February 05, 2022


The Cosmic Circle Episode 7: A 2021 Movie and TV Series Retrospective and What We Are Looking Forward to in 2022

The Cosmic Circle Episode 7: A 2021 Movie and TV Series Retrospective and What We Are Looking Forward to in 2022
Cosmic Circus Podcasts
The Cosmic Circle Episode 7: A 2021 Movie and TV Series Retrospective and What We Are Looking Forward to in 2022

Feb 05 2022 | 01:21:35


Show Notes

In this episode of The Cosmic Circle, Host Ayla, along with Emily, Drew, and Uday, review the best and worst of Marvel and DC in 2021, and then talk about what they are looking forward to in 2022 as far as TV, film, and gaming. 

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Rasmic Circle. This is the official podcast for thecosmicsrcus.com where the site's writers get together to chat about comic books, Sci-Fi and fantasy films and TV shows. This week, we're going to be talking about 2021 in review and 2022 in preview. I'm Isla Ruby, writer for the Cosmic Circus, and joining me today are my fellow writers uday, Emily and Drew. Happy New Year. A few weeks later, it's been a very long January, but we're here. How is everyone doing today? [00:00:46] Speaker B: I'm Emily and I'm happy to be here today and I'm doing good. How are you guys? [00:00:50] Speaker C: Hey, I'm Drew. I'm doing pretty good today. I'm glad to be here too. [00:00:54] Speaker D: I'm uday really happy to be here. I'm also doing well. [00:00:58] Speaker A: Before we go on to discuss today's topics, you should be warned there are spoilers ahead. And as always, I want to take a moment to plug our sites patreon. If you like what you hear, consider supporting the site, and by joining, you can get access to our discord where you can chat with the sites writers whenever you want and join in our fun events like watch parties. All right, so let's start things off with Marvel's the Eternals. The movie just came out on January twelveTH on D Plus after being released in October of last year. Have you watched it or rewatched it yet? And if you saw it, was there anything you really loved about it? Uday? [00:01:31] Speaker D: So I actually did rewatch it, like the weekend that it came out with my mom and my cousin, both of who hadn't seen it yet, and I saw it twice in theaters. I had wanted to go another time. So I mean, I still liked the parts that I liked, but it was interesting watching it with other people for the first time and in a home setting where you can kind of talk about the movie a little bit more because it let me explain some things, but then it also let other people voice their opinions. So I would say my opinions on the movie didn't really change. I still think that it's a pretty great movie with some good performances and really good parts, but it definitely has its flaws. [00:02:08] Speaker B: Yeah, I rewatched it as well when it came out that weekend because my mom hadn't seen it yet. And I saw it, I think, three times in theaters, and I still really liked it. I thought it was a good story and I liked all the characters still, and it's just nice to now have it and be able to watch it whenever you can. [00:02:24] Speaker C: I watched it and I rewatched it about two more times. And on my first watch, I really liked the movie. I thought it was the best looking MCU movie to date. I thought the CGI was really well done. I liked how Chloe Zhao used the natural sunlight for a lot of scenes. I liked how they were on physical locations for a lot of think. I think the way the movie looked was definitely better than the story. I think everybody can agree that the story was where the troubles of the movie script really started to come into play. I think some of the script just kind of seemed a little incoherent at times. But overall, I really liked the movie. I think it's a lot higher on my MCU ranking than a lot of people. [00:03:07] Speaker A: You guys are all so dedicated. I only saw it once. I didn't see it in theaters at all, and I just saw it when it came out on D. So it was it was kind of a different experience seeing it on the small screen. And like Drew, I thought it was really pretty, really well shot. I enjoyed the natural light so much, and I thought it was as far as cinematography of Marvel movies, it was just very well crafted. I had some issues with the story. I wasn't really sure where it was going in some places, and some of the chemistry between the characters wasn't quite there. I really, really enjoyed the teaser, but kind of the scene at the end of the credits where we got that tease for Dane Whitman and the Black Knight, I was so excited for that and what the future brings. Is there anything else that you guys are really dying to get off your chest about the Eternals? There was a lot of really lively chatter about the movie amongst all the writers and over the last few days and when it first came out. Emily well, I feel like I haven't. [00:04:11] Speaker B: Seen enough about Harry Styles as, eros I was very iffy about him joining Marvel because he has rarely acted. I know he was in Dunkirk, but it was a very small role. But I'm still kind of iffy on him, too. And I don't know when he's going to show up again. But, I mean, I'm looking forward to it to see him, to have him do more. [00:04:30] Speaker C: So, for me, in terms of cinematography, if you were to rank the MCU in terms of which movie had the best cinematography, I would definitely say Eternals was number one. I think it was by far the best looking Marvel movie. It really didn't even look like a Marvel movie in a lot of know. You know, a lot of Marvel movies have that kind of gray color scheme that's kind of in the background of every Marvel movie. I didn't really see that at all in this movie. And I thought there were a lot of really pretty scenes. The colors popped in a lot of different scenes compared to when they were in the desert or when they were in the jungle. I thought the color texture was really nice. I really liked at the end during the emergence, I thought this looked really great, like when they were on the beach and you could see TIAMA in the background kind of faded in the background. I just thought it looked really realistic. It just looked amazing. And that was definitely, like, my favorite part of the movie. I would say. [00:05:23] Speaker D: I have to agree, eternals is beautiful. It definitely has some story issues, but I was never once unhappy with anything I saw on screen. And as to your point, Drew, about MCU movies being gray a lot, I do agree. I never noticed that when I'm watching them. But, yeah, when people are putting screenshots on Twitter up against phase one movies, I am shocked at how gray and flat they've gotten. I feel like the Russos are very guilty of that. The Russos have some great, great shots. They have some really nice stuff, but everything does feel a bit desaturated. And in the Multiverse of Madness trailer, I noticed that their fight with the squid monster is so much more colorful than everything else in the MCU. And so that's something that I really appreciated about Eternals. I liked the lighting, I liked the color. I thought that they did a very good job with that. [00:06:08] Speaker C: And as great as Thor Ragnarok was and how colorful Taikawitzki tried to make it look, I think the colors were super desaturated, and I think that took away from the colorfulness of the movie. I know that they changed the Thor Ragnarok logo to make it seem like the movie was going to be really colorful, and I think it was, but it was very desaturated, especially on the bridge fight at the end. During Thor Ragnarok, I've seen a couple of screenshots on Twitter where you can just really tell that it's very CGI and very drained out. Like the color is very drained. And I'm just hoping that in phase four, we get some different styles. I really did appreciate how in Eternals they were going in a different direction. I think that was the right step in terms of cinematography and movie making, because Marvel, for the most part, they have good stories. For the most part, they haven't really struggled. Besides Eternals, their stories are fine. It's just if they made better for me, personally, I think if their cinematography was better, I think a lot of these movies would be a lot higher on my ranking, I would say. [00:07:10] Speaker A: I think you really nailed it, uday, too, with the Multiverse of Madness, because I think that the more saturation the brightness, the color is also a Sam Raimi thing. And you can see his style in that trailer compared to the style in the original Spider Man movie. So that's a real strength that he's bringing, I think, to the Marvel universe of now. Our site recently uncovered some evidence that Icarus may be returning in the movie. He blasted off into the sun to close off his arc after the team stopped the celestial Tiamuth from being born and destroying the Earth. Where do you guys think we could see Icarus? Return. Do you have any thoughts on that? Is he gone forever? [00:07:48] Speaker C: I actually mentioned this in our group chat. I said, I think that Icarus is dead. I think Icarus flew into the sun. I think he's dead. I think Marvel left it in kind of like a cliffhanger. Maybe he is dead, maybe he isn't dead. And I think what's going to happen is he is dead. But as we saw in the movie with Erashem, they can basically bring any Eternal back to life with the world forge. I mean, when we saw, you know, when talking to Erashem, they have all of their memories, basically. So really, Erashem could make Icarus again and basically restore a lot of his memories because before Earth, the Eternals have been to who knows how many planets. And what I think is really interesting is that they have that memory lodged. So what happened with the Eternals on previous planets before the memory was wiped? I think that's something that could be discovered and explored in upcoming movies, and I think maybe that could change the dynamic of the Eternals team a little bit based off of what happened in previous planets. What was their story there? Because so far we've only seen Earth, and I think if Marvel was smart, they could incorporate what their story was on previous planets. [00:08:56] Speaker D: Yeah, I definitely agree. I think that there's a ton to explore there and I'd really like to find out what the Eternals were like on those other planets. I think that that's something that the sequel should definitely explore. If we get a sequel, since we don't have an announcement right now. But yeah, I don't think Icarus is dead either. I'd be fine if he was. I don't really care about him. But yeah, having the world forge or whatever just gives you a cheat code to get any Eternal back whenever you want. [00:09:22] Speaker B: I totally agree with the both of you there that any Eternal could come back at any time because of the world forge and because Arisham has all of their memories and stuff. But I'm not sure where he could possibly pop up. [00:09:35] Speaker C: You know, I don't know if anybody caught that. Sama Hayek also kind of slipped up and said that she signed, like a multi picture deal with Marvel. So I think on top of Icarus not being dead, to me, I think the Icarus we know is dead. I think he is gone, and I think that another version of Icarus will come back. I think the same thing is going to happen with Ajax. I think her version is dead, and I think maybe Arishem could kind of reboot Ajak and bring her back and kind of try to recollect the Eternals and maybe sway them in a different going to be for Erashem. It's going to become political. I think he's going to potentially use Icarus or Ajax to sway some of the Eternals away from protecting Earth. Like they have. [00:10:19] Speaker A: Do you think it makes their deaths less meaningful if they can just essentially be respawned anytime in the world forge? [00:10:26] Speaker C: Yeah, I do. We've seen Marvel do that a number of times with Loki. That was kind of the whole thing. It didn't bother me that they brought