every M C U movie on the very first day and, you know, that's why they laughed 'cause they knew the history and like you said, knew, um, knew the deal. Speaker 2 00:07:17 Probably I feel like the shock value was worn off having known ahead of time, you know, part of our job is knowing things <laugh>. Um, and so knowing that, like, I knew what was coming, but for everybody else who didn't know, that probably was, was hilarious. Speaker 1 00:07:35 All right. So Vic has, again, Vic is amazing and has so many good questions. And one of these days we're gonna make time zones align and we're gonna have him on the podcast because I think he'd be really fun. But Vic wanted to know if Janet had the discs that Scott used to get bigger and to escape from the layer of the quantum realm that he was in, why didn't she do it? Speaker 2 00:07:57 I love this question because I've heard this, I've heard this complaint from a lot of people and I think there's two very logical answers. The first one being that I think that she used up all the discs when she was fighting King. So she didn't have any during that point. But up to that point, both Hank, and I'm assuming, uh, Janet had the thought that you weren't supposed to do that if you mess with that, bad things could happen. And so my guess is she didn't know that was an option because she didn't, she always speaks by the rules. She's, you know, she's kind of the, she's the, the guiding mother, rule follower. And so she wasn't going to stick discs into her faulty mechanics. And they also weren't faulty for her. They were faulty for, um, Hank 'cause we see that in the first movie when they show you the scene. I don't think she was gonna mess with it because she didn't know what's gonna happen. She was already lost. And fear does a lot for people. And so she tried to make the best that she could, hoping that her husband was gonna find her. So, you know, there's a lot of psychology behind it. And I think that between not wanting to cause to make a problem worse, wanting to follow the rules and then using those against King and not have anymore, there was definitely a, uh, a few different layers to to that. Speaker 3 00:09:23 That's pretty well said. I think you thought it out already a couple times, but I think I do agree. It's just more, um, precaution on her hand more than anything to not tamper too much and end up killing herself. She figured out she could survive in the quantum realm and then just decided to remain there. Speaker 1 00:09:41 I think it's also, you know, kind of a testament to, you know, her faith and, um, and Hank and, and eventually hope that, you know, they would, you know, those, they're both brilliant, even though Hope was a kid, you know, they would come get her if they were able. And I think that's, you know, that's lovely and that just is a wonderful thing. And also Speaker 3 00:10:00 I think, isn't that said directly Inman in the wasps? Speaker 1 00:10:02 It was something like that. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:10:03 Like when she took over Scott's body, she's like, oh, I knew you'd find me. Like mm-hmm. More or less she said that. So, yeah. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, she knew. I Speaker 1 00:10:10 Also think some of it was just movie magic. Like they just needed, you know, needed that not to work for, to achieve their goals in, in this particular movie. Speaker 2 00:10:21 I, I think the bigger question about Janet's motives is why was she okay going into the Quantum Room at the end of Man the Wasp? But she wasn't okay in quantum mania because that doesn't make as much sense Speaker 1 00:10:31 As exactly the this thing. I have such a problem with that and I have such a problem with just ghosts, erasure and like how we never addressed her at all. Even though her motivation for going back into the quantum realm, presumably like was to get, um, get the stuff to renew ghosts and to make her stable. And then just like, eh, Speaker 2 00:10:53 And and not only that, if we're looking at actual Amman on the wa when she takes over Scott's body, she gives them the coordinates. But if she was really concerned about King, why didn't she shut it down? Why didn't she destroy it? 