February 22, 2022


The Cosmic Circle Episode 8: 'Peacemaker' Season 1 Review and Discussion

The Cosmic Circle Episode 8: 'Peacemaker' Season 1 Review and Discussion
Cosmic Circus Podcasts
The Cosmic Circle Episode 8: 'Peacemaker' Season 1 Review and Discussion

Feb 22 2022 | 01:05:50


Show Notes

Listen in on episode 8 of The Cosmic Circle podcast as host Uday, along with Ayla, Anthony, and The Cosmic Circus' Editor-In-Chief Lizzie Hill discuss the first season of James Gunn's Peacemaker series, now streaming on HBOmax! (SPOILERS!!)

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 <silence> Speaker 1 00:00:16 Hey everyone. Welcome back to the Cosmic Circle. This is the official podcast for the cosmic circus.com, where the sites writers get together to chat about comic books, sci-fi, and fantasy films and TV series. This week, we'll be talking about the first DC extended Universe streaming series, the One and Only Peacemaker. I'm Uday Kataria, writer for the Cosmic Circus. And joining me today are my fellow writers, ILA and Red, as well as our very own editor-in-chief, miss Lizzie Hill. It's great to have you as a speaker today, Lizzie. How are you doing? Speaker 2 00:00:48 Uh, I'm doing pretty good today. Uh, I've been very pretty busy lately, but, uh, other than that, we've been doing pretty good. How are you? Speaker 1 00:00:57 I'm doing pretty good as well. How's everyone else doing? Speaker 3 00:01:00 I'm Isla and I'm, I'm really good and happy to be here and I'm excited that Lizzie is here because that's a big deal. Speaker 2 00:01:07 <laugh> Speaker 4 00:01:08 <laugh>. And I'm Anthony, uh, or known as Red as well on Discord. I'm doing great tonight. I'm excited to talk about Peacemaker, one of my best shows I've seen in a long time. Speaker 1 00:01:17 Alright. Um, I think that that's a great way to get started because I think that everyone found it pretty odd when peacemaker was announced as the dce u's first foray into television. Um, personally, I hated peacemaker in the suicide squad, not in like a fun way. Like I just straight up hated him. And the trailers for the show didn't do anything at all for me. They did not make me wanna watch it. Um, but I ended up liking it a lot more than I expected. So how did everyone else feel at the beginning and how do you feel now? Speaker 2 00:01:48 Yeah, I mean, I, I would tend to agree with you about like, how I felt about it going in. I was just like, why, why are they doing this? And I, I didn't really see the appeal in the character at all. And, and I sort of, I definitely gave it a lot of side eye going in, even though I, you know, I, I like what, uh, James has done in the, you know, in the suicide squad. I liked, and I really loved The Guardian to the Galaxy Films and, uh, you know, I, and I actually enjoyed Slither, even though I don't usually do horror movies, so, but that's a new, a good horror. But yeah, so I, I, I wasn't very unsure about it, but, um, it, it grew on me. It usually, it was by the like, you know, maybe third or fourth episode that it had grown on me, and I definitely made a turn. Speaker 3 00:02:32 So I'm coming at this, I think, from a different perspective than most of you guys. I still haven't seen the Suicide Squad, and I don't know that I will. I came into peacemaker and I was excited, uh, about peacemaker because of John Cena. You know, I'm, I'm a wrestling fan. I've been to a lot of WWE shows in my life. I've watched a lot of wrestling. I've even watched pretty much all of total ballads because of John Cena and wrestling. So I guess of all the characters, I'm not surprised that John Zena is the one who gets his own, uh, DC show and the very first d dc show. That doesn't surprise me. He is, you know, if you've watched wrestling, if you've read anything about, you know, his routines and how he structures his life, he's essentially a workaholic. So, I'm not surprised that this was the first show, and this was the first spinoff Speaker 4 00:03:17 When they first announced the show. I was pretty excited. I'd even remember back in the first podcast we did for the show when we did DC Fandom that I was the only one talking about it that was like, Hey, I'm excited about this peacemaker show. Everyone else was like, eh. So it's good to see everyone else coming around to it. He did such a great job in the Suicide Squad, so I knew he was gonna do great on his own TV show, and, and the trailers did not do justice into how deep of a character they were gonna go with peacemaker. So from the get go, I was excited. Still, I'm excited, continue to be, bring on season two. Speaker 1 00:03:48 So talking about peacemaker himself, what do you think of his character arc throughout the entire show? And fair warning, there will be spoilers ahead because we're not gonna avoid talking about anything. Speaker 2 00:03:58 The show really surprised me about what, what they did with him. Uh, and I think the characters were more the appeal than anything. You know, there was a lot of gross humor and a lot of violence and things like that that maybe some people liked, but I always am more interested in the characters, and he really surprised me with what he did starting out as this sort of, you know, the tough guy who's going to, you know, do it kind of big tom, dumb tough guy, I should say, that is gonna do whatever it takes for peace and, and including terrible things. And, um, he's eventually faced with this, uh, choice of, well, not only dealing with his father, which was, which is a very serious thing for him to, you have to grow up with facing what he, what happened at to him as a child and to his brother and dealing with his father. Speaker 2 00:04:45 But in the end, you had that, uh, against, against spoiler alert, uh, this question of, uh, what the butterflies were doing. And, you know, whether or not we should have our own free will to make our wrong choices, or if we should have some, you know, somebody in charge, uh, making sure everything is, is done so that we don't go down a certain path. Uh, and that's all kind of all about him. So he interesting. He made a very interesting choice in the end, uh, which shows a a lot of growth in the character. Um, and I also enjoyed, you know, I, I enjoyed the relationships between the characters and, and he had, uh, different arcs with each, each character, really, uh, as far as, uh, you know, learning to, to be able to be friends with some of them. And, and, um, and I just, I really appreciated how the characters all were within the show, actually. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:05:43 I agree. So, to to market the show, and I guess kind of to sum it up, they, they had this tagline, right? He wants to bring peace no matter how many people he has to kill, which is, you know, they're, they're playing with words there and it's, it's a lot of fun. But you start off thinking that he's this kind of one dimensional character. He just like, he wants to kill anyone who doesn't fit into his, um, view of, you know, how, how people should behave. But as you learn more about his backstory, learn more about particularly his relationship with his father and, and how that has impacted him, you see like why he has made these choices. And I don't think it's to the last episode or maybe the, the second to last episode that you find out about his vow, really what motivates him after he's killed his brother. Speaker 3 00:06:32 So I think in the first episode, the pilot you had, you know, him having this fight with his brother, um, and it was, you know, it was a fight that was supposed to be in good fun. His father had kind of put them up to it. There was people gathered around. It was, it was entertainment, it was blood sport, right? And, you know, peacemaker, Chris went too far. He killed his brother at his, at his dad's urging, you know, his dad is upset, flips out about it. And obviously Chris is upset because his brother was his best friend. They were pals, you know, you saw them listening to music and all that good stuff. And, you know, he has to come to terms with that and he has to come to terms with doing right in the world because of that and 'cause of his vow. Speaker 3 00:07:17 Um, I think that we really see him change and grow throughout the season. And, you know, we see him shake off his father's influence. And I think in the second to last episode, that's where he actually kills his dad, which is like the ultimate, him freeing himself from that and freeing himself from, from this baggage of his dad. And it, it's great to see, you know, that happen for him. And at the very end, um, in the finale, again, like Uday said, spoilers we're gonna talk about everything. He makes this choice, which has, it's not necessarily for the greater good, right? The old peacemaker would've accepted the, uh, the butterflies offer for kind of helping their, their version of helping humanity. But instead he just decides he wants to help his friends and he doesn't wanna hurt his friends. 