back Loki. I thought the way that they brought back Loki really worked. And I think it didn't take away from his death. His death was still meaningful. It still affects Thor. They've kept Thor and Loki mainly separate, so it didn't really take away from their story. So it didn't bother know, looking at Loki before the Loki TV show came out, we're like, well, they're bringing back Loki. Like, Loki's not dead. And we felt like that took away from his death. But I think seeing that this is kind of like a new Loki, he's going in a completely different direction than he was with Thor. I think that minimalized taking away from his death. And I think they could definitely kind of incorporate that with Icarus and Ajax. Maybe they show up in different places. I'm not sure. It just depends on if there's a sequel or not. [00:11:14] Speaker D: So I do feel like the world forge could easily become a crutch because Marvel does constantly bring people back. And I do think that it's getting extremely irritating at this point. Even Vision, I don't think Vision coming back in. WandaVision took anything away from his death, but he just died again. And I mean, it's great. It's good character development, everything's good, but I'm tired of it. If you want to kill these characters, then kill them. And if you want them around, then don't keep killing them and bringing them back. So I would not be surprised at all if the world forge, if the Eternals go there in the sequel and they bring their loved ones back, but then they destroy the whole thing because then that would actually give stakes if you can't bring them back anymore. [00:11:52] Speaker A: That's such a good point. So the initial release of the Eternals was part of the 2021 movie and television cycle, and I wanted to spend some time just to talk about that year as a whole. We're going to kind of break it down by medium. Since we've already chatted about the Eternals, let's talk about other movies that were the most anticipated of 2021. We had Black Widow Spiderman, Shangchi Dune, the Suicide Squad, ghostbusters, Encanto and many more. Was there anything that you were really pumped for in 2021 and did it live up to your hype? [00:12:21] Speaker D: Uday I was really excited for obviously, like, the Marvel movies. I think Shangchi definitely lived up to my hype. Black Widow really impressed me because I was getting really worried about it, like, the closer that we got to release. But it's one of my favorite Marvel movies. Spider Man, No Way Home was great, but honestly, to just it feels like a movie that doesn't exist. I see clips on Twitter and I felt like this when the trailer came out, I felt like it looked like a fake movie. And even though I've seen it twice in theaters, I still feel like that whenever I see a clip or anyone talking about it or all these screenshots and everything, there's no way that actually happened, right? And I think it's a combination of just finally a bunch of fan service wishes coming true and then also COVID making everything so unpredictable. But yeah, I feel like no Way Home isn't really going to cement itself in my brain for another year. [00:13:10] Speaker B: I feel the same way. Uday about Spiderman, it doesn't feel like a real movie. Still, even though everyone's sharing their thoughts and screenshots of the movie and stuff and clips on TikTok, it's crazy to think that we actually have it. Last year I was really looking forward to Black Widow and I had she's been my favorite since Iron Man Two came out when I was ten. So I'm so happy that I ended up getting to see it in theaters because that was one of my worries is that I wouldn't shangchi surprised me because I didn't really know anything about him going in. So I was so happy with that and the new characters that they gave us there. And Kanto also surprised me too. But you know, with anything like musical with Disney, it's going to end up being good and this was just fantastic to me. [00:13:51] Speaker C: So I have four movies that I can talk about that I have thoughts on. At least I'll start with Black Widow. I definitely did not like Black Widow that much. I'm sorry to Uday and Emily, but I did not like Black Widow that much. I thought COVID probably had caused the movie to struggle a little bit and I thought that the plot itself struggled. Maybe they had some rewrites. And I think Scarlett Johansson was definitely open about that know her lawsuit. She definitely didn't get the movie that she wanted. That's unfortunate. But I think it was still a good movie and I think it introduced Yelena, who's going to be a major character for the next ten years. I mean, everybody loves yelena. She has definitely already cemented herself as the next popular female character along with Kate Bishop and other characters. So that was definitely a shining moment out of that movie was Yelena. And I think the Red Guardian too. I think he was great. I definitely think that Marvel will bring those two back and I think they were great. Shang Chi. I thought Shang Chi was great also. I thought it was a really good looking movie. And the movie was shot during COVID for the majority of the movie. And I thought it still looked really good. I thought the CGI looked really good. I thought the action was really good, and I thought that the set pieces were really good. It just was really impressive that they were able to make a movie like this. During COVID I really liked how the entire village was real. It wasn't fake. It wasn't like a CGI background or anything. I thought that looked really good. And even at the end with the CGI, the dragons and stuff, I thought that looked really good, too. So overall, I was really impressed with Shangchi and I liked the characters, too, which is really important. I liked Shangchi a lot, and I think a lot of people are going to like him for the next ten years or so. For Dune, I'll talk about quickly. Dune. I've really loved Dune. I love the cinematography. I thought it was one of the most beautiful movies I've seen in as long as I can remember. I was really, really shocked by it. I just really thought it just blew me away how big the movie was. The story itself didn't blow me away. I thought it was pretty basic, maybe because a lot of stories were spun off of Dune in the Dune books. But it was just kind of the same thing with Eternals, where I thought Eternals looked amazing. The story didn't wow me that much. It was kind of the same thing with Dune. Finally with Spider Man. No way home. Agree with Uday and Emily. It's a movie that doesn't really feel real to just we've been hearing so much about it for the past year and I think we've all kind of I mean, me personally, I've had dreams about the movie, about what it's going to look like and stuff. So for us, I think it's hard for us brains to process that it's real because this is just like pure fan service, what we all imagined to happen. It almost looks like a fan edit. It looks like somebody made like a fan movie or like a fan edit, like a CGI edit. And I really did love the movie. I thought the story itself was really good. I thought they hit a lot of emotional beats. I thought that the relationship between the three Spider Men were amazing. I thought they did a perfect job at that. I really hope that we can see another movie with them in the future. And overall, I thought the movie was great. I think COVID obviously held the movie back in some aspects. Some actors weren't able to be on, you know, Thomas Hayden, Church's Sandman, he was all CGI. Same thing with the lizard. They even had to reuse scenes. So I think in some sense, COVID probably held back a little bit of the movie and that's kind of my only complaint. But overall, I thought the movie was great and I don't really have too many complaints about it. [00:16:52] Speaker A: Those are all such good choices. I'm going to move away from the Marvel movies for a second and I'm going to talk about Free Guy because I kind of saw an advertisement for it and was a little bit interested. But when I actually saw it, I was totally blown away. And I was blown away with that movie for a couple of reasons. First, Ryan Reynolds was just so charming and so charismatic in that he is this NPC guy and he just plays it perfectly. Second, I really liked that it was based off of an original idea. What if you were a video game character? And I thought that was really unique, especially since we are in the land of everything is IP, everything is sequels. So that was very fun to see and very fun to see how they pulled it off. And a little bit related to that, I really enjoyed seeing kind of all the Easter eggs that were layered in that movie. I think Free Guy was done by Fox, which know, ultimately owned by Disney, so they had a lot of stuff to play with. They could play with some of the Star Wars Easter eggs, some of the Avengers Easter eggs, and then they had all these video game references, which was just so fun to me because I like video game. That's my top movie of 2021. Was there anything that you guys watched in 2021 that just wasn't worth it? And I'm going to use Netflix's Don't Look Up as an example because one of our writers, Brian, was so passionately against that movie. He hated it. And there have been a bunch of other strong feelings about that movie. For whatever reason, you don't have to use Don't Look Up. But was there anything in 2021 that wasn't worth your time? [00:18:22] Speaker B: I did watch Dune and I didn't really like it that much. So I kind of felt it was not worth my time. But I can't remember anything else that I watched last year that just wasn't worth my time because I remember liking mostly everything. [00:18:34] Speaker D: I have to agree, Emily. I also watched Dune. It was a wonderfully made movie. It had great world building, but by the end of it I was just really ticked off because I'm like, this is basically just a two and a half hour trailer for a movie that you haven't even greenlit yet. And what I told my friends is that Dune felt like it felt like something like Mocking J part one. Or like Deathly Hallows part one. It felt like it was made as part one of a two part movie, but with part two already filmed and ready to release in eight to twelve months. But it was filmed as a part One with a part two not guaranteed. And so that annoyed me because it was a good part one movie. But with part two not coming out for like another two years, I felt like it was a waste of time because I liked it and I wanted more of it. But by the time the second movie comes out, I doubt I'm going to care about it anymore. [00:19:21] Speaker C: So for me, I hate to say it, I was not the biggest fan of Black Widow. I feel bad saying it, but I definitely wasn't the biggest fan of Black Widow. I think the shining moments of that movie, I don't want to reiterate what I said already, but I liked Yelena, I thought she was great. I liked The Red Guardian, I thought he was great, but everything else kind of felt disappointing and underwhelming, I would say. And I think it would have been a movie that would have been better received if it was released in chronological order, like right after Civil War, before Infinity War, and kind of led us into what was going to happen in Infinity War because it almost felt like we knew what was going to happen. It was like a movie where you went in kind of knowing what was going to happen, where you didn't really feel surprised at the end. You're just like, oh, okay, this was a movie. It didn't really leave me feeling anything, but like I said, the shining moment of that movie, obviously. And I'm sure Marvel feels the same way as Florence Pugh. She's going to be one of Marvel's big stars for the next decade. [00:20:19] Speaker A: Florence Pugh was such a breakout in that movie and I think for me also, I struggle with Black Widow, and that's because it feels so out of place for me. We had Natasha's death in endgame, and that was so meaningful and so emotional and it's strange and hard to kind of have her come