'cause I think that would've been a better hint towards King so early. And, you know, fa you know, was, was that still phase two or was that phase three? Speaker 3 00:11:11 It was three because it was between Infinity War and Speaker 2 00:11:14 Yes. So like, why, why didn't you destroy it? You were willing to come home at that point and risk it. I think that, I think that's a bigger question mark than the disc thing personally. Speaker 1 00:11:24 Now, do you guys think that Kang was planned out, you know, when that movie was being made and when that was done? Or do you think they were still, you know, in the, the planning stages for End Game and figuring out how to execute that before thinking of beyond? Speaker 3 00:11:39 I leaned on the, for on the Ladder, just getting through the, uh, infinity Saga, making sure that was wrapped up nicely. Not trying to set up too much. Mm-hmm. Because like, yeah, there's some things that set up in Infinity going into Multiverse, but I don't think they wanna lean into it too hard. Speaker 2 00:11:55 I, I'm leaning towards the first one because when that movie came out, they were already developing Loki and they had some idea of how Loki was gonna go. Like they had some kind of general idea. And there, if I remember correctly, they actually had said that they were a meeting for the next phase during like the end of phase two, early phase three. Like they were having one of those famous retreats of theirs. So I feel like they had some idea mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but maybe not to the extent of, they didn't have the Quantum Me figured out. They didn't know how that was going to factor in. So now they have to kind of like retroactively put someone in the pieces together. Um, but I think that they knew he was around, like they knew he was coming. Speaker 1 00:12:36 It kind of makes you wonder what they're planning now at their very famous retreats. 'cause what didn't they say after? Was it after S D C C fgi went to, um, like they, everyone went on this retreat and they were planning things out, but Kang had already been planned. Like, while we're all living Kang, you know, they're, Speaker 2 00:12:56 And phase Speaker 1 00:12:56 Beyond, I think, Speaker 2 00:12:58 I definitely think that the next phase is gonna be X-Men focus. So I would imagine it's gonna be something like Mr. Sinister because I feel like they, they, they, everybody's always wanted Mr. Sinister and they've already done Magneto so much, it's time to let him go, um, to have him be around but not have him be the villain. So I feel like that's their next phase. But they're so far ahead. I think that he's planning for like the next 20 or 30 years past when he retires. Yeah. Because he wants to make sure that there's quality content before he leaves Speaker 1 00:13:26 Building his legacy. Um, okay. So another question from Vic. Vic wanted to know if they wanted to defeat Kang, they should have just shrunk him to Adams. Uh, okay. So this is more of a statement. Vic believes that if they wanted to defeat Kang, they could have just, you know, made him really small and or made him small for eternity. Um, like what do you think about that? Do you think that, do you think that they kind of did that? Speaker 2 00:13:54 I think my, what's interesting to me is I, okay, I'm gonna go back first. Toman the wasp, when we saw them fighting in like, in that chasing, and do you remember when we had the ps? She throws the PS dispenser, she shoots it with her, with her gauntlets. Uh, the wall shoots them with like, like her bracelets and it grows big. She was shooting them at King and I wasn't doing anything mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I wasn't doing anything to the, the people in the bar either. So I, I'm wondering if the shrinking and growing didn't work the same. I, I don't know. 'cause they also shrank. I don't know. It's really weird because it should have happened. But they were shooting him with those at the end. She kept shooting him and all it did was push him towards the cord. It didn't shrink him or make him large. It didn't do anything. Speaker 3 00:14:45 He still has this battle suit and that thing is pretty, pretty spiffy tech is the one thing I was gonna say. 'cause nothing can do a lot. Speaker 2 00:14:55 That's true. That's true. I didn't think about that. 'cause she even said that gave him a lot of power. Speaker 3 00:14:59 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>? No, well just in, in, I wrote about it when I found that, like, that t-shirt that had the first look at King and like, it allows him to pick up like 50 tons shoot rays out of his hands. Like he did it's life support over a long period of time. Like, it's, it's, it's something to be reckoned with. That's why he was able to conquer so quickly once he got it. Speaker 1 00:15:24 Now this is getting off off topic a little bit, but do you think Kang without his suit has, you know, powers, what is, what is King without that, that suit? Speaker 2 00:15:35 Or was it, I mean this in the scene that we saw him, he looked human. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, Speaker 3 00:15:40 He Speaker 2 00:15:40 Is human that that, so he is just a man, which is really weird. He's Speaker 3 00:15:44 Just a really, really intelligent, smart man from the 31st century. So like, he also has a thousand years on everybody else. So that's, that's his ma massive advantage. Speaker 1 00:15:56 Yeah. Um, so feeding into that a little bit. So Vic, his last question was, he wanted to know why Scott acts like a child all the time or, or now rather. Um, and why didn't he tell others, you know, about his worry that Kang was still out there? You know, there was that, um, ending scene where he kind of strolled just down the street with that voiceover. And I have some thoughts. What about you guys? Speaker 2 00:16:23 So what's interesting for me being the psychologist that I am, is that a lot of times people don't voice these things because they think that they're either overreacting. They think that they are like catastrophizing. Um, they want to believe that it's the best outcome, which we know that he is a very glass half full kind of individual, especially after everything he's been through. I think that he's hoping that it's gonna turn out to be nothing. And that king was lying and that's how he can engage with himself. I think that this is gonna come back like in King Dynasty, I think that you're gonna see his doubt come back and you're gonna see his anger. And I think you're gonna see people be angry with him. And so I think that where, this is not the last time we've seen this, but I think that it doesn't necessarily make him a child. I think that it makes him an avoidant individual who doesn't wanna co maybe talk about the truth. Speaker 3 00:17:20 How do you follow up that analysis? <laugh> <laugh>? Um, Scott's never been that serious, honestly. So I feel like it's just part of his humor. Part of his personality. Speaker 1 00:17:34 That's fair. Speaker 2 00:17:36 I think that if you also look too at how he responded to Janet and everything that happened is that he never once showed anger towards Janet or even like, angry with the situation because Janet lied. Because I think that he can more relate to that or understand that like sometimes you do things to like be out of fear or anger or protecting your family or whatever her reasoning was. So he, I think he can rationalize it a little bit more, but I think that he also is in the same boat now. That and, and hope's probably gonna respond the same way. 'cause she was super angry. Speaker 1 00:18:11 I think, um, along with the doubt that you mentioned, I think we'll also see him, um, you know, maybe deal with some really heavy guilt because I'm assuming, you know, by not wor warning people about Kang, he'll have, you know, particularly with Cassie, he'll have, you know, maybe not stopped something that, or not done anything to stop something that will have big implications for the future, obviously. Um, and I think he's already, he, he already has a lot of guilt about, you know, Cassie and missing time with her and, and all of that. So I think and not, and not being there for her. So I think we'll see a lot more guilt as well from him. Speaker 2 00:18:49 Mm-hmm. Makes sense. I like that Speaker 1 00:18:54 <laugh>. Um, so that was the end of Vick's questions and now we also had a question on Twitter from Mon, and this is mon uh, universe 6 1 6 and it looks like Pokemon. And he wanted to know, or she, what do you think the character of Cassie Lang, what do you think about the character of Cassie Lang in this movie? Do you think this sets up anything for her future and Mon was of the opinion that, you know, personally, I think it'd be cool one day for them to do a younger Kang Iron Ladd and Cassie romance like in the comics. Now. That's really interesting. What do you guys think? Speaker 2 00:19:27 I have to say that I didn't know that a younger King slash Iron Ladd and Cassie had a romance. Um, apparently I need to go start upping my young Avengers knowledge. I personally did not hate Cassie as much as Twitter does. I thought that Cassie, she seemed, when you look at the core of who she is, there's a lot of similarities. When she was seven, she was talking back to federal agents and she was sassing them. And to her stepfather, what kind of child talks back to their stepfather with confidence, not a lot of kids. So when you look at things like going to jail because people were being hurt and like res you know, I think she was also responding to her, um, p you know, of her trauma of losing her dad. Part of her wanting a map of the quantum realm was because she probably blames herself a little bit for not thinking or how, how to get him or not how she couldn't find him. And I liked her, I thought, I thought that, um, it was a good change to Cassie. I think it's great to see her a little more grown up. I don't see any problem with her. Does she set up the future? We all know that a young Avengers is coming. So yeah, this definitely sets up the future. Um, I can't wait to see it. Speaker 3 00:20:55 I like Cassie overall, uh, for what they gave her to work with. Um, Speaker 2 00:21:03 Do you feel like it wasn't good material? Speaker 3 00:21:05 No, no. I'm just thinking it was just interesting to see what she came up with, you know, quietly with Hank that was actually quite impressive. Like kind of just the device in in in this case and that she had been secretly learning it so clearly there was some motivation of trying to impress her dad and you know, like you were saying that she probably wanted to create it outta guilt for not having found him. 