'cause the butterflies surely would do that. And that really shows a lot of growth for the peacemaker character. So I thought that was, that was really, uh, interesting and really, you know, this, this TV medium is a, is a great format for character development Speaker 4 00:08:18 Off of what you said. As far as his brother, I thought it was interesting how they used that parallel back and forth, showing his vow to it, then showing the butterflies how they felt to it. It was interesting how he, we went from this peacemaker who would've done quote unquote anything for peace, would kill any kid, even went through with blood support and had the thing where they shot everyone off. And yet here in episode three faced knowing that these are butterflies told to pull the trigger, always follow his orders, he hesitates. It was an interesting dynamic to get him now to think about why he's killing and who he's killing and how that later influenced how he felt about the butterflies. He sacrificed scoff in the end. He shot, you know, Sophie in the chest rather than in the head to allow golf to escape and then rather let him come back, visit him, even gave him a little bit of the honey. His sympathies growing throughout the show were interesting motivation of not wanting to do it because I'd lose my friends, you know, the first half he didn't feel like that's where he was going, but I wanna say after episode four, complete shift, here he is. And it's all about everyone else. And I feel like what Rick Flagg said to him, how much of a joke he was influenced that he took that to heart. So it seems like he can't change a little bit. Speaker 1 00:09:29 I do think that that's interesting. I mean, I want to talk more, uh, in depth about the butterflies in a minute. Um, but yeah, when they set up that kind of twist in the finale, when he was given that choice, I was, I was really interested in that because I do, I do think it speaks to how far he's come that we were actually torn between like, what he would pick. And I mean, on some level I'm like, it is a TV show and I feel like, you know, most superhero things end up with like the, the protagonist doing the right thing. So I didn't really expect him to let the butterflies just, you know, take over all of humanity. But, but I do think it was really interesting and I, I, I think it, it really speaks to his character development that we even thought that he might consider, you know, like letting them, letting them go without like stopping them. Speaker 1 00:10:18 So I really liked that. So on the wider topic of the butterflies, what did you think about the whole concept behind them and then, yeah, and then their explanation in the finale for why they were kind of like possessing people's bodies? I thought that it was a very generic, like, alien possession idea. Uh, it was also extremely similar to the Suicide Squad, like way too similar to the Suicide Squad, in my opinion, because it was like, oh, like butterfly starfish, little parasites that like, get onto people's heads and then like control them. But I feel like James Gunn did it in a way where it didn't feel generic and familiar, even though it kind of was at its most basic concept. Speaker 2 00:10:58 I thought it was, I thought it was different enough from the suicide squad myself bummed out about one, one of my favorites in there, Sophie there got taken over 'cause I really liked it before that. So that was <laugh> that kind of bummed me out about it. But yeah, I, I, I thought it was a cool concept and the twist at the end. I, I mean obviously that's a, you know, a message about what we're doing in real life, what we're doing to our environment and things like that. And, and maybe we need to make some better choices. I think that was part of the message there. Speaker 3 00:11:28 I don't think the butterflies were as altruistic as they claimed. So, you know, in the finale, I think when they're explain, or maybe it's the second to last episode, but Sophie is kind of explaining about, you know, their planet and how it got busted and how they came here and they were gonna live here because there's water, there's air, all that good stuff. They just, they needed their weird Chewbacca cow to kind of, or not Chewbacca their, their Java cow to kind of give them this weird therapy thing so they could eat. 'cause they can't eat people food. And I think that she said that, you know, they thought that our planet would sustain them for a hundred years. And I like, that made me pause because that seems really short and really shortsighted because, okay, what next? I just, I don't think, I think that there's some secret butterfly motive that they're not, you know, there's, there's something behind what they're claiming is their motive. Speaker 4 00:12:26 I thought the butterfly concept, yeah, it is a little generic, but for general audiences and to spend more time with peacemaker, it was at least good for this first season. I hope they go a little, a lot more crazy or obscure moving forward and kind of use a new thing as far as execution on it. This one was fantastic though. I did love Suicide Squad though, but it did kind of did a little bit feel the same. I don't know if the butterflies are being completely honest, so it leaves you kind of wondering what's that's about. Overall I did like it though. It just wasn't the best. But I did like the butterflies. Speaker 2 00:13:01 Okay. So I have wondering about, um, how you feel about Amanda Waller's part in this, uh, because it seems like maybe she knew about the other butterflies were going to take over everything and, uh, she was working with Myrn to stop that, but then there was, you know, there, there's, there's an interesting question about, you know, <laugh>, we, there is a legitimate question about how we're destroying our environment going on here and, and what to do about it and things that is kind of interesting as well. Um, you, you'd almost think Ms uh, Waller might, might wanna control everybody to get everything in line. Uh, so she might side with Goff, but she did. And so I'm just curious what people's thoughts were about Amanda Waller and this. Speaker 3 00:13:47 Yeah, I think the Waller angle is really an interesting hook to keep us watching, you know, as we go on, because her reveal to the world in this press conference by her daughter as being, you know, this big bad is gonna have huge ramifications for that. The DC extended universe. Will she talk about the butterflies? Will she talk about everything else she knows? 'cause she knows a lot of stuff even in all of her corruptness. So I think that how that filters out and how that, um, impacts everything else will be very interesting. Speaker 1 00:14:19 So my thing with Waller is that I feel like, so I love Viola Davis and I just wish that she had more to do because it feels like she's, she's kind of a nothing burger. She doesn't really do anything. She doesn't like, seem to know as much as she actually thinks she does, like in the Suicide Squad itself. Like she was knocked out by her own employees who then just like completely changed the objectives of the mission. In this one, she's outsmarted by her own daughter who isn't even, you know, like part like, part of this world of this work. And yet somehow she's able to expose her mother's role and everything without her mom like being able to stop it at all. Um, Waller didn't even know that Mene was a butterfly. Like he somehow kept that from her. So in season two, I would very much like to see Waller being more involved and actually see her do stuff because as bad as the first suicide squad movie was, Waller felt more dangerous in the original Suicide Squad movie to me than she does in the suicide squad in peacemaker. She feels like she's just there to put the characters to like start the characters adventures and then just kind of hang around in the background. But she doesn't actually like, do anything. Speaker 4 00:15:32 Yeah, I'm glad they brought in Waller. She has a connection. Obviously we gotta keep that going and it's a known name. But as far as involvement and overall contribution to peacemaker of the show, eh okay. It felt a little shoehorned just because we have to have her there. Hopefully they really improve upon what they do with her in season two, which sounds like they will from what's been said. Speaker 3 00:15:56 I think Waller was sort of necessary as the catalyst for this team coming together. I think Mene, you know, Mene would've found a way to make it happen, but it seems like her, her getting revenge on the team for the events, um, after Suicide Squad kind of, you know, made everything coalesce. Speaker 1 00:16:15 So speaking of Waller, Waller is obviously one of, you know, like the, the very few connections that the Rebooted Suicide Squad has to the original. And so kind of going with that concept, what did everyone think of the little connections and references to the wider DC extended universe? I really liked them, um, because it made the series feel like a part of the franchise in a way that several recent movies, even like the Suicide Squad itself, haven't really felt like part of the franchise to me or part of the world, I guess. Speaker 3 00:16:50 So throughout the series you have these references to the