back and have this story. That would have been great if it was told before Endgame, if it was know in that period prior to it when we were still kind of wondering what was going just it hit a little bit weird after we had already had her death. And a movie that I really also didn't like at all was the Space Jam sequel. I don't remember entirely what it's called, but it had LeBron James and it was just no original Space Jam. And I think part of that was because I saw the original Space Jam with Michael Jordan in theaters and this movie, this just felt like a cash grab and there was so much merchandise with it and the story was weird and it was not fun. Now that we're done with movies, let's talk a little bit about television. One big thing that happened with TV last year were the Disney Plus TV series. Comic book fans got their own version of what some have said as Prestige TV, but we also had top notch content from Netflix, HBO, Max and Amazon. It was the year of Hawkeye the Never. Superman and Lois, Shadow and Bone, just to name a few. Were there any shows in 2021 that you were really anticipating and did they live up to your hype? Did they deliver? [00:21:43] Speaker C: I think this is going to be one that I could go on for forever about. But I really did like WandaVision. I thought WandaVision was really well made. The idea was super original. I mean, I had never when I first heard the idea, I thought it was crazy. I thought it was great. And the first couple of episodes really nailed it. I think episodes one through episodes one through six generally were really good. I think it led us up to we thought it was going somewhere that it ultimately didn't end up going to. And I think at the end that left fans a little disappointed. At the beginning we had all the rumors about the villains and stuff and the surprise actors and all these random leaks and stuff. And I think that really kind of created a lot of discourse for the show and it made people think that the show was going somewhere that it wasn't. So I think that's why the ending was somewhat disappointing for fans. On top of that, they were almost done shooting and COVID, they even came out and said that COVID kind of hindered the final episode a little bit and that's why the CGI was rough. And you could definitely tell that a lot of stuff is reshot, but overall WandaVision is definitely, maybe I would say it's the second best TV show behind Loki. Continue into that. I thought Loki was amazing. I thought Loki was just as original. I thought it was fantastic. I really liked it and I'm really looking forward to seeing where season two goes. And at the moment I can't really tell where season two is going to go. And that is, I think, where they left it off as a great cliffhanger. And I really liked how they kind of introduced Kang and used that as the big introduction point for Kang because he really kind of feels like the time boss thanos kind of ruled space. And I think it's going to feel like Kang rules time. And I think what's going to happen is with these Avengers movies, you're going to see them kind of battling through time instead of battling for the Infinity Stone. So my two favorite Disney Plus shows were Loki and WandaVision. I liked Falcon and the Winter Soldier. It didn't really leave that much of lasting impression on me. And I'll say the same thing about Hawkeye. I liked Hawkeye. I thought Kate Bishop yelena were great. I didn't think they do it. They really didn't do a whole lot for Clint. They didn't advance his story at all. It kind of just felt like a setup for Kate and that kind of left me a little annoyed. I wasn't exactly the biggest fan of what they did with Kingpin. I'm hoping they kind of fix that and wherever he shows up next. But I'd say overall, my two favorite Disney plus shows were Loki and WandaVision. [00:23:55] Speaker A: Was there anything not on Disney Plus. That you really enjoyed. [00:23:58] Speaker C: Oh, I'm trying to think. I am one of the last people in the world who watches Walking Dead. And The Walking Dead is currently on its last season. It's going to be on its final season. It's finally going to be over. I know people are like, why isn't the show ever ended? But it's on its last season. I've stayed true to the show. I've been watching the last season and I think they're doing a good job with the last season. I think ever since they brought on a new showrunner, I think the show has kind of reinvented itself. It's not what it used to be. So I would say for anybody who hasn't watched it in a while, give the last couple seasons a chance. [00:24:30] Speaker D: So I definitely agree about WandaVision. I feel like the Marvel Disney Plus shows were kind of hit and miss in a lot of different aspects. For me, I don't think any of the shows ended super strongly. I think Hawkeye was the only one that really managed to stay consistent week to week. And I'm sure part of that is because of COVID But with WandaVision, I definitely think it became something too big because I know that people were disappointed at the ending. I have my own gripes with the ending, but not because of fan theories, just because of basic filmmaking. Things like how supporting characters just drop out of the show with no explanation. But for the most part, I really love WandaVision and I'll defend it to the end of the Earth. But I do feel like the creators of WandaVision thought that they were so much smarter than the audience and so they kept trying to trick us and create all of these mysteries. And it worked to a degree. But then it also got out of hand and led kind of like this disappointment and this backlash towards the end, which again, it isn't their fault. But I feel like there are some things about WandaVision that could have been improved. But overall it was a really good show. It's still my favorite Disney Plus show. I liked Loki well enough, but to me it did not feel like a Loki show at all. It just felt like a way to kind of Trojan horse king into the MCU. And I liked it. Overall. I liked the things it introduced, but I did not care for Loki himself at all in the show. I liked Sylvie, but that TVA version of Loki, I would be perfectly fine if we never saw him again. But yeah, I liked Hawkeye. That's like my second favorite show. You're right. It didn't do much for Clint, which is kind of disappointing, but it did so much for Kate and it had a lot of good character development. I know people were complaining week to week that nothing is happening and I think it could have done with a little bit more plot, but I didn't mind just hanging out with Kate and Clint every week. What if should have been a Bingeable series? I think that was like, a huge mistake. And then Falcon and the Winter Soldier was great, but that was one show that felt like it should have just been a movie instead of a series. [00:26:23] Speaker A: Was there anything off of Disney Plus that you really enjoyed or were anticipating? [00:26:28] Speaker D: Not really. I find it really hard to keep up with TV now, so when the Marvel shows are just six episodes, like once a week, that's fine. But I used to watch every CW show. I never even made it around to Superman and Lois, which I really want to eventually, but I don't watch many other shows. I never just sit down and watch. Like the only time I really have to catch up on TV is when I'm building Lego sets, so I don't have much else to say about anything else. [00:26:53] Speaker C: Yeah, I'll add I used to watch all the CW shows, and I don't watch any of them anymore. I mean, I don't watch the flash. I haven't even seen an episode of Superman and Lois. They kind of ruined the CW, I would say. And that's really disappointing because Arrow used to be an amazing show, and the early seasons of The Flash used to be really good, so that bugs me, too. I used to love watching CW shows every week, but now they're not very good. [00:27:14] Speaker B: I really loved WandaVision this year, too. I will agree with both of you that sometimes they did think that they were a little too smart and they thought that they could outsmart the audience and there were some things that could have been a little better, but it was probably my favorite show of 2021. I love the sitcoms, like, through the decades. I thought they did that really well because I love sitcoms, so something me and Wanda have in common. I loved Hawkeye this year, too. Oh, the bad batch. The Star Wars animated show. I like that they were kind of continuing it because it feels like a continuation of Clone Wars, a little bit of Rebels, and I'm a huge fan of both those shows, and there wasn't a lot of hype around it, which is understandable, but I still think for the first season, they did a good job. And on Hulu, there was only murders in the building, and that surprised me just because of the cast, because it was like Selena Gomez and Steve Martin. [00:28:03] Speaker A: And steve Martin, yeah. Martin short, I think. [00:28:06] Speaker B: Yeah, Steve Martin. Martin short. It surprised me just like how well the three of them were, really. [00:28:12] Speaker A: That pairing or I guess that triplicate, whatever you want to call it, is really an interesting thing. And they really work so well together. Emily. Is there anything besides Hulu? Besides Disney Plus? Anything on any other platform that you enjoyed? [00:28:26] Speaker B: No, it's really hard to keep up with them, I think, because I only really kind of pay attention to Disney Plus and Hulu. HBO Max Young Justice came out last year, and they're still putting out episodes because this season isn't over yet. But that's been really good so far, too. [00:28:39] Speaker A: So I'm going to ask you guys something that wasn't quite on our little question or topic list, but I'm really curious. So all three of you cited the mystery with WandaVision and the show's creators and big bosses kind of thinking that they could outsmart the fans. Do you think that they planned to kind of unleash this beast of Twitter theories and website theories? Did they know what they were creating when they made these episodes and this weekly schedule? [00:29:06] Speaker C: So I think they did, but I didn't think that they thought it would go to this level. I also thought with the WandaVision, I think that they had a perfect opportunity to go to these places. Like they had an ability to set up Agatha as kind of the person who's delivering a message for an even bigger villain. And I do wish that they went that route. Whether it be Nightmare, I would assume it had to be Nightmare because I don't think they would allow mephisto right now. I think Nightmare was probably an option they could have went with, especially because it was referenced a couple of times that Wanda was kind of in a dreamlike state and Westview was kind of like a dreamlike state. I thought that that was something that they could have went with. To get back to the topic, I think they wanted to create that mystery. They addressed it so many times in episodes where characters were visibly confused about a mystery or something. And inside and outside of Westview, they were like, what's going on? And that's kind of like the whole theme was like, what's going on in this show? And when you bring it to that level of mystery, you have to have it pay off. And it was really obvious that Agnes was Agatha. So that reveal didn't wasn't surprising. It kind of felt like, okay, thank. Like, finally, Agatha's out of the bag. What's next? Like, what's the real mystery? And the real mystery being Agatha and her kind of know, controlling everything was kind of underwhelming. The same thing with Ralph Boner. That was a terrible idea by Marvel. I mean, I know some people thought it was funny. I just think that was a terrible idea, especially because some people were clamoring for Quicksilver to come back or Evan Peters to play a multiversal. Quicksilver, I think, kind of know, trolling Marvel fans was I just didn't think that was a good idea at all. And I'm kind of glad that