'cause her reaction to seeing him just pop up outta nowhere was quite strong there in endgame. So it just love her questioning, oh, I could have done something, but I had no idea. So just, I think she did pretty solid overall. I, I was impressed. But I do hope to see her with the Young Avengers whenever that does happen. Speaker 1 00:21:50 I think I, I think the actress got a lot of hate because, you know, the role was recast and I don't, you know, that's not on her, that's not her fault. Um, but now she has to kind of deal with the unfortunate internet fallout of, of fans having lots of things to say about it. Um, you know, I think she, her character's been cons was consistent there. You know, like Brian said, you know, she talked back a, you know, a lot to um, to the federal agents. She was very sure of her father and her belief in her father. And you know, I think she still had that, um, that moral center in this movie. But she was a little bit disappointed with her father now that she's older, right? She sees him as just kind of rusting on his laurels and not, you know, his book his all this other stuff. Speaker 1 00:22:36 Like what has he done lately? So I think that, um, that too is, you know, kind of a natural progression of her getting older, of her seeing the world differently. And I think, you know, all of that, that is consistent with her growing. Um, I would've loved to see more of her, but, you know, we, we didn't get that chance. There was a lot going on in this movie and, you know, I, I do hope we get to see her, any younger vendors. I hope we get to see her with Keith Bishop. Um, I just, I want more, Speaker 2 00:23:05 You know, speaking about how people are really critical of her acting in this film. I first just wanna say that everybody needs to go see Freaky because playing the, the horror Freaky Friday, she was fantastic in and that we also shouldn't judge people for one performance. 'cause I also point out in this era of everybody loving Pedro Pascal that he did Wonder Woman 1984 and they, people weren't praising his role. People didn't like him as Maxwell. Right? What's his name? Max. Speaker 1 00:23:35 Nobody talks about it like that. It's conveniently forgotten. And in all of fandom that, that, that happened. Speaker 3 00:23:43 Also, the movie's just easily forgettable too. Too <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:23:45 I know, Speaker 2 00:23:46 But like he's, look at how far he's come. He's now in two huge successful shows. Yeah. And what happened in this film, she can act and this was not a hundred percent her fault. If you have an issue with it, the directors have say in this, the writers, the, you know, the people at Marvel. Yeah. She screamed dad a lot. That wasn't her fault that the script wrote, wrote her screaming dad a lot, you know? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I just think that people need to be a little kinder when it comes to critiquing actors and actresses when they, and like this, especially someone who's so young off soap box. Speaker 1 00:24:21 No, I completely agree. I think that, yeah, nobody deserves all the hate. I don't think it's, it's too much. Um, so the next part, so our last podcast we had Alex with us. And Alex had a lot of amazing, um, you know, expanded on a lot of amazing things going on for the future of the M C U and explained, um, explained Quantum Mania quite a bit. So there are a lot of questions just for Alex, but unfortunately he couldn't be here. Um, so we're gonna try our best to answer these questions, Speaker 2 00:24:57 Miss you Alex. Speaker 1 00:24:58 Yes, we do. So, uh, our writer Vin from the Cosmic Circus, again, you might know him 'cause he does comic guides. Um, he wanted to know about some specifics and I don't know if either one of you guys wanna take the answer. I know we, we, we worked it out with Alex, but, um, VIN wanted to know who was the third Kang variant in the post credit scene. And Vince, you know, thought and theory was that it can only be Centurion. What do you guys think? Speaker 2 00:25:31 Um, yeah, that was my first and only guess. And um, it seems like Alex agrees <laugh> Speaker 3 00:25:40 Safe. Guess I'm gonna go with it. Speaker 1 00:25:42 I feel like we need an Alex Standi here to, you know, kind of tell us and play the recording of the answer. Um, so Vin wanted to know, besides Loki, when, you know, when do we think the next Kang appearances will be? When will we see him next in the M C U? Speaker 3 00:26:00 I think hopefully In what if? Speaker 1 00:26:04 Ooh, Speaker 2 00:26:05 Interesting. Okay. Speaker 3 00:26:07 'cause that little teaser they showed in Comic-Con D three, whenever, um, it showed like Sean