larger superhero world. I think Goth mentioned something in the first episode that she didn't wanna deal with any more cape shit. You had, um, John, I think he, he name Checked Weasel and Harley Quinn and a couple of other people. And then Leotta at the end calls her mom Waller who says, or, and she asks for the, the Justice League and they show up too late. And I just think that's so, so perfect. And it was kind of fun seeing, uh, Aquaman and, and the Flash, um, interact and interact with peacemaker there. Speaker 2 00:17:28 And the, the joke, actually the jokes, uh, all throughout that was referring to them. Although I didn't really care for most of them and it didn't seem like, uh, I guess, uh, Steve ml didn't, uh, like the, uh, arrow joke there, <laugh> Speaker 4 00:17:42 Saw on Twitter either Speaker 2 00:17:43 From, from what I saw on Twitter. Yeah, right. I was like, oh, <laugh>. So, um, Speaker 1 00:17:48 Oh, he didn't, I I, I didn't see him say anything. Speaker 2 00:17:51 He, he made a remark about showing how Sena how to do wrestling on television or something <laugh>. So he hasn't seen the show yet. And, and he sounded a little salty about it. Um, so yeah, so I don't know. I don't know that I cared for those kind of connections that much. Um, the, the inter Okay. Actually, I will say though, the interesting that back and forth he had about the neighbor that he had about Batman and, you know, if he, if he killed the Joker, then that we'd be killing a lot less people, basically, kind of what he said. Um, so that's always an, that's kind of an interesting point. Um, but, uh, other than that, I, I I can't really think of anything to add about that. Speaker 1 00:18:36 Yeah, I mean, they were mostly just kind of bad jokes, but I still appreciated them in a way because to me it's just like movies, like the Suicide Squad and Birds of Prey, I feel like, like they, they're part of the D C E U, but they just avoid like, referencing it like so much. Especially I love Birds of Prey, like Birds of Prey is one of my favorite D C E U movies. But it really bothers me that that movie like tiptoes so much around like Batman's rogues gallery to the point where they can't even show the joker's face in the movie that's like all about their breakup. Um, and so Peacemaker was kind of refreshing to me because it wasn't afraid to constantly just throw out like random references to characters like Green Arrow and Bat Mite and Aquaman and like Wonder Woman. Speaker 1 00:19:24 And then having the entire Justice League show up in the finale, even as a joke, it was really great to me that felt like something out of the Harley Quinn show. And it, it helps make it feel like a cohesive world to me that the Justice League like will show up to stuff like this because they should be showing up to stuff like this even if they are too late to actually help. So while there's a lot of good in peacemaker, there are still some parts that I didn't particularly care for. Um, for you guys, what was something that disappointed you about the show? Speaker 2 00:19:53 I ended up liking the show, but it's, uh, you know, some of the violence and, and Uber violence and, and sex and things aren't really for me necessarily, uh, for, for my, uh, superhero shows. But I wouldn't really say I was disappointed because I didn't, I sort of went into it with sort of low expectations in the first place. Um, so I can't really, can't really add to that. Speaker 3 00:20:15 I, I agree with Lizzie on that, you know, on those points, the, um, kind of the sex, the violence wasn't, wasn't exactly my cup of tea. And, you know, I, I had a hard time with with kind of the, the racism and the language and I understand, you know, the decision and I understand, you know, it was because of certain characters, uh, peacemakers dad and, you know, the storyline. But it was something that was just a little bit jarring to me. Um, I understand how it served the story and that purpose, but it just wasn't something that I liked at all. Um, I also felt like some of the language at times was basically if you had like the internet comment sections and Reddit and Twitter and, you know, memes and just kind of threw them in a TV show. And that was, I guess that was not something I really loved. Um, you know, there were like brony references. There were, there was like Pepe the Frog, there was all sorts of stuff that I didn't love. Um, as far as the language there, Speaker 1 00:21:17 Yeah, there's, there's certain things that, like they sound cringey online, but they sound even cringing in real life. And I definitely agree in terms of like the violence and everything, I, again, that's not for me at all either. That was like the number one thing I hated about the Suicide squad. And I mean, I know that some people love that stuff. I don't really understand that to me, like Deadpool level violence is like, I'm fine with, but I don't need to see people's like whatever, like exploded faces and all of that. Like, that's just a little bit much. But like, I don't think that's anything wrong with the show, it's just not for me personally on the topic of like all of the racism and stuff. I agree, I understand how it served the story. I also thought the language was jarring. But what irritates me is that I feel like they built up that storyline with his dad for like seven episodes and then it all ended very quickly. Like, I'm glad the dad storyline was done before the finale, but it just felt with like the amount of time that they spent leading up to it to have them fight for like two minutes and then for him to just be like killed immediately. It felt kind of anti-climactic to me. Speaker 2 00:22:19 Well, I think, I mean, it seems as if they're going to be dealing with that a bit further with this idea of, uh, his father's ghost taunting him too. So they, they might have, uh, it's, it isn't necessarily all over, I guess. Oh, and one thing I wa I will add it. Like I had mentioned, I really liked Detective Song before what Happened happened, and, and I, one of my favorite interactions with her is her, with her, with his father going back and forth and just giving him everything that he he was sending at her. Just so, I don't know. I enjoy at least enjoyed that part of it. Speaker 4 00:22:53 The one thing I didn't like and oddly enough I maybe not liar, I didn't care if care for Judo Master and why he kept coming back up repeatedly and then we see him eating hot Cheetos. I guess there's just a little bit of cannon fodder and that's okay. You kind of have to have something silly if it's James Gunn. I'm glad that was it and the extent of it. 'cause he was the only one that I found to be too much of a caricature of himself. Although I know the actor took it in jest and is happy about it. I felt like the character amongst everyone else was just too ridiculous compared to the Suicide Squad, which is weird 'cause that team had a weasel. Speaker 3 00:23:25 It kind of felt like Judo Master needed, like a was there for just like a Cheetos product tie-in, and I guess it was effective, but that was, I guess that was what I make of it. Speaker 4 00:23:36 Yeah. And he always got away every time. Speaker 1 00:23:39 Yeah, judo Master was kind of funny. I like, I thought his whole hot Cheetos shtick was hilarious, but he, I I was also very shocked that he didn't do anything. Like I was expecting him to be a character and not just comic relief that would pop up in like every episode. And so then in the finale when the butterflies were like, oh, like we explained this all to Judo Master, that's why he took our side. I'm like, are you trying to say that Judo Master was somewhat of importance in this show because he kind of just caused problems for them in episode three and then was just like, funny for like, the rest of the show. Like, he didn't really feel like anything that mattered. Speaker 4 00:24:16 He was a punchline. Speaker 2 00:24:18 I'll be curious to say what he does in the next, because it seems like they've, they're really setting him up to be, uh, you know, the, the villain for peacemaker. So I, I, you know, that was sort of his real villain origin story against Peacemaker for killing the butterflies. So I think that was one thing that I think they're setting up with, with the ending there. Um, also I was just, I, I remember watching it and thinking some of the scenes where he jumps out. I kind of reminded me of, I, you watch the old Pink Panther movies with the, uh, CSO getting attacked by Cato. He would just jump at him at the most ridiculous times. And so I, that kind of reminded me about, I wondered if that was sort of an homage to that a little bit Speaker 4 00:25:00 Might have been. I think even in the opening, uh, theme dance number, you can see Judo Master kind of hiding in the shadows. Someone you'd have to look online, but you can see kind of little screen grabs where he's hiding before he shows up at the end and joins the group. Speaker 3 00:25:16 I think Gunn said that that was an Easter egg right in the, in the entrance. I don't know if he explained it, but that would be a Speaker 4 00:25:23 During a watch party, I