now they're taking this multiverse stuff seriously and they're not know, messing with. So that's that's my thoughts on WandaVision. [00:30:51] Speaker D: See, I don't think that's a problem at all. I think it's good to be able to poke fun at your fans. And again, I feel like people were really way too dramatic about that because they were like, oh, my God, I can't believe Marvel's screwing us over with the multiverse again. And I don't understand why people were so upset when they knew that the multiverse was coming to us in, like, a year with Doctor Strange. But I do think it would have worked better with the original release schedule, because if we were going to get a giant multiverse movie packed full of real cameos a month after WandaVision ended, then I think people would have felt less burned. And the other thing is that I don't think it was a problem to make that a joke. I really liked it because I would have thrown a fit if he had actually been Pietro and stayed in the MCU, because he has that Peter. He's not even Pietro in his universe. He's Peter. He doesn't have a Wanda. I would have hated if he had actually been the X Men quicksilver, but I think the mistake was dragging it out for so long. If he wasn't going to be the X Men universe's quicksilver, there was no reason to make fans wait for three episodes only to throw him away on a boner joke in the finale. And again, I do think WandaVision's finale has issues because he's literally just in one scene in episode, like in the end credits of episode seven, then he's just mentioned in eight, and then he's in one scene in nine to clear up the mystery. But that was a huge mistake because then he just drops out of the show and he has nothing to do with it. So now you just made a bunch of fans mad for three weeks for a bad joke. Whereas in the original version of the finale, where he would have teamed up with Monica and the kids to help them get the darkhold out of Agatha's basement, at least then he would have still had a purpose and still had something to do. I do think that the creators knew what they were doing, but I don't think that they did it well. Because even, like, the stuff with Dottie, like Emma Caulfield, ford has said that she loved the idea of being like this red herring to just make fans guess. And I think that that worked for her character because people were still speculating on who is Dottie? By episode seven. But I think that they tried the same thing with Evan Peters and they just did not play that game correctly. [00:32:52] Speaker B: Yeah, I think they did definitely drag out some things, like way too long, like character reveals and stuff. Like, we all knew Agnes was Agatha. There was no need to really kind of drag it out. But I get why they did it. I think with the fans online, though, that it got so crazy and we kind of got into. To me, it felt like we stepped into a new era of leaks and fan theories and just how crazy and kind of almost how toxic Twitter felt for me, at least. So I had kind of stayed away from a lot of it while WandaVision was in its last, like, three to four episodes because I just could not read it anymore. [00:33:25] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:33:26] Speaker D: And part of that is people were speculating that Mr. Fantastic was going to be the aerospace engineer. And I'm like, first of all, that's on you. That was an extremely dumb theory. Like, no offense to anyone that thought that, but that was an insanely stupid theory that took off way too far. So I don't think the creators could have foreseen stuff like that. But on the topic of the aerospace engineer, if the aerospace engineer wasn't going to be anyone, because I believe Jack Schaeffer just said that she's just Monica's friend and she just shows up in a time of need and she named her after one of her friends in real life. That's a beautiful sentiment, but then why did you tease it for two episodes by being like, oh, I have to call my friend. Oh, great, my friend's here. Let's go meet them and then talk about in interviews. Like, wait until you see who the engineer is. There's just no reason to do that. And I feel like that's part of, again, what made the conversation so toxic and irritating on Twitter for just, like. [00:34:14] Speaker C: A period of a couple of big I completely forgot about the aerospace engineer. I thought it was actually a great idea that they ended up being scrolls. I had no problem with that. It's just the execution didn't work. I thought that there was no need to draw it out. There was no need for us to wait. A couple know the same thing know Agatha and the same thing know Ralph Boehner. I think those three plot points, I just don't know if they were clear on what they wanted to do or if they were clear on what they wanted to do. It just didn't execute properly. I mean, Agatha was a great character. I mean, she's awesome and I'm really glad she's getting her own TV show. I just thought that with the aerospace engineer, I thought you could have had Monica be like, okay, I need to call my friend, and then cut to a scene with the scrolls, or have it be in the same episode. It didn't need to be like this thing where people were guessing and waiting for this huge reveal, for it to be super underwhelming, because it wasn't underwhelming for me, because I thought it was great that it made so much sense that it was the scrolls. Because of Monica's connection to the know, obviously you could tell Dottie's character. I thought originally, I thought Dottie's character was going to be a part of Agatha's Coven of Witches or something. I thought that was a theory that I had in the beginning. I thought that would have been cool, but at the end, it definitely made sense that all these characters were just characters that actually lived in Westview and were being mind controlled. I don't know why they had to say that Dottie was the key to everything, because she really wasn't there was no resolution with her besides it just being revealed that she was a citizen of yeah, I mean, that's kind of my overall problems with the show. I'd say. [00:35:44] Speaker D: But Drew, sorry, because I noticed you kept calling the aerospace engineer crew skrulls, but they like, that was a popular fan theory. But the only skrull in the show was that FBI agent at the end who we hadn't seen before. So that confused me because I thought that the aerospace engineer were going to. [00:36:01] Speaker C: Be yeah, I'm totally I totally thought they were skrulls. I thought that man, I can't believe I didn't remember that they were just normal army people. [00:36:10] Speaker D: Yeah, but I mean, it seems so obvious that they should be skrulls. Like, I'm not at all surprised that. [00:36:15] Speaker C: You thought that, because I thought they were. I thought that the person who visited her at the end was part of that group, and she just was in normal clothes. [00:36:23] Speaker D: It's just so weird to me. And, I mean, I feel like the whole dragging out reveals thing is an issue for everything. So with Agatha, I know that they started developing WandaVision with Agatha just being there from the beginning, and they said that she was going to mentor her, and then later in development, they turned her into a villain. But then they keep saying that the show has no villain, that it's grief. And I understand that sentiment, but then why did you have an actual villain? And I love Agatha, but I'm okay with her Reveal. Her reveal didn't feel dragged out, like, too long because there were other mysteries going on. But in every other Disney Plus show for Marvel, there's too much being dragged out. Falcon and the Winter Soldier had the power broker no one needed that dragged out for, like, four know. Loki had he who remains. That was fine. I think that worked because, again, it anchored the entire show. It wasn't like an annoying side question, but then, like, Hawkeye, kingpin Hawkeye would have been so much better. I like Hawkeye. I think it was pretty good. But I think Hawkeye would have been so much better if Kingpin had just shown up and started doing things in episode three instead of only being in a single episode. [00:37:23] Speaker C: Yeah, the mystery villain thing is kind of becoming a trend with Marvel Disney Plus shows, and I think it's kind of getting a little bit stale. I really liked I think there were so many rumors. We knew Kang was coming. We knew Kingpin was coming. Powerbroker wasn't really revealed, but we could kind of guess it was going to be Sharon. The cool thing with the Falcon and the Winter Soldier was Julia Louis Dreyfus. We really didn't know who that was going to be. And we had been teased that there was a character coming, so that was cool. But I think with Marvel, they got to switch it up. They can't keep going with these mystery characters that we have to wait six weeks for. I think it's going to get really stale and people are going to get really tired of it. On top of that, Marvel has had a ton of leaks. We've known half the villains that were coming already, so there was really no payoff for it. We knew Kingpin was coming. We knew he was the big man at the top. We knew Kang was coming. We didn't know what version of Kang. Yeah, with WandaVision, we knew it was Agatha. I think we're going to see a change in kind of the trend of D Plus shows moving into 2022 with like SheHulk and Moon Knight, Ms. Marvel, I think they're going to kind of move past that secret villain trend. [00:38:25] Speaker A: It's so interesting to hear this debate and just to hear the strong, passionate feelings about WandaVision because it was so, such a thing. It inspired so many theories, so many thoughts from people. But for now, I think we can kind of close the door on 2021 and move on. It's 2022. We've got a lot of really cool content this year, and now we can talk about that content and talk about what we're excited to see. There's so much coming out. So what are the two television series? Not just on, you know, on any of the mediums, although I have a feeling it's all going to kind of skew Disney Plus that you're most excited for and why I can go away. [00:39:04] Speaker C: From Disney Plus for a second. I'm definitely excited for the new Game of Thrones prequel. Me, I'm a huge. Game of Thrones is my favorite show of all time. I know everybody hates the ending, and I don't really love the ending either. I don't love season eight. It wasn't very good. But I love the show in general. And for me, I'm one of very few where the ending of a TV show doesn't really matter to me because I don't want it to be over. So the way it ends, I don't really care. I just love the show in general, and I'm really excited for what they're going to do with the new Game of Thrones show. I think George R. R. Martin is the creator of Game of Thrones. He's really heavily involved in it. His stories have been excellent. I think they're going to go in a really good direction, bringing back all the dragons. I hope it's going to be another cultural event. Sad is a show that I am very excited for with Lord of the Rings, too, a new Lord of the Rings show. I hope it's going to be really good. I just hope that Game of Thrones and the Rings aren't going to be too similar. I feel like they're going to come out around the same time, so I feel like I just hope it isn't too much of the same thing where I get burnt out. Those are definitely two shows that I'm really excited for. Besides, obviously, all the Marvel shows. I'm excited for all the marvel D Plus series. I'm excited for Mando, season three of the Marvel shows. [00:40:12] Speaker A: What are your most anticipated for this year? [00:40:15] Speaker C: That's tough. I would say Secret Invasion is probably at the top. I think Moon Knight is going to be like marvel. The MCU's version of Daredevil just kind of seems like they're heading in that direction, where it's going to be kind of dark and a darker story. It seems like they're heading that way, and I think that's probably why Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawke signed on. I think Ethan Hawke did an interview where he know it's not your typical Marvel story. And off the first trailer, it definitely seemed to be going in a much different direction. It doesn't really look like a Marvel show. Kind of hard to think, like, this is in the same universe as Spider Man, all that stuff. So I think Moon Knight is a show I'm excited for. I'm very excited for she Hulk. I think she Hulk's gonna be very is gonna be like, world building show. I think she Hulk is gonna be like, the world building show across all of Marvel's street level characters. I think that's gonna be really good. Miss Marvel. I'm not gonna lie, I'm really not that excited for Miss Marvel. I hope that the show changes my mind. Definitely gonna watch it. I mean, I watch all the Marvel shows, so I'm hoping that that changes my mind. But overall, I think Secret Evasion probably at the top. They have, like, an all star cast. I mean, the whole cast is insane. I think they're definitely setting it up to be one of Marvel's best shows, and I'm hoping that it lives up to that. [00:41:23] Speaker B: For shows, I'm really excited for Kenobi and Archer, season 13. For Archer, the way they left off, like, season twelve spoilers. The mom left because the voice actors died in real life. So it was kind of like a bittersweet moment for the show, and it was a good goodbye to her as well. It was actually the first time I cried at Archer, which surprised me because usually it's just like, a funny show and sometimes serious, but I've never, ever cried at it. But that really hurt me also because they were spies again, finally. But now the agency was sold, so it's confusing as to where they're going with it at the moment. And I'm amazed that it's lasted 13 seasons for Disney Plus. Like marvel stuff. I am really excited for moon knight and SheHulk and then like all the other star wars shows as well. I'm really hoping that miss marvel is good because that's one of the ones that I'm really looking forward to. But with all the rumors and just, it's hard to kind of block those out and this is like, what are they doing with it? So I just hope that it kind of stays true to the comic book story and that they are doing a good job with it. [00:42:22] Speaker C: Yeah, I think at the moment, I don't think we really know what's going on with miss Marvel. They're about to go into heavy reshoots. I would guess that means they're probably going to change some of the story. I think at the moment, that show is kind of up in the air and the trajection it's heading in is not the best. I'm hoping that they can turn that show around and that it's going to be good. I think marvel's a really interesting character, and I hope that they stay true to her comic book abilities and her comic book story. I'm looking forward to that. I completely forgot about Kenobi. I completely forgot about the obi wan show and really, really looking forward to that because I love nostalgic show. I love nostalgic movies and nostalgic shows that bring back old, like, you know, ewan McGregor was like, part of my childhood. Like, him and, you know, anakin and obi wan, I grew up on that. So it's going to be awesome to see them back. I'm really, really excited. I think obi wan is one of the best star wars characters, and I think ewan McGregor's portrayal of him was amazing. And I really hope they can delve more into that in the show. I would say that might be my most anticipated show of the year. I think it's going to surprise a lot of people. I think Kenobi is going to be really good, and I think having darth vader in it's going to be really interesting to see obiwan and darth vader kind of meet up again. [00:43:34] Speaker B: Me too. I was so happy when they said Hayden christensen was coming back for that. And I know it's not coming out in 22, but asoka, which is going to start filming this year, and he's coming back for that. So I'm just curious how he's going to fit in there if it's going. [00:43:47] Speaker C: To I think they're going to do, like, flashbacks like the clone wars. I feel like they're going to make the clone wars stuff, like canon in live action. They're going to show that I feel like it was his padawan or I think that's going to be really exciting for a lot of people to see that in live action because I know a lot of people were like, I wish we saw this in live action because it was only in the clone wars. And I think they're going to make that they're going to do a lot of flashbacks with Hayden Christensen and I bet that they're going to do kind of like what they're doing with The Book of Boba FET, which kind of scares me a little bit. I bet that they're going to do a story that takes place in the past and a story that takes place present that kind of link up in the end. And I think that's going to be really cool and that's going to be a really good way to kind of incorporate Hayden Christensen while also staying on track know thrawn being the think that's I think Ahsoka is going to be really good too. [00:44:31] Speaker A: How about you, Day? [00:44:32] Speaker D: I'm extremely excited for Ahsoka. I'm not a big Star Wars fan, but I know way too much about the franchise against my will, so I'm just kind of along for the ride for most of this stuff. I don't care about obiwan. Oh crap. Okay, I lied. I do care about Obiwan because Moses Ingram from The Queen's Gambit is in it and she said on Instagram that she has a lightsaber in the show, so I will be watching it just for her. I no longer care about andor I would have watched it, but then they cut out K Two, so and I liked his dynamic with Cassian. So with him out of there, I don't care about that show either. Mandalorian season three I'm excited for because I was not excited for it at the end of season two, but after the latest episode of The Book of Boba Fett, I'm like back on the Hype train. And then as for non Disney Plus stuff, how I Met Your Father on Hulu, I know it's already started, but I haven't watched any of it yet and I'm really looking forward to that. I can't believe that they actually made a spinoff happen. And I'm also really looking forward to the new Lord of the Rings show. We have been hearing about that for years. And with the amount of money that they poured into it, I know that even if the story is crap, it's just going to be gorgeous to look at. And I don't really think I have other big things Netflix has inventing Anna, which is really interesting. It's like the story of a Russian girl who tricked a bunch of wealthy New Yorkers into thinking that she was also rich. And then Netflix also has the Cuphead show, which I'm excited for because I just started playing Cuphead. And then as for Marvel, Secret Invasion is definitely top of my list. I don't know if it's still coming out this year, but I think that one's going to blow everyone away. I think that that will definitely be the best Marvel Disney Plus show to date. Moon knight looks incredible. She Hulk I'm also looking forward to very worried about Miss Marvel. I'm Indian, and the things that I've been hearing about. Miss Marvel make me very scared for how just for certain things, because I feel like some things feel a little bit racist on paper. So I hope that they end up being fine in the show. But, yeah, if the reshoots help improve that show, I'll be happy. But right now, I'm just terrified that it's going to be their first swing and a miss in terms of representing other cultures. [00:46:37] Speaker C: Yeah, some things we've heard about Miss Marvel, I can't believe that they sat down and thought that that was a good idea for certain things that they're doing. I don't know. I'm still kind of confused about some of the directions that they chose for that. But I think with reshoots, maybe they're kind of changing some of that. I'm definitely going to try and have a hopeful remain hopeful about Miss Marvel. [00:46:57] Speaker A: I hope they get buy in from community members and people that can say to them, hey, this is a really bad this. I'm not going to say what it is because it's all still up in the air, that this could be a really bad stereotype and is not the way to first portray a community. I'm excited about Miss Marvel. In some ways, though. I'm excited for the character of Nakia because she's a Turkish girl on TV, and I'm kind of biased with that. So I want to see how they handle it, and I hope they handle that. I'm really, really excited for Moon Knight because, like a lot of kids, I was obsessed with Egypt and Egyptian mythology, and I think that that's such an interesting place to tell a story from. And I want to see that mythology in the you know, we've already seen kind of the Norse mythology and how that's brought down to Earth, and I want to see that here with Egyptian mythology. I'm also excited for a couple of other things that are not D plus, and I think I'm the only one. So I feel like a broken record with this. But I'm excited for Shadow and Bones season two. It's on Netflix. It's based on the Ya series of books by Lee Bardugo, and I hope I'm pronouncing her name right. It's got Ben Barnes, Jesse May lay in it, and it's just really fun and a very beautifully shot kind of Soviet esque fantasy series, but that was really fun actually watching in 2021. I'm also excited about Star Trek Picard, because it's Star Trek and it's Picard, how can I not be excited about it? And the trailer recently came out, and in that trailer, hopefully this isn't too spoilery, but there was the Borg Queen. And if you watch Star Trek, if you are a fan of Star Trek, the Borg Queen is dead. She died at the end of Voyager, but now all of a sudden, she's back. So I want to see how they handle that. I want to see how she's back because Picard has such a history with the Borg Queen and see how that works out. Let's talk about movies for 2022. What single movie are you most excited to see in theaters and what movie are you excited to see but you're going to watch it from the comfort of your home? [00:49:00] Speaker D: I think picking one is kind of hard, but for me, the theater movie is going to be Doctor Strange and the multiverse of Madness just by the skin of its teeth because I'm also insanely excited for Jurassic World dominion. I'm like a huge Jurassic Park fan, and that movie is like the end game of Jurassic Park movies. It's bringing everybody back. But with what I know about Multiverse of madness and the things that hopefully I don't know, I think that that's just going to be like a theatrical experience like no other. I'm also excited to know all the other Marvel movies in theaters. Of course, the Batman is probably the DC movie I'm most excited for, but then there are a couple of other ones. I really want to see the Bob Spurgers movie. I love that show. So I'm really excited for the movie. And then Moonfall actually looks quite entertaining to me. And then don't worry, darling. I think I would also like to see in theaters. As for at home, I'm really excited for the Pixar movies like Turning Red, desperate to see that a new Ice Age movie just came out on Disney Plus. I'm also really excited for that because I love the dinosaurs from Ice Age. And then I'm cautiously optimistic about the next Fantastic Beasts movie. But especially if COVID is bad, I'm definitely not going to rush out to a theater to see it because I was not impressed with the first trailer. It looks exactly like the second movie. And so I don't really know if that's going to get me to buy a ticket. [00:50:20] Speaker C: So for me, the movie that I'm definitely going to go see is pretty obvious. It's going to be Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. That movie, I think is probably going to be on par with Spider Man. No way, home. Obviously, you know, with Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield being back, I think that along with the villains, brought everybody to theaters. And while I think no Way home would have been good if it was like Know identity crisis