Cheese, I mean those are more recent projects. Why couldn't they show him? Speaker 2 00:26:18 No, that's fair. I am hoping it is going well. I know it's not gonna be the next one, but they just need to announce the Moon Night season two, um, <laugh> and we'll have him in there. That'd be perfect. No, Speaker 1 00:26:31 The thing about keep him away from Moon night. I, I, I mean even though it makes sense with ATU and all of that, I could see that as being there, but I just, I like moon night being in discreet world. Speaker 2 00:26:40 That's fair. I think that you're gonna see a lot more, more kings just sprinkle out and around and I think they're gonna try to get him to appear in as many projects as possible because Jonathan Majors is such a great hector. And what does season two is a good one though. Speaker 1 00:26:55 And it's funny that you mentioned, uh, that moon night Brian, because you know, when we asked Alex that was actually his thought. He thought that, um, Kang variants could be anywhere in the M C U right now. And he thought, uh, like you did read that, um, he'd be in what if, but you know, he's also heard some rumors about Moon Night season two and Kang being involved with that. So Speaker 2 00:27:20 It makes a lot of sense. Speaker 1 00:27:21 <laugh>, Speaker 3 00:27:23 Do you think we could get some sort of tease in Guardians of the Galaxy Post credits or maybe the Marbles? Speaker 2 00:27:29 Oh, I didn't think of Speaker 3 00:27:31 That. Like a space one. Like a space one that he's doing something. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 2 00:27:35 Is there a Space King? Speaker 1 00:27:37 There has to be a Speaker 3 00:27:38 Space King. The, I was gonna say the one, there's Speaker 2 00:27:41 A scroll one that they show. Speaker 3 00:27:43 Yeah, there's a possibility Maybe that could be in the Marbles. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:27:47 Oh, that'd be awesome. Speaker 3 00:27:48 Or secret invasion. Speaker 2 00:27:50 Think so. That actually makes Secret Invasion Possibly the next one then. Didn't think of that. I feel Speaker 3 00:27:57 Like a strong possibility that he could show up in Dead Full three if it's multiverse stuff, why not? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> Speaker 2 00:28:03 Sure. That makes sense too. Speaker 1 00:28:05 So we, we could see him anywhere. He could just mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, cause chaos Speaker 3 00:28:11 If they did a man thing special solo, I could see him too. 'cause you know, man thing kind of messes around with the Nexus. Speaker 1 00:28:17 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:28:19 I I think that's kind of the energy of King though, is that he could show up literally anywhere in any project and probably still make sense. 'cause now <laugh> King, king King's angry, he wants revenge and we have all of these heroes that he could possibly want revenge for. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 1 00:28:35 And remember King told us he's defeated Avengers before. So, you know, we haven't seen that in our, in our M C U, but I think we're going to. Um, so Vin wanted to know if we'd like to see Ant Man Four and if so, would we like to see Peyton Peyton Reed return for either Ant Man four or Secret Wars? Um, what do you guys think? Speaker 3 00:29:01 Uh, ant Man four. Probably not really. I'd like to, yeah, I'd like to pivot to Cassie. I mean at this point it kind of shows that Scott was like, Hmm, I don't know if I really wanna be doing this. And he did it. Most of this movie was done outta reluctance 'cause he was put in a spot, not because he wanted to do it. I mean all of it. Saving Cassie 'cause he was forced 'cause he was gonna get, she was gonna get killed and then helping out the resistance because well, he needed them to, you know, get what he needed done. So in this case, no I think he can retire now. We can do like Erica Grady or something else. And then on the second part of the question, Peyton Reed, no thanks. No. Speaker 2 00:29:44 So I'm gonna agree with you with the Peyton Reed. I think that it's okay if we retire him from the Marvel Cinematic universe of directing. Um, let's get some new blood in there. Um, or just give everything to Ryan Kugler. That's also okay. <laugh>. Um, but Aman four th this is the thing is that I would take as many atman films as I can get as long as they still remain pallet cleansers. Like the first two I want just the funny little trips and the, the, the, the isolated stories. 'cause the first two are so isolated in San Francisco and like I just, let's have those in between, these huge stories. 'cause that's, Paul Rudd excels at that. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, he excels at the humor. He excels at being funny. Um, or even have a focus on Cassie and have him be in it, that's fine. But like, it could still be like a Antman spinoff or an Antman for ish film. That's what I want. Speaker 1 00:30:35 I would really love more Antman for a couple of reasons. Um, like you said, Paul Rudd is delightful. He excels at that, that humor. And I also really want Antman four 'cause I wanna see, um, not a resolution, but just more of, you know, Luis and his Excon buddies. 'cause that I was so sad that wasn't in this movie, even though I know technically, you know, this voice actor, you know, was the same. Like no, I just want more, um, Peyton Re Speaker 3 00:31:02 I have a, I have a pitch real quick though. You do on that now you mentioned it. Yeah. They should do like a, uh, procedural show. Oh like a sec of the security team as they try to make sales. That'd be a good Disney plus spinoff right there. Speaker 1 00:31:15 I would watch that. Speaker 2 00:31:16 <laugh> I think, I think you could easily do shorts too, where it's just Luis telling the m telling the story of the M C U. We know that there's the, the phase one through three of his retelling mm-hmm. <affirmative> give us after every project just a little five minute short of him telling the story. Because that's all I need. Speaker 1 00:31:32 I wanna see him explain Kang. I just, I need that <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:31:37 Yes. Speaker 1 00:31:38 Um, I love Speaker 2 00:31:38 That. Speaker 1 00:31:39 So Alex you know, told us that he thinks Aunt Man four would have to be a passing of the Torch film and he doesn't see Peyton back at all for the Avengers. Um, so, you know, we heard it Alex <laugh>. Um, so besides Kang, VIN wants to know what was your favorite part of Quantum Mania? And now we kind of discussed this in the um, other podcast, but Brian, I know you weren't there, so I'm very curious as to what you Speaker 2 00:32:08 Favorite part. Oh, um, I was unprepared Speaker 1 00:32:13 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:32:16 Okay. Um, I think that I really liked the, the slice of life at the beginning. I thought that was really interesting to just get like the glimpses of what his life is like now. Especially 'cause we haven't seen him since end game. Um, but I think, oh, this is so hard. I don't, don't know. I don't know. Um, I, the final battle with the ants, I think, I think that that section where the ants come in and Michael Douglas is just like, he has like this little kid like wonder look on his face. And that always was just like this really cool scene and I was just like, this is a new side of Michael Douglas. He's not a mob boss. You know, he's not angry. I loved that part with the end. I thought that was really cool. The whole fight scene was really cool. Speaker 1 00:33:03 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, and Alex and shared that, you know, his favorite part was the revolution scene with the score from Christophe Beck. So you can see that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, so Vin also would like to know what's the future of the quantum realm in the M C U and was this just a one-off appearance? Speaker 2 00:33:27 I have to say no. I mean, you don't pop the top to the quantum realm in a one film and just decide you're not going back to it. Especially 'cause the rules seem so different there. Like people were aging regularly and like you could still grow, but it seemed like there was a cap to it. And like, I think that we have to go back and even with the end of the end game where quantum normal was used for time traveling, like there is some huge ramifications that we could use for this. And I think that you're gonna see much more kings going through there. So that's my guess Speaker 3 00:34:05 I'd say. Yeah, rum will come back. I I don't see why they would just abandon at this point. Um, and I just didn't feel like a one off appearance. It just felt like a return, but an actual mm-hmm. <affirmative> delving into rather than just kind of popping by Allah multiverse madness. Speaker 2 00:34:24 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Sure. Speaker 1 00:34:27 I would be very happy if we didn't see the quantum realm again, but that's just me personally. Um, Alex shared with us that the quantum realm will be back and it just might be Earth 6 1 6 is saving grace in the future. And he said I'll leave it at that. So if you're listening, take note to what Alex said Speaker 2 00:34:45 Real quick. Ila, I just, I have a question for you. Mm-hmm. Why would, why do you, you said that you'd be okay if we never saw it again. Why? Speaker 1 00:34:53 It's just weird. I just, I didn't like, yeah. It was just, it was too weird for me. I'm sorry, Speaker 2 00:34:59 <laugh>. No, that's fair. I just was wondering. I I didn't, I just didn't know what your reasoning was and now, now I know. Speaker 1 00:35:05 Yeah. Um, so we have our last batch of questions. I, let's see where they're, because I'm trying to find them. Speaker 2 00:35:18 They are