believe. Yes. Okay. I think so. Speaker 1 00:25:27 And I guess maybe the intro is why I thought Judah Master would have a bigger role than the show, because I feel like he gets a pretty significant entrance at the end, and then he like jumps into peacemakers arms and he's like, one of the focal points, like at the end, like at the freeze frame mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, so I guess to me that just made me subconsciously think like, oh, this guy must be a pretty important part of the show if he's like, you know, that prominent, like, at the end of the intro, but I guess not. Speaker 3 00:25:52 What did you all think about the intro in general? I, I don't know if that's on the, the script, but, um, I know initially there were some lively discussions in our Discord about it. Speaker 2 00:26:03 I was, I was definitely given that a, a side eye for a couple of episodes and I got, you know, but I, I had, I didn't really skip it so <laugh>, I still kept watching it at the same time, but it was just like, what the hell is this Speaker 4 00:26:17 <laugh> <laugh>? Speaker 2 00:26:18 So yeah, again, like the show, it kind of grew on me. Speaker 1 00:26:21 I really liked the intro. I thought, you know, I saw people making fun of it, but I didn't watch, I didn't start watching peacemaker until I think like two weeks after it had started. But I was just laughing at it so much because it, it is absolutely ridiculous. But, um, but it's just, it's really funny. And so I just, I was amused. Speaker 4 00:26:38 I love that opening. I, I haven't seen anybody I know when I talk to 'em, Hey, did you watch Peacemaker? Yeah, I don't know why, but for some reason I can never skip that damn opening. I just have to hear that song and see the dance every way through every single person I've talked to. So it's, it's something if you got even the ca casual people that are just watching this passively, you're like, I can't skip it. Yeah, it's great. And the song that's definitely on my playlist as of late, you guys know me, I love music. It's there every single song from this show, Speaker 3 00:27:04 The song is so catchy. It's one of those earworms that you hear in your head over and over, especially if you are one of the people that did not skip the intro <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:27:13 And then when they brought it back in the finale, like when Har court was like there, that was really good. Like, Speaker 4 00:27:19 So awesome. Speaker 1 00:27:19 Yeah, no, no, like, like those are the kinds of things I can really appreciate from James Gunn. And yeah, like I am after not, you know, really expecting much from this show. I am like a hundred percent on board for season two and I can't wait to see, you know, I know he's gonna do another Suicide Squad spinoff for H B O Max. Um, and I, I just, I can't wait to see like what else he's gonna do. Speaker 3 00:27:43 It was such a good payoff. And when you talk about, when you talk about tv, when you talk about movies, you wanna have that emotional payoff and that the song, uh, being in the finale and this, I guess it was a grand battle with Sonic Booms and all of that. It was really satisfying and I think they nailed it with, or gun nailed it with that. Speaker 4 00:28:02 It reminds me of like the nineties callbacks when they would do that. And I'm gonna specifically name one show, it reminds me of Power Rangers. You knew stuff was about to go down when that theme song starts kicking up. And I just, the moment I heard the theme song, I'm like, all right, I'm just knocking Blink for the next two minutes and kept my eyes peeled while that whole action sequence played out worth it. Especially when he pulled out a shield. Didn't know he had a shield, but here we are. Speaker 1 00:28:22 So which character was you guys' favorite in the show? Speaker 2 00:28:26 I actually like a lot of the, uh, several of the characters a lot. But again, I, I love v Vigilante just for the, he's cute anyway, but I mean, it's, the humor of him is just, he's, he's so dumb. He's just so dumb and, and, and he just wants so much for, for his friend to like him and, and, and, uh, it's just, he's, he's just so dumb to say about him. Uh, and I, and you know, again and again, very cute too. But, uh, and again, I, I mentioned, I mean, a Adebayo was really well written I thought. Um, Harcourt grew on me over time. Um, and, and, you know, was better written than I was. I thought she was in the beginning. She, she improved over time for me. Uh, and again, I really, I really liked Detective Song even though she had a very small part, Speaker 1 00:29:18 Harcourt really surprised me as well. Um, when, when she started out, I felt like it was gonna be a really generic kind of thing, you know, like, oh, like this girl can like hold her own with the boys kind of thing. That's how I felt it was starting in the first episode. Um, but I feel like by the end, I was really impressed with her character development. I loved her being team leader. By the end. I really like, you know, in the hospital when she reaches for his hand, autobio love her. I think Danielle Brooks did like an incredible job. Can't wait to see more of her. And yeah, I'm also like a total fan of vigilante. I love vigilante. Like he is so, he is so hot. But he's also <laugh>, he's also just like hilarious. The one thing is that his enthusiasm for murder is like a little bit of a, yeah. Of a turnoff. But, um, but yeah. But other than that I really, really like him. Speaker 2 00:30:12 I mean, I love, I, it's always interesting to have you see these people who are just terrible people that you do not wanna be friends with in real life. And yet you watch them on screen and you're like, oh my God, <laugh>, I love him so much. Speaker 3 00:30:28 It's such a testament though, to the charisma of the actors and, and the writing that, you know, vigilante is, is a sociopath, right? He's, he's a murderer, but like you, you can't help but think he's charming and like he's a, a sociopathic little puppy that you just want to put in your pocket. So yeah, he, I think he's really interesting in that way. I really loved Adebayo. I thought she had kind of this, I liked her arc, especially because at the beginning she was making it clear to, you know, her wife and, and all of that, that she was just doing this for a job. She wasn't made for this like kick ass work and, and all of that. And at the very end, you know, she fully accepts her role and fully comes into her own. And I think she even says at one point I was made for this mentioning kind of her mother's history and you know, her training at some weird academy and all this other stuff. So I, I liked that she grew into accepting this role. I also really enjoyed all of the friendships overall because I thought that this was really a, you know, we saw Peacemakers character development, but I thought this was just very much a show of friendship and, and friendship growing. Speaker 4 00:31:35 I like vigilante just like everybody else. Um, I like him because he's just so, so dumb. He just reminds you of that one friend you keep around 'cause he's so entertaining. He's not the best person, but you're like, damn, every time he is around, he just makes me giggle just a little bit. That's vigilante to me. But in a good way. I like him. I want him to stick around because he obviously Caress Adebayo is now his fifth best friend, which is pretty awesome. That's good that she's making her way up for him. I like seeing him interact with every single character. It was always so interesting, even Mer who would just kind of turn his head a little bit and he's like, all right, yeah, he's a lovable idiot, but he's useful. Let him stick around. But his conversations with the rest of the team were always very entertaining. 'cause he would just amplify anything ridiculous peacemaker would do. He'd make peacemakers comments look just casual. And the fact that he was a busboy, just kind of running around <laugh>, just doing the butt dance. He would talk down to everybody. Yeah. And then yeah, just running around, busting, busting dishes and doing a butt dance inside of a restaurant. Speaker 2 00:32:32 <laugh> in that moment when he realizes he might've made it worse is just, he, he did such a good job in that moment. Uh, Freddy did, um, because it's, you just, you break your heart a little bit when you see the look on his face when you realize he might have made things worse for his friend. Speaker 3 00:32:47 He, he was so innocent with his, um, you know, with his desire to please his friend with the, uh, the, the trunk full of, of helmets. And he really pulled off that, that acting. Speaker 4 00:32:59 He is a very good face actor. I was quite surprised when they had him tied down and he just kept moving his face around. You don't know what he is doing, but hey, he was going busy with it, man. He was, he was just such a great comedy fold the whole time, yet still useful and a great fighter. Speaker 2 00:33:13 And he was he that episode within the prison against the white supremacist who's fantastic <laugh> that whole scene talking to the white supremacist there and then the big fight scene, which he might, he, I assume he did a little bit of that in between with the, with the, um, with the stunt double. He's fantastic episode for him. Speaker 4 00:33:32 I didn't see anybody hear talk about Myrn surprised by the butterfly twist there. But the thing here is I was really more excited about the fact that I got to see his acting. Yeah. Knowing that we're gonna see him in Guardians to Galaxy Three and the interviews he's had going into it saying that what I've done is kind of passed compared to this really, you know, interesting character. Can we say it Lizzie? Sure. The high evolutionary that he's gonna be doing in Guardian. So knowing that he was already working with gun anticipation to amplify do this character is gonna be much bigger than what he did on this TV show. It's incredible. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> great actor. Can't wait to see where we go with that one. But if this is just where he's starting off with, that's gonna be awesome. Speaker 3 00:34:13 Do you guys know if part of the reason, you know, that he, he was cast and Guardians of the Galaxy was because he was just so stellar and peacemaker? Or do you guys know how that worked? Speaker 2 00:34:23 Oh, I have no idea what goes through James' head, but I mean, I'm, I'm sure he's liked what he was getting in, in the show and he decided to put the guy in there. Yeah. You know, so, um, but it'll be interesting to see if how different he is. 'cause this, I thought Mene was sort of, you know, unemotional and, and straight a lot of the time. Although he, you know, he definitely brought some good things to it, uh, as well. But I'm just curious to see if we might get like more of a <inaudible> del Deltoro collector version of the high evolutionary or something that would be sort of off the wall in comparison to this. Uh, or, or what, what it's gonna be. Um, I wouldn't expect to see this character Marin being, you know, translated into the high evolutionary necessarily. So I'm expecting it be very different character. Speaker 1 00:35:09 Yeah. Um, I, I do believe that he was cast in Guardians three because of, um, of, of his role in Peacemaker. 'cause I mean, it's, it's fairly well known that James Gunn likes to, you know, put his friends in his projects and he was tweeting and he said that he had no idea mm-hmm. <affirmative> who he was before he cast him as Mene. Um, like speaking about his death, he was like, I didn't think I'd become such good friends with him and how like kind of sucks that that script was written before that. But he did say he has like a really big role in Guardians Three and I'm really excited to see it. I thought that he did a great job with Mene. But yeah, it's like, like I miss Mene, but honestly, like by the time, like it wasn't until after the finale happened that I was like, oh yeah, like Mene was here for like the first six episodes of this. Like, I really liked Mene. I I would not call him a forgettable character, but it just, I guess I didn't feel his absence as much in the finale as I expected to. But that might also be because I binged like the first six episodes and then watched the finale like a week later when it came out. Speaker 3 00:36:12 I think his death really like really propelled Liotta and uh, har court into friendship finally. You know, whether it's for avenging him and just, you know, dealing with, with the situation. I think that was, it was, it was a good death in that that Speaker 4 00:36:27 Way. I'm gonna say something a little random, but really exciting. I don't know if you guys saw or heard today, but, uh, James Gunn and Jennifer Holland actually got engaged today. Oh. They posted a photo. It's a nice little photo. Jennifer's there sipping coffee and it, James got a little sly emoji. If you look carefully on the hand, you see a big old rock. Oh. But yeah, they announced that this afternoon. It was really exciting. Oh wow. Speaker 2 00:36:47 That's Speaker 3 00:36:48 Amazing. Speaker 2 00:36:49 Congratulations to them. Speaker 4 00:36:51 Them. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:36:52 Yeah. That's awesome. Um, I'm, I'm really liking her. I had not seen her in anything before the suicide squad and peacemaker. Um, but I think they've said that she's, that har court's gonna pop up I think in, um, in like another d c e project sooner, or I don't, I don't think they said Har Court specifically. Yeah. Um, Speaker 4 00:37:10 Black Adam, no, uh, Steve Ag in a interview he was saying. Yeah. Yeah. Amelia's gonna be in that not knowing that he kinda let it slip. Speaker 1 00:37:18 Yeah. And that's like that, that's really awesome. Those are the kinds of little connections that I like and I can definitely see her being in black Adam in like, obviously a really small role Speaker 2 00:37:27 Now. Uh, what do you guys think of with that in mind? Uh, what do you guys think of the whole, uh, love interest aspect of, of Har court and uh, and peacemaker? 'cause uh, it seemed like they might be going that further with that maybe the next season, you know, and, and at the same time it's, it's, uh, James's lady. What do you think about all that <laugh>? Do you think they'll, do you think they're gonna hook up or do you think it's always gonna be a will they or won't they, or, or what? Speaker 3 00:37:55 So it does seem like they are on the, on the train to being in a relationship. And I really liked that we had to see them work for it. And then it wast just in Still Love, which sometimes the M C U has a problem with that. And talking about Spider-Man here with, uh, with Peter and uh, and mj and that really bugs me. And I thought that they had to work on their friendship in Peacemaker first. And I thought that was really kind of a nice thing that you don't always see. Whereas you have instant love sometimes. Speaker 4 00:38:27 They did a good job of there in the beginning, I wanna say episode two, where she straight up says to face, you're handsome, you suck, but you are good looking. I am attracted to you in a sense. Speaker 1 00:38:38 I also, I like how naturally it developed. I'm really glad that they aren't in like, they don't, like, they seem to be slightly hinting at it, like for the next season, obviously, based on their discussions and then the fact that she reached for his hand. But like, I'm glad that that's all it was. Like, it wasn't like, like they didn't even hug or anything. And so I really appreciate how naturally and slowly that was built up. 'cause I totally agree with Ala like, again, not to compare everything to the M C U, but the M C U has a major, major problem with being like, you know, these two characters are supposed to be a couple, so we're just gonna make them a couple. And it's up to you. Like, they don't really develop them. They're just like, oh yeah, like MJ and Peter Parker are like an iconic couple, so they're just gonna be together with no explanation and no development. Speaker 1 00:39:23 They're just gonna like be together. And so that really bothers me for some things. Um, like that was something that bothered me about, for example, like Wanda and Vision Up until, like, Wanda Vision actually developed their relationship like years after the fact. So I like that peacemaker took its time to build up these like, deep, deep relationships. So on that topic, again, like I I, I don't wanna start a fight here, but I can't just avoid asking this question. How do you guys think Peacemaker stacks up to the M C U Disney plus series for you? Not necessarily in terms of quality. 'cause I think we can all agree like that. Um, peacemaker and the M C U Disney plus shows are both like high quality television programming. Um, but maybe in terms of format, 'cause peacemaker is eight episodes, 8 45 minute episodes, and the Marvel Disney plus shows are either like 6 45 minute episodes or nine 30 minute ones. Speaker 2 00:40:14 Well, I think one interesting, and I don't know if this is good or bad, but I, one interesting difference, I I sort of felt peacemaker felt more like a TV series than most of the Marvel, uh, Disney plus series have so far. Uh, those have all felt a bit more like films basically that have been broken up. Yeah. I don't know that that's good or bad, it's just that's, that's sort of how I feel when I watch them. I did think, again, character wise, east Maker probably had better developing their characters, I actually thought was better in some ways than, than some of the Disney Plus series have been doing. Uh, all along is being to spend more time on, on them in, in some ways that, in that series, Speaker 3 00:40:55 I think the notion that, um, the dc this being the first DC show that it felt more like a TV show that we're used to is totally true. Um, so this was, this was basically the first DC show. This was James Gunn's first TV show. He had never done TV before. He had always done features and TV writing and feature writing are so very different. And this, to his credit, Gunn pulled it off because this feels like a very classic limited series. And the characterization is great. Whereas