movie, I don't think it would mean obviously it wouldn't have made the money it made without Know crazy appearances from all. These multiversal characters that we've seen in the I think I think Doctor Strange and the multiverse of madness is probably going to follow that trend. It's probably going to be I know a lot of people are worried it's not going to be a Doctor Strange oriented movie. I think it's probably going to be a story about Dr. Strange and Wanda Maximoff with some crazy cameos added in there. I think people are probably really worried it's just going to be a cameo fest and it's going to be ridiculous. And I'm cautiously optimistic that there's going to be a coherent story that kind of has a resolution and makes sense in the grand scheme of Marvel. But in terms of movies that I'm definitely going to go see, it's got to be Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. I'm also going to go see the Batman. I think the two box office winners this year are going to be Doctor Strange and probably the Batman. Everything else I'll probably watch from home, I'm excited about not. I don't know if I'm really rushing to go see that movie, depending on how the trailer looks. Probably the same with all the other DC and all the other Marvel movies. Just depends on the trailer and if I'm really that interested in going to see it. [00:51:57] Speaker A: How about you, Emily? [00:51:58] Speaker B: I like uday. Andrew. I'm super duper excited for Doctor Strange in the multiverse of madness. I think that's going to be another great theater experience. Like Spider Man No Way Home was for sure, and I think because everyone also thinks that there's just gonna be so many cameos, I think it's gonna be timed out well. I think Toby Andrew had a good amount of time in no Way Home, so I think they'll be mindful of that when they go in and they're finishing this up and with their reshoots that they just did. But I'm also definitely going to go see the Batman. I'm excited for the Bob's Burgers movie, too. I'm a huge fan of that show, Lightyear. I'm really looking forward to that one. And Spider Man across the Spider verse, part one, which I think comes out in October, but I'm also excited for Turning Red. I know that's going to be a Disney Plus release, which was a surprise for some people, but I think it's because of how well Luca and all the other Pixar movies have been doing on Disney Plus, being just streaming releases. [00:52:52] Speaker A: I'm going to join the crowd as well. And I'm excited about the multiverse of madness, both because of what we've heard and also so I asked you guys leading up to the Spider Man movie and I say you guys as in the writers for the site. What was going to replace the hype and our excitement for it after Spiderman was done, because I thought it was going to be such a letdown. And I don't remember who it was, but someone said multiverse of madness and I didn't believe them. I was totally wrong because I am very excited for this movie to come out and I'm excited to see it in theaters. I don't know when I go back and forth, I don't know if I'm going to see anything else in theaters or if I'll just watch it from my couch. I like the convenience of watching things at home, but depending on the trailers I might go see Uncharted. I don't exactly remember when that comes out. I think it's soon though. I know we've been kind of amping up the trailers and more and more information about the movie has been released and I like Tom Holland of know I like the Nathan Drake series and the video game so I'm excited to see that and see the execution for that. And I think that I will probably go know the Black Panther movie. I think that's this year, but I might be confusing and I know the calendar has moved around a lot and we were talking about it in our little preshow mic check but I'm starting to get excited about Moonfall just because it looks so ridiculous and it looks so just over the top. It's Roland Emmerich and I think somebody said it was an indie movie but it's an indie movie with $170,000,000 budget and that's huge for any movie. So I want to see what they do with that. And I think the trailer played before Spiderman so that just made it all the more exciting. Let's talk about our actual rankings of TV of movies. What's your top four for the year? And I'm going to try to keep track of it as we go. Drew, do you want to start it off or top five for the year? [00:54:46] Speaker C: Sure for top five. Okay. So I'll go from five down to know one being anticipated and five like obviously my top five will be my top five. But number one will be the most anticipated for five. Right now I'm going to say Secret Invasion because Secret Invasion is hopefully going to be like a really big TV show. I mean it's a huge story in the comics so I would assume they're kind know Kevin Feige's tried to play it down a little bit but I would assume they're gonna amp up the level a little bit. A little bit and they're gonna make it a big four. Number four is tough. I think number four is gonna be probably Thor. Thor love and thunder. It's hard know I love Thor. I think Thor is a great character and I think having the Guardians of the Galaxy being there for a little while is going to be cool. I really like Korg. I think Korg is a really funny character and adds a lot of he's just a great character. I like his character. I think Valkyrie is great and I think people know Jane Foster become to. I think the movie is going to be a lot bigger than people think it is at the moment. Right now there's not a lot of talk about the new Thor movie. Doctor Strange is kind of overshadowing that Thor is number four. Three, I don't think that I'm going to like the movie to be honest. Just based off of what I've heard and stuff, I don't really think I'm going to like it. But I also am excited for it because I think so the movie that I'm talking about for number three is The Flash. While I'm probably not going to like the mean, it sounds pretty similar to what they're doing in Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness in terms of bringing back past characters. Obviously, Michael Keaton is going to be in Know, ben Affleck's going to be in it. They're introducing supergirl. I'm sure there's going to be a bunch of other past characters coming back that we don't know about right now, but it kind of sounds like that's what they're planning on doing. While the story doesn't sound as coherent as what Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness is, but I do love nostalgia. Like I've said, I think The Flash is definitely going to touch on nostalgia, and it's going to be a much bigger movie than people think. While it might not be as loved as Doctor Strange's, I think it's going to be kind of on par with how many characters are going to show up and stuff like that, because I think the Warner Brothers wants to match what Marvel is doing in terms of the multiverse stuff. It kind of seems like Warner Brothers and Marvel kind of do the same thing. Warner brothers might follow Marvel a little bit for number Two. This is tough for number Two. I think it's going to be the Batman. I think the Batman looks really good. I'm really excited for it. I think it's kind of like a mix to me, what the Batman looks like is like a mix between Christopher Nolan's Batman movies and kind of what Zack Snyder was doing. There's a realistic aspect to it along with kind of the comic book feel of Gotham. And it kind of seems like it's blending the reality and the comic bookiness together. And I think that's going to be a really interesting dynamic to see, kind of seeing a realistic take on a fictional Know. Christopher Nolan obviously did that, but it was so realistic to the point where it took away from certain Batman characters like Bane, where they kind of had to retcon his whole character to make it realistic. And I think they're not going to end up doing that with the Batman. They're going to make it realistic, but they're going to kind of keep that supernatural fictional world of Gotham. And then obviously, number one is going to be Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. I mean, it's kind of hard not to be really excited for that movie. I know the first trailer didn't show a whole lot. We saw an alternate version of Doctor Strange. We saw a bit of Wanda. We saw a very minor amount of America Chavez. And I think when the marketing really amps up and we see the first full trailer, I'm hoping that they kind of let us in on what's going on in this movie. And I think they will a little bit because the second trailer for Spider Man, no Way home. The first trailer, I'm going to compare the two. I'm going to compare Doctor Strange to Spider Man. The first trailer of Spider Man, they didn't show any of villains except for a very quick clip of Dr. Octopus at the end. And then in the second trailer, they kind of went ahead and let all the cats out of the bag. Besides, for Toby Maguire, Andrew Garfield, they showed all the villains and kind of what the plot of the story is and where it's going. So what I'm hoping is with this first Doctor Strange teaser, they kind of just showed a couple of characters and maybe where the story is heading. And I think in the second trailer, they're probably going to open it up a little bit more and maybe give us something that makes people think it's worth seeing because they're hiding a lot from this movie and they want this movie to perform really well. And in order for that to happen, there has to be some information out there to the public about some of the stuff that's going on in this movie that people don't know. So I think with the second trailer, they're probably going to amp up the marketing a little. Overall, you know, from what heard, I'm really, really excited for this movie. And it's going to be my number one upflate of the year. [00:59:12] Speaker A: How about you, Uday? [00:59:13] Speaker D: Okay, so making this list was practically impossible. So I'll go from the bottom up as well. I'm going to just loop these in kind of at like 6th place. Black Panther two the Lord of the Rings TV show and Fantastic Beasts. Three. Those are all kind of around the same level of anticipation because I don't know how they're going to be pulled off except for two of them. It's like bad anticipation. Like, I'm worried about them. Black Panther and Fantastic Beasts, I'm really worried about how those are going to turn out, whereas Lord of the Rings, I'm cautiously optimistic. But then getting into it proper. This list is dominated by movies. Thor, Love and Thunder is number five on mine. I'm really excited for that movie, but I have faith in taika waititi to pull it off. I'm just really excited to see how they do Jane, and I don't care. I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed until the second end credits scene that we get HeLa back. Then number four for me would be the Flash. Definitely the DC movie I'm most excited for because the Batman isn't on this list just for one reason, and that's because I have complete and utter faith in Matt Reeves. I'm excited for it, but there's nothing I'm questioning because everything in the trailers looks amazing. Batman and Catwoman looks amazing. So I'm excited for it. But I'd rather have things that like, curious about on my list. And I'm not really curious about the Batman because I feel like I know what to expect. So the Flash, I'm really looking forward to see how they do supergirl and how Michael Keaton's Batman is integrated. And I want to see if Ezra Miller can make Barry an interesting character because I did not really care for him in either version of the Justice League movie. Then Secret Invasion is number third, definitely, I think, like the biggest Disney Plus show to date. And again, like all star cast skrulls infiltration Spies. I mean, I'm just really, really excited to see how they pull that off on TV. Then second most anticipated is Jurassic World Dominion, because I'm really hoping that it's