second one. Do you want me to read the first one for you? Speaker 1 00:35:23 Yeah, you can go for it. Speaker 2 00:35:25 So, uh, this is from Costa and the first question is echoing what Vin also said. Do you think Pey and re comes back to director another M C U project? We already know the answer to that <laugh>. Um, but Alex actually said he has no idea. So I get it's still up in the air. Do you think he'll return guys? Speaker 1 00:35:48 Sure. Why not? Speaker 2 00:35:50 Okay. Mm-hmm. Speaker 3 00:35:51 No. Speaker 1 00:35:53 Okay. Um, and Costa Al also wanted to know if he deserves to return, um, to the M C U and Alex said that he thinks everyone deserves a shot. So, um, Costa also wanted to know, do you think every time we see a Kang variant in a project that he'll als, that he'll always be the main end to agonist? And this is kind of an interesting question. I'm curious what, so what you guys think and of course we have Alex's answer as well. Speaker 2 00:36:20 So the first thing that jumps out to me is that we've already had King in two projects and one of them, he wasn't actually the antagonist mm-hmm. <affirmative> because the antagonist of Loki was technically Sylvie. 'cause she's the one that killed King. King was just doing his job. Um, I never viewed him as an antagonist. So I don't think of him as the antagonist for that. So I wanna say the answer's no, I don't think he's always gonna be the antagonist. 'cause I think there's gonna be some of them that are just trying to live their lives. And I have a feeling Victor timely is gonna be one of them. I don't think he's gonna be a bad guy. I don't think, I think that he's just going to be a man trying to time travel. Speaker 3 00:36:59 I agree with those statements. I mean, he doesn't always have to be antagonist. He can just show up because he happens to be there as well. And that's the thing with variance is you can have all sorts that pop up. Not all of them have to be bad. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:37:12 <affirmative>, Speaker 1 00:37:13 I think with, um, with so many Kangs, you know, we saw that that giant stadium filled with, you know, it seemed like infinite, um, kangs, you know, I think, I think it's impossible that there are, you know, kangs that are not, um, good guys for lack of a better, better term. Um, I think that something that would be really interesting to see, um, moving on is if, you know, Kang was actually, um, you know, a hero if we, you know, actually saw him as justified in his actions because, you know, they played with it a little bit with Thanos. There, there was like this moment that they tried to, to have Thanos as, um, okay, well he's got a reason why he wants to destroy half of everybody. But, you know, ultimately that wasn't really sympathetic. And I think if they give Kang, um, if there's a reason, you know, if if Kang has, um, if you can, you know, kind of, I identify with Kang, if you can see what he's saying, I think that would be very kind of, um, would blow people's minds. You know, I think it would kind of, you know, play with the morals of the mcu and I think that would be really fun. Um, a Speaker 2 00:38:26 And can't you also ar I'm so sorry. Speaker 1 00:38:28 No, you go ahead. Speaker 2 00:38:29 I say we can also argue that he kind of was like that in this film because mm-hmm. <affirmative>, part of Scott donning himself was that maybe Kang was right and maybe there's something worse coming and maybe he should have been let out. And so there was, and I think as the viewer too, you kind of doubt like, oh, maybe we're all wrong here. We thought he was a bad guy this entire time, but maybe he was a good guy. Speaker 1 00:38:51 Yep, exactly. You said it so much better than me as I was struggling for, for words there. Um, so you Speaker 2 00:38:59 Did a great job, <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:39:00 So Alex said that Kang may not necessarily be the antagonist in every project he's in. So you heard it from Alex first. Cost is next question. So he wanted to know if it's likely that a potential Antman four would be Scott and Hope mentoring the Young Avengers. Um, you know, we talked about that a little bit. We talked about, uh, you know, how we wanted to see the Young Avengers and we talked about Antman four. Do you think, you know, could that movie be a vehicle for them? Speaker 2 00:39:34 What's interesting for me is I know a lot of people are like, like they're singing that tune, but Scott doesn't necessarily strike me as the leader type of a children. I feel like he's also kind of a, he likes to have a good time and I feel like you need someone almost like Vision, which I'm pretty sure Vision was the leader in the comics and I could be completely wrong here. Um, but or someone like Patriot who is like more Speaker 3 00:40:06 Uptight in Charge. Stern, Speaker 2 00:40:08 Yeah. Scott's, and I think Scott's