with the Marvel shows, it does, they do feel like extended features, which is, which is lovely if you love that world, but it doesn't really feel like a TV sh they don't really feel like TV shows. They just feel like really extended, extended feature. So I think he did a really good job with that, especially being his first time. Speaker 3 00:41:45 I, I think that they both were interesting and then they, they used this weekly release schedule, you know, peacemaker dropped I think the first three episodes at once, which was really effective because, you know, it's DC we didn't know what to expect. Fans are sometimes, occasionally with DC they have their hearts broken. So I thought this was a nice way to get people into the series. And you know, with the M C U, you don't really know what you're gonna get until like right before it's dropped. Um, you know, there's speculation about how many episodes of Moon Night we're gonna see. And I don't remember how many episodes of Hawkeye we got. I think we got one or two when it was first released. So that was, that was nice and refreshing. Speaker 1 00:42:27 I really agree. I mean, I am more of an M C U fan over like a DC fan, but the M C U shows, I feel like they, they really are just drawn out movies and some of them work better as TV than others. Like, I think Wand Vission was the one that worked the best as a TV show, but I feel like peacemaker just blows them out of the water. Because to me, peacemaker takes like the best from like superhero cable shows and then combines them with like, the high quality, like high budgets of streaming series. And I, I feel like I, I just, I feel like that's excellent. I feel like Peacemaker was much better paced. I think it had better character development and I kind of agree. Like I, I feel like Marvel should be trying to make TV and I guess I guess that's the difference is that Peacemaker was trying to be tv whereas it feels like the Marvel shows are trying to be, you know, like movie like movies on Disney plus basically because even like their aspect ratio, like they're not trying to be tv, like they're even still on like the film aspect ratio. Speaker 1 00:43:31 So maybe it's just a difference in philosophy, but I think peacemaker definitely succeeded at that more than the M C U did. I Speaker 4 00:43:38 Really enjoyed peacemaker as it did feel like a natural extension to the DC universe. As much as I've loved the M C U shows, and I'm sorry Brian, I know you're hearing this and just going, Ugh. But they did a better job of extending that compared to what the M C U did for me because now we're sitting here waiting for 1, 2, 3 movies to see the payoffs from some of these TV shows. So we're sitting here for a year and a half versus Lisa Peacemaker, we've only established from the Suicide Squad. It doesn't feel long out, but we know they're already working on season two for this. I feel maybe that M C U struggles with calling them TV shows in season one. So we're expecting this when they could just directly call them limited series as they're kind of self-contained too. But I will give credit to H B O, they're really good at making TV shows and they knew that they had something good if they were gonna bring James Gunn on board. Speaker 4 00:44:28 Not once but twice. I like that they dropped three episodes at once. It started the conversations, people were talking and theorizing. Not as crazy as we did with Vission, but it kept people talking about it week after week after week. It's the most discussed show in the past two months, if I understand correctly. Pacing was fantastic. I I was able to keep through. There wasn't much bouncing around. The only time they did much of a flashback was there at the end and it was so well served and paid off because the whole time you didn't really know what happened with Peacemakers brother. And when you finally got that reveal it, the impact hit a lot more than it would have in the first three episodes. They did good there on the back end. I'll, Speaker 2 00:45:05 I'll add, I like, I don't think I can think of one of those peacemaker episodes that felt like filler. And I seem to recall, uh, some of the M C U shows would have an episode once in a while that seemed to go, or it seemed to start slow or whatever that, or it felt like filler. And I, and I can't say that really about peacemaker, not off the top of my head. Yep. Speaker 1 00:45:24 I, I a hundred percent agree with that. I feel like most of the Marvel shows felt like they had filler episodes and when you have six episodes, you should not be feeling like you're wasting time with unnecessary side plots and things like that. And I guess, I guess that's the other thing. 'cause DC is, you know, less connected nowadays than it was trying to be even like four years ago. Um, I appreciate that they're letting individual filmmakers just carve out like their own little corners of the DC universe. And I feel like that it ha ha that has been Marvel's biggest problem for a while. It's like Marvel is always looking ahead, but I feel like the problem lately is that they're looking ahead, but they're not taking the time to like, to tell a good story. Like in the moment, not that they're telling bad stories, but just some of the Disney plus shows to me felt very much like they didn't care about what was happening to their main character. They were just trying to set up like the next big thing. And so I, I feel like that's a flaw with them. Speaker 4 00:46:24 I felt like every episode was necessary and, and the, the length was just perfect. Not once did I think, why wasn't this made into a movie or series. This was perfect as a TV show. I do wanna ask, what did everyone think of all the post credit scene? Oh, Speaker 2 00:46:40 Um, I'm trying to remember. I'm trying to remember them. They were mostly like, like, uh, Speaker 4 00:46:44 They were all silly. They were all silly. I just wanted to know your thoughts. Was it fun? Did you like it? Oh yeah, I enjoyed it. Did did you watch 'em? Did everybody watch 'em or, Speaker 2 00:46:51 I think so. I think they, but they were all sort of a blooper reel kind of, or, or different takes. Yeah. Um, essentially, Speaker 4 00:46:57 Yeah. Okay. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:46:58 No, they were fun. Speaker 4 00:47:00 I I found it interesting though that we didn't get an actual post credit scene that set up anything. They, they actually kept everything within the episode. Yeah. I really thought episode eight we were gonna get a serious post credit scene like here, like you see Amanda Waller pick up a phone and say, Hey, get 'em or something. No, it was just really, we're gonna do another joke. And that was fine with me. I just wonder if they're gonna keep it up. But um, also on that note for season two, I don't know if y'all know, but Jennifer Holland was posting this. She already has her dance moves down, so it looks like we might get a new intro and James Gun said, since there's a few people dead on that intro, you know, screen, we're gonna have to reshoot it. So do you want another dance scene or not? Speaker 2 00:47:37 Oh, I think I, as I said, it grew on me. I I think he probably would change the song though too. So we'll have to think about, uh, what, uh, good songs that might be for, for the intro for season two. But yeah. Yeah, no, definitely. Speaker 3 00:47:52 I think that, I mean, he kind of has to have another dance routine 'cause that kind of seems like the, the shtick for, for peacemaker. Um, I liked that at the end of the episodes, if you didn't wanna watch through it, you didn't miss a part of vital, um, like a vital, a vital piece of the plot. And I thought that was kind of nice. I also, you know, I, I did think there was gonna be something after episode eight because I, I'm conditioned after all the superhero stuff to expect a post credit scene. But I, I do think that last actual scene in the show could have totally been a post credit or maybe would've been a post credit in the M C U, you know, where, where UBA is at the press conference and you have, uh, her mom like saying, I don't remember what it was, but she's like, it wasn't Speaker 2 00:48:38 Nice. Shocked. It wasn't very nice. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:48:40 <laugh>. Yeah. Um, so I, I think that would've been if they had done a post credit that might've been the machine Speaker 2 00:48:48 Yeah. Or, or whatever she does to her daughter after <laugh> Speaker 1 00:48:52 <laugh>. Yeah. I would've liked to get one serious end credit scene, like for the last episode. Just, just 'cause I selfishly want a hint of where season two is gonna go now that that's confirmed. 'cause I mean, I'm, I'm super excited, um, that the show got renewed, but I really liked that he just had like, like they weren't even bloopers. They were just, they were kinda like in universe bloopers almost. But, um, but I, I thought that that was hilarious. I, I was kind of wondering when the show started, I was like, is there gonna be an end credit scene in every episode? 