going to be good and I'm excited to see how they kind of wrap up the last, what is it, like 25, almost 30 years? Yeah, it's almost damn it's. Almost 30 years of Jurassic Park movies. And then number one is obviously Dr. Strange and the multiverse of madness. I feel like that's going to be number one for a lot of people. But I'm really, really excited to see how they pull that one off because again, I think that it could very easily become a mess. I'm hoping and praying that it doesn't, but we'll have to see. [01:01:26] Speaker A: How about you, Emily? [01:01:27] Speaker B: So at number five, I have Spider Man across the Spider verse. I'm a huge animation fan and I just love that each world that they're going to go through is going to have a different style of animation. And I'm just really excited to see Miles and Gwen again and to see Spiderman 2099 more involved, too. I feel like he's going to have like a big role, so I'm excited to see where that goes. Number four. The Batman. I like Robert Pattinson. I was happy when he got cast at first, and I was like, I think he's going to do a really good job with it. And he brought up Mask of the Phantasm in an interview the other day, and I feel like no one ever talks about that. So I'm excited that he's kind of comparing it to that. For number three, I'm excited for SheHulk. I just started reading some SheHulk comics and I'm excited for actually get a first look instead of just like that little 22nd thing that we got from Disney Plus day. And I think it's going to be really good. And I'm happy to have Mark Ruffalo back in that as well. For two, Kenobi, I'm excited to see him and Hayden Christensen come back together and be like Darth Vader and Obi Wan again. And I'm just I have no idea where that's going to. So and if Obi Wan's gonna leave Tatooine or what, and if there are gonna be flashbacks from The Clone Wars and number one, of course, doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. And it's just going to be an insane theater experience and an insane movie to see who's going to be in it and everything. I think it is going to be on like, no Way Home in a lot of ways. [01:02:46] Speaker A: There's a lot of good stuff coming up now. Is there anything else that you guys are excited for in 2022? Be it video games, comics, any other kind of medium that's in the sights genre. Uday, do you want to start it off? [01:02:58] Speaker D: I'm not a big video game person, but I know a lot of people are excited about the new Lego Star Wars game. I've played Lego Star Wars games before, but again, not my thing. I'm more into other Lego games. But if we can talk about any medium, word on the Lego street is that they're going to be releasing like a $500 Marvel set this year, which could be Avengers Tower. So that will literally break my mind because it'll probably come out like around the same time as Multiverse of Madness. [01:03:24] Speaker A: How about you, Drew? [01:03:24] Speaker C: For me, the only real video game I'm excited for this year is probably the Lego Star Wars the Skywalker saga. I mean, we talked about that a little bit earlier. I think it's going to be really cool. My only issue is I wish it was going to be multiplayer. I love playing campaign games with my friends and I wish there was more of them. And I get why it's not optimal to have a multiplayer game look as good as it does compared to a single player game where you don't have to focus about the online connection and all that stuff. But I'm definitely really excited for the game and to play it. Other than that, I think there's the second God of War game that's coming out. I just got the first God of War game and I've never played it before, actually. And I'm really excited to try it out. And I did hear that there's another God of War game coming out, so I'm going to try and finish it before that game comes out. Other than know, I don't know what the Call of Duty game that's coming out this year. I mean, I don't play Call of Duty as much as I used to when I was a kid, but I probably will still end up buying it. Other than that, I don't really know of any other games that are coming out. So I think those two games are games that I'm looking forward to this year. [01:04:25] Speaker A: How about you, Emily? [01:04:26] Speaker B: I'm excited for Gotham Knights video game because the trailer showed that the villain is going to be Court of Owls and Bruce is dead. So it kind of leaves like Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl and Red Hood, like on their own to protect Gotham. So I think it's really interesting and I love the Court of Owls story and I feel like I never hear anybody talk about it enough. It's just so good. But my fear with it though, is that Bruce isn't really dead, and the Court of Owls just kind of turned him into Talon or something like that. And he's just going to be like a surprise villain. That's going to be the plot twist, which I would absolutely hate. [01:04:57] Speaker C: Yeah, I would probably hate that, too, honestly. I wanted to add to what Emily said. I do really like the Quarter Owl story. So much so that I wrote a theory article that the Quarter Owls could be a secret kind of background villain in the Batman. And that's kind of what I pieced together was that I thought that the riddler was kind of know Bruce to the past of his parents and all the corruption in Gotham. And I thought that all of that could lead to potentially being the Court of. I just I'm really excited to see what they do with the Court of Owls and Gotham knights. And I really feel like the Court of Owls is a great story that Matt Reeves could touch on really good. I think Matt Reeves could do that really well, and I'm hoping that they do that. I think it would fit really well with the overall theme of Matt Reeves's Gotham, because it kind of seems like he keeps bringing up the word corruption and kind of this behind the scenes stuff going on, and that's kind of all about what the Court of Owls is about. So I'm really hoping that maybe that's kind of the end game for this Batman trilogy that they're doing. I think that would be a really nice kind of end game for that. [01:06:01] Speaker B: I agree with you, like, 100% true, because he keeps bringing up corruption. So I think the Court of Owls would definitely be like a good background and especially something for Bruce to uncover more towards the end of the movie, especially since this Bruce Wayne seems like he's been so cut off. It's kind of like a recluse. Just to find out about the Court of Owls at the end and then just keep going from there would be something really cool to find. [01:06:24] Speaker C: Yeah, I think it could be something that they could do towards the end of the second movie into the third movie. I feel like they're going to go with I feel like they're going to world build, and I feel like they're going to do more than three of these Batman movies. I feel like they might do four just because I think Matt Reeves wants to go through all of the Batman villains. He added so many villains in this movie with, like, Penguin, Riddler, and Catwoman and having the Batman, and I think he's going to really build, like, a really big kind of Gotham. And I think they're going to do all these villains. I think in the second movie, they're going to have just as many villains and stuff. And I would assume the Penguin is going to be back and I wonder if he's going to have all of these villains evolve into their comic book counterparts. Because if you saw on the Batman Funkos that came out, none of them besides Bruce Wayne's, Batman, none of them go by their comic book villain name. So I'm curious if that's where they're headed with the movie. [01:07:16] Speaker A: Now, a few days ago, we got news that The Rock was going to do another video game movie. So I thought I would ask you guys about it because it's kind of in genre. So he said he's going to do a movie that is for a game that his kids have played, but he can't talk about it yet. It's still very early in development, but people have been speculating. Some people have said, oh, it's Call of Duty, or it's God of War. Do you guys have any thoughts about what The Rock's mystery movie could be? We know it's not Doom because he already did that. [01:07:44] Speaker C: That's tough. I don't know, because like he said, it's a game his kids play and we don't know how old his kids are. I mean, like a Call of Duty game would be cool, but I just don't think that that would garner a lot of attention, maybe. I think it would kind of be laughed at a little bit. I think God of War would be really cool, and I think he kind of looks the part for it. I just don't know if that's what the game is going to be. Other than that, there's so many other video games that are so popular that it could really be anything. But in terms of really popular games, I don't know. I'm not sure. But I would assume that The Rock wants to do like, a classic video game. We see chris Pratt is doing Mario, and I wonder if it's going to be something super cliche like that. [01:08:22] Speaker D: Do we know if it's a console game or an app game? Because if it's an app game, it's Temple Run because Jungle, The Rock, Adventure, that kind of stuff. That's like his bread and butter. [01:08:33] Speaker A: Oh, that would be perfect for him. He didn't say what it was, but that would work so well. We love our Patreon supporters, and there was a question from our discord and our Patreon specifically about DC and the next year. And the question was, do you think DC's future looks bright? Do they have a plan? [01:08:49] Speaker B: Sure. I think for the Batman, their future looks bright, like with Robert Pattinson and Matt Reeves. Because from what I've seen so far with this movie and Drew and I said before, there's so much potential with this to be good and stuff. Honestly not sure that they have a plan to compare them to Marvel. Marvel seems that they have a plan. They definitely do have a plan, but DC, to me, it's always felt like they're just kind of like winging it and that there's no. Real specific story or point that they're trying to get to. So I honestly have no idea. [01:09:16] Speaker D: I think that DC definitely does not have any kind of plan, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I think it's been pretty clear ever since 2018 ish that they're focused on building mini franchises rather than one big franchise. When you think about how Harley kind of anchors like the Suicide Squad franchise and then now that's spinning out into peacemaker and whatever show like James Gunn is going to do next. Aquaman has its own little corner of the universe, although the trench spinoff was canceled. You've got like Shazam and Black Adam, you've got Wonder Woman, you've got the so I think DC's future looks bright on those counts that they have so many different creators doing so many different projects, and I think that they're all going to be a lot of fun and totally different. And that's cool. But personally, I don't need a universe to be interconnected like the MCU. But I don't like it when they're supposed to take place in the same universe, but then don't ever feel like they do. I liked Shazam. It's not really for me, but something that annoyed me in Shazam was how there were Batman toys on shelves at Christmas and Freddy had like a bullet that hit Superman. And I'm like in the Snyder movies, these people are portrayed as gods that are untouchable, and Batman is seen as a horrible vigilante that's branding people in the streets. So I don't understand why there's toys of him for children. So that's what I wish DC would kind of tighten up on. Because if they aren't supposed to be in the same universe, that's fine. But if they are supposed to be in the same universe, then inconsistencies like that. They don't make or break movies for me, obviously, but they just kind of tick me off. [01:10:46] Speaker C: I have a lot to touch on with this, I would say. I think a lot of what the plan going