gonna be under too much pressure. I think you're gonna, you're gonna see him crack a lot more if he's in charge of a group of children, especially when they're not his. So, I don't know. Speaker 3 00:40:20 I actually think he could potentially train there on the West Coast. I mean, he's very strong in in his identity as an Avenger saying it in the past than he'd saying it in this movie. So, and he is likable, I mean, to approach with young people. It would be good to have someone that they would actually wanna be around. And he already had a little practice with Cassie when he was showing her the tap punch little combo. Like actually did a pretty decent with that. So I, I see potential and we know Hope is a good teacher. She taught Scott a few things. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, she's kicking his ass. Speaker 1 00:40:55 I see more training montages in our future. Um, so Alex said that he hadn't heard anything about Scott or Hope being attached to Young Avengers, um, though it might be done. So Yeah. Um, Costa wanted to know next, how many total kangs as a whole do you think we'll see as main characters? And is there a chance that, um, you know, the M C U deviates from the comics and makes even more new Kang variants Speaker 3 00:41:22 Easily? Why, why wouldn't they? That's part of the beauty is, is freedom is, let's do something a little bit different. We're not bound by anything mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, Speaker 2 00:41:34 Absolutely. And in fact, most of the projects for the M C U have been like, here's the outline. Mm-hmm. What, what's the line from parts of the Caribbean? We think of more of them as guidelines than actual rules. Like things change and it's for the better because some things just have to be adapted and Kane can be whoever he wants, but I, I've never heard of a Skull Kang before. Now we have the possibility of one. So change 'em up, give him lots of variants, fill every project with them. Let's do it. Speaker 1 00:42:05 So Alex had a, to say that at least eight Kang variants main characters and upcoming projects, and they are already, they already deviated with Centurion. So, you know, the, the Marvel Studios folks, their centurion is different than than the comics obviously. So Costa wanted to know, uh, what do you think going forward will be the plan for Janet and Hope? And, you know, we, we talked about this a little bit on the other podcast, um, and Alex made a little bit of news with what he said and you know, I think I'm curious as to what you guys think. Speaker 2 00:42:42 Uh, I already know part of this answer and I don't like it. And so I can't <laugh> I can't say much. Um, I think that there is a future for hope. I think that there, as long as they're gonna keep Scott in the picture, they're gonna keep hope. I think that there will definitely be more focus on the family going forth. Janet, I love her. I wanna see more of her. Michelle Pfeiffer literally is a goddess and she kills every scene she's in. So just like Jonathan Majors, why don't we just have her in every film? I'm, I'm good with that. Speaker 3 00:43:16 I'm not sure about Janet, but as far as hope, I think they're gonna keep her on the path she was already on because she seemed pretty satisfied and fulfilled with her life. Like making effectual change in the world. Like Scott had that monologue in the beginning where he said that, you know, some people wanna change the world, hope goes out there and does it. Sure. So she's already gotten her mom back and brought everybody back from the quantum realm. So I think she'll continue on. She never struck me as one that enjoyed the craziness of all that stuff. Like you could tell Scott missed it a little bit, even though he was reluctant to involve himself. But with, with her, I feel like she wants to detach herself from the craziness. 'cause her life's been enough having lost her mom for such a period. Speaker 2 00:44:00 Mm-hmm. <affirmative> Speaker 1 00:44:01 Now Alex shared with us, um, in response to that question that Janet is gonna make the sacrifice play. Um, and that's very sad. Speaker 2 00:44:11 It doesn't get any better hearing it. Speaker 1 00:44:13 I know. And on that note, I think we will close out the questions. It has been so wonderful talking with you both. Um, where can people read more of your stuff or find more, more about you? Speaker 2 00:44:25 Hi, this is Brian Kitson again and you can find me on Twitter at kitson one. Um, and I'm writing for the Cosmic Circus. You'll see my posts all the time. Read 'em please. <laugh>, Speaker 3 00:44:38 This is Anthony Flag and you can find me at ruo. And, uh, I hope you enjoyed the podcast and the answers. Speaker 1 00:44:45 And I'm Ila Ruby. You can find me on Twitter at t u l i n writes, and you can find all of [email protected]. We'll see you next time.

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