'cause I noticed it didn't come up with like the, like next episode button immediately. And so I, I like that James Gunn just used it as like, gags. Speaker 3 00:49:29 Can we talk about eagerly and how we haven't talked about eagerly at all yet. Speaker 2 00:49:34 James has done it again with these adorable creatures. And I mean, I went into it, I was a little bit concerned because you do have these crazy people that see things like that. Uh, you know, somebody has a pet eagle and they think they're gonna go into the wild and, and start collecting ex, you know, exotic animals and, and eagles and things. And, and it's, you know, it wasn't in, I don't think they're endangered currently, but they have been in the past. So I was a little bit concerned leading into the show about how that was gonna go. But it was, he's just, it's just so delightful watching, you know, and, and they did a, the animation on on him is amazing. I, I'm have to try to, I don't know if there's anything up yet about showing how they did that exactly with the, you know, usually it's somebody covered in, in green pretending to be whatever the animal is, but yeah, no, it was, it was, uh, I, I enjoyed Eagle Speaker 3 00:50:31 <laugh>. We're gonna find out that Sean Gunn was really eagerly I'm sure, Speaker 2 00:50:34 Yeah. Like, possible. Speaker 4 00:50:36 I just found out that Dee Bradley Baker was the voice of Eagle, actually, <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:50:41 I really liked Eagle as well. Um, I was convinced that he was gonna die in the finale when he was taking that helmet and flying over the butterflies. I was like, oh my God, please do not let anything happen to this poor bird. So I'm really glad that he made it out of that. Okay. Speaker 3 00:50:55 I was really worried about that in the first episode, actually, when, um, you know, when he's escaping the, the Butterfly lady, I was, I was worried that the sonic boom was going to impact him. And I was kind of glad that Ely escaped and I thought that was kind of a nice way of showing Peacemakers friendship with Ely. And also The Hugs. 'cause that, that was amazing. The, the animation for, for eagerly was just incredible. I Speaker 4 00:51:20 Was impressed by his fighting skills when they were running away from the cops. Good God. <laugh>, they would've never gotten anywhere without Eagle. Yeah. Yeah. He saved the day more than once. Speaker 1 00:51:29 So, I know we don't have much to go off of, but what are you guys hoping to see in season two of Peacemaker? Speaker 4 00:51:34 So, with the setup that we got there at the end with Amanda Waller, I really wanted to see her come out in full force and be the Amanda Waller from the original Suicide Suicide Squad movie. Which it seems like that she's gonna go full force because now she's been burned by her own daughter of all people. And not just that, but the fact that everyone now knows about Project Heim is, is out there now, that's gonna be intriguing to see how that affects the whole universe, because that was a secret as we knew for a moment. So what does that lead to? Repercussions, not just for Amanda Waller, but for the United States government, how they're gonna treat them, and then knowing about this existence, the task Force X, because before that they were super covert. How is the public gonna feel knowing that super criminals are running around doing this stuff for 'em, just so that they can come out prison a little bit earlier? I don't think the public's gonna like that at all. Speaker 2 00:52:24 It's definitely more Amanda Waller. 'cause she's gonna, she's gonna make things really interesting, especially with her daughter being involved. Um, I'm also curious to see how, again, how the relationship between, uh, peacemaker and Har Court comes along. And, uh, as well, I'm curious to see how, how Vigilante responds to some of this. And also the idea that maybe, uh, that Adebayo is, is his best friend instead. You know, 'cause he, you'd think that would, might hurt his feelings a bit and maybe, maybe he wouldn't react too well to, you know, between Har Court and, and Abi you know, getting in on his, on his friend. He might, might not like it. So that could be, it would be interesting to see as much as, as I love, you know, how dummy is and how hot he is. Um, <laugh> it would be interesting to see more development, um, of that character and, and see other sides to him. 'cause we already saw some other sides in, in that, especially in that, uh, that prison fight episode. So I, I, I'd like to see more development of vigilante and, and his relationship with, with, uh, peacemaker. Speaker 3 00:53:33 I, I really like complicated relationships and I want to see now the relationship between Autobio and her mom, Amanda Waller, and see how they navigate that. Because Presum, you know, Waller helped her, her daughter out with this, with this job. And it turned out backfiring on her. So, you know, there, there was some love there. She helped her. She cared about her daughter, helped her, I guess, get on her feet after she was fired or lost her job or whatever. So I wanna see how they, they navigate that and see if we get any payoff from that. I also want to see, um, how peacemaker navigates this world being that he's now public more so being that his dad is, is dead and he doesn't have to, you know, kill everyone for peace. And he, he can kind of make his own choices. And I really wanna see how he navigates, uh, the new world with these friendships that he's gotten along the way. 'cause I think they're so important and they were very interesting. So that's what I'm looking forward to in season two. Speaker 2 00:54:33 It's also interesting thinking about him and, and if he is going to continue with this idea of, of his, the ghost of his father, which is basically, you know, you know his own demons in his head and, and thinking about what his father might think or say to him. Uh, it's gonna be interesting to see how, how that develops and how, how he deals with it. Uh, and then what he, what he might have to do if he, because he's gonna have to go to therapy at some point, you know, uh, what, you know, how, how is he gonna deal with all that? Speaker 4 00:55:00 Just because I don't want to forget him. Nobody's mentioned John Economos. I hope he gets his pay raise so he can afford L'Oreal and he can fully beard. Yeah. <laugh> dye his beard. Just, just pay the man some more money. Man, come on. Speaker 3 00:55:13 That ending with him. Sorry that, that ending with him was so sweet though when he, you know, he admits that he, this guy noticed him and you know, this guy is his friend and you see the payoff with the picture of them, them rocking out when he goes into, um, the facility. You know, the, the bell, I'm forgetting the, the second part, but I know that has a lot of d c Eeu connections, but that, that was really Mel Reeve. Yes. That, that there you go. You know, things are gonna happen with him and he's gonna have fallout to deal with too. So that'll be fun. Speaker 4 00:55:44 Do y'all think he comes back season two? Yep. Yes. Okay. Speaker 2 00:55:48 Wait, was anybody I I, the whole tripping and breaking his leg right at that chemo moment was so stupid. I don't know. And I don't know how to feel about it. If it's just like, oh, well that's the character, or if I should be disappointed that they didn't find a way to involve him or why they would do that. I was just like, really? Come on, he's gonna, he, he just, he just trips and breaks his leg after all that <laugh>, you know, it's like, ugh. I don't know how to feel about that. One Speaker 4 00:56:15 Funny story. I watched that on my phone in the morning when it aired. So I didn't realize what happened. I thought he was actually just pretending. And it wasn't until later that I saw his leg all showing that. I was like, oh, okay. He hurt himself. Ah, I missed that little key part there. I thought he was doing that to Miss Autobio didn't realize that he actually just tripped and fell forward. Speaker 1 00:56:35 I don't, I don't even know how he injured himself because I watch TV when I'm building Lego until like, I saw that he was actually injured. And I was like, oh my God, that's disgusting. But I didn't rewind it to see like how he actually hurt himself. I was like, did he really just trip on a fence? He Speaker 4 00:56:49 Tripped over something. <laugh>, it was Speaker 1 00:56:51 Like, how mess up your leg that badly <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:56:54 It was like, either it's a cop out to get him out of the way for at a, at a bio or it's, it's also on the, another hand. Maybe it's this perfect way for him to, to, to get to kicked out of the, you know, to not be able to take part because, uh, he, this dumb thing happened <laugh>, but it, but he did in the end. He did come in with the, with the helmet. Anyway, so, you know, he did kind of, that was, you know, showed, uh, some bravery from the character to, to drag himself over with the helmet and everything. Speaker 3 00:57:24 I really liked his reaction when he went into the barn and he was going down the stairs and then he saw the Giant Space Cow. And he is like, I, I'm not