forward for DC hinges on their merger with Discovery. I think Discovery, if I'm not mistaken, does anybody know? I think Discovery is going to have majority of control of Warner Media. I think they're going to be kind of in charge of that. So I think a lot of that is going to be up to them. But overall, I think DC has so I'm going to stray away a little bit from what Uday and Emily were saying. I think DC does have a plan. I think it's going to be a lot different than what they were doing in the past. I think the Flash is going to lay the ground for what they're going for going think, you know, we've heard rumors that the Flash is going to kind of reboot some things or soft reboot some things. And I think that they're really trying. This movie, I think, is going to be what worries me a little bit is that it's going to be more about fixing the DC universe instead of focusing on the Flash. It's like, what's the point of it even being called the Flash? I think they're trying to fix the universe using the Flash movie, which makes sense because the Flash has that power to do that. But I think beyond the Flash, they're probably going to lay the groundwork for what's going forward with the Justice League and what's going forward with all these characters, because it seems like they're building a core set of characters. I'm assuming they're going to keep the Flash. I'm assuming they're going to keep Ezra Miller around. They're going to keep the Shazam around. Wonder Woman will probably be around Aquaman. I don't mean I would assume Cyborg is probably done. I don't think Ray Fisher is going to want to come back to Warner Brothers. I think overall they're going to have a have. I would assume Michael Keaton is going to stay around after the Flash is over. We have Batgirl, who's going to be a big character. We have supergirl. The one mystery is know what's up with Henry Cavill, is he going to be back? And I don't think that he is. I would assume that them introducing Supergirl in the Flash. I would assume that Supergirl is probably going to take over Henry Cavill's role as the Kryptonian of Earth. What the story for Superman is and where he goes or what's up with him remains to be seen. But I think what's going forward is with Ben Affleck checking out of the GCEU and Michael Keaton being somewhat older. And not only that, we also have Robert Pattinson, who's in a completely different universe. I think what all signs are pointing towards is Batgirl probably taking over as the main person in the Batman family, who's going to know maybe part of the Justice League. And I think that's going to be the same thing with Supergirl. I think Supergirl and Batgirl will probably take over for Batman and Superman within DC. And I would assume that they have a plan to put together the Justice League eventually. And maybe their end game is crisis on Infinite Earths. And I think if they can have a cohesive universe, interconnected and interweaved universe, that doesn't feel too much like Marvel, but they do their own thing, I think eventually they can get to a crisis level where they can bring all these characters together. We see they're going to be doing Blue Beetle. I think we're going to get a lot more obscure characters that are not really touched on a bunch. And I think DC has a plan. It remains to be seen if DC is going to be able to execute that plan. [01:13:44] Speaker A: All right, my last question. Is there a burning question that you want answered in 2022 from movies or TV fandom? Is there someone you want to know the fate of or a cliffhanger that you're just dying to see the resolution of. Emily, do you want to start? [01:13:58] Speaker B: I'm really curious to see where Wanda goes from Doctor Strange. I think she's going to obviously be around for a lot longer, but I'm so curious as to what's going to happen and where she's going to go. [01:14:09] Speaker D: Yeah, I need to find out what happens to Wanda, not just after Doctor Strange, but even just after WandaVision. I know that there's so many rumors and leaks flying around, but I'm kind of tired of that stuff. I just want to disconnect and just wait and see what happens. Also, I think a really big one is who's going to be the next Black Panther? Because we have an inkling of it. But there's so much going on with Black Panther Two that we don't really understand right now that I'm really interested to see how that all shakes out. [01:14:35] Speaker C: So for me, I have a bunch of questions. I have so many questions about what's going to happen this year. What's the direction of the Avengers? Where is that going? What's next? And we've heard a lot of talk about secret wars. I need to do some reading on secret wars because I'm not too up to date on the secret wars story. But I'm wondering if we're going to see the Avengers kind of be built back up in that movie. I wonder if what's going to happen is we're going to go into secret wars without out an Avengers team. And due to the events of Secret Wars, that Avengers team is going to use that movie as a way to build the new Avengers team. Other than that, I'm just really curious. I really want to know what's going to happen next with Spider Man. I would assume Tom Holland's gonna come back. I'm really curious what's the fate of the three Spider Man? Because I don't think this is it for Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire. I think Sony is so, like, they're gonna want them back as soon as possible. So what I think is gonna happen is I think Andrew Garfield might become a little bit more involved. I wonder if Toby Maguire is going to come back at all, because now they're kind of marvel isn't one universe. Now it's multiple universes. We're going to have the ability to revisit these characters beyond just a cameo. So in terms of Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, I'm wondering what's next for them. I do think that Sony is not going to be able to resist using them again. And I wonder if we're going to get a movie from start to finish with all three of them. And I think the camaraderie between the three of them is too hard to pass up. And I do think that Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield had such a good experience on no Way Home that they would be open to returning for the right project. I mean, Andrew Garfield's already said that he would totally come back for the right projects. I'm wondering my big questions are what's up with the Avengers and the Spider Man? What's next for that? Because I don't think that no Way Home is the end of that kind know, team up. And I think what might happen is we see Tom Holland on his own story, and then we see kind of a Spider verse story that takes place with all three of them and have those things be completely separate entities. I would really like that if we got a new trilogy of Tom Holland Spider Man movies and then completely on the side, we get our own kind of Spider verse live action story. I mean, we've already gotten one with no Way Home, but I think now they're probably going to do I feel like they're going to do another kind of Spider verse movie, live action movie eventually. [01:16:56] Speaker A: And I have three things that are all Marvel related that I want to, like, I want an answer to. So my first one is that I want to know who bought Avengers Tower. It was 2019. I think that it was sold, right? 2020, I forget. And we still don't. [01:17:09] Speaker D: 17? [01:17:10] Speaker B: Oh, no. [01:17:10] Speaker A: Are you serious? [01:17:11] Speaker D: That was yeah, we've been wondering since the first Spider Man. [01:17:15] Speaker A: Oh, no. [01:17:16] Speaker C: I think it was like probably right after Civil War or something. [01:17:22] Speaker A: So depressing. [01:17:24] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:17:24] Speaker A: Well, I want to know, and I hope we get an answer soon. Some of the stuff I've seen about multiverse of madness, maybe we'll get an answer. I don't know. Building off of that, I want to know the fate of Oscorp, because in the last Spider Man movie, we were told that Oscorp doesn't exist. And that's a huge part of the other Spider Man movies and the whole lore of Spider Man. And I just want to see, is there a Norman Osborn counterpart in the MCU? What does he do? Why hasn't Know tried to take over the world yet? Because it seems like there's a counterpart for everyone in this multiverses. And my last thing is about Eleanor Bishop. At the end of Hawkeye, we saw her arrested, and I want to see how she gets out of it because I assume she's going to get out of it. I want to see how that plays out, and I want to see the relationship between her and Kate evolve and change. And I want to see what lawyer she uses because there are a lot of cool lawyers now in the MCU. I don't know if it's going to be Daredevil, She Hulk. I think that'll be really fun to explore, and I hope we get that this I okay. [01:18:31] Speaker C: So I feel like I doubt Matt Murdoch would be Eleanor's lawyer just because of how much he hates Kingpin. But at the same time, I also think maybe he could because Eleanor was kind of trapped with he. She kind of was doing this work against her will because of her husband, and I wonder if they're going to tie Daredevil into that. It's just I don't really see how. I feel like the vibe of Daredevil and the vibe of Kate Bishop might not mesh very well. And that was my worry with Kingpin being involved with Hawkeye. And it wasn't that mean. I loved seeing Kingpin. I'm just curious if that vibe would mesh. And to add to that, I thought originally that Kingpin would have bought Avengers Tower, but now we found out that that isn't true. I also thought it would have been oscorp, but now we found out that isn't true. And not only that, in an interview during the press junket for no Way Home, tom Holland says that he knows who bought the Avengers Tower. So it makes me wonder if there's already something like filmed for that. Maybe Doctor Strange could introduce that or something. I wonder if it's going to pop up in somewhere that we just don't expect. And I wonder if it could be something just super outdoor that we didn't expect. I mean, a lot of people have said the they've known, they've shown no signs of that. Just I wonder what the plan is for. Yeah, I'm with Isla on that. I'm really curious about that. [01:19:49] Speaker A: I think the Eleanor Bishop and Daredevil stuff is really interesting because at the end of Hawkeye, she said that she kept insurance, right? She kept files on everything horrible that Kingpin had done. And I wonder if that would be something that's of interest and useful to know. [01:20:07] Speaker C: I don't know. [01:20:08] Speaker A: That's all we have for today. Thank you for joining us here at the Cosmic Circle and for listening at home. Thank you for supporting us on Patreon and on our website, Thecosmiccircus.com. Let's go around one more time. I'm Isla Ruby. My social media is tulin writes on Twitter and I am slowly rewatching picard so I can write some more about season two. Uday. [01:20:29] Speaker D: I'm uday. I'm at Golden Ninja 3000 on all social media and I've just been working on school and YouTube and this site and my other job. So, yeah, I'm pretty busy. [01:20:41] Speaker B: I'm Emily. My Twitter is Emilymcd Eleven. And right now, I'm working on getting some TikToks ready for our new TikTok account. My cosmic Circus on TikTok. So go follow us there. And actually I've started watching Daredevil too, so I'm really enjoying it. [01:20:56] Speaker C: I'm Drew. I'm currently not on Twitter, but I'm working on some articles right now. I'm working on stuff about Boba FET. I'm working on hopefully an interesting article about Dr. Strange and I'm going to continue to work on probably the Star Wars and Marvel stuff all year. So that's what I've been working on so far. [01:21:14] Speaker A: Thank you for listening and see you next time on thecosmiccircus.com.

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