doing this. I'm done. Because I think that's totally realistic. Speaker 2 00:57:35 Yeah. Okay. This Giants, okay. Have you any of you seen Slither? Speaker 4 00:57:40 No. No. Speaker 3 00:57:41 No. Speaker 2 00:57:41 James apparently has a thing for putting giant disgusting things in barns is all I'm gonna say about that because it, it just seems like it's <laugh>. That's it really reminded me almost immediately of a scene in, in Slither. So if you, if you at home, uh, haven't seen Slither, check it out <laugh> and you'll know what I'm talking about. Speaker 4 00:58:02 Oh, I just looked it up. I'm reading and I'm like, yep. Yeah, he's got a thing <laugh> and he likes to play. But hey man, you know, that's cool. Speaker 2 00:58:08 Taking, taking something from the old, the old pages of his <laugh> old movies. Wow. Speaker 3 00:58:14 And that had Nathan Fillon in it. Wow. Speaker 4 00:58:16 Yeah. I was just about to say, I really expected the t d K to show up at some point. I really thought since they left him kind of alive and said he was, that maybe he'd show up as a joke, but I guess not. Maybe season two. Speaker 2 00:58:27 And Elizabeth, uh, the other one's in it is Elizabeth. Uh, it's not Chu Thanks. Um, yeah, yeah, yeah. Elizabeth. Thanks. Okay. Yes. She's actually a good heroine in that actually. I, I find, found her to be really good. Uh, it's a heroine and slither, so again, I'll recommend it for that reason too. I actually like that one, even though I don't usually like her. Speaker 4 00:58:47 That's a funny connection to gun. So I was watching Pitch Perfect Freddy s Stroma's in it. You can't even recognize him. He's the DJ guy. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then Elizabeth Banks is the one doing the, she's the, I guess the voiceover host of it or something. I don't know. Commentary. Yeah. She's the commentator on that. So it's funny just seeing these little connections and them going through for one another. But Freddy Stroma's so different in that movie. He's so simple, so calm. He's just like, you know, just do your thing. So I I, I liked watching it. 'cause now after I didn't even realize it was him and seeing him as vigilante and DE's got some range, didn't even realize he was also in Harry Potter's cor Mc McLagan back in the day. Speaker 2 00:59:27 Well, I, I mean, and it's fine. Of course I'm drawing blanks on names here. Yeah. Michael Rucker is in Slither also. And as well as, um, the grandpa, uh, um, what's his name? I've God, is that Greg Henry maybe? Speaker 4 00:59:41 Yes. Greg Henry. Speaker 2 00:59:43 Okay. Yep. He is in Slither as well. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So a whole bunch of them. Um, yeah, <laugh>, there's a whole bunch of them that are in that, that are in the Guardians of Galaxy or somewhere else in one of his projects. Speaker 3 00:59:54 I'm disappointed. No one has mentioned that Stroma was in Bridgeton, but I think I'm the only one that watches Speaker 1 00:59:59 That. It was in Bridgeton. Maybe I need to start watching <laugh>. Speaker 4 01:00:06 What do y'all think that other Suicide Squad spinoff could be? What are, what character do you think it would be based on? Speaker 1 01:00:12 Blood Sport and Rat Catcher Two Team Up. Speaker 4 01:00:15 Okay. Speaker 2 01:00:15 That would be a good one. Yeah. Speaker 4 01:00:17 I'm gonna say t d k since he was the only one left alive, it would be ridiculous enough for him to do a show with him. Not saying he stars in it, just saying he's in it. Speaker 2 01:00:25 Yeah. It seems like he would, he would have to show up at some point. Yeah, Speaker 4 01:00:28 He made a point to say he was alive. Speaker 2 01:00:30 I would've liked to have seen something with polka.man, but I guess it's, unless it's a prequel <laugh> and maybe, maybe I don't wanna see that with a poor guy, uh, king Shark. Something with King Shark. Who would, who should send King Shark team up with Speaker 1 01:00:44 Rat Catcher too? Speaker 2 01:00:45 Oh. Oh yeah, there you go. Speaker 1 01:00:47 You should be the go-to. Or I mean actually King Shark and Harley Quinn would be fun. Oh yeah. Like her animated show. Speaker 4 01:00:52 There's the tv. Yeah, I was gonna say the animated show there. Speaker 3 01:00:54 I think someone needs to write an article about it. Speaker 4 01:00:57 <laugh>, Speaker 1 01:00:58 I think James Gunn should make Gotham City Sirens next. Here's the thing. James Gunn is great. I love the stuff that he's made, but I cannot believe that he was handed, first of all, he was handed the keys to the Kingdom, like in terms of the film side and allowed to make any movie he wants. And he picked the Suicide Squad, which like, interesting choice. And then he was like, and then he was told that he could make a spinoff show about like, any of the characters, right? And then he picked Peacemaker. And I'm just like, those are both such odd choices and I'm just growing more and more resentful each day that he doesn't give us a Gotham City Sirens TV show or movie <laugh>. Speaker 3 01:01:35 I think that we're get, so we're getting the writer of, um, of the new Fallout series and of Star Trek and of Captain Marvel for Gotham City Sirens. And I feel like that's a really, like, she's super talented and I think that she might, I don't know, I think she'll have a different spin on it than, than James Gun would for this, you know, female centered show. So I think that might be a, a good thing. Speaker 1 01:02:00 Wait, there's a writer for it. I thought it was dead in the water. Speaker 3 01:02:03 I mean, so I don't know if it's dead in the water, but I know at one point she was attached to it. And she's Geneva Robertson, uh, d Speaker 1 01:02:13 Okay. Yeah, I recognize her name. Um, I forget like what else I've heard of hers, but yeah, 'cause they thought that they were gonna make a movie about it post Suicide Squad, and then it was like sh it was like kind of pushed to the side in favor of Birds of Prey. And then I thought like the latest update on it was that they just like, aren't really gonna make it. Speaker 3 01:02:33 So I just looked it up and as of August in 2021 it's on hold, but Okay. Speaker 1 01:02:39 Well yeah, let's hope, let stinks, let's hope we get it. Um, so I guess, I guess that about does it for our peacemaker conversation. So just as a final question, what's everybody working on right now? Speaker 2 01:02:51 Everything, <laugh>, <laugh>, everything you guys throw at me, I'm working on. Plus whatever else I can think of to work on <laugh>. Speaker 4 01:02:59 I'm working with Jake eventually on doing some fun mocktails for She Hook when that comes around. Um, we're gonna try to offer some non-alcoholic, but then one where you can just add some if you'd like after the fact and maybe do a fun drink per, uh, episode. I used the YouTube video you posted of your shirt, and I'm using that as inspiration of what cocktails to make. So something fun, something different. Speaker 1 01:03:29 That's awesome. Speaker 3 01:03:30 If you're listening, you should totally check out the Patreon because I think that's where Red is going to post his, his awesome, um, mocktail recipes. So if you wanna see it, that's where you should see it. Speaker 2 01:03:43 Yeah, that was, we had a sort of a fun idea about, or I don't know what we'll call it, but maybe we'll call it cosmic cuisine or something where we might put out some kind of, uh, inspired recipes and, and maybe drinks, uh, could be that for, uh, posted on the Patreon first and then, you know, a couple weeks later, uh, maybe release it to the public. Uh, that would be just sort of, you know, superhero inspired, uh, uh, meals and, and drinks and stuff. So it is just a fun idea that we're, we're in the works right now, so hopefully, hopefully we'll get some of our great cooks, uh, going on that to, to put something out to our Patreon and then later to the public. Speaker 3 01:04:24 As far as what I'm working on, I'm currently rewatching Star Trek Picard and trying to catch up on Star Trek Discovery because the new Star Trek Bacard season comes out very soon and I'm very excited about it. Speaker 1 01:04:38 That all sounds awesome. I'm very excited to see what Oxtails you guys come up with. So in the meantime, subscribe to our Patreon for access to our Discord and obviously, you know, to hear about those wonderful drinks that Red's gonna be making. And look for more news and reviews from us on the cosmic circus.com. You can follow us for updates on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook at my cosmic circus. And does everyone want to go around and say their social handles? Speaker 2 01:05:08 Uh, you can. I'm Lizzie Hill and you can find me at, at Miss Lizzie Hill on, uh, Twitter and Instagram. Speaker 3 01:05:15 I'm Isla and you can find me, me at Tulin Wrights on Twitter, Speaker 4 01:05:19 Anthony Flagg. You can find me at rodo on Twitter, Speaker 1 01:05:23 And I'm uday. You can find me at Golden Ninja 3000 on all platforms. So that does it for today. Thank you guys for listening, and we'll see you guys again soon.

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